コード例 #1
  public HashMap<String, Object> addPrintFile(PrintFile file, User loginUser) {
    HashMap<String, Object> result = Maps.newHashMap();
    Map<String, Integer> params = Maps.newHashMap();

    logger.info("PrintFileService addPrintFile the file SHA1:{} ", file.getSha1());
    try {
      params.put("uid", loginUser.getId());
      // 根据唯一标识查找文件
      PrintFile tempFile = printFileDao.loadPrintFileBySHA1(file.getSha1());
      // 如果没有,则加入文件
      if (tempFile == null) {
        // 先添加文件到数据库
        PrintFile fileBySHA1 = printFileDao.loadPrintFileBySHA1(file.getSha1());
        params.put("pid", fileBySHA1.getId());
        logger.info("PrintFileService addPrintFile the file is not existed, add the file success");
        // 如果有,则多个用户同用一个文件
      } else {
        /** 如果根据sha1找到了文件, 就根据登陆用户去找到这个文件的id,如果此id已经存在,则返回,如果不存在则添加关联 */
        params.put("pid", tempFile.getId());
        String pidByUid = printFileDao.loadPidByUid(params);
        if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(pidByUid) && (Integer.parseInt(pidByUid) == tempFile.getId())) {
          result.put("status", 1);
          result.put("message", "不能重复添加文件");
              "PrintFileServiceImpl addPrintFile, with the same openId, file is not allowed to repeated");
          return result;
        logger.info("PrintFileService addPrintFile the file is existed, only add the Relationship");
      // 向中间表添加关联
      logger.info("PrintFileService addPrintFile the Relationship:{}", params);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      result.put("status", 1);
      result.put("message", "添加文件失败,详情请查看日志");
      logger.error("PrintFileServiceImpl addPrintFile fail : {} ", e);
      return result;
    result.put("status", 0);
    result.put("message", "添加文件成功");
        "PrintFileServiceImpl addPrintFile success, The file:{}, the result:{}", file, result);
    return result;