public CapReqBuilder addDirectives(Attrs directives) { for (Entry<String, String> e : directives.entrySet()) { String key = Attrs.toDirective(e.getKey()); if (key != null) addDirective(key, e.getValue()); } return this; }
public void addFilter(String ns, String name, String version, Attrs attrs) { List<String> parts = new ArrayList<String>(); parts.add("(" + ns + "=" + name + ")"); if (version != null && VersionRange.isOSGiVersionRange(version)) { VersionRange range = VersionRange.parseOSGiVersionRange(version); parts.add(range.toFilter()); } String mandatory = attrs.get(Constants.MANDATORY_DIRECTIVE + ":"); if (mandatory != null) { String mandatoryAttrs[] = mandatory.split("\\s*,\\s*"); Arrays.sort(mandatoryAttrs); for (String mandatoryAttr : mandatoryAttrs) { String value = attrs.get(mandatoryAttr); if (value != null) { parts.add("(" + mandatoryAttr + "=" + escapeFilterValue(value) + ")"); } } } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (parts.size() > 0) sb.append("(&"); for (String s : parts) { sb.append(s); } if (parts.size() > 0) sb.append(")"); addDirective(Namespace.REQUIREMENT_FILTER_DIRECTIVE, sb.toString()); }
public static VersionedClause convertRepoBundleVersion(RepositoryBundleVersion bundleVersion) { Attrs attribs = new Attrs(); if (isWorkspaceRepo(bundleVersion.getBundle().getRepo())) attribs.put(Constants.VERSION_ATTRIBUTE, VERSION_LATEST); else attribs.put(Constants.VERSION_ATTRIBUTE, bundleVersion.getVersion().toString()); return new VersionedClause(bundleVersion.getBundle().getBsn(), attribs); }
public static VersionedClause convertRepoBundle(RepositoryBundle bundle) { Attrs attribs = new Attrs(); if (isWorkspaceRepo(bundle.getRepo())) { attribs.put(Constants.VERSION_ATTRIBUTE, VERSION_LATEST); } return new VersionedClause(bundle.getBsn(), attribs); }
/** * Test if we can select * * @throws Exception */ public void testSelect() throws Exception { Jar bjara = getContractExporter("atest", "2.5", "${exports}"); Jar bjarb = getContractExporter("btest", "2.5", "${exports}"); Builder a = newBuilder(); a.setTrace(true); a.addClasspath(bjara); // 1x a.addClasspath(bjarb); // 2x a.setProperty(Constants.CONTRACT, "atest;alpha=1"); a.setImportPackage(",*"); a.setProperty("Export-Package", "test.refer"); Jar ajar =; assertTrue(a.check()); ajar.getManifest().write(System.out); Domain domain = Domain.domain(ajar.getManifest()); Parameters p = domain.getRequireCapability(); p.remove(""); assertNotNull(p); assertEquals(1, p.size()); Attrs attrs = p.get("osgi.contract"); String alpha = attrs.get("alpha"); assertEquals("1", alpha); assertEquals("(&(osgi.contract=atest)(version=2.5.0))", attrs.get("filter:")); }
/** * In bnd, we only use one map for both directives & attributes. This method will properly * dispatch them AND take care of typing * * @param attrs * @throws Exception */ public void addAttributesOrDirectives(Attrs attrs) throws Exception { for (Entry<String, String> e : attrs.entrySet()) { String directive = Attrs.toDirective(e.getKey()); if (directive != null) { addDirective(directive, e.getValue()); } else { Object typed = attrs.getTyped(e.getKey()); if (typed instanceof aQute.bnd.version.Version) { typed = new Version(typed.toString()); } addAttribute(e.getKey(), typed); } } }
public CapReqBuilder(String ns, Attrs attrs) throws Exception { this.namespace = ns; for (Entry<String, String> entry : attrs.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); if (key.endsWith(":")) addDirective(key.substring(0, key.length() - 1), entry.getValue()); else addAttribute(key, entry.getValue()); } }
/** * Tests if the implementation of the EventHandler (which is marked as a ConsumerType) causes the * import of the api package to use the consumer version policy. */ public static void testConsumerType() throws Exception { Builder a = new Builder(); a.addClasspath(new File("bin")); a.setPrivatePackage("test.versionpolicy.uses"); a.setExportPackage("test.versionpolicy.api"); a.setProperty("build", "123"); Jar jar =; assertTrue(a.check()); Manifest m = jar.getManifest(); m.write(System.err); Domain d = Domain.domain(m); Parameters parameters = d.getImportPackage(); Attrs attrs = parameters.get("test.versionpolicy.api"); assertNotNull(attrs); assertEquals("[1.2,2)", attrs.get("version")); }
/** * Test if the implementation of "AnnotatedProviderInterface", which is annotated with OSGi * R6 @ProviderType, causes import of the api package to use the provider version policy */ public static void testProviderTypeR6() throws Exception { Builder b = new Builder(); b.addClasspath(new File("bin")); b.setPrivatePackage("test.versionpolicy.implemented.osgi"); b.setProperty("build", "123"); Jar jar =; assertTrue(b.check()); Manifest m = jar.getManifest(); m.write(System.err); Domain d = Domain.domain(m); Parameters params = d.getImportPackage(); Attrs attrs = params.get("test.version.annotations.osgi"); assertNotNull(attrs); assertEquals("[1.2,1.3)", attrs.get("version")); }
/** Created a JAR that is a bundle and that contains its dependencies */ @Override public Jar executable() throws Exception { Collection<String> bsns = getProject().getBsns(); if (bsns.size() != 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Can only handle a single bsn for a run configuration " + bsns); String bsn = bsns.iterator().next(); Jar jar = new Jar(bsn); String path = "aQute/remote/embedded/activator/EmbeddedActivator.class"; URLResource resource = new URLResource(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(path)); jar.putResource("aQute/remote/embedded/activator/EmbeddedActivator.class", resource); Collection<Container> rb = getProject().getRunbundles(); rb = Container.flatten(rb); Attrs attrs = new Attrs(); for (Container c : rb) { if (c.getError() != null) { getProject().error("invalid runbundle %s", c); } else { File f = c.getFile(); String tbsn = c.getBundleSymbolicName(); String version = c.getVersion(); if (version == null || !Version.isVersion(version)) getProject() .warning("The version of embedded bundle %s does not have a proper version", c); jar.putResource("jar/" + c.getBundleSymbolicName() + ".jar", new FileResource(f)); attrs.put(tbsn, version); } } Analyzer a = new Analyzer(getProject()); a.setJar(jar); a.setBundleActivator(EmbeddedActivator.class.getName()); a.setProperty("Bnd-Embedded", attrs.toString().replace(';', ',')); Manifest manifest = a.calcManifest(); jar.setManifest(manifest); getProject().getInfo(a); return jar; }
public Attrs toAttrs() { Attrs attrs = new Attrs(); if (attributes != null) { for (Entry<String, Object> e : attributes.entrySet()) { Object value = e.getValue(); if (e.getKey().equals("version") || value instanceof Version) value = toBndVersions(value); attrs.putTyped(e.getKey(), value); } } if (directives != null) for (Entry<String, String> e : directives.entrySet()) { attrs.put(e.getKey() + ":", e.getValue()); } return attrs; }
/** * Tests if the implementation of the EventAdmin (which is marked as a ProviderType) causes the * import of the api package to use the provider version policy. */ public static void testProviderType() throws Exception { Builder a = new Builder(); a.addClasspath(new File("bin")); a.setPrivatePackage("test.versionpolicy.implemented"); a.setExportPackage("test.versionpolicy.api"); a.setImportPackage("test.versionpolicy.api"); // what changed so this is // not automatically // added? a.setProperty("build", "123"); Jar jar =; assertTrue(a.check()); Manifest m = jar.getManifest(); m.write(System.err); Domain d = Domain.domain(m); Parameters parameters = d.getImportPackage(); Attrs attrs = parameters.get("test.versionpolicy.api"); assertNotNull(attrs); assertEquals("[1.2,1.3)", attrs.get("version")); }
public static CapReqBuilder createCapReqBuilder(String namespace, Attrs attrs) throws Exception { CapReqBuilder builder = new CapReqBuilder(namespace); for (Entry<String, String> entry : attrs.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); if (key.endsWith(":")) { key = key.substring(0, key.length() - 1); builder.addDirective(key, entry.getValue()); } else { builder.addAttribute(key, entry.getValue()); } } return builder; }
public void testSimple() throws Exception { Jar bjar = getContractExporter("test", "2.5", "${exports}"); Builder a = newBuilder(); a.setTrace(true); a.addClasspath(bjar); a.setProperty(Constants.CONTRACT, "*"); a.setImportPackage(",*"); a.setProperty("Export-Package", "test.refer"); Jar ajar =; assertTrue(a.check()); Domain domain = Domain.domain(ajar.getManifest()); Parameters rc = domain.getRequireCapability(); rc.remove(""); System.out.println(rc); assertEquals(1, rc.size()); Packages ps = a.getImports(); assertTrue(ps.containsFQN("")); Attrs attrs = ps.getByFQN(""); assertNotNull(attrs); assertNull(attrs.getVersion()); }
public CommandData parseCommandData(ArtifactData artifact) throws Exception { File source = new File(artifact.file); if (!source.isFile()) throw new FileNotFoundException(); CommandData data = new CommandData(); data.sha = artifact.sha; data.jpmRepoDir = repoDir.getCanonicalPath(); JarFile jar = new JarFile(source); try { reporter.trace("Parsing %s", source); Manifest m = jar.getManifest(); Attributes main = m.getMainAttributes(); = data.bsn = main.getValue("Bundle-SymbolicName"); String version = main.getValue("Bundle-Version"); if (version == null) data.version = Version.LOWEST; else data.version = new Version(version); data.main = main.getValue("Main-Class"); data.description = main.getValue("Bundle-Description"); data.title = main.getValue("JPM-Name"); reporter.trace("name " + + " " + data.main + " " + data.title); DependencyCollector path = new DependencyCollector(this); path.add(artifact); DependencyCollector bundles = new DependencyCollector(this); if (main.getValue("JPM-Classpath") != null) { Parameters requires = OSGiHeader.parseHeader(main.getValue("JPM-Classpath")); for (Map.Entry<String, Attrs> e : requires.entrySet()) { path.add(e.getKey(), e.getValue().get("name")); // coordinate } } else if (!artifact.local) { // No JPM-Classpath, falling back to // server's revision // Iterable<RevisionRef> closure = // library.getClosure(artifact.sha, // false); // System.out.println("getting closure " + artifact.url + " " + // Strings.join("\n",closure)); // if (closure != null) { // for (RevisionRef ref : closure) { // path.add(Hex.toHexString(ref.revision)); // } // } } if (main.getValue("JPM-Runbundles") != null) { Parameters jpmrunbundles = OSGiHeader.parseHeader(main.getValue("JPM-Runbundles")); for (Map.Entry<String, Attrs> e : jpmrunbundles.entrySet()) { bundles.add(e.getKey(), e.getValue().get("name")); } } reporter.trace("collect digests runpath"); data.dependencies.addAll(path.getDigests()); reporter.trace("collect digests bundles"); data.runbundles.addAll(bundles.getDigests()); Parameters command = OSGiHeader.parseHeader(main.getValue("JPM-Command")); if (command.size() > 1) reporter.error("Only one command can be specified"); for (Map.Entry<String, Attrs> e : command.entrySet()) { = e.getKey(); Attrs attrs = e.getValue(); if (attrs.containsKey("jvmargs")) data.jvmArgs = attrs.get("jvmargs"); if (attrs.containsKey("title")) data.title = attrs.get("title"); if (data.title != null) data.title =; } return data; } finally { jar.close(); } }
private void _processURL(StringBundler sb, URL url, String[] ignoredFragments) { Manifest manifest = null; try { manifest = new Manifest(url.openStream()); } catch (IOException ioe) { _log.error(ioe, ioe); return; } Attributes attributes = manifest.getMainAttributes(); String bundleSymbolicName = attributes.getValue(Constants.BUNDLE_SYMBOLICNAME); if (Validator.isNull(bundleSymbolicName)) { String urlString = url.toString(); if (urlString.contains(PropsValues.LIFERAY_LIB_PORTAL_DIR)) { manifest = _calculateManifest(url, manifest); attributes = manifest.getMainAttributes(); bundleSymbolicName = attributes.getValue(new Attributes.Name(Constants.BUNDLE_SYMBOLICNAME)); if (Validator.isNull(bundleSymbolicName)) { return; } } else { return; } } String rootBundleSymbolicName = bundleSymbolicName; int index = rootBundleSymbolicName.indexOf(StringPool.SEMICOLON); if (index != -1) { rootBundleSymbolicName = rootBundleSymbolicName.substring(0, index); } for (String ignoredFragment : ignoredFragments) { String ignoredFramentPrefix = ignoredFragment.substring(0, ignoredFragment.length() - 1); if (rootBundleSymbolicName.equals(ignoredFragment) || (ignoredFragment.endsWith(StringPool.STAR) && rootBundleSymbolicName.startsWith(ignoredFramentPrefix))) { return; } } String exportPackage = GetterUtil.getString(attributes.getValue(Constants.EXPORT_PACKAGE)); Parameters parameters = OSGiHeader.parseHeader(exportPackage); for (Map.Entry<String, Attrs> entry : parameters.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); List<URL> urls = _extraPackageMap.get(key); if (urls == null) { urls = new ArrayList<URL>(); _extraPackageMap.put(key, urls); } urls.add(url); sb.append(key); Attrs value = entry.getValue(); if (value.containsKey("version")) { sb.append(";version=\""); sb.append(value.get("version")); sb.append("\""); } sb.append(StringPool.COMMA); } }