private void dumpInternal(PrintWriter pw) { pw.println("DISPLAY MANAGER (dumpsys display)"); synchronized (mSyncRoot) { pw.println(" mOnlyCode=" + mOnlyCore); pw.println(" mSafeMode=" + mSafeMode); pw.println(" mPendingTraversal=" + mPendingTraversal); pw.println(" mGlobalDisplayState=" + Display.stateToString(mGlobalDisplayState)); pw.println(" mNextNonDefaultDisplayId=" + mNextNonDefaultDisplayId); pw.println(" mDefaultViewport=" + mDefaultViewport); pw.println(" mExternalTouchViewport=" + mExternalTouchViewport); pw.println(" mSingleDisplayDemoMode=" + mSingleDisplayDemoMode); pw.println(" mWifiDisplayScanRequestCount=" + mWifiDisplayScanRequestCount); IndentingPrintWriter ipw = new IndentingPrintWriter(pw, " "); ipw.increaseIndent(); pw.println(); pw.println("Display Adapters: size=" + mDisplayAdapters.size()); for (DisplayAdapter adapter : mDisplayAdapters) { pw.println(" " + adapter.getName()); adapter.dumpLocked(ipw); } pw.println(); pw.println("Display Devices: size=" + mDisplayDevices.size()); for (DisplayDevice device : mDisplayDevices) { pw.println(" " + device.getDisplayDeviceInfoLocked()); device.dumpLocked(ipw); } final int logicalDisplayCount = mLogicalDisplays.size(); pw.println(); pw.println("Logical Displays: size=" + logicalDisplayCount); for (int i = 0; i < logicalDisplayCount; i++) { int displayId = mLogicalDisplays.keyAt(i); LogicalDisplay display = mLogicalDisplays.valueAt(i); pw.println(" Display " + displayId + ":"); display.dumpLocked(ipw); } final int callbackCount = mCallbacks.size(); pw.println(); pw.println("Callbacks: size=" + callbackCount); for (int i = 0; i < callbackCount; i++) { CallbackRecord callback = mCallbacks.valueAt(i); pw.println( " " + i + ": mPid=" + callback.mPid + ", mWifiDisplayScanRequested=" + callback.mWifiDisplayScanRequested); } if (mDisplayPowerController != null) { mDisplayPowerController.dump(pw); } } }
public static void dumpCallEvents(IndentingPrintWriter pw) { pw.println("Historical Calls:"); pw.increaseIndent(); for (CallEventRecord callEventRecord : mCallEventRecords) { callEventRecord.dump(pw); } pw.decreaseIndent(); }
@Override // Binder call public void dump(FileDescriptor fd, final PrintWriter pw, String[] args) { if (mContext == null || mContext.checkCallingOrSelfPermission(Manifest.permission.DUMP) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { pw.println( "Permission Denial: can't dump DisplayManager from from pid=" + Binder.getCallingPid() + ", uid=" + Binder.getCallingUid()); return; } pw.println("DISPLAY MANAGER (dumpsys display)"); synchronized (mSyncRoot) { pw.println(" mHeadless=" + mHeadless); pw.println(" mOnlyCode=" + mOnlyCore); pw.println(" mSafeMode=" + mSafeMode); pw.println(" mPendingTraversal=" + mPendingTraversal); pw.println( " mAllDisplayBlankStateFromPowerManager=" + mAllDisplayBlankStateFromPowerManager); pw.println(" mNextNonDefaultDisplayId=" + mNextNonDefaultDisplayId); pw.println(" mDefaultViewport=" + mDefaultViewport); pw.println(" mExternalTouchViewport=" + mExternalTouchViewport); pw.println(" mSingleDisplayDemoMode=" + mSingleDisplayDemoMode); IndentingPrintWriter ipw = new IndentingPrintWriter(pw, " "); ipw.increaseIndent(); pw.println(); pw.println("Display Adapters: size=" + mDisplayAdapters.size()); for (DisplayAdapter adapter : mDisplayAdapters) { pw.println(" " + adapter.getName()); adapter.dumpLocked(ipw); } pw.println(); pw.println("Display Devices: size=" + mDisplayDevices.size()); for (DisplayDevice device : mDisplayDevices) { pw.println(" " + device.getDisplayDeviceInfoLocked()); device.dumpLocked(ipw); } final int logicalDisplayCount = mLogicalDisplays.size(); pw.println(); pw.println("Logical Displays: size=" + logicalDisplayCount); for (int i = 0; i < logicalDisplayCount; i++) { int displayId = mLogicalDisplays.keyAt(i); LogicalDisplay display = mLogicalDisplays.valueAt(i); pw.println(" Display " + displayId + ":"); display.dumpLocked(ipw); } } }
public void removeSimulatedPort(String portId, IndentingPrintWriter pw) { synchronized (mLock) { final int index = mSimulatedPorts.indexOfKey(portId); if (index < 0) { pw.println("Cannot remove simulated port which does not exist."); return; } pw.println("Disconnecting simulated port: portId=" + portId); mSimulatedPorts.removeAt(index); updatePortsLocked(pw); } }
public void connectSimulatedPort( String portId, int mode, boolean canChangeMode, int powerRole, boolean canChangePowerRole, int dataRole, boolean canChangeDataRole, IndentingPrintWriter pw) { synchronized (mLock) { final SimulatedPortInfo portInfo = mSimulatedPorts.get(portId); if (portInfo == null) { pw.println("Cannot connect simulated port which does not exist."); return; } if (mode == 0 || powerRole == 0 || dataRole == 0) { pw.println("Cannot connect simulated port in null mode, " + "power role, or data role."); return; } if ((portInfo.mSupportedModes & mode) == 0) { pw.println("Simulated port does not support mode: " + UsbPort.modeToString(mode)); return; } pw.println( "Connecting simulated port: portId=" + portId + ", mode=" + UsbPort.modeToString(mode) + ", canChangeMode=" + canChangeMode + ", powerRole=" + UsbPort.powerRoleToString(powerRole) + ", canChangePowerRole=" + canChangePowerRole + ", dataRole=" + UsbPort.dataRoleToString(dataRole) + ", canChangeDataRole=" + canChangeDataRole); portInfo.mCurrentMode = mode; portInfo.mCanChangeMode = canChangeMode; portInfo.mCurrentPowerRole = powerRole; portInfo.mCanChangePowerRole = canChangePowerRole; portInfo.mCurrentDataRole = dataRole; portInfo.mCanChangeDataRole = canChangeDataRole; updatePortsLocked(pw); } }
@Override public void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, String[] args) { mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(android.Manifest.permission.DUMP, TAG); // Dump the state of all the app widget providers synchronized (mAppWidgetServices) { IndentingPrintWriter ipw = new IndentingPrintWriter(pw, " "); for (int i = 0; i < mAppWidgetServices.size(); i++) { pw.println("User: " + mAppWidgetServices.keyAt(i)); ipw.increaseIndent(); AppWidgetServiceImpl service = mAppWidgetServices.valueAt(i); service.dump(fd, ipw, args); ipw.decreaseIndent(); } } }
public void addSimulatedPort(String portId, int supportedModes, IndentingPrintWriter pw) { synchronized (mLock) { if (mSimulatedPorts.containsKey(portId)) { pw.println("Port with same name already exists. Please remove it first."); return; } pw.println( "Adding simulated port: portId=" + portId + ", supportedModes=" + UsbPort.modeToString(supportedModes)); mSimulatedPorts.put(portId, new SimulatedPortInfo(portId, supportedModes)); updatePortsLocked(pw); } }
public void dump(IndentingPrintWriter pw) { synchronized (mLock) { pw.print("USB Port State:"); if (!mSimulatedPorts.isEmpty()) { pw.print(" (simulation active; end with 'dumpsys usb reset')"); } pw.println(); if (mPorts.isEmpty()) { pw.println(" <no ports>"); } else { for (PortInfo portInfo : mPorts.values()) { pw.println(" " + portInfo.mUsbPort.getId() + ": " + portInfo); } } } }
public void resetSimulation(IndentingPrintWriter pw) { synchronized (mLock) { pw.println("Removing all simulated ports and ending simulation."); if (!mSimulatedPorts.isEmpty()) { mSimulatedPorts.clear(); updatePortsLocked(pw); } } }
public void disconnectSimulatedPort(String portId, IndentingPrintWriter pw) { synchronized (mLock) { final SimulatedPortInfo portInfo = mSimulatedPorts.get(portId); if (portInfo == null) { pw.println("Cannot disconnect simulated port which does not exist."); return; } pw.println("Disconnecting simulated port: portId=" + portId); portInfo.mCurrentMode = 0; portInfo.mCanChangeMode = false; portInfo.mCurrentPowerRole = 0; portInfo.mCanChangePowerRole = false; portInfo.mCurrentDataRole = 0; portInfo.mCanChangeDataRole = false; updatePortsLocked(pw); } }
public void dump(IndentingPrintWriter pw) { pw.println("USB Device State:"); pw.println(" mCurrentFunctions: " + mCurrentFunctions); pw.println(" mCurrentFunctionsApplied: " + mCurrentFunctionsApplied); pw.println(" mConnected: " + mConnected); pw.println(" mConfigured: " + mConfigured); pw.println(" mUsbDataUnlocked: " + mUsbDataUnlocked); pw.println(" mCurrentAccessory: " + mCurrentAccessory); try { pw.println( " Kernel state: " + FileUtils.readTextFile(new File(STATE_PATH), 0, null).trim()); pw.println( " Kernel function list: " + FileUtils.readTextFile(new File(FUNCTIONS_PATH), 0, null).trim()); } catch (IOException e) { pw.println("IOException: " + e); } }
/** Called by the Binder stub. */ void dump(String[] args, PrintWriter pw) { synchronized (mLock) { final long screenOnTime = getScreenOnTimeLocked(checkAndGetTimeLocked()); IndentingPrintWriter idpw = new IndentingPrintWriter(pw, " "); ArraySet<String> argSet = new ArraySet<>(); argSet.addAll(Arrays.asList(args)); final int userCount = mUserState.size(); for (int i = 0; i < userCount; i++) { idpw.printPair("user", mUserState.keyAt(i)); idpw.println(); idpw.increaseIndent(); if (argSet.contains("--checkin")) { mUserState.valueAt(i).checkin(idpw, screenOnTime); } else { mUserState.valueAt(i).dump(idpw, screenOnTime); idpw.println(); if (args.length > 0 && "history".equals(args[0])) { mAppIdleHistory.dump(idpw, mUserState.keyAt(i)); } } idpw.decreaseIndent(); } pw.write("Screen On Timebase:" + mScreenOnTime + "\n"); } }
public void setPortRoles( String portId, int newPowerRole, int newDataRole, IndentingPrintWriter pw) { synchronized (mLock) { final PortInfo portInfo = mPorts.get(portId); if (portInfo == null) { if (pw != null) { pw.println("No such USB port: " + portId); } return; } // Check whether the new role is actually supported. if (!portInfo.mUsbPortStatus.isRoleCombinationSupported(newPowerRole, newDataRole)) { logAndPrint( Log.ERROR, pw, "Attempted to set USB port into unsupported " + "role combination: portId=" + portId + ", newPowerRole=" + UsbPort.powerRoleToString(newPowerRole) + ", newDataRole=" + UsbPort.dataRoleToString(newDataRole)); return; } // Check whether anything actually changed. final int currentDataRole = portInfo.mUsbPortStatus.getCurrentDataRole(); final int currentPowerRole = portInfo.mUsbPortStatus.getCurrentPowerRole(); if (currentDataRole == newDataRole && currentPowerRole == newPowerRole) { if (pw != null) { pw.println("No change."); } return; } // Determine whether we need to change the mode in order to accomplish this goal. // We prefer not to do this since it's more likely to fail. // // Note: Arguably it might be worth allowing the client to influence this policy // decision so that we could show more powerful developer facing UI but let's // see how far we can get without having to do that. final boolean canChangeMode = portInfo.mCanChangeMode; final boolean canChangePowerRole = portInfo.mCanChangePowerRole; final boolean canChangeDataRole = portInfo.mCanChangeDataRole; final int currentMode = portInfo.mUsbPortStatus.getCurrentMode(); final int newMode; if ((!canChangePowerRole && currentPowerRole != newPowerRole) || (!canChangeDataRole && currentDataRole != newDataRole)) { if (canChangeMode && newPowerRole == UsbPort.POWER_ROLE_SOURCE && newDataRole == UsbPort.DATA_ROLE_HOST) { newMode = UsbPort.MODE_DFP; } else if (canChangeMode && newPowerRole == UsbPort.POWER_ROLE_SINK && newDataRole == UsbPort.DATA_ROLE_DEVICE) { newMode = UsbPort.MODE_UFP; } else { logAndPrint( Log.ERROR, pw, "Found mismatch in supported USB role combinations " + "while attempting to change role: " + portInfo + ", newPowerRole=" + UsbPort.powerRoleToString(newPowerRole) + ", newDataRole=" + UsbPort.dataRoleToString(newDataRole)); return; } } else { newMode = currentMode; } // Make it happen. logAndPrint( Log.INFO, pw, "Setting USB port mode and role: portId=" + portId + ", currentMode=" + UsbPort.modeToString(currentMode) + ", currentPowerRole=" + UsbPort.powerRoleToString(currentPowerRole) + ", currentDataRole=" + UsbPort.dataRoleToString(currentDataRole) + ", newMode=" + UsbPort.modeToString(newMode) + ", newPowerRole=" + UsbPort.powerRoleToString(newPowerRole) + ", newDataRole=" + UsbPort.dataRoleToString(newDataRole)); SimulatedPortInfo sim = mSimulatedPorts.get(portId); if (sim != null) { // Change simulated state. sim.mCurrentMode = newMode; sim.mCurrentPowerRole = newPowerRole; sim.mCurrentDataRole = newDataRole; } else if (mHaveKernelSupport) { // Change actual state. final File portDir = new File(SYSFS_CLASS, portId); if (!portDir.exists()) { logAndPrint(Log.ERROR, pw, "USB port not found: portId=" + portId); return; } if (currentMode != newMode) { // Changing the mode will have the side-effect of also changing // the power and data roles but it might take some time to apply // and the renegotiation might fail. Due to limitations of the USB // hardware, we have no way of knowing whether it will work apriori // which is why we would prefer to set the power and data roles // directly instead. if (!writeFile( portDir, SYSFS_PORT_MODE, newMode == UsbPort.MODE_DFP ? PORT_MODE_DFP : PORT_MODE_UFP)) { logAndPrint( Log.ERROR, pw, "Failed to set the USB port mode: " + "portId=" + portId + ", newMode=" + UsbPort.modeToString(newMode)); return; } } else { // Change power and data role independently as needed. if (currentPowerRole != newPowerRole) { if (!writeFile( portDir, SYSFS_PORT_POWER_ROLE, newPowerRole == UsbPort.POWER_ROLE_SOURCE ? PORT_POWER_ROLE_SOURCE : PORT_POWER_ROLE_SINK)) { logAndPrint( Log.ERROR, pw, "Failed to set the USB port power role: " + "portId=" + portId + ", newPowerRole=" + UsbPort.powerRoleToString(newPowerRole)); return; } } if (currentDataRole != newDataRole) { if (!writeFile( portDir, SYSFS_PORT_DATA_ROLE, newDataRole == UsbPort.DATA_ROLE_HOST ? PORT_DATA_ROLE_HOST : PORT_DATA_ROLE_DEVICE)) { logAndPrint( Log.ERROR, pw, "Failed to set the USB port data role: " + "portId=" + portId + ", newDataRole=" + UsbPort.dataRoleToString(newDataRole)); return; } } } } updatePortsLocked(pw); } }
private static void logAndPrint(int priority, IndentingPrintWriter pw, String msg) { Slog.println(priority, TAG, msg); if (pw != null) { pw.println(msg); } }
public void dump(IndentingPrintWriter pw) { Map<String, CallEvent> pendingResponses = new HashMap<>(); pw.print("Call "); pw.print(mId); pw.print(" ["); pw.print(sDateFormat.format(new Date(mCall.getCreationTimeMillis()))); pw.print("]"); pw.println(mCall.isIncoming() ? "(MT - incoming)" : "(MO - outgoing)"); pw.increaseIndent(); pw.println("To address: " + piiHandle(mCall.getHandle())); for (CallEvent event : mEvents) { // We print out events in chronological order. During that process we look at each // event and see if it maps to a request on the Request-Response pairs map. If it // does, then we effectively start 'listening' for the response. We do that by // storing the response event ID in {@code pendingResponses}. When we find the // response in a later iteration of the loop, we grab the original request and // calculate the time it took to get a response. if (Events.requestResponsePairs.containsKey(event.eventId)) { // This event expects a response, so add that response to the maps // of pending events. String pendingResponse = Events.requestResponsePairs.get(event.eventId); pendingResponses.put(pendingResponse, event); } pw.print(sDateFormat.format(new Date(event.time))); pw.print(" - "); pw.print(event.eventId); if ( != null) { pw.print(" ("); Object data =; if (data instanceof Call) { // If the data is another call, then change the data to the call's CallEvent // ID instead. CallEventRecord record = mCallEventRecordMap.get(data); if (record != null) { data = "Call " + record.mId; } } pw.print(data); pw.print(")"); } // If this event is a response event that we've been waiting for, calculate the time // it took for the response to complete and print that out as well. CallEvent requestEvent = pendingResponses.remove(event.eventId); if (requestEvent != null) { pw.print(", time since "); pw.print(requestEvent.eventId); pw.print(": "); pw.print(event.time - requestEvent.time); pw.print(" ms"); } pw.println(); } pw.decreaseIndent(); }
@Override public void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter writer, String[] args) { final IndentingPrintWriter pw = new IndentingPrintWriter(writer, " ", 160); synchronized (mRootsLock) { for (int i = 0; i < mRoots.size(); i++) { final RootInfo root = mRoots.valueAt(i); pw.println("Root{" + root.rootId + "}:"); pw.increaseIndent(); pw.printPair("flags", DebugUtils.flagsToString(Root.class, "FLAG_", root.flags)); pw.println(); pw.printPair("title", root.title); pw.printPair("docId", root.docId); pw.println(); pw.printPair("path", root.path); pw.printPair("visiblePath", root.visiblePath); pw.decreaseIndent(); pw.println(); } } }
public static void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, String[] args) { pw.println("PhoneFactory:"); PhoneProxy[] phones = (PhoneProxy[]) PhoneFactory.getPhones(); int i = -1; for (PhoneProxy phoneProxy : phones) { PhoneBase phoneBase; i += 1; try { phoneBase = (PhoneBase) phoneProxy.getActivePhone(); phoneBase.dump(fd, pw, args); } catch (Exception e) { pw.println("Telephony DebugService: Could not get Phone[" + i + "] e=" + e); continue; } pw.flush(); pw.println("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"); try { ((IccCardProxy) phoneProxy.getIccCard()).dump(fd, pw, args); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } pw.flush(); pw.println("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"); } try { DctController.getInstance().dump(fd, pw, args); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { mUiccController.dump(fd, pw, args); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } pw.flush(); pw.println("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"); try { SubscriptionController.getInstance().dump(fd, pw, args); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } pw.flush(); pw.println("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"); try { sSubInfoRecordUpdater.dump(fd, pw, args); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } pw.flush(); pw.println("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"); synchronized (sLocalLogs) { final IndentingPrintWriter ipw = new IndentingPrintWriter(pw, " "); for (String key : sLocalLogs.keySet()) { ipw.println(key); ipw.increaseIndent(); sLocalLogs.get(key).dump(fd, ipw, args); ipw.decreaseIndent(); } ipw.flush(); } }
@Override protected void dump(final IndentingPrintWriter pw) { super.dump(pw); pw.println("mIsActiveSource: " + mIsActiveSource); }