コード例 #1
  /** See ISO 16022:2006, 5.2.9 and Annex B, B.2 */
  private static void decodeBase256Segment(
      BitSource bits, StringBuilder result, Collection<byte[]> byteSegments)
      throws FormatException {
    // Figure out how long the Base 256 Segment is.
    int codewordPosition = 1 + bits.getByteOffset(); // position is 1-indexed
    int d1 = unrandomize255State(bits.readBits(8), codewordPosition++);
    int count;
    if (d1 == 0) { // Read the remainder of the symbol
      count = bits.available() / 8;
    } else if (d1 < 250) {
      count = d1;
    } else {
      count = 250 * (d1 - 249) + unrandomize255State(bits.readBits(8), codewordPosition++);

    // We're seeing NegativeArraySizeException errors from users.
    if (count < 0) {
      throw FormatException.getFormatInstance();

    byte[] bytes = new byte[count];
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      // Have seen this particular error in the wild, such as at
      // http://www.bcgen.com/demo/IDAutomationStreamingDataMatrix.aspx?MODE=3&D=Fred&PFMT=3&PT=F&X=0.3&O=0&LM=0.2
      if (bits.available() < 8) {
        throw FormatException.getFormatInstance();
      bytes[i] = (byte) unrandomize255State(bits.readBits(8), codewordPosition++);
    try {
      result.append(new String(bytes, "ISO8859_1"));
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Platform does not support required encoding: " + uee);