private List<Map<String, String>> findActorMasters(Long[] followerIds) { if (followerIds == null || followerIds.length == 0) return null; StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer(); hql.append("select distinct ar.follower_id as fid,ar.master_id as id,m.type_ as type"); hql.append( ",m.code as code, as name,m.pcode as pcode,m.pname as pname,m.order_ as orderNo"); hql.append(" from BC_IDENTITY_ACTOR_RELATION as ar"); hql.append(" inner join BC_IDENTITY_ACTOR as m on = ar.master_id"); hql.append(" where ar.type_=0"); hql.append(" and ar.follower_id"); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("findActorMasters.hql=" + hql); logger.debug("findActorMasters.args=" + StringUtils.arrayToCommaDelimitedString(followerIds)); } if (followerIds.length == 1) { hql.append(" = ?"); } else { hql.append(" in (?"); for (int i = 1; i < followerIds.length; i++) { hql.append(",?"); } hql.append(")"); } hql.append(" order by m.order_"); return HibernateJpaNativeQuery.executeNativeSql( jpaTemplate, hql.toString(), followerIds, new Follower2MasterMapper()); }
public List<Map<String, String>> findShortcuts(Long[] actorIds, Long[] resourceIds) { StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer(); hql.append("select s.aid,s.sid,,s.standalone,,s.url,s.iconclass,s.order_"); hql.append(" from bc_desktop_shortcut s"); hql.append(" where s.aid in (?"); List<Object> args = new ArrayList<Object>(); args.add(new Long(0)); if (actorIds != null) { for (Long id : actorIds) { hql.append(",?"); args.add(id); } } hql.append(") and s.sid in (?"); args.add(new Long(0)); if (resourceIds != null) { for (Long id : resourceIds) { hql.append(",?"); args.add(id); } } hql.append(") order by s.order_"); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("actorIds=" + StringUtils.arrayToCommaDelimitedString(actorIds)); logger.debug("resourceIds=" + StringUtils.arrayToCommaDelimitedString(resourceIds)); logger.debug("hql=" + hql); } return HibernateJpaNativeQuery.executeNativeSql( jpaTemplate, hql.toString(), args.toArray(), new RowMapper<Map<String, String>>() { public Map<String, String> mapRow(Object[] rs, int rowNum) { Map<String, String> s = new HashMap<String, String>(); int i = 0; s.put("aid", rs[i] != null ? rs[i].toString() : null); i++; s.put("sid", rs[i] != null ? rs[i].toString() : null); i++; s.put("id", rs[i++].toString()); s.put("standalone", rs[i++].toString()); s.put("name", rs[i] != null ? rs[i].toString() : null); i++; s.put("url", rs[i] != null ? rs[i].toString() : null); i++; s.put("iconClass", rs[i] != null ? rs[i].toString() : null); i++; s.put("orderNo", rs[i] != null ? rs[i].toString() : null); return s; } }); }
public List<Map<String, String>> findActorAncestors(Long actorId) { if ("oracle".equals(JdbcUtils.dbtype)) { StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer(); hql.append("select distinct ar.follower_id as fid,ar.master_id as id,m.type_ as type"); hql.append(",m.code as code, as name,m.pcode as pcode,m.pname as pname"); hql.append(" from BC_IDENTITY_ACTOR_RELATION as ar"); hql.append(" inner join BC_IDENTITY_ACTOR as m on = ar.master_id"); hql.append(" where ar.type_=0"); hql.append(" start with ar.follower_id = ?"); hql.append(" connect by prior ar.master_id = ar.follower_id"); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("actorId=" + actorId + ",hql=" + hql); } return HibernateJpaNativeQuery.executeNativeSql( jpaTemplate, hql.toString(), new Object[] {actorId}, new Follower2MasterMapper()); } else { // 使用原始的递归方式获取祖先组织信息 return this.findActorAncestorsDefault(actorId); } }
public List<Map<String, String>> findActorRoles(Long[] actorIds) { if (actorIds == null || actorIds.length == 0) return new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(); StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer(); hql.append( "select distinct as id,r.code as code, as name,r.order_ as orderNo from BC_IDENTITY_ROLE as r"); hql.append(" inner join BC_IDENTITY_ROLE_ACTOR as ra on"); hql.append(" where r.status_ = 0 and ra.aid"); if (actorIds.length == 1) { hql.append(" = ?"); } else { hql.append(" in (?"); for (int i = 1; i < actorIds.length; i++) { hql.append(",?"); } hql.append(")"); } hql.append(" order by r.order_"); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("actorIds=" + StringUtils.arrayToCommaDelimitedString(actorIds)); logger.debug("hql=" + hql); } return HibernateJpaNativeQuery.executeNativeSql( jpaTemplate, hql.toString(), actorIds, new RowMapper<Map<String, String>>() { public Map<String, String> mapRow(Object[] rs, int rowNum) { Map<String, String> role = new HashMap<String, String>(); int i = 0; role.put("id", rs[i++].toString()); role.put("code", rs[i++].toString()); return role; } }); }
public Set<Resource> findResources(Long[] roleIds) { if (roleIds == null || roleIds.length == 0) return new HashSet<Resource>(); StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer(); hql.append( "select distinct s.belong,,s.type_,,s.url,s.iconclass,s.order_,s.pname,s.option_"); hql.append(" from bc_identity_resource s"); hql.append(" inner join bc_identity_role_resource rs on"); hql.append(" where rs.rid"); if (roleIds.length == 1) { hql.append(" = ?"); } else { hql.append(" in (?"); for (int i = 1; i < roleIds.length; i++) { hql.append(",?"); } hql.append(")"); } hql.append(" order by s.order_"); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("roleIds=" + StringUtils.arrayToCommaDelimitedString(roleIds)); logger.debug("hql=" + hql); } List<Long> sIds = HibernateJpaNativeQuery.executeNativeSql( jpaTemplate, hql.toString(), roleIds, new RowMapper<Long>() { public Long mapRow(Object[] rs, int rowNum) { // Map<String, String> s = new HashMap<String, // String>(); // int i = 0; // s.put("pid", rs[i] != null ? rs[i].toString() : // null); // i++; // s.put("id", rs[i++].toString()); // s.put("type", rs[i++].toString()); // s.put("name", rs[i] != null ? rs[i].toString() : // null); // i++; // s.put("url", rs[i] != null ? rs[i].toString() : // null); // i++; // s.put("iconClass", rs[i] != null ? rs[i].toString() // : null); // i++; // s.put("orderNo", rs[i] != null ? rs[i].toString() // : null); // i++; // s.put("pname", rs[i] != null ? rs[i].toString() : // null); // i++; // s.put("option", rs[i] != null ? rs[i].toString() : // null); return new Long(rs[1].toString()); } }); Set<Resource> ss = new HashSet<Resource>(); Map<Long, Resource> allResources = this.resourceService.findAll(); for (Long sid : sIds) { if (allResources.containsKey(sid)) ss.add(allResources.get(sid)); } return ss; }