private String delete() { String level_desc = request.getParameter("level_desc"); String rootMenu = request.getParameter("rootMenuSelect"); String secondMenu = request.getParameter("secondMenuSelect"); System.out.println(secondMenu); String thirdMenu = request.getParameter("thirdMenuSelect"); Function rootFunction = null; Function secondFunction = null; Function thirdFunction = null; FunctionDao functionDao = null; try { functionDao = new FunctionDao(); rootFunction = (Function) functionDao.findByID(rootMenu); secondFunction = (Function) functionDao.findByID(secondMenu); thirdFunction = (Function) functionDao.findByID(thirdMenu); } catch (Exception e) { SysLogger.error("MenuManager.delete()", e); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { functionDao.close(); } CreateRoleFunctionTable crft = new CreateRoleFunctionTable(); List<Function> deleteFunctionList = new ArrayList<Function>(); ; if ("1".equals(level_desc)) { deleteFunctionList = crft.getAllFuctionChildByRoot(rootFunction, allFunction); deleteFunctionList.add(rootFunction); } else if ("2".equals(level_desc)) { deleteFunctionList = crft.getAllFuctionChildByRoot(secondFunction, allFunction); deleteFunctionList.add(secondFunction); } else if ("3".equals(level_desc)) { deleteFunctionList.add(thirdFunction); } String[] id = new String[deleteFunctionList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < deleteFunctionList.size(); i++) { id[i] = String.valueOf(deleteFunctionList.get(i).getId()); } boolean result = false; try { functionDao = new FunctionDao(); result = functionDao.deletelist(id); } catch (Exception e) { result = false; SysLogger.error("MenuManager.delete()", e); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { functionDao.close(); } if (result) { return "/system/menu/saveok.jsp"; } else { return "/system/menu/saveFail.jsp"; } }
public String execute(String action) { FunctionDao functionDao = null; try { functionDao = new FunctionDao(); allFunction = functionDao.loadAll(); } catch (Exception e) { SysLogger.error("MenuManager.getAllMenuList()", e); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { functionDao.close(); } if ("list".equals(action)) { return getAllMenuList(); } if ("ready_add".equals(action)) { return add(); } if ("addUpdate".equals(action)) { return addUpdate(); } if ("delete".equals(action)) { return delete(); } if ("ready_edit".equals(action)) { return edit(); } if ("edit".equals(action)) { return editUpdate(); } setErrorCode(ErrorMessage.ACTION_NO_FOUND); return null; }
private void ready() { String level_desc = request.getParameter("level_desc"); String editId = null; if ("1".equals(level_desc)) { editId = request.getParameter("rootMenuSelect"); } else if ("2".equals(level_desc)) { editId = request.getParameter("secondMenuSelect"); } else if ("3".equals(level_desc)) { editId = request.getParameter("thirdMenuSelect"); } FunctionDao functionDao = null; Function function = null; try { functionDao = new FunctionDao(); function = (Function) functionDao.findByID(editId); } catch (Exception e) { SysLogger.error("MenuManager.add()", e); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { functionDao.close(); } request.setAttribute("level_desc", level_desc); request.setAttribute("function", function); request.setAttribute("allFunction", allFunction); }
public void collectData(Node node, MonitoredItem monitoredItem) { Host host = (Host) node; SnmpItem item = (SnmpItem) monitoredItem; String[] oids = new String[] {""}; String[][] valueArray = null; try { valueArray = snmp.getTableData(host.getIpAddress(), host.getCommunity(), oids); } catch (Exception e) { valueArray = null; SysLogger.error(host.getIpAddress() + "_WindowsCpu"); } if (valueArray == null || valueArray.length == 0) { item.setMultiResults(null); return; } List list = new ArrayList(3); for (int i = 0; i < valueArray.length; i++) { MonitorResult mr = new MonitorResult(); mr.setEntity(String.valueOf(i + 1)); try { mr.setPercentage(Integer.parseInt(valueArray[i][0])); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { mr.setPercentage(-1); } list.add(mr); } item.setMultiResults(list); }
public List listByPage(int curpage, String where, int perpage) { List list = new ArrayList(); try { rs = conn.executeQuery( "select count(*) from (select max(id) 'id',ipaddress,fileName,content,backup_time,file_size,bkp_type from nms_hua3vpncfg group by ipaddress) t"); if ( jspPage = new JspPage(perpage, curpage, rs.getInt(1)); rs = conn.executeQuery( "select max(id) 'id',ipaddress,fileName,content,backup_time,file_size,bkp_type from nms_hua3vpncfg group by ipaddress;"); //"select * from " + table + " " + where ); int loop = 0; while ( { loop++; if (loop < jspPage.getMinNum()) continue; list.add(loadFromRS(rs)); if (loop == jspPage.getMaxNum()) break; } } catch (Exception e) { SysLogger.error("BaseDao.listByPage()", e); list = null; } finally { conn.close(); } return list; }
/** 保存文件 */ public int writeModelXml(Hashtable has, Hashtable hat) { int done = 1; try { for (int i = 0; i < has.size(); i++) { String[] str1 = ((String) has.get(i)).split(","); System.out.println(str1.length); // 创建节点 node; String index = str1[2]; String direction = (String) hat.get(i); index = index.replaceAll("index", ""); addNodes(index, "image/up_green.gif", str1[0], str1[1], direction); } Format format = Format.getCompactFormat(); format.setEncoding("GB2312"); format.setIndent(" "); serializer = new XMLOutputter(format); fos = new FileOutputStream(fullPath); fos.write(headBytes.getBytes()); serializer.output(doc, fos); fos.close(); } catch (Exception e) { done = 0; e.printStackTrace(); SysLogger.error("Error in XmlOperator.close()", e); } return done; }
public boolean update(BaseVo baseVo) { Oraspaceconfig vo = (Oraspaceconfig) baseVo; boolean result = false; StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("update system_oraspaceconf set ipaddress='"); sql.append(vo.getIpaddress()); sql.append("',spacename='"); sql.append(vo.getSpacename()); sql.append("',linkuse='"); sql.append(vo.getLinkuse()); sql.append("',sms="); sql.append(vo.getSms()); sql.append(",bak='"); sql.append(vo.getBak()); sql.append("',reportflag="); sql.append(vo.getReportflag()); sql.append(",alarmvalue="); sql.append(vo.getAlarmvalue()); sql.append(" where id="); sql.append(vo.getId()); try { conn.executeUpdate(sql.toString()); result = true; } catch (Exception e) { result = false; SysLogger.error("OraspaceconfigDao:update()", e); } finally { conn.close(); } return result; }
/** 删除一个xml */ public void deleteXml() { try { File delFile = new File(fullPath); delFile.delete(); } catch (Exception e) { SysLogger.error("删除文件操作出错" + fullPath, e); } }
public boolean deleteByIp(String ip) { boolean result = false; try { conn.executeUpdate("delete from nms_diskperf_data_temp where ip='" + ip + "'"); result = true; } catch (Exception ex) { SysLogger.error("Error in DiskPerfTempDao.deleteByIp(String ip) ", ex); } finally { conn.close(); } return result; }
/** ɾ³ýÒ»Ìõ¼Ç¼ */ public boolean deleteByIp(String ip) { boolean result = false; try { conn.executeUpdate("delete from ipmac where relateipaddr='" + ip + "'"); result = true; } catch (Exception ex) { SysLogger.error("Error in ArpTempDao.deleteByIp(String ip)", ex); } finally { conn.close(); } return result; }
public BaseVo findByID(String id) { BaseVo vo = null; try { rs = conn.executeQuery("select * from nms_wasconfig where id=" + id); if ( vo = loadFromRS(rs); } catch (Exception e) { SysLogger.error("WasConfigDao.findByID()", e); vo = null; } finally { conn.close(); } return vo; }
public boolean deleteFileByIps(String[] ips) { boolean result = false; try { for (int i = 0; i < ips.length; i++) conn.addBatch("delete from nms_vpncfg where ipaddress='" + ips[i] + "'"); conn.executeBatch(); result = true; } catch (Exception ex) { SysLogger.error("BaseDao.delete()", ex); result = false; } return result; }
/** 准备更新一个新的xml */ public void init4updateXml() { try { fis = new FileInputStream(fullPath); fis.skip(headBytes.getBytes().length); builder = new SAXBuilder(); doc =; root = doc.getRootElement(); nodes = root.getChild("nodes"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); SysLogger.error("Error in XmlOperator.init4updateXml(),file=" + fullPath); } }
public boolean delete(String id) { boolean result = false; try { conn.addBatch("delete from nms_nodediskconfig where id=" + id); conn.executeBatch(); result = true; } catch (Exception ex) { SysLogger.error("NodediskconfigDao.delete()", ex); result = false; } finally { conn.close(); } return result; }
/** 保存文件 */ public void writeXml() { try { Format format = Format.getCompactFormat(); format.setEncoding("GB2312"); format.setIndent(" "); serializer = new XMLOutputter(format); fos = new FileOutputStream(fullPath); fos.write(headBytes.getBytes()); serializer.output(doc, fos); fos.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); SysLogger.error("Error in XmlOperator.close()", e); } }
public BaseVo loadFromRS(ResultSet rs) { ArpNodeTemp vo = new ArpNodeTemp(); try { vo.setId(rs.getInt("id")); vo.setRelateipaddr(rs.getString("relateipaddr")); vo.setIfindex(rs.getString("ifindex")); vo.setIfband(rs.getString("ifband")); vo.setIfsms(rs.getString("ifsms")); vo.setIpaddress(rs.getString("ipaddress")); vo.setCollecttime(rs.getString("collecttime")); vo.setMac(rs.getString("mac")); vo.setBak(rs.getString("bak")); } catch (Exception e) { SysLogger.error("ArpTempDao.loadFromRS()", e); } return vo; }
public AlarmIndicatorsNode findByIdAndNode(String id, String nodeid) { AlarmIndicatorsNode vo = null; try { rs = conn.executeQuery( "select * from nms_alarm_indicators_node where id=" + id + " and nodeid = '" + nodeid + "'"); if ( vo = (AlarmIndicatorsNode) loadFromRS(rs); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); SysLogger.error("BaseDao.findByIdAndNode(String id)", ex); } return vo; }
@Override public BaseVo loadFromRS(ResultSet rs) { FtpTransConfig vo = new FtpTransConfig(); try { vo.setId(rs.getInt("id")); vo.setIp(rs.getString("ip")); vo.setUsername(rs.getString("username")); vo.setPassword(rs.getString("password")); vo.setFlag(rs.getInt("flag")); } catch (Exception e) { SysLogger.error("Error in TFtpServerDao.loadFromRS()", e); vo = null; e.printStackTrace(); } return vo; }
@Override public BaseVo loadFromRS(ResultSet rs) { CmdCfgFile vo = new CmdCfgFile(); try { vo.setId(rs.getInt("id")); vo.setTimingId(rs.getInt("timingId")); vo.setIpaddress(rs.getString("ipaddress")); vo.setFileName(rs.getString("fileName")); vo.setContent(rs.getString("content")); vo.setFileSize(rs.getInt("file_size")); vo.setBackupTime(rs.getTimestamp("backup_time")); vo.setBkpType(rs.getString("bkp_type")); vo.setBaseline(rs.getInt("baseline")); } catch (Exception e) { SysLogger.error("VPNFileConfigDao.loadFromRS()", e); vo = null; } return vo; }
/** 删除一条记录 */ public boolean deleteByNodeIdSindex(String nodeid, String sid, String subentity) { boolean result = false; try { conn.executeUpdate( "delete from nms_diskperf_data_temp where nodeid='" + nodeid + "' and sindex='" + sid + "' and subentity='" + subentity + "'"); result = true; } catch (Exception ex) { SysLogger.error("Error in DiskPerfTempDao.deleteByNodeId(String nodeid)", ex); } finally { conn.close(); } return result; }
public BaseVo loadFromRS(ResultSet rs) { GgsciConfig vo = new GgsciConfig(); // WebConfig vo=new WebConfig(); try { vo.setId(rs.getInt("id")); vo.setFlag(rs.getInt("flag")); vo.setMon_flag(rs.getInt("mon_flag")); vo.setAlias(rs.getString("alias")); vo.setSendmobiles(rs.getString("sendmobiles")); vo.setNetid(rs.getString("netid")); vo.setSendemail(rs.getString("sendemail")); vo.setSendphone(rs.getString("sendphone")); vo.setIpAddress(rs.getString("ipAddress")); vo.setSupperid(rs.getInt("supperid")); } catch (SQLException e) { SysLogger.error("GgsciConfigDao.loadFromRS()", e); } return vo; }
public BaseVo loadFromRS(ResultSet rs) { NodeTemp vo = new NodeTemp(); try { vo.setNodeid(rs.getString("nodeid")); vo.setIp(rs.getString("ip")); vo.setType(rs.getString("type")); vo.setSubtype(rs.getString("subtype")); vo.setEntity(rs.getString("entity")); vo.setSubentity(rs.getString("subentity")); vo.setThevalue(rs.getString("thevalue")); vo.setChname(rs.getString("chname")); vo.setRestype(rs.getString("restype")); vo.setSindex(rs.getString("sindex")); vo.setCollecttime(rs.getString("collecttime")); vo.setUnit(rs.getString("unit")); vo.setBak(rs.getString("bak")); } catch (Exception e) { SysLogger.error("DiskPerfTempDao.loadFromRS()", e); } return vo; }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public Hashtable collect_Data(NodeGatherIndicators alarmIndicatorsNode) { Hashtable returnHash = new Hashtable(); Vector diskVector = new Vector(); List cpuList = new ArrayList(); Host node = (Host) PollingEngine.getInstance() .getNodeByID(Integer.parseInt(alarmIndicatorsNode.getNodeid())); try { Diskcollectdata diskdata = null; Calendar date = Calendar.getInstance(); Hashtable ipAllData = (Hashtable) ShareData.getSharedata().get(node.getIpAddress()); if (ipAllData == null) ipAllData = new Hashtable(); try { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); com.afunms.polling.base.Node snmpnode = (com.afunms.polling.base.Node) PollingEngine.getInstance().getNodeByIP(node.getIpAddress()); Date cc = date.getTime(); String time = sdf.format(cc); snmpnode.setLastTime(time); } catch (Exception e) { } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------disk start try { String[] oids = new String[] { "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; String[][] valueArray = null; try { valueArray = SnmpUtils.getTableData( node.getIpAddress(), node.getCommunity(), oids, node.getSnmpversion(), 3, 1000 * 30); } catch (Exception e) { valueArray = null; SysLogger.error(node.getIpAddress() + "_WindowsDiskSnmp"); } for (int i = 0; i < valueArray.length; i++) { diskdata = new Diskcollectdata(); diskdata.setIpaddress(node.getIpAddress()); diskdata.setCollecttime(date); diskdata.setCategory("Disk"); diskdata.setEntity("Utilization"); diskdata.setRestype("static"); diskdata.setUnit("%"); String descriptions = valueArray[i][2]; String byteunit = valueArray[i][3]; String desc = ""; if (descriptions == null) descriptions = ""; if (descriptions.indexOf("Memory") >= 0) { } else { if (descriptions.trim().length() > 2) { desc = descriptions.substring(0, 3); } } if (descriptions.indexOf("\\") >= 0) { desc = desc.replace("\\", "/"); } diskdata.setSubentity(desc); float value = 0.0f; String svb4 = valueArray[i][4]; String svb5 = valueArray[i][5]; int allsize = Integer.parseInt(svb4.trim()); int used = Integer.parseInt(svb5.trim()); if (allsize != 0) { value = used * 100.0f / allsize; } else { value = 0.0f; } diskdata.setThevalue(Float.toString(value)); if (diskdata.getSubentity().equals("Physical Memory")) { } else if (diskdata.getSubentity().equals("Virtual Memory")) { } else { if (diskdata.getSubentity().trim().length() > 0) { //"===="+diskdata.getThevalue()); diskVector.addElement(diskdata); } } diskdata = new Diskcollectdata(); diskdata.setIpaddress(node.getIpAddress()); diskdata.setCollecttime(date); diskdata.setCategory("Disk"); diskdata.setEntity("AllSize"); diskdata.setRestype("static"); diskdata.setSubentity(desc); float size = 0.0f; size = allsize * Long.parseLong(byteunit) * 1.0f / 1024 / 1024; String unit = ""; if (size >= 1024.0f) { size = size / 1024; diskdata.setUnit("G"); unit = "G"; } else { diskdata.setUnit("M"); unit = "M"; } diskdata.setThevalue(Float.toString(size)); if (diskdata.getSubentity().equals("Virtual Memory")) {} if (!diskdata.getSubentity().equals("Physical Memory") && !diskdata.getSubentity().equals("Virtual Memory") && diskdata.getSubentity().trim().length() > 0) { diskVector.addElement(diskdata); } diskdata = new Diskcollectdata(); diskdata.setIpaddress(node.getIpAddress()); diskdata.setCollecttime(date); diskdata.setCategory("Disk"); diskdata.setEntity("UsedSize"); diskdata.setRestype("static"); diskdata.setSubentity(desc); size = used * Long.parseLong(byteunit) * 1.0f / 1024 / 1024; if ("G".equals(unit)) { size = size / 1024; diskdata.setUnit("G"); } else { diskdata.setUnit("M"); } diskdata.setThevalue(Float.toString(size)); if (!diskdata.getSubentity().equals("Physical Memory") && !diskdata.getSubentity().equals("Virtual Memory") && diskdata.getSubentity().trim().length() > 0) { diskVector.addElement(diskdata); } try { String diskinc = "0.0"; float pastutil = 0.0f; Vector disk_v = (Vector) ipAllData.get("disk"); if (disk_v != null && disk_v.size() > 0) { for (int si = 0; si < disk_v.size(); si++) { Diskcollectdata disk_data = (Diskcollectdata) disk_v.elementAt(si); if ((desc).equals(disk_data.getSubentity()) && "Utilization".equals(disk_data.getEntity())) { pastutil = Float.parseFloat(disk_data.getThevalue()); } } } else { pastutil = value; } if (pastutil == 0) { pastutil = value; } if (value - pastutil > 0) { diskinc = (value - pastutil) + ""; } // System.out.println("diskinc------------------"+diskinc); diskdata = new Diskcollectdata(); diskdata.setIpaddress(node.getIpAddress()); diskdata.setCollecttime(date); diskdata.setCategory("Disk"); diskdata.setEntity("UtilizationInc"); // 利用增长率百分比 diskdata.setSubentity(desc); diskdata.setRestype("dynamic"); diskdata.setUnit("%"); diskdata.setThevalue(diskinc); if (diskdata.getSubentity().equals("Physical Memory") || diskdata.getSubentity().equals("Virtual Memory")) { } else { if (diskdata.getSubentity().trim().length() > 0) { diskVector.addElement(diskdata); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------disk // end } catch (Exception e) { // returnHash=null; // e.printStackTrace(); // return null; } // Hashtable ipAllData = new Hashtable(); // try{ // ipAllData = (Hashtable)ShareData.getSharedata().get(node.getIpAddress()); // }catch(Exception e){ // // } // if(ipAllData == null)ipAllData = new Hashtable(); // ipAllData.put("disk",diskVector); // ShareData.getSharedata().put(node.getIpAddress(), ipAllData); // returnHash.put("disk", diskVector); if (!(ShareData.getSharedata().containsKey(node.getIpAddress()))) { Hashtable ipAllData = new Hashtable(); if (ipAllData == null) ipAllData = new Hashtable(); if (diskVector != null && diskVector.size() > 0) ipAllData.put("disk", diskVector); ShareData.getSharedata().put(node.getIpAddress(), ipAllData); } else { if (diskVector != null && diskVector.size() > 0) ((Hashtable) ShareData.getSharedata().get(node.getIpAddress())).put("disk", diskVector); } returnHash.put("disk", diskVector); // 进行磁盘告警检测 //"### 开始运行检测磁盘是否告警### ... ###"); try { AlarmIndicatorsUtil alarmIndicatorsUtil = new AlarmIndicatorsUtil(); List list = alarmIndicatorsUtil.getAlarmInicatorsThresholdForNode( String.valueOf(node.getId()), AlarmConstant.TYPE_HOST, "windows"); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { AlarmIndicatorsNode alarmIndicatorsnode = (AlarmIndicatorsNode) list.get(i); //"alarmIndicatorsnode name ======"+alarmIndicatorsnode.getName()); if (alarmIndicatorsnode.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("diskperc")) { CheckEventUtil checkutil = new CheckEventUtil(); checkutil.checkDisk(node, diskVector, alarmIndicatorsnode); break; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // 进行磁盘告警检测 //"### 开始运行检测磁盘是否告警### ... ###"); try { AlarmIndicatorsUtil alarmIndicatorsUtil = new AlarmIndicatorsUtil(); List list = alarmIndicatorsUtil.getAlarmInicatorsThresholdForNode( String.valueOf(node.getId()), AlarmConstant.TYPE_HOST, "windows"); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { AlarmIndicatorsNode alarmIndicatorsnode = (AlarmIndicatorsNode) list.get(i); //"alarmIndicatorsnode name ======"+alarmIndicatorsnode.getName()); if (alarmIndicatorsnode.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("diskinc")) { CheckEventUtil checkutil = new CheckEventUtil(); checkutil.checkDisk(node, diskVector, alarmIndicatorsnode); break; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // 把采集结果生成sql HostdiskResultosql tosql = new HostdiskResultosql(); tosql.CreateResultTosql(returnHash, node.getIpAddress()); HostDatatempDiskRttosql temptosql = new HostDatatempDiskRttosql(); temptosql.CreateResultTosql(returnHash, node); return returnHash; }
private String addUpdate() { String level_desc = request.getParameter("level_desc"); String ch_desc = request.getParameter("ch_desc"); String fatherNode = request.getParameter("fatherNode"); String url = request.getParameter("url"); String img_url = request.getParameter("img_url"); String isCurrentWindow = request.getParameter("isCurrentWindow"); String width = request.getParameter("width"); String height = request.getParameter("height"); String clientX = request.getParameter("clientX"); String clientY = request.getParameter("clientY"); int fatherId = 0; List<Function> functionList = null; Function functionFather = null; CreateRoleFunctionTable crft = new CreateRoleFunctionTable(); if (!level_desc.equals("1") && fatherNode != null) { for (int i = 0; i < allFunction.size(); i++) { if (allFunction.get(i).getId() == Integer.valueOf(fatherNode)) { fatherId = allFunction.get(i).getId(); functionFather = allFunction.get(i); } } functionList = crft.getFunctionChild(functionFather, allFunction); } else if (level_desc.equals("1") && fatherNode == null) { fatherId = 0; functionList = crft.getAllMenuRoot(allFunction); } String nextFunc_desc = getNextFunc_desc(functionList); if (nextFunc_desc == null) { if ("1".equals(level_desc)) { nextFunc_desc = "0A"; } else if ("2".equals(level_desc)) { nextFunc_desc = functionFather.getFunc_desc() + "0A"; } else if ("3".equals(level_desc)) { nextFunc_desc = functionFather.getFunc_desc() + "01"; } } Function addFunction = new Function(); addFunction.setId(0); addFunction.setFunc_desc(nextFunc_desc); addFunction.setLevel_desc(Integer.valueOf(level_desc)); addFunction.setCh_desc(ch_desc); addFunction.setFather_node(fatherId); addFunction.setUrl(url); addFunction.setImg_url(img_url); addFunction.setIsCurrentWindow(Integer.valueOf(isCurrentWindow)); addFunction.setWidth(width); addFunction.setHeight(height); addFunction.setClientX(clientX); addFunction.setClientY(clientY); boolean result = false; FunctionDao functionDao = null; try { functionDao = new FunctionDao(); result =; } catch (Exception e) { result = false; SysLogger.error("MenuManager.addUpdate()", e); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { functionDao.close(); } if (result) { return "/system/menu/saveok.jsp"; } else { return "/system/menu/saveFail.jsp"; } }
private String editUpdate() { FunctionDao addFunctionDao = null; FunctionDao functionDao = null; boolean result = false; try { String id = request.getParameter("id"); String level_desc = request.getParameter("level_desc"); String ch_desc = request.getParameter("ch_desc"); String fatherNode = request.getParameter("fatherNode"); String url = request.getParameter("url"); String img_url = request.getParameter("img_url"); String isCurrentWindow = request.getParameter("isCurrentWindow"); String width = request.getParameter("width"); String height = request.getParameter("height"); String clientX = request.getParameter("clientX"); String clientY = request.getParameter("clientY"); functionDao = new FunctionDao(); Function function = (Function) functionDao.findByID(id); CreateRoleFunctionTable crft = new CreateRoleFunctionTable(); List<Function> allFunctionChildList = crft.getAllFuctionChildByRoot(function, allFunction); if (Integer.valueOf(level_desc) != function.getLevel_desc()) { String[] idArray = new String[allFunctionChildList.size() + 1]; idArray[allFunctionChildList.size()] = id; functionDao.delete(idArray); } if (level_desc.equals("1")) { fatherNode = "0"; } Function functionFather = null; allFunction = functionDao.loadAll(); List<Function> functionList = new ArrayList<Function>(); for (int i = 0; i < allFunction.size(); i++) { if (allFunction.get(i).getId() == Integer.valueOf(fatherNode)) { functionFather = allFunction.get(i); } if (allFunction.get(i).getFather_node() == Integer.valueOf(fatherNode)) { functionList.add(allFunction.get(i)); } } String nextFunc_desc = getNextFunc_desc(functionList); if (nextFunc_desc == null) { if ("1".equals(level_desc)) { nextFunc_desc = "0A"; } else if ("2".equals(level_desc)) { nextFunc_desc = functionFather.getFunc_desc() + "0A"; } else if ("3".equals(level_desc)) { nextFunc_desc = functionFather.getFunc_desc() + "01"; } } Function editFunction = new Function(); editFunction.setId(Integer.valueOf(id)); editFunction.setFunc_desc(nextFunc_desc); editFunction.setLevel_desc(Integer.valueOf(level_desc)); editFunction.setCh_desc(ch_desc); editFunction.setFather_node(Integer.valueOf(fatherNode)); editFunction.setUrl(url); editFunction.setImg_url(img_url); editFunction.setIsCurrentWindow(Integer.valueOf(isCurrentWindow)); editFunction.setWidth(width); editFunction.setHeight(height); editFunction.setClientX(clientX); editFunction.setClientY(clientY); addFunctionDao = new FunctionDao(); addFunctionDao.update(editFunction); result = true; } catch (Exception e) { result = false; SysLogger.error("MenuManager.delete()", e); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { functionDao.close(); addFunctionDao.close(); } if (result) { return "/system/menu/saveok.jsp"; } else { return "/system/menu/saveFail.jsp"; } }
/** @author nielin modify at 2010-01-08 */ public int writeXml(int flag) { int done = 0; // 需要做分布式判断 String runmodel = PollingEngine.getCollectwebflag(); try { I_HostLastCollectData hostlastmanager = new HostLastCollectDataManager(); Hashtable ipAllData = (Hashtable) ShareData.getSharedata().get(ipaddress); Vector vector = new Vector(); String[] netInterfaceItem = { "index", "ifDescr", "ifSpeed", "ifAdminStatus", "ifOperStatus", "OutBandwidthUtilHdx", "InBandwidthUtilHdx" }; try { if ("0".equals(runmodel)) { // 采集与访问是集成模式 vector = hostlastmanager.getInterface_share(ipaddress, netInterfaceItem, "index", "", ""); } else { // 采集与访问是分离模式 vector = hostlastmanager.getInterface(ipaddress, netInterfaceItem, "index", "", ""); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return done; } try { _fis = new FileInputStream( ResourceCenter.getInstance().getSysPath() + "panel/model/" + oid + "_" + imageType + ".jsp"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); _fis.close(); return done; } _fis.skip(headBytes.getBytes().length); _builder = new SAXBuilder(); _doc =; _root = _doc.getRootElement(); _nodes = _root.getChild("nodes"); List list = _nodes.getChildren(); PortconfigDao dao = new PortconfigDao(); try { for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { Element eleNode = (Element) list.get(i); if (eleNode.getChildText("index") == null) break; int index = Integer.valueOf(eleNode.getChildText("index")).intValue(); String x = eleNode.getChildText("x"); String y = eleNode.getChildText("y"); String img = eleNode.getChildText("img"); String direction = eleNode.getChildText("direction"); String ifname = ""; String OutBandwidthUtilHdx = "0"; String InBandwidthUtilHdx = "0"; String portuse = ""; if (vector != null && vector.size() > 0) { for (int m = 0; m < vector.size(); m++) { String[] strs = (String[]) vector.get(m); String _ifname = strs[1]; String _index = strs[0]; String opstatus = strs[4]; OutBandwidthUtilHdx = strs[5]; InBandwidthUtilHdx = strs[6]; Portconfig portconfig = null; try { portconfig = dao.getPanelByipandindex(ipaddress, index + ""); } catch (Exception e) { } if (portconfig != null && portconfig.getLinkuse() != null && portconfig.getLinkuse().trim().length() > 0) { portuse = portconfig.getLinkuse(); } //"====ifOperStatus====="+strs[4]); if (Integer.parseInt(_index) == index) { ifname = _ifname; if ("down".equalsIgnoreCase(opstatus)) { // DOWN if ("1".equalsIgnoreCase(direction)) { // 向上的端口 img = "image/up_down_gray.gif"; } else { // 向下的端口 img = "image/down_down_gray.gif"; } } else { // UP if ("1".equalsIgnoreCase(direction)) { // 向上的端口 img = "image/up_up_green.gif"; } else { // 向下的端口 img = "image/down_up_green.gif"; } } break; } } } addNode( index + "", InBandwidthUtilHdx, OutBandwidthUtilHdx, img, ipaddress, ifname, portuse, x, y); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { dao.close(); } Format format = Format.getCompactFormat(); format.setEncoding("GB2312"); format.setIndent(" "); serializer = new XMLOutputter(format); //"path==="+fullPath); fos = new FileOutputStream(fullPath); fos.write(headBytes.getBytes()); serializer.output(doc, fos); fos.close(); done = 1; } catch (Exception e) { done = 0; e.printStackTrace(); SysLogger.error("Error in XmlOperator.close()", e); } return done; }