コード例 #1
  private long countExecutionTypes(List<OverlappingExecution> overlappings, Overlapping countFor) {
    long result = 0;

    for (OverlappingExecution eachOverLapping : overlappings) {
      if (eachOverLapping.getMode() == countFor) {

    return result;
コード例 #2
  // overlapinfo = Eine Unit und welche Executions sich mit den Executions der Unit überlappen (kann
  // sich auch mit sich selbst überlappen)
  // execution info, eine Unit und welche Executions diese hat
  public Map<Unit, Map<Unit, Double>> assesOverlappingRisk(
      Map<Unit, List<OverlappingExecution>> overlapInfo,
      Map<Unit, List<UnitExecution>> executionInfo) {
    ConcurrentHashMap<Unit, Map<Unit, Double>> hiddenConcurrencyRiskFactors =
        new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

    for (final Entry<Unit, List<UnitExecution>> eachUnit : executionInfo.entrySet()) {
      Unit unit = eachUnit.getKey();
      List<UnitExecution> executions = eachUnit.getValue();

      // wie oft wurde die Unit ausgeführt
      final int executionCount = executions.size();

      // gives me the executions that overlap with the specific unit of this loop
      List<OverlappingExecution> overlap = overlapInfo.get(unit);

      // holds all overlappings of the the sepcific unit of this loop iteration
      // separated by the unit which it is overlapping to (can include itself)
      // So I know that my current unit overlaps with this units in this list and how often and how
      // intense (overlappingmode)
      // allowing me to determine the overlapping risk from unit A with each other unit
      // mainly this filteres out NoOverlappingOccurrences
      ConcurrentHashMap<Unit, List<OverlappingExecution>> specificOverlapping =
          new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

      // filtering of no overlapping modes
      // separating each overlapping based on the unit that produced it
      for (OverlappingExecution eachOverlapping : overlap) {
        if (eachOverlapping.getMode() != Overlapping.NoOverlapping) {
          Unit overlappingUnit = eachOverlapping.getUnit();

          List<OverlappingExecution> overlapingsList = specificOverlapping.get(overlappingUnit);

          if (overlapingsList == null) {
            overlapingsList = new ArrayList<>();
            specificOverlapping.put(overlappingUnit, overlapingsList);


      // calculate overlapping factor for each unit which the current list iteration unit has
      // overlappings with
      // the factor depends currently only on the total amount of executions of the iteration unit
      // Checks, for example, if executions of this unit always overlap with executions of a
      // different unit

      // the concurrentExecution risk factor is normalized to 1
      /*It uses the type of the concurrency
       *The amount of concurrent Executions
       *The relative amount of concurrent executions (all Executions to Concurrent Executions)
       *Always for to Units A and B, to determine how likely A is executed and at the same time a execution of B occurs

      ConcurrentHashMap<Unit, Double> hiddenConcurrencyRiskFactor = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

      // key and the unit in the overlapping execution must be equal
      // because this list holds the overlappings separated by their origin unit that produced the
      // overlapping
      for (final Entry<Unit, List<OverlappingExecution>> eachOverlappingUnit :
          specificOverlapping.entrySet()) {
        Unit otherUnitImOverlappingWith = eachOverlappingUnit.getKey();

        long totalExecutions = executionCount;
        long concurrentExecutions = eachOverlappingUnit.getValue().size();

        long amountOfNearlyConcurrentExecutions =
            countExecutionTypes(eachOverlappingUnit.getValue(), Overlapping.AlmostOverlapping);
        long amountOfCompletelyConcurrentExecutions =
            countExecutionTypes(eachOverlappingUnit.getValue(), Overlapping.CompleteOverlapping);
        long amountOfPartlyConcurrentExecutions =
            countExecutionTypes(eachOverlappingUnit.getValue(), Overlapping.StartOrEndOverlapping);

        double concurrentciesFoundFactor = concurrentExecutions / (double) totalExecutions;
        double completeConcurrFactor =
            amountOfCompletelyConcurrentExecutions * MainConfiguration.valueCompleteOverlap;
        double nearlyConcurrentFactor =
            amountOfNearlyConcurrentExecutions * MainConfiguration.valueNearlyOverlap;
        double partlyConcurrentFactor =
            amountOfPartlyConcurrentExecutions * MainConfiguration.valuePartlyOverlap;

        double sumConcurrFactor =
            completeConcurrFactor + nearlyConcurrentFactor + partlyConcurrentFactor;

        double realtiveConcurrFactor = sumConcurrFactor / concurrentExecutions;
        double finalConcurrFactor = realtiveConcurrFactor * concurrentciesFoundFactor;

        hiddenConcurrencyRiskFactor.put(otherUnitImOverlappingWith, finalConcurrFactor);

      hiddenConcurrencyRiskFactors.put(eachUnit.getKey(), hiddenConcurrencyRiskFactor);

    // search for the unit pair that has the highest concurrency risk to use this information
    // to construct a rough relative concurrency risk rating

    double maximumConcurrencyRisk = Double.MIN_VALUE;
    for (final Entry<Unit, Map<Unit, Double>> eachUnit : hiddenConcurrencyRiskFactors.entrySet()) {
      if (!eachUnit.getValue().isEmpty()) {
        double currentIterationMax = Collections.max(eachUnit.getValue().values());

        if (currentIterationMax > maximumConcurrencyRisk) {
          maximumConcurrencyRisk = currentIterationMax;

    double averageSum = 0;
    for (final Entry<Unit, Map<Unit, Double>> eachUnit : hiddenConcurrencyRiskFactors.entrySet()) {
      double currentTotal = 0;
      for (Double value : eachUnit.getValue().values()) {
        currentTotal += value;

      if (!eachUnit.getValue().isEmpty()) {
        averageSum += currentTotal / eachUnit.getValue().size();

    System.out.println("Maximum identified concurrency risk is:" + maximumConcurrencyRisk);
        "Average identified concurrency risk is:"
            + averageSum / hiddenConcurrencyRiskFactors.size());

    return hiddenConcurrencyRiskFactors;