private boolean validadeFormMenu(FormEntity form) { MenuEntity menu = (MenuEntity) form.getFormId(); boolean error = false; String msgErro = ""; if (menu.getPrompt() == null) { error = true; msgErro = "Prompt is missing"; } if (menu.getNoInput() == null) { if (error) { msgErro += " / "; } error = true; msgErro += "NoInput is missing"; } if (menu.getNoMatch() == null) { if (error) { msgErro += " / "; } error = true; msgErro += "NoMatch is missing"; } if (menu.getChoices() == null || menu.getChoices().size() == 0) { if (error) { msgErro += " / "; } error = true; msgErro += "Choices is missing"; } form.setFormError(error); form.setErrorDescription(msgErro); return form.isFormError(); }
private boolean validadeFormPromptCollect(FormEntity form) { PromptCollectEntity promptCollect = (PromptCollectEntity) form.getFormId(); boolean error = false; String msgErro = ""; if (promptCollect.getGrammar() == null) { error = true; msgErro = "Grammar is missing"; } if (promptCollect.getPrompt() == null) { if (error) { msgErro += " / "; } error = true; msgErro += "Prompt is missing"; } if (promptCollect.getNoInput() == null) { if (error) { msgErro += " / "; } error = true; msgErro += "NoInput is missing"; } if (promptCollect.getNoMatch() == null) { if (error) { msgErro += " / "; } error = true; msgErro += "NoMatch is missing"; } form.setFormError(error); form.setErrorDescription(msgErro); return form.isFormError(); }
private boolean validadeFormAnnounce(FormEntity form) { AnnounceEntity announce = (AnnounceEntity) form.getFormId(); if (announce.getPrompt() == null) { form.setFormError(true); form.setErrorDescription("Prompt is missing"); } return form.isFormError(); }
private boolean validadeFormDecision(FormEntity form) { DecisionEntity decision = (DecisionEntity) form.getFormId(); if (decision.getListDecisionChance() == null || decision.getListDecisionChance().size() == 0) { form.setFormError(true); form.setErrorDescription("Chances is missing"); } return form.isFormError(); }
private boolean validadeFormTransfer(FormEntity form) { TransferEntity transfer = (TransferEntity) form.getFormId(); if (transfer.getTransferRules() == null || transfer.getTransferRules().size() == 0) { form.setFormError(true); form.setErrorDescription("Transfer Rules is missing"); } return form.isFormError(); }
private boolean validadeFormFlow(FormEntity form) { FlowEntity flow = (FlowEntity) form.getFormId(); if (flow.getFlowName() == null || flow.getFlowName().length() == 0) { form.setFormError(true); form.setErrorDescription("Flow Name is missing"); } return form.isFormError(); }
private boolean validadeFormOperation(FormEntity form) { OperationEntity operation = (OperationEntity) form.getFormId(); if (operation.getListOperationGroup() == null || operation.getListOperationGroup().size() == 0) { form.setFormError(true); form.setErrorDescription("Operation Group is missing"); } return form.isFormError(); }
public void validateNodes() { for (Node node : listNode) { FormEntity form = (FormEntity) node.getElement().getData(); form.setFormError(false); form.setErrorDescription(""); if (form.getFormType().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.FORM_TYPE_PROMPT_COLLECT)) { boolean foundTarget = false; for (Node nodeTarget : node.getListTarget()) { if (!(nodeTarget .getForm() .getFormType() .getName() .equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.FORM_TYPE_NOINPUT) || nodeTarget .getForm() .getFormType() .getName() .equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.FORM_TYPE_NOMATCH))) { foundTarget = true; } } if (!foundTarget) { form.setFormError(true); form.setErrorDescription("Output is mandatory"); continue; } } FormEntity aux = ServicesFactory.getInstance().getFormService().getByName(form.getName(), true); if (aux != null && !aux.getId().equals(form.getId())) { form.setFormError(true); form.setErrorDescription( "Name " + form.getName() + " already assigned to another Element in another Flow"); continue; } int startFlow = 0; boolean stopFlow = false; for (Node nodeAux : listNode) { FormEntity formAux = (FormEntity) nodeAux.getElement().getData(); if (!formAux.getId().equalsIgnoreCase(form.getId()) && formAux.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(form.getName()) && !(formAux.getFormType().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.FORM_TYPE_CHOICE) || formAux.getFormType().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.FORM_TYPE_NOINPUT) || formAux.getFormType().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.FORM_TYPE_NOMATCH))) { form.setFormError(true); form.setErrorDescription( "Name " + form.getName() + " already assigned to another Element."); continue; } if (formAux.getFormType().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.FORM_TYPE_ANSWER)) { startFlow++; } if (formAux.getFormType().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.FORM_TYPE_DISCONNECT) || formAux.getFormType().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.FORM_TYPE_TRANSFER) || formAux.getFormType().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.FORM_TYPE_RETURN)) { stopFlow = true; } } if (validateFormByType(form)) { continue; } if (form.getFormType().getMandatoryInput() == 1 && node.getListSource().size() == 0) { form.setFormError(true); form.setErrorDescription("Input is mandatory"); continue; } if (form.getFormType().getMandatoryOutput() == 1 && node.getListTarget().size() == 0) { form.setFormError(true); form.setErrorDescription("Output is mandatory"); continue; } if (startFlow == 0) { form.setFormError(true); form.setErrorDescription("You have to start the flow with the node type 'Answer'"); continue; } else if (startFlow > 1) { form.setFormError(true); form.setErrorDescription("Node type 'Answer' is allowed only ONE per flow"); continue; } if (!stopFlow) { form.setFormError(true); form.setErrorDescription( "You have to finish the flow with the node type 'Disconnect', 'Transfer' or 'Return'"); continue; } } }