コード例 #1
  * Log in a user with email/username and password using a DB connection. Example usage:
  * <pre><code>
  * client.login("{username or email}", "{password}")
  *      .setConnection("{database connection name}")
  *      .start(new BaseCallback<Credentials>() {
  *          {@literal}Override
  *          public void onSuccess(Credentials payload) { }
  *          {@literal}Override
  *          public void onFailure(Auth0Exception error) { }
  *      });
  * </code></pre>
  * @param usernameOrEmail of the user depending of the type of DB connection
  * @param password of the user
  * @return a request to configure and start that will yield {@link Credentials}
 public AuthenticationRequest login(String usernameOrEmail, String password) {
   Map<String, Object> requestParameters =
           .set(USERNAME_KEY, usernameOrEmail)
           .set(PASSWORD_KEY, password)
   return loginWithResourceOwner(requestParameters);
コード例 #2
  * Log in a user using an email and a verification code received via Email (Part of passwordless
  * login flow) Example usage:
  * <pre><code>
  * client.loginWithEmail("{email}", "{code}")
  *      .start(new BaseCallback<Credentials>() {
  *          {@literal}Override
  *          public void onSuccess(Credentials payload) { }
  *          {@literal}@Override
  *          public void onFailure(Auth0Exception error) { }
  *      });
  * </code></pre>
  * @param email where the user received the verification code
  * @param verificationCode sent by Auth0 via Email
  * @return a request to configure and start that will yield {@link Credentials}
 public AuthenticationRequest loginWithEmail(String email, String verificationCode) {
   Map<String, Object> parameters =
           .set(USERNAME_KEY, email)
           .set(PASSWORD_KEY, verificationCode)
   return loginWithResourceOwner(parameters);
コード例 #3
   * Log in a user with a OAuth 'access_token' of a Identity Provider like Facebook or Twitter using
   * <a href="https://auth0.com/docs/auth-api#!#post--oauth-access_token">'\oauth\access_token'
   * endpoint</a> Example usage:
   * <pre><code>
   * client.loginWithOAuthAccessToken("{token}", "{connection name}")
   *      .setConnection("second-database")
   *      .start(new BaseCallback<Credentials>() {
   *          {@literal}Override
   *          public void onSuccess(Credentials payload) { }
   *          {@literal}Override
   *          public void onFailure(Auth0Exception error) { }
   *      });
   * </code></pre>
   * @param token obtained from the IdP
   * @param connection that will be used to authenticate the user, e.g. 'facebook'
   * @return a request to configure and start that will yield {@link Credentials}
  public AuthenticationRequest loginWithOAuthAccessToken(String token, String connection) {
    HttpUrl url =

    Map<String, Object> parameters =

    return factory.authenticationPOST(url, client, gson).addAuthenticationParameters(parameters);