public void incluiIniciado(Connection conn, JobIniciado job) throws SQLException { String sql = "insert into jobsiniciados(job, operacao, data, tripulacao, ativo, recurso) values(?,?,?,?,?,?) "; PreparedStatement stmt = null; stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setString(1, job.getJob().trim().replace(".", "")); stmt.setInt(2, job.getOperacao()); stmt.setTimestamp(3, Validacoes.converteDataStringEmFormatoTimeStamp(job.getData().trim())); stmt.setDouble(4, job.getTripulacao()); stmt.setBoolean(5, true); stmt.setString(6, job.getRecurso().trim()); stmt.executeUpdate(); }
public ValoresAtualizaJob retornaNovosValores(Connection conn, JobLote job) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; ValoresAtualizaJob obj = null; String sql = " select sum(qtd_transf) qtd_transf, sum(qtd_sucata) qtd_sucata, sum(hr_tot) hr_tot from joblote\n" + " where job = ? and operacao = ? "; stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setString(1, job.getJob().trim().replace(".", "")); stmt.setInt(2, job.getOperNum()); rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { obj = new ValoresAtualizaJob(); obj.setQtdTransf(rs.getDouble("qtd_transf")); obj.setQtdSucata(rs.getDouble("qtd_sucata")); obj.setHoraTotal(rs.getDouble("hr_tot")); } return obj; }
public JobIniciado retornaUltimoLote(Connection conn, String job, int operacao) throws SQLException { String sql = " select job, operacao, tripulacao,recurso, max(data_fim) \n" + "from joblote where job = ? and operacao = ? \n" + "group by job, operacao, tripulacao, recurso "; PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; JobIniciado iniciado = null; stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setString(1, job.trim().replace(".", "")); stmt.setInt(2, operacao); rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { iniciado = new JobIniciado(); iniciado.setJob(rs.getString(1)); iniciado.setOperacao(rs.getInt(2)); iniciado.setTripulacao(rs.getDouble(3)); iniciado.setRecurso(rs.getString(4)); Timestamp data = rs.getTimestamp(5); iniciado.setData(Validacoes.getDataHoraString(data)); } return iniciado; }
public static int retornaQtdTotal(Connection conn, JobProtheus job) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; int qtdTotal = 0; int qtdSucata = 0; String sqlVerQtd = "select job, sum(qtd_transf), sum(hr_tot), sum(qtd_sucata) from jobLote where job = ? and operacao = ? group by job"; stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sqlVerQtd); stmt.setString(1, job.getJob().trim()); stmt.setInt(2, job.getOperacao()); rs = stmt.executeQuery(); String qtdJob = ""; double totHora = 0; while ( { qtdJob = rs.getString(1); // numero job qtdTotal = rs.getInt(2); // quantidade total totHora = rs.getInt(3); // hora total em minutos qtdSucata = rs.getInt(4); } return qtdTotal + qtdSucata; }
public void alteraJobAposExclusao(Connection conn, JobLote job) throws SQLException { ValoresAtualizaJob valores = retornaNovosValores(conn, job); PreparedStatement stmt = null; String update = "update job set qtd_transf = ?, hr_tot = ?, qtd_sucata = ?, status = ? where job = ? and operacao = ? "; stmt = conn.prepareStatement(update); stmt.setDouble(1, valores.getQtdTransf()); stmt.setDouble(2, valores.getHoraTotal()); stmt.setDouble(3, valores.getQtdSucata()); stmt.setString(4, "R"); stmt.setString(5, job.getJob().trim().replace(".", "")); stmt.setInt(6, job.getOperNum()); stmt.executeUpdate(); }
public void alteraIniciado(Connection conn, JobIniciado job) throws SQLException { String sql = " update jobsiniciados set data = ?, ativo = ?, tripulacao = ?, recurso = ? " + " where job = ? and operacao = ? "; PreparedStatement stmt = null; stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setTimestamp(1, Validacoes.converteDataStringEmFormatoTimeStamp(job.getData().trim())); stmt.setBoolean(2, true); stmt.setDouble(3, job.getTripulacao()); stmt.setString(4, job.getRecurso().trim()); stmt.setString(5, job.getJob().trim().replace(".", "")); stmt.setInt(6, job.getOperacao()); stmt.executeUpdate(); }
public void excluirLote(List<JobLote> listaExcluir) { Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement stmt = null; String sql = "delete from joblote where job = ? and operacao = ? and lote =? "; try { conn = GerenciaConexaoSQLServer.abreConexao(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); for (int i = 0; i <= listaExcluir.size() - 1; i++) { JobLote job = listaExcluir.get(i); stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setString(1, job.getJob().trim().replace(".", "")); stmt.setInt(2, job.getOperNum()); stmt.setInt(3, job.getLote()); stmt.executeUpdate(); alteraJobAposExclusao(conn, job); gravaJobsExcluidos( conn, job.getJob().trim().replace(".", ""), job.getOperNum(), job.getLote()); } // adiciona a op na tela inicial for (int i = 0; i <= listaExcluir.size() - 1; i++) { JobLote job = listaExcluir.get(i); JobProtheus jobProtheus = retornaJob(conn, job); adicionaOPTelaInicial(conn, jobProtheus, job); } JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Job Excluido com Sucesso!"); conn.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { if (conn != null) { try { conn.rollback(); conn.setAutoCommit(true); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Não foi possivel excluir! Descrição: " + e); } catch (SQLException ex) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Erro ao fazer o rollback! Descrição: " + ex); } } } finally { GerenciaConexaoSQLServer.closeConexao(conn, stmt); } }
public void desativaIniciado(Connection conn, String op, int operacao) throws SQLException { String sql = "update jobsiniciados set ativo = 0 where job = ? and operacao = ? "; PreparedStatement stmt = null; stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setString(1, op.trim().replace(".", "")); stmt.setInt(2, operacao); stmt.executeUpdate(); }
public void gravaJobsExcluidos(Connection conn, String job, int operacao, int lote) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement stmt = null; String insert = "insert into joblotesexcluidos (job, operacao, lote) values (?,?,?)"; stmt = conn.prepareStatement(insert); stmt.setString(1, job.trim()); stmt.setInt(2, operacao); stmt.setInt(3, lote); stmt.executeUpdate(); }
public JobProtheus retornaJob(Connection conn, JobLote lote) throws SQLException { ResultSet rs = null; PreparedStatement stmt = null; JobProtheus job = null; String sql = "select job , B1_DESC, operacao , produto, "; sql += " dt_release, job_start_date , qtd_release, setor, qtd_transf "; sql += " from job left join " + DB_PROTHEUS.trim() + ".dbo.SB1000 SB1 "; sql += " on(produto collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS = B1_COD) "; sql += " where job = ? and operacao = ? and SB1.D_E_L_E_T_ = '' "; sql += " order by dt_release, produto "; stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setString(1, lote.getJob().trim()); stmt.setInt(2, lote.getOperNum()); rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { String nJob = rs.getString("job"); int operacao = rs.getInt("operacao"); String produto = rs.getString("produto"); Date dataEmissao = rs.getDate("dt_release"); Date dataPrevisaoInicio = rs.getDate("job_start_date"); String descricaoProduto = rs.getString("B1_DESC"); double quantidade = rs.getDouble("qtd_release"); String wc = rs.getString("setor"); String emissao = dataEmissao != null ? getDateToString(dataEmissao) : ""; String previsaoInicio = dataPrevisaoInicio != null ? getDateToString(dataPrevisaoInicio) : ""; job = new JobProtheus(); job.setStatus(""); job.setJob(nJob); job.setOperacao(operacao); job.setProduto(produto.trim()); job.setDataEmissao(emissao); job.setQuantidadeLiberada(quantidade); job.setDescricaoProduto(descricaoProduto); job.setCentroTrabalho(wc); double qtdTotal = retornaQtdTotal(conn, job); // calcula o total transferido para o job job.setQuantidadeCompleta(qtdTotal); job.setDataPrivisaoInicio(previsaoInicio); job.setQuantidadeFaltando(quantidade - qtdTotal); // seta o valor qtd faltando } return job; // retorna lista de jobs }
public boolean verificaSeSetorTemLinhaTempo(Connection conn, String setor) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; String sql = "select linha_tempo from setor where setor = ? and linha_tempo = ? "; stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setString(1, setor.trim()); stmt.setBoolean(2, true); rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { return true; } else { return false; } }
public boolean verificarSeJobEstaTabelaIniciado(Connection conn, String job, int operacao) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; String update = "select ativo from jobsiniciados where job = ? and operacao = ?"; stmt = conn.prepareStatement(update); stmt.setString(1, job.trim().replace(".", "")); stmt.setInt(2, operacao); rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { return true; } return false; }