public static CurrencyListDialog create(boolean[] prefs) { CurrencyListDialog dialog = new CurrencyListDialog(); Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putBooleanArray(DIALOG_LISTPREFS, prefs); dialog.setArguments(bundle); return dialog; }
@Override public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) { // Saving title field if (titleEditText != null) { savedInstanceState.putString(STATE_TITLE, titleEditText.getText().toString()); } // Saving description field if (descriptionEditText != null) { savedInstanceState.putString(STATE_DESCRIPTION, descriptionEditText.getText().toString()); } // Saving time field if (time != null) { savedInstanceState.putInt(STATE_TIME_HOUR, time.first); savedInstanceState.putInt(STATE_TIME_MINUTES, time.second); } // Saving week days field if (weekDays != null) { savedInstanceState.putBooleanArray(STATE_WEEK_DAYS, weekDays); } // The call to super method must be at the end here super.onSaveInstanceState(savedInstanceState); }
@Override public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onSaveInstanceState(savedInstanceState); Log.i(TAG, "onSaveInstanceState"); savedInstanceState.putInt(KEY_INDEX, mCurrentIndex); savedInstanceState.putBooleanArray(CHEATED_VALUES, mCheatedQuestionsBank); }
private Builder setSingleChoiceMode(Builder builder, String[] choices) { // 選択された選択肢を保存しておく配列を作成し,argumentsに入れておく // 生成時に受け取っている場合は不要 Bundle args = getArguments(); if (!args.containsKey(CHOSEN) || args.getBooleanArray(CHOSEN) == null) { boolean[] checked = new boolean[choices.length]; args.putBooleanArray(CHOSEN, checked); } boolean[] checked = args.getBooleanArray(CHOSEN); int chosenItem; for (chosenItem = 0; chosenItem < checked.length; chosenItem++) { if (checked[chosenItem]) break; } builder.setSingleChoiceItems( choices, chosenItem, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { Bundle args = getArguments(); boolean[] checked = args.getBooleanArray(CHOSEN); for (int i = 0; i < checked.length; i++) { checked[i] = (i == which); // 選ばれたもの以外すべてfalseにする } args.putBooleanArray(CHOSEN, checked); } }); return builder; }
public static boolean putJSONValueInBundle(Bundle bundle, String key, Object value) { if (value == null) { bundle.remove(key); } else if (value instanceof Boolean) { bundle.putBoolean(key, ((Boolean) value).booleanValue()); } else if (value instanceof boolean[]) { bundle.putBooleanArray(key, (boolean[]) value); } else if (value instanceof Double) { bundle.putDouble(key, ((Double) value).doubleValue()); } else if (value instanceof double[]) { bundle.putDoubleArray(key, (double[]) value); } else if (value instanceof Integer) { bundle.putInt(key, ((Integer) value).intValue()); } else if (value instanceof int[]) { bundle.putIntArray(key, (int[]) value); } else if (value instanceof Long) { bundle.putLong(key, ((Long) value).longValue()); } else if (value instanceof long[]) { bundle.putLongArray(key, (long[]) value); } else if (value instanceof String) { bundle.putString(key, (String) value); } else if (value instanceof JSONArray) { bundle.putString(key, ((JSONArray) value).toString()); } else if (value instanceof JSONObject) { bundle.putString(key, ((JSONObject) value).toString()); } else { return false; } return true; }
/** * Add extended data to the extra. * * @param name The name of the extra data, with package prefix. * @param value The boolean array data value. * @return Returns the same extra object, for chaining multiple calls into a single statement. * @see #putExtras * @see #removeExtra * @see #getBooleanArrayExtra(String) */ public Request putExtra(String name, boolean[] value) { if (mExtras == null) { mExtras = new Bundle(); } mExtras.putBooleanArray(name, value); return this; }
@Override public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onSaveInstanceState(savedInstanceState); Log.d(TAG, "sky test now"); savedInstanceState.putInt(KEY_INDEX, mCurrentIndex); savedInstanceState.putBooleanArray(KEY_CHEATER, mIsCheater); }
private static void putBooleanArray(String key, Bundle bundle) { int length = random.nextInt(50); boolean[] array = new boolean[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { array[i] = random.nextBoolean(); } bundle.putBooleanArray(key, array); }
private void updateFromPreferences() { // Log.e(TAG, "Update Preferences Fired"); Context context = getApplicationContext(); boolean[] isOutputCh = loadBooleanArray("isInput", context); boolean[] isDigCh = loadBooleanArray("isDig", context); boolean[] outputState = loadBooleanArray("outputState", context); boolean fromFreq = true; String[] desiredFreq = loadStringArray("desiredFreqs", context, fromFreq); fromFreq = false; String[] desiredDuty = loadStringArray("desiredDutys", context, fromFreq); Bundle myBundle = new Bundle(); myBundle.putBooleanArray("isInput", isOutputCh); myBundle.putBooleanArray("isDig", isDigCh); myBundle.putBooleanArray("outputState", outputState); myBundle.putStringArray("desiredFreqs", desiredFreq); myBundle.putStringArray("desiredDutys", desiredDuty); ((AndroiDAQTCPAdapter) pager.getAdapter()).setUIStates(myBundle); /*Example countSecs = prefs.getInt("setTime", 5000); timeIsSet = prefs.getBoolean("timeSet", true); project = prefs.getString("project", "Project01");*/ }
/** Save the state of the panes */ @Override public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) { int[] panesType = new int[panesLayout.getNumPanes()]; boolean[] panesFocused = new boolean[panesLayout.getNumPanes()]; for (int i = 0; i < panesLayout.getNumPanes(); i++) { PaneView p = panesLayout.getPane(i); panesType[i] = p.type; panesFocused[i] = p.focused; } savedInstanceState.putIntArray("PanesLayout_panesType", panesType); savedInstanceState.putBooleanArray("PanesLayout_panesFocused", panesFocused); savedInstanceState.putInt("PanesLayout_currentIndex", panesLayout.getCurrentIndex()); }
public static void changeVisibility( Messenger paramMessenger, String[] paramArrayOfString, boolean[] paramArrayOfBoolean) { if ((paramArrayOfString != null) && (paramArrayOfBoolean != null)) { if (paramArrayOfString.length != paramArrayOfBoolean.length) Log.e( "Circle", "length different : " + paramArrayOfString.length + " " + paramArrayOfBoolean.length); } else return; Bundle localBundle = new Bundle(); localBundle.putStringArray("visibility_shapes", paramArrayOfString); localBundle.putBooleanArray("visibility", paramArrayOfBoolean); Message localMessage = Message.obtain(null, 10); localMessage.setData(localBundle); CircleWidget3DProvider.sendMessage(paramMessenger, localMessage); }
@Override protected Parcelable onSaveInstanceState() { Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); mBitmapAlpha = new float[mCount]; mMessageNumber = new int[mCount]; mNews = new boolean[mCount]; for (int i = 0; i < mCount; i++) { mBitmapAlpha[i] = mTabstrips.get(i).getBitmapAlpha(); mMessageNumber[i] = mTabstrips.get(i).getMessageNumber(); mNews[i] = mTabstrips.get(i).getNews(); } bundle.putParcelable(INSTANCE_STATUS, super.onSaveInstanceState()); bundle.putFloatArray(STATUS_ALPHAS, mBitmapAlpha); bundle.putIntArray(STATUS_MESSAGENUMBER, mMessageNumber); bundle.putBooleanArray(STATUS_NEWS, mNews); return bundle; }
/** * Bundle contendo: int acertos; int total; int tentativas; boolean[] corretas; * * @return o bundle contendo as informações da lista totalmente respondida * @return null se nao tiver sido totalmente respondida */ public Bundle verificaRespondeuTodas() { Log.d("BackService", "verificaRespondeuTodas"); if (mUser.isCompletelyAnswered()) { Bundle b = new Bundle(); b.putInt("acertos", mUser.getAcertos()); b.putInt("total", mUser.QL.getArrayListQuestion().size()); // b.putInt("tentativas", mUser.getTentativas()); boolean[] corretas = mUser.getRespostasCorretas(); boolean[] corretas2 = new boolean[corretas.length]; int i = 0; for (Question q : mUser.QL.getArrayListQuestion()) { corretas2[i] = corretas[q.ID]; i++; } b.putBooleanArray("corretas", corretas2); return b; } return null; }
private Builder setMutlipleChoiceMode(Builder builder, String[] choices) { // 選択された選択肢を保存しておく配列を作成し,argumentsに入れておく // 生成時に受け取っている場合は不要 Bundle args = getArguments(); if (!args.containsKey(CHOSEN) || args.getBooleanArray(CHOSEN) == null) { boolean[] checked = new boolean[choices.length]; args.putBooleanArray(CHOSEN, checked); } builder.setMultiChoiceItems( choices, args.getBooleanArray(CHOSEN), new DialogInterface.OnMultiChoiceClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which, boolean isChecked) { Bundle args = getArguments(); boolean[] checked = args.getBooleanArray(CHOSEN); checked[which] = isChecked; args.putBooleanArray(CHOSEN, checked); } }); return builder; }
private void deserializeKey(String key, Bundle bundle) throws JSONException { String jsonString = cache.getString(key, "{}"); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jsonString); String valueType = json.getString(JSON_VALUE_TYPE); if (valueType.equals(TYPE_BOOLEAN)) { bundle.putBoolean(key, json.getBoolean(JSON_VALUE)); } else if (valueType.equals(TYPE_BOOLEAN_ARRAY)) { JSONArray jsonArray = json.getJSONArray(JSON_VALUE); boolean[] array = new boolean[jsonArray.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { array[i] = jsonArray.getBoolean(i); } bundle.putBooleanArray(key, array); } else if (valueType.equals(TYPE_BYTE)) { bundle.putByte(key, (byte) json.getInt(JSON_VALUE)); } else if (valueType.equals(TYPE_BYTE_ARRAY)) { JSONArray jsonArray = json.getJSONArray(JSON_VALUE); byte[] array = new byte[jsonArray.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { array[i] = (byte) jsonArray.getInt(i); } bundle.putByteArray(key, array); } else if (valueType.equals(TYPE_SHORT)) { bundle.putShort(key, (short) json.getInt(JSON_VALUE)); } else if (valueType.equals(TYPE_SHORT_ARRAY)) { JSONArray jsonArray = json.getJSONArray(JSON_VALUE); short[] array = new short[jsonArray.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { array[i] = (short) jsonArray.getInt(i); } bundle.putShortArray(key, array); } else if (valueType.equals(TYPE_INTEGER)) { bundle.putInt(key, json.getInt(JSON_VALUE)); } else if (valueType.equals(TYPE_INTEGER_ARRAY)) { JSONArray jsonArray = json.getJSONArray(JSON_VALUE); int[] array = new int[jsonArray.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { array[i] = jsonArray.getInt(i); } bundle.putIntArray(key, array); } else if (valueType.equals(TYPE_LONG)) { bundle.putLong(key, json.getLong(JSON_VALUE)); } else if (valueType.equals(TYPE_LONG_ARRAY)) { JSONArray jsonArray = json.getJSONArray(JSON_VALUE); long[] array = new long[jsonArray.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { array[i] = jsonArray.getLong(i); } bundle.putLongArray(key, array); } else if (valueType.equals(TYPE_FLOAT)) { bundle.putFloat(key, (float) json.getDouble(JSON_VALUE)); } else if (valueType.equals(TYPE_FLOAT_ARRAY)) { JSONArray jsonArray = json.getJSONArray(JSON_VALUE); float[] array = new float[jsonArray.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { array[i] = (float) jsonArray.getDouble(i); } bundle.putFloatArray(key, array); } else if (valueType.equals(TYPE_DOUBLE)) { bundle.putDouble(key, json.getDouble(JSON_VALUE)); } else if (valueType.equals(TYPE_DOUBLE_ARRAY)) { JSONArray jsonArray = json.getJSONArray(JSON_VALUE); double[] array = new double[jsonArray.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { array[i] = jsonArray.getDouble(i); } bundle.putDoubleArray(key, array); } else if (valueType.equals(TYPE_CHAR)) { String charString = json.getString(JSON_VALUE); if (charString != null && charString.length() == 1) { bundle.putChar(key, charString.charAt(0)); } } else if (valueType.equals(TYPE_CHAR_ARRAY)) { JSONArray jsonArray = json.getJSONArray(JSON_VALUE); char[] array = new char[jsonArray.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { String charString = jsonArray.getString(i); if (charString != null && charString.length() == 1) { array[i] = charString.charAt(0); } } bundle.putCharArray(key, array); } else if (valueType.equals(TYPE_STRING)) { bundle.putString(key, json.getString(JSON_VALUE)); } else if (valueType.equals(TYPE_STRING_LIST)) { JSONArray jsonArray = json.getJSONArray(JSON_VALUE); int numStrings = jsonArray.length(); ArrayList<String> stringList = new ArrayList<String>(numStrings); for (int i = 0; i < numStrings; i++) { Object jsonStringValue = jsonArray.get(i); stringList.add(i, jsonStringValue == JSONObject.NULL ? null : (String) jsonStringValue); } bundle.putStringArrayList(key, stringList); } else if (valueType.equals(TYPE_ENUM)) { try { String enumType = json.getString(JSON_VALUE_ENUM_TYPE); @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) Class<? extends Enum> enumClass = (Class<? extends Enum>) Class.forName(enumType); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Enum<?> enumValue = Enum.valueOf(enumClass, json.getString(JSON_VALUE)); bundle.putSerializable(key, enumValue); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } }
/** * Saving the current state of the activity for configuration changes [ Portrait <=> Landscape ] */ @Override protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { super.onSaveInstanceState(outState); outState.putBooleanArray("status", status); }