コード例 #1
  * The first name in the lexicographic ordering of domain names that you want the <code>
  * ListHostedZonesByNameRequest</code> request to list.
  * <p>If the request returned more than one page of results, submit another request and specify
  * the value of <code>NextDNSName</code> and <code>NextHostedZoneId</code> from the last response
  * in the <code>DNSName</code> and <code>HostedZoneId</code> parameters to get the next page of
  * results.
  * @param dNSName The first name in the lexicographic ordering of domain names that you want the
  *     <code>ListHostedZonesByNameRequest</code> request to list.
  *     <p>If the request returned more than one page of results, submit another request and
  *     specify the value of <code>NextDNSName</code> and <code>NextHostedZoneId</code> from the
  *     last response in the <code>DNSName</code> and <code>HostedZoneId</code> parameters to get
  *     the next page of results.
  * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
 public ListHostedZonesByNameRequest withDNSName(String dNSName) {
   return this;