public ItemTreeItemAdapter( final ItemListView itemListView, final IOnItemCompleted onItemCompleted, final IOnItemNotes onItemNotes, final TreeStateManager<Item> treeStateManager, final int numberOfLevels) { super(itemListView, treeStateManager, numberOfLevels); mClient = itemListView.getClient(); mStorage = mClient.getStorage(); mOnItemCompleted = onItemCompleted; mOnItemNotes = onItemNotes; mItemListView = itemListView; mItemViewMode = mItemListView.getViewMode(); mItemViewInQueryMode = mItemListView.getItemViewInQueryMode(); }
@Override public void onCreate(final Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); mApplication = (TodoistApplication) getApplication(); mClient = mApplication.getClient(); mStorage = mClient.getStorage(); // Initialize the sync service in case it wasn't started in boot (i.e. when application is // first installed, and before first boot) OnBootReceiver.startRepeatingService(this); if ((mClient.hasNeverLoggedIn()) || (mClient.hasNeverSynced())) { // Never logged in before - Show a login/register screen Intent intent = new Intent(getBaseContext(), LoginOrRegisterView.class); startActivity(intent); } else { if ((mStorage.getSyncOnStartup()) && (!mClient.isCurrentlySyncing())) { // Sync on startup (using another thread) (new Thread( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { mClient.login(); mClient.syncAll(null); } catch (TodoistServerException e) { // Login/sync failed e.printStackTrace(); } } })) .start(); } // Show the initial view, according to the preferences set by the user InitialView initialView = mStorage.getInitialView(); Intent intent = null; if ((initialView == InitialView.LAST_VIEWED_PROJECT) && (mStorage.getLastViewedProject() == 0)) { // No last viewed project - default to filter by projects view initialView = InitialView.FILTER_BY_PROJECTS; } else if ((initialView == InitialView.LAST_VIEWED_LABEL) && (mStorage.getLastViewedLabel() == 0)) { // No last viewed label - default to filter by labels view initialView = InitialView.FILTER_BY_LABELS; } else if (initialView == InitialView.FILTER_BY_PROJECTS_OR_LABELS_OR_QUERIES) { // Use last viewed filter mode (by projects or labels or queries) initialView = mStorage.getLastViewedFilter(); } switch (initialView) { case FILTER_BY_LABELS: intent = new Intent(getBaseContext(), LabelListView.class); intent.putExtra(LabelListView.KEY__VIEW_MODE, LabelViewMode.FILTER_BY_LABELS.toString()); break; case FILTER_BY_PROJECTS: intent = new Intent(getBaseContext(), ProjectListView.class); intent.putExtra( ProjectListView.KEY__VIEW_MODE, ProjectViewMode.FILTER_BY_PROJECTS.toString()); break; case FILTER_BY_QUERIES: intent = new Intent(getBaseContext(), QueryListView.class); intent.putExtra(QueryListView.KEY__VIEW_MODE, QueryViewMode.FILTER_BY_QUERIES.toString()); break; case LAST_VIEWED_LABEL: case SPECIFIC_LABEL: int labelId = 0; if (initialView == InitialView.LAST_VIEWED_LABEL) labelId = mStorage.getLastViewedLabel(); else if (initialView == InitialView.SPECIFIC_LABEL) labelId = mStorage.getInitialLabel(); Label label = mStorage.getLabel(labelId); if (label == null) { // Special case - label was deleted - select the first available label ArrayList<Label> labels = mStorage.getLabels(); if (labels.size() == 0) { // No labels available at all - revert to filter by projects mStorage.setInitialView(InitialView.FILTER_BY_PROJECTS); intent = new Intent(getBaseContext(), ProjectListView.class); intent.putExtra( ProjectListView.KEY__VIEW_MODE, ProjectViewMode.FILTER_BY_PROJECTS.toString()); break; } label = labels.get(0); // Fix this issue in the storage if (initialView == InitialView.LAST_VIEWED_LABEL) mStorage.setLastViewedLabel(; else if (initialView == InitialView.SPECIFIC_LABEL) mStorage.setInitialLabel(; } intent = new Intent(getBaseContext(), ItemListView.class); intent.putExtra( ItemListView.KEY__VIEW_MODE, ItemListView.ItemViewMode.FILTER_BY_LABELS.toString()); intent.putExtra(ItemListView.KEY__LABEL, (Serializable) label); break; case LAST_VIEWED_PROJECT: case SPECIFIC_PROJECT: int projectId = 0; if (initialView == InitialView.LAST_VIEWED_PROJECT) projectId = mStorage.getLastViewedProject(); else if (initialView == InitialView.SPECIFIC_PROJECT) projectId = mStorage.getInitialProject(); Project project = mStorage.getProject(projectId); if (project == null) { // Special case - project was deleted - select the first available project ArrayList<Project> projects = mStorage.getProjects(); if (projects.size() == 0) { // No projects available at all - revert to filter by projects mStorage.setInitialView(InitialView.FILTER_BY_PROJECTS); intent = new Intent(getBaseContext(), ProjectListView.class); intent.putExtra( ProjectListView.KEY__VIEW_MODE, ProjectViewMode.FILTER_BY_PROJECTS.toString()); break; } project = projects.get(0); // Fix this issue in the storage if (initialView == InitialView.LAST_VIEWED_PROJECT) mStorage.setLastViewedProject(; else if (initialView == InitialView.SPECIFIC_PROJECT) mStorage.setInitialProject(; } intent = new Intent(getBaseContext(), ItemListView.class); intent.putExtra( ItemListView.KEY__VIEW_MODE, ItemListView.ItemViewMode.FILTER_BY_PROJECTS.toString()); intent.putExtra(ItemListView.KEY__PROJECT, (Serializable) project); break; case LAST_VIEWED_QUERY: case SPECIFIC_QUERY: int queryId = 0; if (initialView == InitialView.LAST_VIEWED_QUERY) queryId = mStorage.getLastViewedQuery(); else if (initialView == InitialView.SPECIFIC_QUERY) queryId = mStorage.getInitialQuery(); Query query = mStorage.getQuery(queryId); if (query == null) { // Special case - query was deleted - select the first available query ArrayList<Query> queries = mStorage.getQueries(); if (queries.size() == 0) { // No queries available at all - revert to filter by projects mStorage.setInitialView(InitialView.FILTER_BY_PROJECTS); intent = new Intent(getBaseContext(), ProjectListView.class); intent.putExtra( ProjectListView.KEY__VIEW_MODE, ProjectViewMode.FILTER_BY_PROJECTS.toString()); break; } query = queries.get(0); // Fix this issue in the storage if (initialView == InitialView.LAST_VIEWED_QUERY) mStorage.setLastViewedQuery(; else if (initialView == InitialView.SPECIFIC_QUERY) mStorage.setInitialQuery(; } intent = new Intent(getBaseContext(), ItemListView.class); intent.putExtra( ItemListView.KEY__VIEW_MODE, ItemListView.ItemViewMode.FILTER_BY_QUERIES.toString()); intent.putExtra(ItemListView.KEY__QUERY, (Serializable) query); break; } startActivity(intent); } // Close this view, since it shouldn't be visible to the user (he shouldn't be able to // press back and reach this activity) finish(); }
@Override public View updateView(final View view, final TreeNodeInfo<Item> treeNodeInfo) { final Item item = treeNodeInfo.getId(); LinearLayout viewLayout = (LinearLayout) view; TextView itemContent = (TextView) viewLayout.findViewById(; TextView itemLabels = (TextView) viewLayout.findViewById(; ImageView itemNotes = (ImageView) viewLayout.findViewById(; TextView itemNoteCount = (TextView) viewLayout.findViewById(; ImageView itemRepeat = (ImageView) viewLayout.findViewById(; TextView itemDueDate = (TextView) viewLayout.findViewById(; LinearLayout itemDateLayout = (LinearLayout) viewLayout.findViewById(; final CheckBox itemCheckbox = (CheckBox) viewLayout.findViewById(; mTextSize = mStorage.getTextSize(); mItemViewInQueryMode = mItemListView.getItemViewInQueryMode(); // Display the formatted text (highlighting, etc) itemContent.setText(TodoistTextFormatter.formatText(item.getContent())); itemContent.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, mTextSize); // Linkify any emails, web addresses and phone numbers in the item's content Linkify.addLinks(itemContent, Linkify.ALL); itemLabels.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, mTextSize - 4); if ((mItemViewMode == ItemViewMode.FILTER_BY_LABELS) || ((mItemViewMode == ItemViewMode.FILTER_BY_QUERIES) && (mItemViewInQueryMode == ItemViewInQueryMode.PROJECTS))) { // Show item's projects Project project = mClient.getProjectById(item.projectId); if (project != null) { itemLabels.setText(project.getName()); itemLabels.setBackgroundColor((0xFF << 24) | project.getColor()); } else { // Rare case that shouldn't happen - item is pointing to an old project that no longer // exists itemLabels.setText(""); itemLabels.setBackgroundColor((0xFF << 24) | Color.WHITE); } } else { itemLabels.setText(""); itemLabels.setBackgroundColor((0x00 << 24)); // Transparent background color // Show item's labels if (item.labelIds != null) { // Fill out the labels for (int i = 0; i < item.labelIds.size(); i++) { int labelId = item.labelIds.get(i); Label currentLabel = mIdToLabels.get(labelId); if (currentLabel == null) { // Weird case when we have an ID but no matching label for it // TODO: What should we do other than this? continue; } itemLabels.append( Html.fromHtml( String.format( "<font color='#%X'><i>%s</i></font>", currentLabel.getColor(),; if (i < item.labelIds.size() - 1) { itemLabels.append(", "); } } // Since Italic text gets cut off on "wrap_contents" TextView width itemLabels.append(" "); } } if (mClient.isPremium()) { itemNoteCount.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, mTextSize - 7); if (item.noteCount > 0) { itemNotes.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); itemNoteCount.setText(String.valueOf(item.noteCount)); itemNoteCount.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else { // No notes (don't show an icon) itemNotes.setVisibility(View.GONE); itemNoteCount.setVisibility(View.GONE); } itemNotes.setTag(item); itemNotes.setOnClickListener(this); } else { // Only premium users have task notes itemNotes.setVisibility(View.GONE); itemNoteCount.setVisibility(View.GONE); } // Show a "recurring" image for item if necessary if (item.isRecurring()) { itemRepeat.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else { itemRepeat.setVisibility(View.GONE); } itemDueDate.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, mTextSize - 4); if ((item.dueDate == null) || (item.dueDate.getTime() == 0)) { itemDateLayout.setVisibility(View.GONE); } else { itemDateLayout.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); itemDueDate.setText( item.getDueDateDescription( mClient.getUser().timeFormat, mClient.getUser().timezoneOffsetMinutes)); itemDateLayout.setBackgroundColor((0xFF << 24) | item.getDueDateColor()); } itemCheckbox.setTag(item); itemCheckbox.setOnCheckedChangeListener(null); itemCheckbox.setChecked(item.completed); // Determine which checkbox to display according to text size int checkBoxDrawable; int checkBoxHeight; if (mTextSize <= 10) { checkBoxDrawable = R.drawable.checkbox_selector_small; checkBoxHeight = 16; // DP - height and width are the same } else if (mTextSize <= 13) { checkBoxDrawable = R.drawable.checkbox_selector_medium; checkBoxHeight = 24; // DP - height and width are the same } else { checkBoxDrawable = R.drawable.checkbox_selector_large; checkBoxHeight = 32; // DP - height and width are the same } // Convert from Device-Independent pixels to actual screen pixels int dpHeight = (int) TypedValue.applyDimension( TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, checkBoxHeight, mItemListView.getResources().getDisplayMetrics()); // Set the checkbox image + dimensions to use itemCheckbox.setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(dpHeight, dpHeight)); itemCheckbox.setButtonDrawable(checkBoxDrawable); if (item.completed) itemContent.setTextColor(Color.GRAY); else itemContent.setTextColor((0xFF << 24) | item.getItemPriorityColor()); itemCheckbox.setOnCheckedChangeListener(onCheckedChange); if (!item.canBeCompleted()) { // Some items can be marked as non-completeable itemCheckbox.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } else { itemCheckbox.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } viewLayout.setOnClickListener( new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View arg0) { if (item.canBeCompleted()) { itemCheckbox.setChecked(!itemCheckbox.isChecked()); } } }); viewLayout.setLongClickable(true); viewLayout.setTag(item); return viewLayout; }