public void updateMark(int posx, int posy) { // Edit works for both comment and rubric marks only if (this instanceof RubricMark || this instanceof CommentMark) { final Mark mark = (Mark) this; // If the mark is a rubric get its level int level = 0; int regradeid = 0; if (mark instanceof RubricMark) { regradeid = ((RubricMark) mark).getRegradeid(); level = ((RubricMark) mark).getLevelId(); } // Create the comment dialog with the corresponding rubric level EditMarkDialog dialog = new EditMarkDialog(posx, posy, level, regradeid); if (mark instanceof RubricMark && regradeid > 0) { dialog.getTxtRegradeComment().setText(((RubricMark) mark).getRegrademarkercomment()); } // Set dialog's current values to the mark's dialog.setTxtComment(mark.getRawtext()); // Update when closing dialog.addCloseHandler( new CloseHandler<PopupPanel>() { @Override public void onClose(CloseEvent<PopupPanel> event) { EditMarkDialog dialog = (EditMarkDialog) event.getSource(); MarkingPage page = EMarkingWeb.markingInterface .getMarkingPagesInterface() .getPageByIndex(pageno - 1); int widthPage = page.getWidth(); int heightPage = page.getHeight(); // If the dialog was not cancelled update the mark with the dialog values if (!dialog.isCancelled()) { mark.update( dialog.getTxtComment(), mark.getPosx(), mark.getPosy(), dialog.getLevelId(), dialog.getBonus(), dialog.getRegradeComment(), dialog.getRegradeAccepted(), widthPage, heightPage); } } }); // Show the dialog; } }
public static void showIcons(Mark mark) { // Gets the absolute panel which contains the mark to calculate its coordinates AbsolutePanel abspanel = (AbsolutePanel) mark.getParent(); int topdiff = -20; int widthdiff = -12; if (mark instanceof RubricMark) { topdiff = -20; widthdiff = -0; } // Calculates basic left, top position for icons int top = mark.getAbsoluteTop() - abspanel.getAbsoluteTop() + (topdiff); int left = mark.getAbsoluteLeft() + mark.getOffsetWidth() + (widthdiff); // Check if icons and popup are already added in the panel, if not adds them if (abspanel.getWidgetIndex(Mark.editIcon) < 0) abspanel.add(Mark.editIcon, left, top); if (abspanel.getWidgetIndex(Mark.deleteIcon) < 0) abspanel.add(Mark.deleteIcon, left, top); if (abspanel.getWidgetIndex(Mark.regradeIcon) < 0) abspanel.add(Mark.regradeIcon, left, top); if (abspanel.getWidgetIndex(Mark.minimizeIcon) < 0) abspanel.add(Mark.minimizeIcon, left, top); if (abspanel.getWidgetIndex(Mark.markPopup) < 0) abspanel.add(Mark.markPopup, left, top); // Make sure no other icons are left Mark.hideIcons(); // If we are in grading mode, show delete and edit icons if (!EMarkingConfiguration.isReadonly()) { if (mark instanceof RubricMark) { abspanel.setWidgetPosition(Mark.minimizeIcon, left, top); Mark.minimizeIcon.setVisible(true); Mark.minimizeIcon.setMark(mark); left -= 15; } // Edit icon is only for comments and rubrics if (mark instanceof CommentMark || mark instanceof RubricMark) { abspanel.setWidgetPosition(Mark.editIcon, left, top); Mark.editIcon.setVisible(true); Mark.editIcon.setMark(mark); left -= 15; top -= 1; } // Delete icon abspanel.setWidgetPosition(Mark.deleteIcon, left, top); Mark.deleteIcon.setVisible(true); Mark.deleteIcon.setMark(mark); } // If the user owns the submission and the dates are ok we show the regrade icon if (EMarkingConfiguration.isOwnDraft() && MarkingInterface.submissionData.isRegradingAllowed()) { // Edit icon is only for comments and rubrics if (mark instanceof RubricMark) { abspanel.setWidgetPosition(Mark.regradeIcon, left, top); Mark.regradeIcon.setVisible(true); Mark.regradeIcon.setMark(mark); } } // Highlight the rubric interface if the mark is a RubricMark if (mark instanceof RubricMark) { Mark.markPopup.setHTML(((RubricMark) mark).getMarkPopupHTML()); Mark.markPopup.setVisible(true); top += 50; abspanel.setWidgetPosition(Mark.markPopup, left, top); } }