public void init(Weather type) { this.type = type; = type; if (eff != null) eff.dispose(); if (stage == null) stage = new Stage( new ScalingViewport(Scaling.stretch, 1024, 576, new OrthographicCamera()), GameViews.batch); if (type == Weather.rain) { eff = new ParticleEffect(); eff.load( Gdx.files.internal(Setting.PARTICLE + "rainp.p"), Gdx.files.internal(Setting.PARTICLE)); eff.start(); } else { eff = null; } logic(); }
private void init() { r = new Random(); showedUp = false; start = new Vector2(); target = new Vector2(); setOrbitable(false); double x = calculatePosition(); double alpha = r.nextDouble() * Math.PI * 2; target.set((float) (Math.cos(alpha) * x), (float) (Math.sin(alpha) * x)); radius = RADIUS; setlifespan(BACKUPLIFESPAWN); AssetLoader loader = AssetLoader.get(); enterSound = loader.getSound(AssetContainer.SOUND_HEMAN_ENTER); getSound = loader.getSound(AssetContainer.SOUND_HEMAN_GET); twinkle = loader.getSound(AssetContainer.SOUND_TWINKLE); sprite = new Sprite(loader.getTexture(AssetContainer.HEMAN)); velocity = new Vector2(target); if (r.nextBoolean()) velocity.rotate90(1); else velocity.rotate90(-1); // TODO does this work? do it better with 'nextFloat' ? start = new Vector2(velocity); start.scl(10); start = start.add(target); velocity.scl(-1 * VELOCITIYMULTYPLY); ParticleEffect effect = new ParticleEffect(ESPGame.getLevel().particleContainer.heman); ESPGame.getLevel().addParticleSystem(effect); effect.setPosition(this.position.x, this.position.y); effect.start(); particleEffect = effect; getEffect = new ParticleEffect(ESPGame.getLevel().particleContainer.hemanGet); setPosition(start); sprite.setSize(radius * 2, radius * 2); sprite.setOriginCenter(); sprite.setCenter(position.x, position.y); }
public Giant( World world, RayHandler rh, BulletHandler bh, Color aColor, float rad, float critSize, float xPos, float yPos, String particlePath, EntityHandler eh, float facingDirection, float velocity, float angularVel, boolean isDynamic) { super("data/particle-fire.png", aColor, rad); bulletHandler = bh; criticalRadius = critSize; canChangeColor = false; canChangeSize = true; lightSize = 10 * radius; ignoreSize = true; ignoreExistence = true; originalDirection = facingDirection; originalVelocity = velocity; angularVelocity = angularVel; entityHandler = eh; rayHandler = rh; originalRadius = rad; // Used for exploding BodyDef circleDef = new BodyDef(); if (isDynamic) circleDef.type = BodyType.DynamicBody; else circleDef.type = BodyType.StaticBody; circleDef.position.set(xPos, yPos); Body circleBody = world.createBody(circleDef); CircleShape circleShape = new CircleShape(); circleShape.setRadius(rad); FixtureDef circleFixture = new FixtureDef(); circleFixture.shape = circleShape; circleFixture.density = 1.0f; circleFixture.friction = 1.0f; circleFixture.restitution = 0.0f; circleFixture.filter.categoryBits = LightGameFilters.CATEGORY_ENTITY; circleFixture.filter.maskBits = LightGameFilters.MASK_ENTITY; circleBody.createFixture(circleFixture); // Lights ArrayList<Light> blueGiantLights = new ArrayList<Light>(); PointLight pl = new PointLight(rayHandler, 400, aColor, rad * 10, 0, 0); pl.setXray(true); pl.attachToBody(circleBody, 0, 0); blueGiantLights.add(pl); // Set the variables in Entity entityBody = circleBody; lights = blueGiantLights; giantEffect = new ParticleEffect(); giantEffect.load(Gdx.files.internal(particlePath), Gdx.files.internal("data")); giantEffect.setPosition(entityBody.getPosition().x, entityBody.getPosition().y); giantEffect.start(); }