/** Process a MMI PUK code */ void processCode() { try { if (isPinPukCommand()) { // TODO: This is the same as the code in GsmMmiCode.java, // MmiCode should be an abstract or base class and this and // other common variables and code should be promoted. // sia = old PIN or PUK // sib = new PIN // sic = new PIN String oldPinOrPuk = mSia; String newPinOrPuk = mSib; int pinLen = newPinOrPuk.length(); if (isRegister()) { if (!newPinOrPuk.equals(mSic)) { // password mismatch; return error handlePasswordError(com.android.internal.R.string.mismatchPin); } else if (pinLen < 4 || pinLen > 8) { // invalid length handlePasswordError(com.android.internal.R.string.invalidPin); } else if (mSc.equals(SC_PIN) && mUiccApplication != null && mUiccApplication.getState() == AppState.APPSTATE_PUK) { // Sim is puk-locked handlePasswordError(com.android.internal.R.string.needPuk); } else if (mUiccApplication != null) { Rlog.d(LOG_TAG, "process mmi service code using UiccApp sc=" + mSc); // We have an app and the pre-checks are OK if (mSc.equals(SC_PIN)) { mUiccApplication.changeIccLockPassword( oldPinOrPuk, newPinOrPuk, obtainMessage(EVENT_SET_COMPLETE, this)); } else if (mSc.equals(SC_PIN2)) { mUiccApplication.changeIccFdnPassword( oldPinOrPuk, newPinOrPuk, obtainMessage(EVENT_SET_COMPLETE, this)); } else if (mSc.equals(SC_PUK)) { mUiccApplication.supplyPuk( oldPinOrPuk, newPinOrPuk, obtainMessage(EVENT_SET_COMPLETE, this)); } else if (mSc.equals(SC_PUK2)) { mUiccApplication.supplyPuk2( oldPinOrPuk, newPinOrPuk, obtainMessage(EVENT_SET_COMPLETE, this)); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported service code=" + mSc); } } else { throw new RuntimeException("No application mUiccApplicaiton is null"); } } else { throw new RuntimeException("Ivalid register/action=" + mAction); } } } catch (RuntimeException exc) { mState = State.FAILED; mMessage = mContext.getText(com.android.internal.R.string.mmiError); mPhone.onMMIDone(this); } }