public static Drawable fromDrawable(Drawable drawable) { if (drawable != null) { if (drawable instanceof RoundedDrawable) { // just return if it's already a RoundedDrawable return drawable; } else if (drawable instanceof ColorDrawable) { // FIXME we don't support ColorDrawables yet return drawable; } else if (drawable instanceof LayerDrawable) { LayerDrawable ld = (LayerDrawable) drawable; int num = ld.getNumberOfLayers(); // loop through layers to and change to RoundedDrawables if possible for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { Drawable d = ld.getDrawable(i); ld.setDrawableByLayerId(ld.getId(i), fromDrawable(d)); } return ld; } // try to get a bitmap from the drawable and Bitmap bm = drawableToBitmap(drawable); if (bm != null) { return new RoundedDrawable(bm); } else { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to create bitmap from drawable!"); } } return drawable; }
private void applyBackgroundChanges() { if (!mAttached || mLayerWrapper == null) { return; } if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "applyBackgroundChanges drawable " + mBackgroundDrawable); int dimAlpha = 0; if (mImageOutWrapper != null && mImageOutWrapper.isAnimationPending()) { if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "mImageOutWrapper animation starting"); mImageOutWrapper.startAnimation(); mImageOutWrapper = null; dimAlpha = DIM_ALPHA_ON_SOLID; } if (mImageInWrapper == null && mBackgroundDrawable != null) { if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "creating new imagein drawable"); mImageInWrapper = new DrawableWrapper(mBackgroundDrawable); mLayerDrawable.setDrawableByLayerId(, mBackgroundDrawable); if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "mImageInWrapper animation starting"); mImageInWrapper.setAlpha(0); mImageInWrapper.fadeIn(FADE_DURATION_SLOW, 0); mImageInWrapper.startAnimation(); dimAlpha = FULL_ALPHA; } if (mDimWrapper != null && dimAlpha != 0) { if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "dimwrapper animation starting to " + dimAlpha); mDimWrapper.fade(FADE_DURATION_SLOW, 0, dimAlpha); mDimWrapper.startAnimation(); } }
/** * Release references to Drawables. Typically called to reduce memory overhead when not visible. * * <p>When an Activity is resumed, if the BackgroundManager has not been released, the continuity * service is updated from the BackgroundManager state. If the BackgroundManager was released, the * BackgroundManager inherits the current state from the continuity service. */ public void release() { if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "release"); if (mLayerDrawable != null) { mLayerDrawable.setDrawableByLayerId(, createEmptyDrawable()); mLayerDrawable.setDrawableByLayerId(, createEmptyDrawable()); mLayerDrawable = null; } mLayerWrapper = null; mImageInWrapper = null; mImageOutWrapper = null; mColorWrapper = null; mDimWrapper = null; mThemeDrawable = null; if (mChangeRunnable != null) { mChangeRunnable.cancel(); mChangeRunnable = null; } releaseBackgroundBitmap(); }
private void updateImmediate() { lazyInit(); mColorWrapper.setColor(mBackgroundColor); if (mDimWrapper != null) { mDimWrapper.setAlpha(mBackgroundColor == Color.TRANSPARENT ? 0 : DIM_ALPHA_ON_SOLID); } showWallpaper(mBackgroundColor == Color.TRANSPARENT); mThemeDrawable = getThemeDrawable(); mLayerDrawable.setDrawableByLayerId(, mThemeDrawable); if (mBackgroundDrawable == null) { mLayerDrawable.setDrawableByLayerId(, createEmptyDrawable()); } else { if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Background drawable is available"); mImageInWrapper = new DrawableWrapper(mBackgroundDrawable); mLayerDrawable.setDrawableByLayerId(, mBackgroundDrawable); if (mDimWrapper != null) { mDimWrapper.setAlpha(FULL_ALPHA); } } }
private void lazyInit() { if (mLayerDrawable != null) { return; } mLayerDrawable = (LayerDrawable) mContext.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.lb_background); mBgView.setBackground(mLayerDrawable); mLayerDrawable.setDrawableByLayerId(, createEmptyDrawable()); mDimWrapper = new DrawableWrapper(mLayerDrawable.findDrawableByLayerId(; mLayerWrapper = new DrawableWrapper(mLayerDrawable); mColorWrapper = new DrawableWrapper(mLayerDrawable.findDrawableByLayerId(; }
/** Updates a target in the GlowPadView */ private void setTarget( int position, String uri, Drawable draw, String iconType, String iconSource, String pkgName) { TargetInfo item = mTargetStore.get(position); StateListDrawable state = (StateListDrawable) item.icon; LayerDrawable inActiveLayer = (LayerDrawable) state.getStateDrawable(0); LayerDrawable activeLayer = (LayerDrawable) state.getStateDrawable(1); inActiveLayer.setDrawableByLayerId(1, draw); boolean isSystem = iconType != null && iconType.equals(GlowPadView.ICON_RESOURCE); if (!isSystem) { final Drawable activeBack = mResources.getDrawable(; activeLayer.setDrawableByLayerId(0, new InsetDrawable(activeBack, 0, 0, 0, 0)); activeLayer.setDrawableByLayerId(1, draw); } else { InsetDrawable empty = new InsetDrawable(mResources.getDrawable(android.R.color.transparent), 0, 0, 0, 0); activeLayer.setDrawableByLayerId(1, empty); int activeId = mResources.getIdentifier( iconSource.replaceAll("_normal", "_activated"), "drawable", "android"); Drawable back = null; if (activeId != 0) { back = mResources.getDrawable(activeId); activeLayer.setDrawableByLayerId(0, back); } else { final Drawable activeBack = mResources.getDrawable(; activeLayer.setDrawableByLayerId(0, new InsetDrawable(activeBack, 0, 0, 0, 0)); } } item.defaultIcon = mDialogIcon.getDrawable().getConstantState().newDrawable().mutate(); item.uri = uri; item.iconType = iconType; item.iconSource = iconSource; item.pkgName = pkgName; }