public void showLikeQuickAction(int x, int y) { preShow(); mWindow.setAnimationStyle(; int[] location = new int[2]; mAnchor.getLocationOnScreen(location); Rect anchorRect = new Rect( location[0], location[1], location[0] + mAnchor.getWidth(), location[1] + mAnchor.getHeight()); root.setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)); root.measure(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); int rootW = root.getWidth(), rootH = root.getHeight(); int screenW = mWManager.getDefaultDisplay().getWidth(); int xpos = ((screenW - rootW) / 2) + x; int ypos = - rootH + y; if (rootH > { ypos = anchorRect.bottom + y; } mWindow.showAtLocation(mAnchor, Gravity.NO_GRAVITY, xpos, ypos); }
@Override protected boolean drawChild(Canvas canvas, View child, long drawingTime) { Bitmap bitmap = getChildDrawingCache(child); // (top,left) is the pixel position of the child inside the list final int top = child.getTop(); final int left = child.getLeft(); // center point of child final int childCenterY = child.getHeight() / 2; final int childCenterX = child.getWidth() / 2; // center of list final int parentCenterY = -child.getHeight() / 2; // center point of child relative to list final int absChildCenterY = child.getTop() + childCenterY; // distance of child center to the list center final int distanceY = parentCenterY - absChildCenterY; // radius of imaginary circle final int r = getHeight() * 2; prepareMatrix(mMatrix, distanceY, r); mMatrix.preTranslate(-childCenterX, -childCenterY); mMatrix.postTranslate(childCenterX, childCenterY); mMatrix.postTranslate(left, top); canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, mMatrix, mPaint); return false; }
private void setPosition(View v, int dx, int dy) { int parentWidth = this.getWidth(); int parentHeight = this.getHeight(); int l = v.getLeft() + dx; int t = v.getTop() + dy; if (l < 0) { l = 0; } else if ((l + v.getWidth()) >= parentWidth) { l = parentWidth - v.getWidth(); } if (t < 0) { t = 0; } else if ((t + v.getHeight()) >= parentHeight) { t = parentHeight - v.getHeight(); } int r = l + v.getWidth(); int b = t + v.getHeight(); v.layout(l, t, r, b); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = (android.widget.RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) v.getLayoutParams(); params.leftMargin = l; params.topMargin = t; v.setLayoutParams(params); }
@Override public void onGlobalFocusChanged(View oldFocus, View newFocus) { int pos = mHeaderView.getHeight() - mHeaderView.getPaddingTop() + mTitleView.getHeight() / 2; mCustomAnimator.setStartPosition(pos); mHeaderView.getViewTreeObserver().removeOnGlobalFocusChangeListener(mChangeListener); }
private static void drawToast(View v, Rect vRect) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub if (mToast != null) { View tv = mToast.getView(); if (tv.getWidth() > 0 && tv.isShown()) { if (LOGD_ENABLED) Log.i(LOG_TAG, "==== " + tv.getWidth() + " " + tv.getHeight()); Bitmap second = Utils.createPngScreenshot(tv, tv.getWidth(), tv.getHeight(), 0); if (LOGD_ENABLED) Log.d( LOG_TAG, "====== gravity " + mToast.getGravity() + " x y " + mToast.getXOffset() + " " + mToast.getYOffset() + " " + mToast.getHorizontalMargin() + " " + mToast.getVerticalMargin()); PointF fromPoint = new PointF( (v.getWidth() - tv.getWidth()) / 2, v.getHeight() - - mToast.getYOffset() - tv.getHeight()); if (LOGD_ENABLED) Log.i(LOG_TAG, "======= prepare menu view2 ========" + fromPoint.x + " " + fromPoint.y); mCapture = Utils.mixtureBitmap2(mCapture, second, fromPoint, 0, (float) 1.0); } } }
@Override public boolean onDependentViewChanged( CoordinatorLayout parent, final LinearLayout child, View dependency) { shouldInitProperties(child, dependency); /* float distanceYToSubtract = ((mStartYPosition - mFinalYPosition) * (1f - expandedPercentageFactor)) + (child.getHeight()/2);*/ /*float scrollDistance = mStartYPosition - mFinalYPosition; float scrollDistanceOfDependency = dependency.getHeight(); float percentOfScroll = scrollDistance / dependency.getY() * 100; Log.e("y",Float.toString(dependency.getY())); Log.e("scroll",Float.toString(percentOfScroll)); float position = dependency.getY() / scrollDistance * 100; //float heightToSubtract = ((mStartHeight - finalHeight) * (1f - expandedPercentageFactor));*/ // child.setY(mStartYPosition + dependency.getY(); float scroll = dependency.getY() - (dependency.getHeight()) + mStartYPosition / 2; // Log.e("y",Float.toString(dependency.getY() - (dependency.getHeight()) + mStartYPosition / // 2)); // Log.e("scroll",Float.toString(dependency.getHeight() / 2)); if (scroll * -1 < dependency.getHeight() / 2) { child.setTranslationY(dependency.getY() - (dependency.getHeight()) + mStartYPosition / 2); } else { } return true; }
@Override /** * - Capture the clicked cluster so we can use it in custom infoWindow - Check overall bounds of * items in cluster - If the bounds are empty (all hosts at same place) then let it pop the info * window - Otherwise, move the camera to show the bounds of the map */ public boolean onClusterClick(Cluster<HostBriefInfo> cluster) { mLastClickedCluster = cluster; // remember for use later in the Adapter // Find out the bounds of the hosts currently in cluster LatLngBounds.Builder builder = new LatLngBounds.Builder(); for (HostBriefInfo host : cluster.getItems()) { builder.include(host.getLatLng()); } LatLngBounds bounds =; // If the hosts are not all at the same location, then change bounds of map. if (!bounds.southwest.equals(bounds.northeast)) { // Offset from edge of map in pixels when exploding cluster View mapView = findViewById(; int padding_percent = getResources().getInteger(R.integer.cluster_explode_padding_percent); int padding = Math.min(mapView.getHeight(), mapView.getWidth()) * padding_percent / 100; CameraUpdate cu = CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds( bounds, mapView.getWidth(), mapView.getHeight(), padding); mMap.animateCamera(cu); return true; } showMultihostSelectDialog((ArrayList<HostBriefInfo>) cluster.getItems()); return true; }
public static Bitmap getViewBitmap(View v) { if (v.getWidth() == 0 || v.getHeight() == 0) return null; Bitmap b = Bitmap.createBitmap(v.getWidth(), v.getHeight(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); Canvas c = new Canvas(b); v.draw(c); return b; }
public void fixListViewHeight(ListView listView) { // 如果没有设置数据适配器,则ListView没有子项,返回。 ListAdapter listAdapter = listView.getAdapter(); int totalHeight = 0; if (listAdapter == null) { return; } for (int index = 0, len = listAdapter.getCount(); index < len; index++) { View listViewItem = listAdapter.getView(index, null, listView); // 计算子项View 的宽高 // listViewItem.measure(0, 0); listViewItem.measure( View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec( getResources().getDisplayMetrics().widthPixels, View.MeasureSpec.EXACTLY), 0); // 计算所有子项的高度和 int height = 0; if (listViewItem.getHeight() > listViewItem.getMeasuredHeight()) height = listViewItem.getHeight(); else height = listViewItem.getMeasuredHeight(); totalHeight += height; } ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = listView.getLayoutParams(); // listView.getDividerHeight()获取子项间分隔符的高度 // params.height设置ListView完全显示需要的高度 params.height = totalHeight + (listView.getDividerHeight() * (listAdapter.getCount() - 1)); listView.setLayoutParams(params); }
public void showSearchBar() { mSearchViewContainer.animate().cancel(); mSearchViewContainer.setAlpha(0); mSearchViewContainer.setTranslationY(-mSearchViewContainer.getHeight()); mSearchViewContainer .animate() .withLayer() .alpha(1) .translationY(0) .setDuration(200) .setListener( new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) { mSearchViewContainer.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mActionBar.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } }); mFragmentsFrame.setTranslationY(-mSearchViewContainer.getHeight()); mFragmentsFrame .animate() .withLayer() .translationY(0) .setDuration(200) .setListener( new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) { mBottomPaddingView.setVisibility(View.GONE); } }); }
@Override public void initView(View item, int position, int scrollDirection) { ViewHelper.setPivotX(item, item.getWidth() / 2); ViewHelper.setPivotY(item, item.getHeight() / 2); ViewHelper.setRotationX(item, -INITIAL_ROTATION_ANGLE * scrollDirection); ViewHelper.setTranslationY(item, item.getHeight() * 2 * scrollDirection); }
private void trySlideAttachmentView(final ViewWrapper viewWrapper) { if (!(viewWrapper.attachment instanceof MediaPickerMessagePartData)) { return; } final View view = viewWrapper.view; final int xOffset = viewWrapper.prevLeft - view.getLeft(); final int yOffset = viewWrapper.prevTop - view.getTop(); final float scaleX = viewWrapper.prevWidth / (float) view.getWidth(); final float scaleY = viewWrapper.prevHeight / (float) view.getHeight(); if (xOffset == 0 && yOffset == 0 && scaleX == 1 && scaleY == 1) { // Layout hasn't changed return; } final AnimationSet animationSet = new AnimationSet(true /* shareInterpolator */); animationSet.addAnimation(new TranslateAnimation(xOffset, 0, yOffset, 0)); animationSet.addAnimation(new ScaleAnimation(scaleX, 1, scaleY, 1)); animationSet.setDuration(UiUtils.MEDIAPICKER_TRANSITION_DURATION); animationSet.setInterpolator(UiUtils.DEFAULT_INTERPOLATOR); view.startAnimation(animationSet); view.invalidate(); viewWrapper.prevLeft = view.getLeft(); viewWrapper.prevTop = view.getTop(); viewWrapper.prevWidth = view.getWidth(); viewWrapper.prevHeight = view.getHeight(); }
private void drawDebugInfo(Canvas canvas, View child) { if (!debugDraw) { return; } Paint childPaint = this.createPaint(0xffffff00); Paint layoutPaint = this.createPaint(0xff00ff00); Paint newLinePaint = this.createPaint(0xffff0000); LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams(); if (lp.horizontalSpacing > 0) { float x = child.getRight(); float y = child.getTop() + child.getHeight() / 2.0f; canvas.drawLine(x, y, x + lp.horizontalSpacing, y, childPaint); canvas.drawLine( x + lp.horizontalSpacing - 4.0f, y - 4.0f, x + lp.horizontalSpacing, y, childPaint); canvas.drawLine( x + lp.horizontalSpacing - 4.0f, y + 4.0f, x + lp.horizontalSpacing, y, childPaint); } else if (this.horizontalSpacing > 0) { float x = child.getRight(); float y = child.getTop() + child.getHeight() / 2.0f; canvas.drawLine(x, y, x + this.horizontalSpacing, y, layoutPaint); canvas.drawLine( x + this.horizontalSpacing - 4.0f, y - 4.0f, x + this.horizontalSpacing, y, layoutPaint); canvas.drawLine( x + this.horizontalSpacing - 4.0f, y + 4.0f, x + this.horizontalSpacing, y, layoutPaint); } if (lp.verticalSpacing > 0) { float x = child.getLeft() + child.getWidth() / 2.0f; float y = child.getBottom(); canvas.drawLine(x, y, x, y + lp.verticalSpacing, childPaint); canvas.drawLine( x - 4.0f, y + lp.verticalSpacing - 4.0f, x, y + lp.verticalSpacing, childPaint); canvas.drawLine( x + 4.0f, y + lp.verticalSpacing - 4.0f, x, y + lp.verticalSpacing, childPaint); } else if (this.verticalSpacing > 0) { float x = child.getLeft() + child.getWidth() / 2.0f; float y = child.getBottom(); canvas.drawLine(x, y, x, y + this.verticalSpacing, layoutPaint); canvas.drawLine( x - 4.0f, y + this.verticalSpacing - 4.0f, x, y + this.verticalSpacing, layoutPaint); canvas.drawLine( x + 4.0f, y + this.verticalSpacing - 4.0f, x, y + this.verticalSpacing, layoutPaint); } if (lp.newLine) { if (orientation == HORIZONTAL) { float x = child.getLeft(); float y = child.getTop() + child.getHeight() / 2.0f; canvas.drawLine(x, y - 6.0f, x, y + 6.0f, newLinePaint); } else { float x = child.getLeft() + child.getWidth() / 2.0f; float y = child.getTop(); canvas.drawLine(x - 6.0f, y, x + 6.0f, y, newLinePaint); } } }
@Override public void getItemOffsets(Rect outRect, View view, RecyclerView rv, RecyclerView.State state) { super.getItemOffsets(outRect, view, rv, state); debugLog("getItemOffsets"); debugLog("View top = " + view.getTop()); if (selectedDragItemPos != -1) { int itemPos = rv.getChildPosition(view); debugLog("itemPos =" + itemPos); if (!canDragOver(itemPos)) { return; } // Movement of finger float totalMovement = fingerY - fingerAnchorY; if (itemPos == selectedDragItemPos) { view.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } else { // Make view visible incase invisible view.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); // Find middle of the floatingItem float floatMiddleY = + floatingItemBounds.height() / 2; // Moving down the list // These will auto-animate if the device continually sends touch motion events // if (totalMovment>0) { if ((itemPos > selectedDragItemPos) && (view.getTop() < floatMiddleY)) { float amountUp = (floatMiddleY - view.getTop()) / (float) view.getHeight(); // amountUp *= 0.5f; if (amountUp > 1) amountUp = 1; = -(int) (floatingItemBounds.height() * amountUp); outRect.bottom = (int) (floatingItemBounds.height() * amountUp); } } // Moving up the list // else if (totalMovment < 0) { if ((itemPos < selectedDragItemPos) && (view.getBottom() > floatMiddleY)) { float amountDown = ((float) view.getBottom() - floatMiddleY) / (float) view.getHeight(); // amountDown *= 0.5f; if (amountDown > 1) amountDown = 1; = (int) (floatingItemBounds.height() * amountDown); outRect.bottom = -(int) (floatingItemBounds.height() * amountDown); } } } } else { = 0; outRect.bottom = 0; // Make view visible incase invisible view.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } }
@Override public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, String.format("getView: %s, reused: %s", position, convertView == null)); } // Header (negative positions will throw an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException) int numHeadersAndPlaceholders = getHeadersCount() * mNumColumns; if (position < numHeadersAndPlaceholders) { View headerViewContainer = mHeaderViewInfos.get(position / mNumColumns).viewContainer; if (position % mNumColumns == 0) { return headerViewContainer; } else { if (convertView == null) { convertView = new View(parent.getContext()); } // We need to do this because GridView uses the height of the last item // in a row to determine the height for the entire row. convertView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); convertView.setMinimumHeight(headerViewContainer.getHeight()); return convertView; } } // Adapter final int adjPosition = position - numHeadersAndPlaceholders; int adapterCount = 0; if (mAdapter != null) { adapterCount = getAdapterAndPlaceHolderCount(); if (adjPosition < adapterCount) { if (adjPosition < mAdapter.getCount()) { return mAdapter.getView(adjPosition, convertView, parent); } else { if (convertView == null) { convertView = new View(parent.getContext()); } convertView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); convertView.setMinimumHeight(mRowHeight); return convertView; } } } // Footer final int footerPosition = adjPosition - adapterCount; if (footerPosition < getCount()) { View footViewContainer = mFooterViewInfos.get(footerPosition / mNumColumns).viewContainer; if (position % mNumColumns == 0) { return footViewContainer; } else { if (convertView == null) { convertView = new View(parent.getContext()); } // We need to do this because GridView uses the height of the last item // in a row to determine the height for the entire row. convertView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); convertView.setMinimumHeight(footViewContainer.getHeight()); return convertView; } } throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(position); }
protected void animateView(final int durationMs, final boolean isClosing) { boolean is_valid = mHiddenView != null && mImageView != null; if (!is_valid) return; if (mHiddenView.getHeight() == 0) { postAnimateView(durationMs, isClosing); } final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); final float startHeight = 0; final float endHeight = isClosing ? mImageView.getPaddingBottom() : mHiddenView.getHeight(); final Easing easing = new Linear(); if (null != mHiddenView && null != getParent() && null != getHandler()) { getHandler() .post( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (null != mHiddenView) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); float currentMs = Math.min(durationMs, now - startTime); float newHeight = (float) easing.easeOut(currentMs, startHeight, endHeight, durationMs); int height = isClosing ? (int) (endHeight - newHeight) : (int) newHeight; LayoutParams params = (LayoutParams) mImageView.getLayoutParams(); params.bottomMargin = height; mImageView.setLayoutParams(params); if (currentMs < durationMs) { if (null != getHandler()) { getHandler().post(this); invalidate(); } } else { opened = !isClosing; if (null != getParent()) { if (!opened) mHiddenView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); requestLayout(); } postInvalidate(); } } } }); } }
public CardComponent$ExpandAnimatorListener(View paramView, boolean paramBoolean) { a = paramView; b = ((ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) paramView.getLayoutParams()); c = b.topMargin; d = b.bottomMargin; e = (paramView.getHeight() + c + d); f = new Rect(0, 0, paramView.getWidth(), paramView.getHeight()); g = paramBoolean; }
@Test public void layout_shouldAffectWidthAndHeight() throws Exception { assertThat(view.getWidth(), equalTo(0)); assertThat(view.getHeight(), equalTo(0)); view.layout(100, 200, 303, 404); assertThat(view.getWidth(), equalTo(303 - 100)); assertThat(view.getHeight(), equalTo(404 - 200)); }
@Override public void initView(View item, int position, int scrollDirection) { ViewHelper.setPivotX(item, item.getWidth() / 2); ViewHelper.setPivotY(item, item.getHeight() / 2); ViewHelper.setScaleX(item, INITIAL_SCALE_FACTOR); ViewHelper.setScaleY(item, INITIAL_SCALE_FACTOR); ViewHelper.setTranslationY(item, item.getHeight() / 2 * scrollDirection); ViewHelper.setAlpha(item, JazzyHelper.OPAQUE / 2); }
private int b() { ViewGroup.LayoutParams localLayoutParams = a.getLayoutParams(); if (a(a.getHeight())) { return a.getHeight(); } if (localLayoutParams != null) { return a(height, true); } return 0; }
public static Bitmap takeScreenshot(View view) { if (view == null) return null; assert view.getWidth() > 0 && view.getHeight() > 0; Bitmap.Config config = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888; Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(view.getWidth(), view.getHeight(), config); Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap); view.draw(canvas); return bitmap; }
private int getViewHeightOrParam() { final LayoutParams layoutParams = view.getLayoutParams(); if (isSizeValid(view.getHeight())) { return view.getHeight(); } else if (layoutParams != null) { return getSizeForParam(layoutParams.height, true /*isHeight*/); } else { return PENDING_SIZE; } }
@Override public void animate(View view) { f = pickScale(); f2 = pickScale(); f3 = pickTranslation(view.getWidth(), f); f4 = pickTranslation(view.getHeight(), f); f5 = pickTranslation(view.getWidth(), f2); f6 = pickTranslation(view.getHeight(), f2); start(view, Image_Animation_Duration, f, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6); }
@Override public void onGlobalLayout() { if (waitingForExactHeaderHeight && dummyHeader.getHeight() > 0) { headerHeight = dummyHeader.getHeight(); waitingForExactHeaderHeight = false; LayoutParams params = dummyHeader.getLayoutParams(); params.height = headerHeight; dummyHeader.setLayoutParams(params); } }
@SuppressLint("NewApi") private void moveHandlebar(final float where) { float move = where; if (move < mScrollbarMargin) move = mScrollbarMargin; else if (move > getHeight() - mHandlebar.getHeight() - mScrollbarMargin) move = getHeight() - mHandlebar.getHeight() - mScrollbarMargin; if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) mHandlebar.startAnimation(moveCompat(move)); else mHandlebar.setTranslationY(move); }
@Override public void onScrollChanged(int scrollY, boolean firstScroll, boolean dragging) { // Translate overlay and image float flexibleRange = mFlexibleSpaceImageHeight - mActionBarSize; int minOverlayTransitionY = mActionBarSize - mOverlayView.getHeight(); ViewHelper.setTranslationY( mOverlayView, ScrollUtils.getFloat(-scrollY, minOverlayTransitionY, 0)); ViewHelper.setTranslationY( mImageView, ScrollUtils.getFloat(-scrollY / 2, minOverlayTransitionY, 0)); // Change alpha of overlay ViewHelper.setAlpha(mOverlayView, ScrollUtils.getFloat((float) scrollY / flexibleRange, 0, 1)); // Scale title text float scale = 1 + ScrollUtils.getFloat( (flexibleRange - scrollY) / flexibleRange, 0, MAX_TEXT_SCALE_DELTA); ViewHelper.setPivotX(mTitleView, 0); ViewHelper.setPivotY(mTitleView, 0); ViewHelper.setScaleX(mTitleView, scale); ViewHelper.setScaleY(mTitleView, scale); // Translate title text int maxTitleTranslationY = (int) (mFlexibleSpaceImageHeight - mTitleView.getHeight() * scale); int titleTranslationY = maxTitleTranslationY - scrollY; ViewHelper.setTranslationY(mTitleView, titleTranslationY); // Translate FAB int maxFabTranslationY = mFlexibleSpaceImageHeight - mFab.getHeight() / 2; float fabTranslationY = ScrollUtils.getFloat( -scrollY + mFlexibleSpaceImageHeight - mFab.getHeight() / 2, mActionBarSize - mFab.getHeight() / 2, maxFabTranslationY); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) { // On pre-honeycomb, ViewHelper.setTranslationX/Y does not set margin, // which causes FAB's OnClickListener not working. FrameLayout.LayoutParams lp = (FrameLayout.LayoutParams) mFab.getLayoutParams(); lp.leftMargin = mOverlayView.getWidth() - mFabMargin - mFab.getWidth(); lp.topMargin = (int) fabTranslationY; mFab.requestLayout(); } else { ViewHelper.setTranslationX(mFab, mOverlayView.getWidth() - mFabMargin - mFab.getWidth()); ViewHelper.setTranslationY(mFab, fabTranslationY); } // Show/hide FAB if (fabTranslationY < mFlexibleSpaceShowFabOffset) { hideFab(); } else { showFab(); } }
@Override public void onPageSelected(int position) { SparseArrayCompat<ScrollTabHolder> scrollTabHolders = mAdapter.getScrollTabHolders(); if (scrollTabHolders == null || scrollTabHolders.size() != mNumFragments) { return; } ScrollTabHolder currentHolder = scrollTabHolders.valueAt(position); currentHolder.adjustScroll( (int) (mHeader.getHeight() + mHeader.getTranslationY()), mHeader.getHeight()); }
public static void expandOrCollapse(View view2Expand, View view2Measure, int collapsedHeight) { if (view2Expand.getHeight() < collapsedHeight) return; int measuredHeight = measureViewHeight(view2Expand, view2Measure); if (measuredHeight < collapsedHeight) measuredHeight = collapsedHeight; final int startHeight = view2Expand.getHeight(); final int finishHeight = startHeight <= collapsedHeight ? measuredHeight : collapsedHeight; view2Expand.startAnimation(new ExpandAnimation(view2Expand, startHeight, finishHeight)); }
private static int c(View paramView) { Object localObject = paramView.getLayoutParams(); if ((localObject instanceof ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams)) { localObject = (ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams)localObject; int i1 = paramView.getHeight(); int i2 = topMargin; return bottomMargin + (i1 + i2); } return paramView.getHeight(); }
private void hideControls() { mControlsVisible = false; int duration = getResources().getInteger(R.integer.animation_controls_showHide); if (getResources().getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) { // Landscape: tab containers slide to left / right mConTabsA .animate() .alpha(0) .translationX(-mConTabsA.getWidth()) .setInterpolator(new AccelerateInterpolator()) .setDuration(duration); mConTabsB .animate() .alpha(0) .translationX(mConTabsB.getWidth()) .setInterpolator(new AccelerateInterpolator()) .setDuration(duration); } else { // Portrait: tab containers slide to top / bottom mConTabsA .animate() .alpha(0) .translationY(-mConTabsA.getHeight()) .setInterpolator(new AccelerateInterpolator()) .setDuration(duration); mConTabsB .animate() .alpha(0) .translationY(mConTabsB.getHeight()) .setInterpolator(new AccelerateInterpolator()) .setDuration(duration); } // 'Uncompress' the main fragment mConFragments .animate() .scaleX(1f) .scaleY(1f) .setInterpolator(new AccelerateInterpolator()) .setDuration(duration); // Record button mChkRecord .animate() .alpha(0) .translationY(-mChkRecord.getHeight()) .setInterpolator(new AccelerateInterpolator()) .setDuration(duration); // Show the title mTxtTitle.animate().alpha(1f).setDuration(duration).setStartDelay(duration); }