コード例 #1
ファイル: NaiveJoinOp.java プロジェクト: kfruffin/culvert
   * Filter the output of the constraint for the specified column and only return results that have
   * the specified value.
   * @param constraint
   * @param columns to match against
   * @return a filtered list of key-values
  private List<CKeyValue> filterConstraint(Result toFilter, CColumn columns) {
    // if there are no results, just return an empty list
    if (!toFilter.getKeyValues().iterator().hasNext()) return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;

    List<CKeyValue> rows = new ArrayList<CKeyValue>();
    LexicographicByteArrayComparator comparator = LexicographicByteArrayComparator.INSTANCE;

    for (CKeyValue kv : toFilter.getKeyValues()) {
      // if we are accepting all CFs
      if (comparator.compare(CColumn.ALL_COLUMNS.getColumnFamily(), columns.getColumnFamily()) == 0)

      // since we aren't accepting all CFs, check the stored against the sent
      if (comparator.compare(columns.getColumnFamily(), kv.getFamily()) == 0) {
        // if we are accepting all CQs
        if (comparator.compare(
                CColumn.ALL_COLUMNS.getColumnQualifier(), columns.getColumnQualifier())
            == 0) rows.add(kv);

        // since we aren't accepting all CQs, check the stored against the sent
        if (comparator.compare(columns.getColumnQualifier(), kv.getQualifier()) == 0) rows.add(kv);

    return rows;
コード例 #2
  /** Tests setting the splitable configuration. */
  public void testNotSplitable() {
    // Add a new value that we won't split
    CKeyValue keyValue =
        new CKeyValue(
            "broken glass everyone".getBytes());
    Put put = new Put(keyValue);

    // Set the splitable indicator to false
    TermBasedIndex.setSplitable(false, conf);

    // Insert the data

    // Get all the data back
    SeekingCurrentIterator indexIterator = termIndex.handleGet(new byte[0], new byte[0]);

    // Test the returned data
    int count = 0;
    while (indexIterator.hasNext()) {
      Result result = indexIterator.next();

      assertTrue(Bytes.compareTo(result.getRecordId(), rowIdBytes) == 0);

    // Test if we have the expected number of results
    // 3 for the original values in setup() and 1 for the new value
    assertTrue(count == 4);
コード例 #3
   * Tests whether the TermBasedIndex is able to retrieve a specific range. Implicitly tests putting
   * the data.
  public void testGetSteve() {
    // Get steve back
    byte[] steveBytes = "steve".getBytes();

    // The end byte object should look like: steve\x01
    // This represents the next possible value which is allowable
    // since we pad the value with 6 null bytes.
    byte[] end = new byte[steveBytes.length + 1];
    System.arraycopy(steveBytes, 0, end, 0, steveBytes.length);
    end[end.length - 1] = 0x01;

    SeekingCurrentIterator indexIterator = termIndex.handleGet(steveBytes, end);

    // Test the returned data
    int count = 0;
    while (indexIterator.hasNext()) {
      Result result = indexIterator.next();

      assertTrue(Bytes.compareTo(result.getRecordId(), rowIdBytes) == 0);

    // Test if we have the expected number of results
    assertTrue(count == 1);
コード例 #4
   * Tests whether the TermBasedIndex is able to retrieve all the data. Implicitly tests putting the
   * data.
  public void testGetAll() {
    // Get all the data back
    SeekingCurrentIterator indexIterator = termIndex.handleGet(new byte[0], new byte[0]);

    // Test the returned data
    int count = 0;
    while (indexIterator.hasNext()) {
      Result result = indexIterator.next();

      assertTrue(Bytes.compareTo(result.getRecordId(), rowIdBytes) == 0);

    // Test if we have the expected number of results
    assertTrue(count == 3);
コード例 #5
ファイル: NaiveJoinOp.java プロジェクト: kfruffin/culvert
   * This is now running over a table with the form: rowID = value to join on CF
   * = filteredTableName.rowID CQ = the row ID.
  public Void call(Object... args) throws Exception {

    // create the table to write the output results
    final TableAdapter output = (TableAdapter) args[0];

    // name of the column in the output table for the remote values
    final byte[] rightOutputColumnName = (byte[]) args[1];

    // constraint on the remote table
    Constraint rightConstraint = (Constraint) args[2];

    // the columns to get from the remote results/table
    final CColumn rightColumns = (CColumn) args[3];

    // get iterator over the results, after selecting the desired columns
    Iterator<Result> remoteResults = rightConstraint.getResultIterator();

    final LocalTableAdapter localTable = this.getLocalTableAdapter();

    // if there are no values in the remote iterator, we can stop scanning the
    // local table
    while (remoteResults.hasNext()) {
      // get the remote value
      Result remoteResult = remoteResults.next();
      for (CKeyValue remoteValue : this.filterConstraint(remoteResult, rightColumns)) {

        // now check to see if we stored this value as a key
        Iterator<Result> localResults = localTable.get(new Get(new CRange(remoteValue.getValue())));
        // if there is a result (only checking the first since we are guaranteed
        // a single CF, CQ at this point
        if (localResults.hasNext()) {
          // create the returned results
          Result localRow = localResults.next();
          CKeyValue remoteRow =
              new CKeyValue(localRow.getRecordId(), rightOutputColumnName, remoteValue.getRowId());
          output.put(new Put(remoteRow));

    return null;
コード例 #6
  /** Tests setting the token regex configuration. */
  public void testTokenRegex() {
    // Add a new value that we won't split
    CKeyValue keyValue =
        new CKeyValue(
            "I'm not sure how one spells splitable. Is it even a word?".getBytes());
    Put put = new Put(keyValue);

    // Set the split regex to splittable.
    TermBasedIndex.setTokenRegex("splitable", conf);

    // Insert the data

    // Get Fry back
    byte[] partBytes = "i'm not sure how one spells ".getBytes();

    // The end byte object should look like: steve\x01
    // This represents the next possible value which is allowable
    // since we pad the value with 6 null bytes.
    byte[] end = new byte[partBytes.length + 1];
    System.arraycopy(partBytes, 0, end, 0, partBytes.length);
    end[end.length - 1] = 0x01;

    SeekingCurrentIterator indexIterator = termIndex.handleGet(partBytes, end);

    // Test the returned data
    int count = 0;
    while (indexIterator.hasNext()) {
      Result result = indexIterator.next();

      assertTrue(Bytes.compareTo(result.getRecordId(), rowIdBytes) == 0);

    // Test if we have the expected number of results
    assertTrue(count == 1);
コード例 #7
  /** Tests setting the lower case configuration. */
  public void testNotLowerCase() {
    // Add a new value that we won't lower case
    CKeyValue keyValue =
        new CKeyValue(
            "That was the old Fry. He's dead now.".getBytes());
    Put put = new Put(keyValue);

    // Set the splitable indicator to false
    TermBasedIndex.setToLower(false, conf);

    // Insert the data

    // Get Fry back
    byte[] fryBytes = "Fry".getBytes();

    // The end byte object should look like: steve\x01
    // This represents the next possible value which is allowable
    // since we pad the value with 6 null bytes.
    byte[] end = new byte[fryBytes.length + 1];
    System.arraycopy(fryBytes, 0, end, 0, fryBytes.length);
    end[end.length - 1] = 0x01;

    SeekingCurrentIterator indexIterator = termIndex.handleGet(fryBytes, end);

    // Test the returned data
    int count = 0;
    while (indexIterator.hasNext()) {
      Result result = indexIterator.next();

      assertTrue(Bytes.compareTo(result.getRecordId(), rowIdBytes) == 0);

    // Test if we have the expected number of results
    assertTrue(count == 1);