public void coverWithTilesIfNeeded(BSTimerTask task) { Rect visibleRect = visibleRect(); Rect rect = mapFromContents(mClient.tbsGetContentsRect()); boolean didChange = !mTrajectoryVector.equals(mPendingTrajectoryVector) || !mVisibleRect.equals(visibleRect) || !mRect.equals(rect); if (didChange || mPendingTileCreation) createTiles(task); }
private boolean resizeEdgeTiles() { boolean wasResized = false; List<Coordinate> tilesToRemove = new ArrayList<Coordinate>(); Iterator<Entry<Coordinate, ITile>> it = mMainTiles.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Entry<Coordinate, ITile> entry =; Coordinate tileCoordinate = entry.getValue().coordinate(); Rect tileRect = entry.getValue().rect(); Rect expectedTileRect = tileRectForCoordinate(tileCoordinate); if (expectedTileRect.isEmpty()) tilesToRemove.add(tileCoordinate); else if (!expectedTileRect.equals(tileRect)) { entry.getValue().resize(expectedTileRect.getWidth(), expectedTileRect.getHeight()); wasResized = true; } } int removeCount = tilesToRemove.size(); for (int n = 0; n < removeCount; ++n) removeTile(tilesToRemove.get(n)); return wasResized; }
private void createTiles(BSTimerTask task) { // Guard here as as these can change before the timer fires. if (isBackingStoreUpdatesSuspended()) return; // Update our backing store geometry. final Rect previousRect = mRect.clone(); mapFromContents(mClient.tbsGetContentsRect()).copyTo(mRect); mPendingTrajectoryVector.copyTo(mTrajectoryVector); visibleRect().copyTo(mVisibleRect); if (mRect.isEmpty()) { setCoverRect(new Rect()); setKeepRect(new Rect()); return; } /* We must compute cover and keep rects using the visibleRect, instead of the rect intersecting the visibleRect with m_rect, * because TBS can be used as a backing store of GraphicsLayer and the visible rect usually does not intersect with m_rect. * In the below case, the intersecting rect is an empty. * * +---------------+ * | | * | m_rect | * | +-------|-----------------------+ * | | HERE | cover or keep | * +---------------+ rect | * | +---------+ | * | | visible | | * | | rect | | * | +---------+ | * | | * | | * +-------------------------------+ * * We must create or keep the tiles in the HERE region. */ Rect coverRect = new Rect(); Rect keepRect = new Rect(); computeCoverAndKeepRect(mVisibleRect, coverRect, keepRect); setCoverRect(coverRect); setKeepRect(keepRect); if (coverRect.isEmpty()) return; // Resize tiles at the edge in case the contents size has changed, but only do so // after having dropped tiles outside the keep rect. boolean didResizeTiles = false; if (!previousRect.equals(mRect)) didResizeTiles = resizeEdgeTiles(); // Search for the tile position closest to the viewport center that does not yet contain a tile. // Which position is considered the closest depends on the tileDistance function. double shortestDistance = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; List<Coordinate> tilesToCreate = new ArrayList<Coordinate>(); int requiredTileCount = 0; // Cover areas (in tiles) with minimum distance from the visible rect. If the visible rect is // not covered already it will be covered first in one go, due to the distance being 0 for tiles // inside the visible rect. Coordinate topLeft = tileCoordinateForPoint(coverRect.getLeft(), coverRect.getTop()); Coordinate bottomRight = tileCoordinateForPoint(coverRect.getRight(), coverRect.getBottom()); for (int yCoordinate = topLeft.getY(); yCoordinate <= bottomRight.getY(); ++yCoordinate) { for (int xCoordinate = topLeft.getX(); xCoordinate <= bottomRight.getX(); ++xCoordinate) { if (getTileAt(xCoordinate, yCoordinate) != null) continue; ++requiredTileCount; double distance = tileDistance(mVisibleRect, xCoordinate, yCoordinate); if (distance > shortestDistance) continue; if (distance < shortestDistance) { tilesToCreate.clear(); shortestDistance = distance; } tilesToCreate.add(new Coordinate(xCoordinate, yCoordinate)); } } // Now construct the tile(s) within the shortest distance. int tilesToCreateCount = tilesToCreate.size(); for (int n = 0; n < tilesToCreateCount; ++n) { Coordinate coordinate = tilesToCreate.get(n); setTile(coordinate, mBackend.createTile(coordinate)); } requiredTileCount -= tilesToCreateCount; // Paint the content of the newly created tiles or resized tiles. if (tilesToCreateCount != 0 || didResizeTiles) updateTileBuffers(task); // Re-call createTiles on a timer to cover the visible area with the newest shortest distance. mPendingTileCreation = requiredTileCount != 0; if (mPendingTileCreation) { if (!mCommitTileUpdatesOnIdleEventLoop) { mClient.tbsHasPendingTileCreation(); return; } Log.d( "tt", "start BSUpdate scheduleTask in createTiles func scale " + mContentsScale + " pending scale " + mPendingScale); if (task == null || !task.cancelled()) startBSUpdateTask(TILE_CREATION_DELAY_MS); } }