コード例 #1
  private PropertyList addLexicoSyntacticFeatures(
      PropertyList pl,
      Document doc,
      Pair<Integer, Integer> candidate,
      int arg2Line,
      int arg2HeadPos,
      int connStart,
      int connEnd) {

    int arg1Line = candidate.first();
    Tree root = doc.getTree(arg1Line);
    int arg1HeadPos = candidate.second();

    boolean attributive = false;
    String head = root.getLeaves().get(arg1HeadPos).value();
    for (String verb : attributiveVerb) {
      if (head.matches(verb)) {
        attributive = true;

    pl = PropertyList.add("U=" + attributive, 1.0, pl);
    SimpleDepGraph depGraph = doc.getDepGraph(arg1Line);

    boolean hasClausalComp = false;
    List<SimpleDependency> govDependencies = depGraph.getGovDependencies(arg1HeadPos);
    for (SimpleDependency dep : govDependencies) {
      if (dep.reln().equals("ccomp")) {
        hasClausalComp = true;

    pl = PropertyList.add("V=" + hasClausalComp, 1.0, pl);
    pl = PropertyList.add("W=" + attributive + "&" + hasClausalComp, 1.0, pl);

    boolean isClausalComp = false;
    List<SimpleDependency> depDependencies = depGraph.getDepDependencies(arg1HeadPos);
    SimpleDependency clausalComp = null;
    for (SimpleDependency dep : depDependencies) {
      if (dep.reln().equals("ccomp")) {
        isClausalComp = true;
        clausalComp = dep;

    pl = PropertyList.add("X=" + isClausalComp, 1.0, pl);
    if (isClausalComp) {
      int gov = clausalComp.gov();
      String govWord = root.getLeaves().get(gov).value();
      boolean isGovAttributive = false;
      for (String verb : attributiveVerb) {
        if (govWord.matches(verb)) {
          isGovAttributive = true;
      pl = PropertyList.add("Y=" + isClausalComp + "&" + isGovAttributive, 1.0, pl);

    return pl;
コード例 #2
  private PropertyList addDependencyFeatures(
      PropertyList pl,
      Document doc,
      Pair<Integer, Integer> candidate,
      int arg2Line,
      int arg2HeadPos,
      int connStart,
      int connEnd) {
    Sentence arg2Sentence = doc.getSentence(arg2Line);
    String conn = arg2Sentence.toString(connStart, connEnd);
    String category = connAnalyzer.getCategory(conn.toLowerCase());
    int connHeadPos = connAnalyzer.getHeadWord(arg2Sentence.getParseTree(), connStart, connEnd);

    int arg1Line = candidate.first();
    Tree arg1Tree = doc.getTree(arg1Line);
    int arg1HeadPos = candidate.second();

    List<String> path = new ArrayList<String>();
    if (arg1Line == arg2Line) {
      SimpleDepGraph depGraph = doc.getDepGraph(arg1Line);
      List<String> tmpPath = depGraph.getPathAsList(connHeadPos, arg1HeadPos, false);
      if (tmpPath != null) {
      } else {
    } else {
      Tree arg2Root = arg2Sentence.getParseTree();
      Tree mainHead = headAnalyzer.getCollinsHead(arg2Root.getChild(0));
      int mainHeadPos = treeAnalyzer.getLeafPosition(arg2Root, mainHead);
      if (mainHeadPos != -1) {
        SimpleDepGraph depGraph = doc.getDepGraph(arg2Line);
        List<String> tmpPath = depGraph.getPathAsList(connHeadPos, mainHeadPos, false);
        if (tmpPath != null) {
        } else {
      for (int i = 0; i < Math.abs(arg1Line - arg2Line); i++) {

      Tree arg1Root = arg1Tree;
      mainHead = headAnalyzer.getCollinsHead(arg1Root.getChild(0));
      mainHeadPos = treeAnalyzer.getLeafPosition(arg1Root, mainHead);
      if (mainHeadPos != -1) {
        SimpleDepGraph depGraph = doc.getDepGraph(arg1Line);
        List<String> tmpPath = depGraph.getPathAsList(mainHeadPos, arg1HeadPos, false);
        if (tmpPath != null) {
        } else {

    StringBuilder sbPath = new StringBuilder();
    StringBuilder sbPathWithoutCC = new StringBuilder();
    StringBuilder sbPathWithoutRep = new StringBuilder();

    String prev = "";
    for (String node : path) {
      if (!node.matches("cc|-cc")) {
      if (!node.equals(prev)) {
      prev = node;
    // M-dependency path
    pl = PropertyList.add("M=" + sbPath.toString(), 1.0, pl);
    // Q-M&C
    pl = PropertyList.add("Q=" + "CONN-" + conn + '&' + "M-" + sbPath.toString(), 1.0, pl);
    // T-M&R
    pl = PropertyList.add("T=" + "CAT-" + category + '&' + "M-" + sbPath.toString(), 1.0, pl);
    // O-collapsed path without cc
    pl = PropertyList.add("O=" + sbPathWithoutCC.toString(), 1.0, pl);
    // P-collapsed path without repetition
    pl = PropertyList.add("P=" + sbPathWithoutRep.toString(), 1.0, pl);

    return pl;
コード例 #3
  private PropertyList addBaselineFeatures(
      PropertyList pl,
      Document doc,
      Pair<Integer, Integer> candidate,
      int arg2Line,
      int arg2HeadPos,
      int connStart,
      int connEnd) {
    Sentence arg2Sentence = doc.getSentence(arg2Line);
    int arg1Line = candidate.first();
    Sentence arg1Sentence = doc.getSentence(arg1Line);
    int arg1HeadPos = candidate.second();
    String conn = arg2Sentence.toString(connStart, connEnd);

    // R-connective type
    String category = connAnalyzer.getCategory(conn.toLowerCase());
    pl = PropertyList.add("R=" + category, 1.0, pl);

    // A-position of the connective
    String position = "Medial";
    if (connStart < 4) position = "Initial";
    else if (connEnd >= (arg1Sentence.size() - 3)) position = "Terminal";
    pl = PropertyList.add("A=" + position, 1.0, pl);

    // S-A & R
    pl = PropertyList.add("S=" + position + "&" + category, 1.0, pl);

    // C-connective phrase
    pl = PropertyList.add("C=" + conn, 1.0, pl);

    // D-downcase conn phrase
    pl = PropertyList.add("D=" + conn.toLowerCase(), 1.0, pl);

    // E-argument head word
    pl = PropertyList.add("E=" + arg1Sentence.get(arg1HeadPos).word(), 1.0, pl);

    // B-same sentence or not
    pl = PropertyList.add("B=" + (arg1Line == arg2Line), 1.0, pl);
    // G-A&B
    pl = PropertyList.add("A=" + position + "&" + "B=" + (arg1Line == arg2Line), 1.0, pl);

    // F-arg1 head prior or after conn
    if (arg1Line < arg2Line || arg1HeadPos < connStart) {
      pl = PropertyList.add("F=<", 1.0, pl);
    } else {
      pl = PropertyList.add("F=>", 1.0, pl);

    // if (1 < 2) return pl;
    // Z1-relative position of arg1-conn-arg2
    String z = null;
    if (arg1Line < arg2Line) {
      if (arg2HeadPos < connStart) z = "ARG1-ARG2-CONN";
      else z = "ARG1-CONN-ARG2";
    } else if (arg1HeadPos < connStart) {
      if (arg2HeadPos < arg1HeadPos) z = "ARG2-ARG1-CONN";
      else if (arg2HeadPos < connStart) z = "ARG1-ARG2-CONN";
      else z = "ARG1-CONN-ARG2";
    } else if (arg2HeadPos < connStart) {
      z = "ARG2-CONN-ARG1";
    } else if (arg2HeadPos < arg1HeadPos) {
      z = "CONN-ARG2-ARG1";
    } else {
      z = "CONN-ARG1-ARG2";
    pl = PropertyList.add("Z=" + z, 1.0, pl);

    // Z2-Conn&Z1
    pl = PropertyList.add("CONN=" + conn + "&" + "Z=" + z, 1.0, pl);

    return pl;
コード例 #4
  private PropertyList addConstituentFeatures(
      PropertyList pl,
      Document doc,
      Pair<Integer, Integer> candidate,
      int arg2Line,
      int arg2HeadPos,
      int connStart,
      int connEnd) {
    Sentence arg2Sentence = doc.getSentence(arg2Line);
    String conn = arg2Sentence.toString(connStart, connEnd);
    int connHeadPos = connAnalyzer.getHeadWord(arg2Sentence.getParseTree(), connStart, connEnd);

    int arg1Line = candidate.first();
    Tree arg1Tree = doc.getTree(arg1Line);
    int arg1HeadPos = candidate.second();

    List<String> path = new ArrayList<String>();
    List<String> pathWithoutPOS = new ArrayList<String>();

    if (arg1Line == arg2Line) {
      Tree root = arg1Tree;
      List<Tree> leaves = root.getLeaves();
      List<Tree> treePath = root.pathNodeToNode(leaves.get(connHeadPos), leaves.get(arg1HeadPos));
      if (treePath != null) {
        for (Tree t : treePath) {
          if (!t.isLeaf()) {
            if (!t.isPreTerminal()) {
    } else {
      Tree arg2Root = arg2Sentence.getParseTree();
      Tree mainHead = headAnalyzer.getCollinsHead(arg2Root.getChild(0));
      List<Tree> leaves = arg2Root.getLeaves();
      int mainHeadPos = treeAnalyzer.getLeafPosition(arg2Root, mainHead);
      if (mainHeadPos != -1) {
        List<Tree> treePath =
            arg2Root.pathNodeToNode(leaves.get(connHeadPos), leaves.get(mainHeadPos));
        if (treePath != null) {
          for (Tree t : treePath) {
            if (!t.isLeaf()) {
              if (!t.isPreTerminal()) {
      for (int i = 0; i < Math.abs(arg1Line - arg2Line); i++) {
      Tree arg1Root = arg1Tree;
      mainHead = headAnalyzer.getCollinsHead(arg1Root.getChild(0));
      leaves = arg1Root.getLeaves();
      mainHeadPos = treeAnalyzer.getLeafPosition(arg1Root, mainHead);
      if (mainHeadPos != -1) {
        List<Tree> treePath =
            arg1Root.pathNodeToNode(leaves.get(mainHeadPos), leaves.get(arg1HeadPos));
        if (treePath != null) {
          for (Tree t : treePath) {
            if (!t.isLeaf()) {
              if (!t.isPreTerminal()) {
    // H-full path
    // L-C&H
    StringBuilder fullPath = new StringBuilder();
    for (String node : path) {
    pl = PropertyList.add("H=" + fullPath.toString(), 1.0, pl);
    pl = PropertyList.add("L=CONN-" + conn + "&" + "H-" + fullPath.toString(), 1.0, pl);

    // I-length of path
    pl = PropertyList.add("I=" + path.size(), 1.0, pl);

    // J-collapsed path without part of speech
    // K-collapsed path without repititions
    fullPath = new StringBuilder();
    StringBuilder collapsedPath = new StringBuilder();
    String prev = "";
    for (String node : pathWithoutPOS) {
      if (!node.equals(prev)) {
      prev = node;
    pl = PropertyList.add("J=" + fullPath.toString(), 1.0, pl);
    pl = PropertyList.add("K=" + collapsedPath.toString(), 1.0, pl);

    return pl;
コード例 #5
  private void addInstancesThroughPipe(
      PDTBRelation relation,
      Document document,
      int arg1Line,
      int arg2Line,
      InstanceList instanceList) {
    // System.out.println("Relation: " + relation.toString());
    // System.out.println("arg1Line: " + arg1Line);
    // System.out.println("arg2Line: " + arg2Line);

    String connectiveGornAddress = relation.getConnectiveGornAddress();
    Tree arg2Tree = document.getTree(arg2Line);
    List<Tree> connHeadLeaves =
        connAnalyzer.getConnHeadLeaves(arg2Tree, connectiveGornAddress, relation.getConnHead());
    if (connHeadLeaves.isEmpty()) return;

    int connStart = treeAnalyzer.getLeafPosition(arg2Tree, connHeadLeaves.get(0));
    int connEnd =
        treeAnalyzer.getLeafPosition(arg2Tree, connHeadLeaves.get(connHeadLeaves.size() - 1));
    if ((connEnd - connStart) > 4) { // handle if..else, etc.
      connEnd = connStart;

    // consider only the first sentence in case of multi-line argument1
    String arg1GornAddress = relation.getArg1GornAddress();
    Tree arg1Tree = document.getTree(arg1Line);
    List<Tree> arg1GornNodes = getArgGornNodes(arg1Tree, arg1Line, arg1GornAddress);

    Tree syntacticHead = headAnalyzer.getSyntacticHead(arg1Tree, arg1GornNodes);
    int arg1HeadPos = treeAnalyzer.getLeafPosition(arg1Tree, syntacticHead);

    String arg2GornAddress = relation.getArg2GornAddress();
    List<Tree> arg2GornNodes = getArgGornNodes(arg2Tree, arg2Line, arg2GornAddress);

    Tree arg2SyntacticHead = headAnalyzer.getSyntacticHead(arg2Tree, arg2GornNodes);
    int arg2HeadPos = treeAnalyzer.getLeafPosition(arg2Tree, arg2SyntacticHead);

    if (arg2HeadPos == -1) {
      System.out.println("arg2Head == -1");
    if (arg1HeadPos == -1) {
      System.out.println("arg1Head == -1");
    int trueCandidate = -1;
    List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> candidates =
        getCandidates(document, arg2Line, connStart, connEnd, arg1Line);
    for (int i = 0; i < candidates.size(); i++) {
      Pair<Integer, Integer> candidate = candidates.get(i);
      if (candidate.first() == arg1Line && candidate.second() == arg1HeadPos) {
        trueCandidate = i;
    if (trueCandidate == -1) {
      // trueCandidate = candidates.size();
      // candidates.add(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(arg1Line, arg1HeadPos));
      // System.out.println("Covered!");
      System.out.println("true candidate == -1!!!");
    } else {
      int extractArg2 =
      if (extractArg2 == -1) {
        extractArg2 = 0;
        System.out.println("Arg2 == -1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
      // Arg1RankInstance instance = new Arg1RankInstance(document, candidates, arg2Line,
      // extractArg2, connStart, connEnd, trueCandidate);

      Arg1RankInstance instance =
          new Arg1RankInstance(
              document, candidates, arg2Line, arg2HeadPos, connStart, connEnd, trueCandidate);