private void loadBitmapCompleted(String url, Bitmap loadedImage) { if (DebugLog.DEBUG) { DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "loadBitmapCompleted url " + url); } if (url.equals(this.getUrl())) { if (loadedImage != null) { boolean isSuccess = loadFromCache(); if (isSuccess) { setmShowState(ShowState.SHOW_IMAGE); } if (DebugLog.DEBUG) { DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "loadBitmapCompleted url SHOW_IMAGE"); } } } else if (url.equals(this.getUrl() + THUMBNAIL_POSTFIX)) { if (loadedImage != null) { boolean isSuccess = loadThumbnailFromCache(); if (isSuccess) { setmShowState(ShowState.SHOW_THUMBNAIL); } if (DebugLog.DEBUG) { DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "loadBitmapCompleted url SHOW_THUMBNAIL"); } } } else { } }
private void loadBitmapCompleteDealWith(String url, Bitmap loadedImage) { if (DebugLog.DEBUG) { DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "loadBitmapCompleteDealWith url:" + url); } String currentUrl = mConfig.mImageLoader.getmCurrentUrl(); if (url.equals(mUrl)) { if (!currentUrl.equals(mUrl)) { // mConfig.mImageLoader.addBmpToImageRemoved(loadedImage); return; } // mConfig.mImageLoader.addImage2Cache(url, loadedImage); } if (this.getmShowState() == ShowState.SHOW_IMAGE) { if (DebugLog.DEBUG) { DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "loadBitmapCompleteDealWith url SHOW_IMAGE"); } // if (url.equals(this.getUrl())) { // if (loadedImage != null) { // recyleImageBitmap(); // mImageBitmap = loadedImage; // setBitmap(mImageBitmap); // setmShowState(ShowState.SHOW_IMAGE); // } // } return; } loadBitmapCompleted(url, loadedImage); }
private boolean loadThumbnailFromCache() { DebugLog.d( LOG_TAG, "loadThumbnailFromCache loadFromCache mUrl:" + mUrl + " mConfig:" + mConfig); DebugLog.d( LOG_TAG, "loadThumbnailFromCache loadFromCache mUrl:" + mUrl + " mConfig.mImageLoader:" + mConfig.mImageLoader); if (mConfig == null || mConfig.mImageLoader == null) { return false; } Bitmap bitmap = mConfig.mImageLoader.getBitmapFromCache(mWallPaper.getImgUrl() + THUMBNAIL_POSTFIX); DebugLog.d( LOG_TAG, "loadThumbnailFromCache loadFromCache mUrl:" + mUrl + "loadImageBitmap bitmap:" + bitmap); if (bitmap != null) { this.setUrl(mWallPaper.getImgUrl()); this.setImageBitmap(bitmap); return true; } else { // this.setBackGroundColorAndRemoveImage(mWallPaper); // loadStart(); return false; } }
public boolean openFingerPrintOrNot() { KeyguardViewHostManager manager = KeyguardViewHostManager.getInstance(); if (manager == null) { return false; } DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "isActiveFingerPrint isSecureFrozen: " + isSecureFrozen()); if (isSecureFrozen()) { return false; } boolean isSecure = manager.isSecure(); DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "isActiveFingerPrint isSecure: " + isSecure); if (!isSecure) { return false; } boolean isSkylightShown = manager.getIsSkylightShown(); DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "isActiveFingerPrint isSkylightShown: " + isSkylightShown); if (isSkylightShown) { return false; } boolean isKeyguardShown = manager.isShowingAndNotOccluded(); DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "isActiveFingerPrint isKeyguardShown: " + isKeyguardShown); if (!isKeyguardShown) { return false; } boolean isSimRequired = manager.needsFullscreenBouncer(); DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "isActiveFingerPrint isSimRequired: " + isSimRequired); if (isSimRequired) { return false; } return true; }
// invalidate a rectangle relative to the view's coordinate system all the way up the view // hierarchy @SuppressLint("NewApi") public static void invalidateGlobalRegion(View view, RectF childBounds) { // childBounds.offset(view.getTranslationX(), view.getTranslationY()); if (DEBUG_INVALIDATE) if (DebugLog.DEBUG) DebugLog.d(TAG, "-------------"); while (view.getParent() != null && view.getParent() instanceof View) { view = (View) view.getParent(); view.getMatrix().mapRect(childBounds); view.invalidate( (int) Math.floor(childBounds.left), (int) Math.floor(, (int) Math.ceil(childBounds.right), (int) Math.ceil(childBounds.bottom)); if (DebugLog.DEBUG) { DebugLog.v( TAG, "INVALIDATE(" + (int) Math.floor(childBounds.left) + "," + (int) Math.floor( + "," + (int) Math.ceil(childBounds.right) + "," + (int) Math.ceil(childBounds.bottom)); } } }
private void startIdentifyIfNeed() { boolean isStartFingerPrint = isActiveFingerPrint(); DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "startIdentifyIfNeed isStartFingerPrint:" + isStartFingerPrint); if (isStartFingerPrint && isHaveFinger()) { DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "startIdentifyIfNeed...." + Thread.currentThread().getId()); startIdentifyTimeout(mFingerInts, 25 * 1000); } }
private boolean isHaveFinger() { if (mFingerInts != null && mFingerInts.length > 0) { DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "isHaveFinger return true"); return true; } DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "isHaveFinger return false"); return false; }
@Override public void onLoadingComplete(String imageUri, Bitmap loadedImage) { mLoadState = State.LOADED; if (DebugLog.DEBUG) { DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "onLoadingComplete imageUri:" + imageUri); DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "onLoadingComplete loadedImage:" + loadedImage); } HandlerObj handlerObj = new HandlerObj(); handlerObj.setUrl(imageUri); handlerObj.setBitmap(loadedImage); Message message = mHandle.obtainMessage(GET_BITMAP_SUCCESS); message.obj = handlerObj; message.sendToTarget(); }
@Override public void onLoadingCancelled(String imageUri) { if (DebugLog.DEBUG) { DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "onLoadingCancelled onLoadingCancelled"); } mLoadState = State.CANCELLED; }
@Override public Bitmap readFromLocal(String key) { DebugLog.d(TAG, "readFromLocal url:" + key); String file = mPath + File.separator + mFolderName + File.separator + key; // Bitmap bitmap = DiskUtils.readFile(file,mScreenWid, mReuseImage); Bitmap bitmap = DiskUtils.getImageFromSystem(mContext, file, mReuseImage); return bitmap; }
@Override public boolean writeToLocal(String key, Bitmap bitmap) { boolean success = false; if (bitmap != null) { String path = mPath + File.separator + mFolderName; success = DiskUtils.saveBitmap(bitmap, key, path); } DebugLog.d(TAG, "writeToLocal success:" + success); return success; }
private void onFingerIdentify() { if (!isActiveFingerPrint()) { DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "onFingerIdentify isActiveFingerPrint flase"); return; } if (KeyguardViewHostManager.getInstance().isScreenOn()) { KeyguardViewHostManager.getInstance().fingerPrintSuccess(); KeyguardViewHostManager.getInstance().unlockByFingerIdentify(); } }
public void loadImageFromCacheIfNeeded() { if (ShowState.SHOW_IMAGE != getmShowState()) { boolean isRefresh = loadFromCache(); if (DebugLog.DEBUG) { DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "loadImageToRefresh isRefresh:" + isRefresh); } if (isRefresh) { setmShowState(ShowState.SHOW_IMAGE); } } }
/** @params reason: 0 failed;1 timeout; 2 cancel */ public void onNoMatch(int reason) { DebugLog.d( LOG_TAG, "onNoMatch()---reason=" + reason + " threadname: " + Thread.currentThread().getName()); Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_FINGER_NO_MATCH); msg.arg1 = reason; mHandler.sendMessage(msg); }
private void getIds() { DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "resetFingerIds...." + Thread.currentThread().getId()); DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "getIds() start time: " + SystemClock.uptimeMillis()); try { Class<?> GnFingerPrintManager = (Class<?>) Class.forName(CLASS_GNFPMANAGER); Method getIds = GnFingerPrintManager.getMethod("getIds"); Object obj = GnFingerPrintManager.newInstance(); int[] ids = (int[]) getIds.invoke(obj); DebugLog.d( LOG_TAG, "getIds() end ids=" + Arrays.toString(ids) + " time: " + SystemClock.uptimeMillis()); mFingerInts = ids; } catch (Exception e) { DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, Log.getStackTraceString(e)); mFingerInts = null; } }
public void UnFrozenStartFingerIdentify() { DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "startIdentify mIsStartIdentifyState:" + mIsStartIdentifyState); synchronized (this) { FingerThread.getInstance() .excuteTask( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { startIdentifyIfNeed(); } }); } }
public void loadloadThumbnailFromCache() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub boolean isRefresh = loadThumbnailFromCache(); if (DebugLog.DEBUG) { DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "loadThumbnailToRefresh isRefresh:" + isRefresh); } if (isRefresh) { setmShowState(ShowState.SHOW_THUMBNAIL); } else { this.setImageResource(mConfig.startBitmapID); setmShowState(ShowState.SHOW_NOIMAGE); } }
private static boolean isTouchInvalidArea(MotionEvent event, AmigoKeyguardPage mainCellLayout) { boolean isInvalidArea = false; Rect notificationRect = mainCellLayout.getNotificationContentRect(); if (DebugLog.DEBUG) DebugLog.d(TAG, "notificationRect: " + notificationRect.toString()); float x = event.getX(); float y = event.getY(); boolean isInNotificationRect = (x > notificationRect.left && x < notificationRect.right) && (y > && y < notificationRect.bottom); if (isInNotificationRect) { isInvalidArea = true; } return isInvalidArea; }
private void startIdentifyTimeout(final int[] ids, final long timeout) { try { DebugLog.d( LOG_TAG, "startIdentifyTimeout() start...Arrays.toString(ids)=" + Arrays.toString(ids)); mIsStartIdentifyState = true; Class<?> GnFingerPrintManager = (Class<?>) Class.forName(CLASS_GNFPMANAGER); Object obj = GnFingerPrintManager.newInstance(); mGnFingerPrintManagerClass = GnFingerPrintManager; mObj = obj; Method startIdentify = GnFingerPrintManager.getMethod( "startIdentify", IGnIdentifyCallback.class, int[].class, long.class); startIdentify.invoke(obj, mIdentifyCb, ids, timeout); DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "startIdentifyTimeout() end"); } catch (Exception e) { DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, Log.getStackTraceString(e)); } }
@Override public void onLoadingFailed(String imageUri, FailReason failReason) { // WallpaperDB.getInstance(getContext().getApplicationContext()).updateDownLoadNotFinish(wallpaper); mLoadState = State.FAILED; if (DebugLog.DEBUG) { DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "onLoadingFailed imageUri:" + imageUri); } int what = GET_BITMAP_FAIL; HandlerObj handlerObj = new HandlerObj(); handlerObj.setUrl(imageUri); handlerObj.setFailReason(failReason); Message message = mHandle.obtainMessage(what); message.obj = handlerObj; message.sendToTarget(); }
private boolean readFingerprintSwitchValue() { // 0 is close;1 is open int unlockValue = Settings.Secure.getInt(mContext.getContentResolver(), FINGERPRINT_FOR_UNLOCK_SWITCH_KEY, 0); if (unlockValue == 0) { mFingerprintSwitchOpen = false; } else { mFingerprintSwitchOpen = true; } DebugLog.d( LOG_TAG, "readFingerprintSwitchValue: unlockValue=" + unlockValue + ",mFingerprintSwitchOpen=" + mFingerprintSwitchOpen); return mFingerprintSwitchOpen; }
private boolean isActiveFingerPrint() { KeyguardViewHostManager manager = KeyguardViewHostManager.getInstance(); if (manager == null) { return false; } DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "isActiveFingerPrint isSecureFrozen: " + isSecureFrozen()); if (isSecureFrozen()) { return false; } boolean isSupportFinger = KeyguardViewHostManager.isSuppotFinger(); if (!isSupportFinger) { return false; } DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "isActiveFingerPrint switchOpen: " + mFingerprintSwitchOpen); if (!mFingerprintSwitchOpen) { return false; } boolean isSecure = manager.isSecure(); DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "isActiveFingerPrint isSecure: " + isSecure); if (!isSecure) { return false; } boolean isSkylightShown = manager.getIsSkylightShown(); DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "isActiveFingerPrint isSkylightShown: " + isSkylightShown); if (isSkylightShown) { return false; } boolean isKeyguardShown = manager.isShowingAndNotOccluded(); DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "isActiveFingerPrint isKeyguardShown: " + isKeyguardShown); if (!isKeyguardShown) { return false; } boolean isScreenOn = manager.isScreenOn(); DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "isActiveFingerPrint isScreenOn: " + isScreenOn); if (!isScreenOn) { return false; } boolean isSimRequired = manager.needsFullscreenBouncer(); DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "isActiveFingerPrint isSimRequired: " + isSimRequired); if (isSimRequired) { return false; } return true; }
private void onFingerNoMatch(int reason) { if (reason == 2) { // cancel&exception return; } else if (reason == 1) { // timeout synchronized (this) { FingerThread.getInstance() .excuteTask( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { startIdentifyIfNeed(); } }); } } else if (reason == 0) { DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "onFingerNoMatch mIdentifyFailedTimes: " + mIdentifyFailedTimes); fingerMatchFail(); } }
public void loadImageBitmap( Wallpaper wallpaper /*, int posOfListener*/, boolean immediatelyLoad) { // mPosOfListener = posOfListener; mWallPaper = wallpaper; this.mUrl = wallpaper.getImgUrl(); this.setTag(mUrl); if (DebugLog.DEBUG) { DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "loadImageBitmap mUrl" + mUrl); } this.setmShowState(ShowState.SHOW_NOIMAGE); mConfig.mImageLoader.loadImageToView(this /*, posOfListener*/); boolean isLoadFromCache = loadFromCache(); if (!isLoadFromCache) { boolean isLoadThumbnailFromCache = loadThumbnailFromCache(); if (!isLoadThumbnailFromCache) { this.setImageResource(mConfig.startBitmapID); this.setmShowState(ShowState.SHOW_NOIMAGE); } else { this.setmShowState(ShowState.SHOW_THUMBNAIL); } } else { this.setmShowState(ShowState.SHOW_IMAGE); } }
public void onIdentified(int fingerId, boolean updated) { DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "onIdentified()---"); mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(MSG_FINGER_IDENTIFY); }
public void onExtIdentifyMsg(Message msg, String description) { DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "onExtIdentifyMsg()---"); }
private void fingerMatchFail() { DebugLog.e(LOG_TAG, "fingerMatchFail isSecureFrozen---" + isSecureFrozen()); if (isSecureFrozen()) { cancel(); return; } if (isAtHomePosition()) { DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "fingerMatchFail isAtHomePosition : true"); if (mIdentifyFailedTimes < 2) { mIdentifyFailedTimes++; KeyguardViewHostManager.getInstance().shakeFingerIdentifyTip(); VibatorUtil.amigoVibrate( mContext, VibatorUtil.LOCKSCREEN_UNLOCK_CODE_ERROR, VibatorUtil.UNLOCK_ERROR_VIBRATE_TIME); synchronized (this) { FingerThread.getInstance() .excuteTask( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { startIdentifyIfNeed(); } }); } } else if (mIdentifyFailedTimes == 2) { mIdentifyFailedTimes = 0; KeyguardViewHostManager.getInstance().shakeFingerIdentifyTip(); VibatorUtil.amigoVibrate( mContext, VibatorUtil.LOCKSCREEN_UNLOCK_CODE_ERROR, VibatorUtil.UNLOCK_ERROR_VIBRATE_TIME); synchronized (this) { FingerThread.getInstance() .excuteTask( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { startIdentifyIfNeed(); } }); } KeyguardViewHostManager.getInstance().scrollToUnlockHeightByOther(true); } } else { DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "fingerMatchFail isAtHomePosition : false"); mIdentifyFailedTimes = 0; KeyguardViewHostManager.getInstance().fingerPrintFailed(); synchronized (this) { FingerThread.getInstance() .excuteTask( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { startIdentifyIfNeed(); } }); } } }
public void onInput() { DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "onInput()---"); }
public void onCaptureFailed(int reason) { DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "onCaptureFailed()---"); }
public void onCaptureCompleted() { DebugLog.d(LOG_TAG, "onCaptureCompleted()---"); }