@Override public boolean checkNImage(String nImage) { boolean isExists = false; Cursor cur = null; String sql = "select count(" + BaseColumns._ID + ") from " + FY2Columns.TABLE_NAME + " where " + FY2Columns.NIMAGE + " = ?"; String[] selectionArgs = {nImage}; try { cur = getSQLiteDatabase().rawQuery(sql, selectionArgs); while (cur.moveToNext()) { int count = cur.getInt(0); if (count > 0) { isExists = true; } break; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Log.e(TAG, "checkNImage failed! - " + ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (cur != null) cur.close(); } return isExists; }
void createTable() { SQLiteDatabase db = Obtainer.AcquireDB(); db.beginTransaction(); boolean createComplete = false; try { Obtainer.getDB().execSQL(CREATE); createComplete = true; } catch (SQLException ex) { String msg = null; if (ex != null) { msg = ex.getMessage(); } if (msg != null && msg.contains("already exists")) { createComplete = true; } else { createComplete = false; } } if (createComplete) { db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } db.endTransaction(); Obtainer.ReleaseDB(); }
private void saveAccelerometerDevice(Sensor acc) { Cursor accelInfo = getContentResolver().query(Accelerometer_Sensor.CONTENT_URI, null, null, null, null); if (accelInfo == null || !accelInfo.moveToFirst()) { ContentValues rowData = new ContentValues(); rowData.put( Accelerometer_Sensor.DEVICE_ID, Aware.getSetting(getApplicationContext(), Aware_Preferences.DEVICE_ID)); rowData.put(Accelerometer_Sensor.TIMESTAMP, System.currentTimeMillis()); rowData.put(Accelerometer_Sensor.MAXIMUM_RANGE, acc.getMaximumRange()); rowData.put(Accelerometer_Sensor.MINIMUM_DELAY, acc.getMinDelay()); rowData.put(Accelerometer_Sensor.NAME, acc.getName()); rowData.put(Accelerometer_Sensor.POWER_MA, acc.getPower()); rowData.put(Accelerometer_Sensor.RESOLUTION, acc.getResolution()); rowData.put(Accelerometer_Sensor.TYPE, acc.getType()); rowData.put(Accelerometer_Sensor.VENDOR, acc.getVendor()); rowData.put(Accelerometer_Sensor.VERSION, acc.getVersion()); try { getContentResolver().insert(Accelerometer_Sensor.CONTENT_URI, rowData); Intent accel_dev = new Intent(ACTION_AWARE_ACCELEROMETER); accel_dev.putExtra(EXTRA_SENSOR, rowData); sendBroadcast(accel_dev); if (Aware.DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Accelerometer device:" + rowData.toString()); } catch (SQLiteException e) { if (Aware.DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, e.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e) { if (Aware.DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, e.getMessage()); } } else accelInfo.close(); }
public void insert(ChannelWithTvGuide c) { if (db == null) { db = getDatabase().getWritableDatabase(); db.beginTransaction(); } ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.putNull(SQLiteProvider.CHANNEL_TBL_COLUMN_ID); values.put(SQLiteProvider.CHANNEL_TBL_COLUMN_KEY, c.getKey()); values.put(SQLiteProvider.CHANNEL_TBL_COLUMN_TITLE, c.getDescription()); try { long id = db.insert(SQLiteProvider.CHANNEL_TBL_NAME, null, values); Collection<TvShow> shows = c.getSortedListing(); Log.d(TAG, "Channel '" + c.getKey() + "' has " + shows.size() + " shows."); for (TvShow show : shows) { insert(id, show); } } catch (SQLException se) { Log.d(TAG, se.getMessage()); } }
public boolean deleteAll() { boolean flag = false; String deleteHeadSql = "DELETE FROM ProductGroupHead"; String deleteDetailSql = "DELETE FROM ProductGroupDetail"; SQLiteDatabase db = AssetsDatabaseManager.getManager().getDatabase(); try { // 开启事务 db.beginTransaction(); SQLiteStatement detail_stat = db.compileStatement(deleteDetailSql); detail_stat.executeUpdateDelete(); SQLiteStatement head_stat = db.compileStatement(deleteHeadSql); head_stat.executeUpdateDelete(); // 数据插入成功,设置事物成功标志 db.setTransactionSuccessful(); // 保存数据 db.endTransaction(); flag = true; } catch (SQLException e) { // 结束事物,在这里没有设置成功标志,结束后不保存 ZillionLog.e(this.getClass().getName(), e.getMessage(), e); db.endTransaction(); e.printStackTrace(); } return flag; }
public void addFavorite(int id, String name) { try { db.execSQL( "INSERT INTO " + TABLE_FAVORITES + " (id, name) VALUES (" + id + ", '" + name + "');"); } catch (SQLException e) { Log.d("DB", e.getMessage()); } }
/** * This test exercises the same code as {@link CsvTableWriter#dumpToCsv}. When upgrading the db * version, any new table will throw this exception. The test ensures that the exception will get * caught and is mainly here for future-proofing. */ public void testBackupMissingTableThrows() { try { SQLiteDatabase db = dbHelper.getReadableDatabase(); Cursor c = db.query("bogus_table", null, null, null, null, null, null); fail(); } catch (SQLException e) { assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("no such table")); } }
// Table: Exec SQL public boolean execSQL(String SQL) { try { database.execSQL(SQL); return true; } catch (SQLException ex) { setError(ex.getMessage()); return false; } }
/** * 批量增加产品组合主表记录数据 * * @param list */ public boolean batchAddProductGroupHead(List<ProductGroupHeadData> list) { boolean flag = false; String headSql = "insert into ProductGroupHead(PG1_ID,PG1_M02_ID,PG1_CU1_ID,PG1_CODE,PG1_Name,PG1_CreateUser,PG1_CreateTime,PG1_ModifyUser,PG1_ModifyTime,PG1_RowVersion)" + "values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; String detailSql = "insert into ProductGroupDetail(PG2_ID,PG2_M02_ID,PG2_PG1_ID,PG2_PD1_ID,PG2_GroupQty,PG2_CreateUser,PG2_CreateTime,PG2_ModifyUser,PG2_ModifyTime,PG2_RowVersion)" + "values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; SQLiteDatabase db = AssetsDatabaseManager.getManager().getDatabase(); try { // 开启事务 db.beginTransaction(); for (ProductGroupHeadData productGroupHead : list) { SQLiteStatement stat = db.compileStatement(headSql); stat.bindString(1, productGroupHead.getPg1Id()); stat.bindString(2, productGroupHead.getPg1M02Id()); stat.bindString(3, productGroupHead.getPg1Cu1Id()); stat.bindString(4, productGroupHead.getPg1Code()); stat.bindString(5, productGroupHead.getPg1Name()); stat.bindString(6, productGroupHead.getPg1CreateUser()); stat.bindString(7, productGroupHead.getPg1CreateTime()); stat.bindString(8, productGroupHead.getPg1ModifyUser()); stat.bindString(9, productGroupHead.getPg1ModifyTime()); stat.bindString(10, productGroupHead.getPg1RowVersion()); stat.executeInsert(); List<ProductGroupDetailData> children = productGroupHead.getChildren(); if (children != null) { for (ProductGroupDetailData productGroupDetail : children) { SQLiteStatement detail_stat = db.compileStatement(detailSql); detail_stat.bindString(1, productGroupDetail.getPg2Id()); detail_stat.bindString(2, productGroupDetail.getPg2M02Id()); detail_stat.bindString(3, productGroupDetail.getPg2Pg1Id()); detail_stat.bindString(4, productGroupDetail.getPg2Pd1Id()); detail_stat.bindLong(5, productGroupDetail.getPg2GroupQty()); detail_stat.bindString(6, productGroupDetail.getPg2CreateUser()); detail_stat.bindString(7, productGroupDetail.getPg2CreateTime()); detail_stat.bindString(8, productGroupDetail.getPg2ModifyUser()); detail_stat.bindString(9, productGroupDetail.getPg2ModifyTime()); detail_stat.bindString(10, productGroupDetail.getPg2RowVersion()); detail_stat.executeInsert(); } } } // 数据插入成功,设置事物成功标志 db.setTransactionSuccessful(); // 保存数据 db.endTransaction(); flag = true; } catch (SQLException e) { // 结束事物,在这里没有设置成功标志,结束后不保存 ZillionLog.e(this.getClass().getName(), e.getMessage(), e); db.endTransaction(); e.printStackTrace(); } return flag; }
public void read(SQLiteDatabase db, String fromJid) { try { db.execSQL( "UPDATE " + TABLE_CHAT + " set STATE = ? where FROMJID = ? and STATE = ?", new Object[] {Message.READ, Message.getUserId(fromJid), Message.UNREAD}); } catch (SQLException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error adding new message:" + e.getMessage(), e); } }
@Override public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) { try { db.execSQL(DATABASE_CREATE_TAB_GOMEE); } catch (SQLException ex) { Log.i("onCreate DB", ex.getMessage()); } }
public List<Message> getThreads( SQLiteDatabase db, int myUserId, boolean both, int limit, int offset) { List<Message> list = new ArrayList<Message>(); String myId = String.valueOf(myUserId); try { String sql = "(select max(id) as latest_id from " + TABLE_CHAT + " group by max(FROMJID, TOJID), " + "min(FROMJID, TOJID) having (FROMJID = '" + myId + "' or TOJID = '" + myId + "' " + ")order by latest_id desc limit " + limit + " offset " + offset + ") AS threads"; sql = "select * from " + TABLE_CHAT + ", " + sql + " where " + TABLE_CHAT + ".id = threads.latest_id;"; Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(sql, null); int count = cursor.getCount(); if (count > 0) { cursor.moveToFirst(); while (!cursor.isAfterLast()) { // "(ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,FROM TEXT,TO TEXT,TIME LONG,TEXT TEXT, ATTACHID TEXT, // ATTACHTYPE INTEGER, STATE INTEGER);"; Message msg = new Message(cursor.getString(2), Message.MSG_TYPE_CHAT); msg.setFrom(cursor.getString(1)); msg.setBody(cursor.getString(4)); msg.setTimestamp(new Date(cursor.getLong(3))); msg.setState(cursor.getInt(7)); msg.setExtraType(cursor.getString(8)); msg.setExtraJson(cursor.getString(9)); msg.setSubject(cursor.getString(10)); msg.setThread(msg.getFromUserId().equals(myId) ? msg.getToUserId() : msg.getFromUserId()); list.add(msg); cursor.moveToNext(); } cursor.close(); return list; } else { cursor.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error getRecords" + e.getMessage()); } return list; }
public boolean delDespesa(int id) { try { String query = "DELETE FROM Despesas WHERE rowid=" + id; this.bancoDeDados.execSQL(query); return true; } catch (SQLException e) { Log.e("TripLogDB", e.getMessage()); return false; } }
public void execSQL(SQLiteDatabase db, String sql, Object[] params) { db.beginTransaction(); try { db.execSQL(sql, params); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } catch (SQLException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error execSQL " + sql + ";ErrorMessage:" + e.getMessage()); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } }
public RepeticionesCRUD(Context context) { this.mContext = context; mDbHelper = new Helper(context); // open the database try { open(); } catch (SQLException e) { Log.e(TAG, "SQLException on openning database " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } }
public boolean delDespesas(int idViagem) { try { Log.i(null, "APAGANDO despesas " + idViagem); String query = "DELETE FROM Despesas WHERE " + BancoDeDados.COL_ID_VIAGEM + "=" + idViagem; this.bancoDeDados.execSQL(query); return true; } catch (SQLException e) { Log.e("TripLogDB", e.getMessage()); return false; } }
public boolean delDespesasPagasCom(int carteiraId) { try { String query = "DELETE FROM Despesas WHERE " + BancoDeDados.DESPESA_COL_PAGOCOM + "=" + carteiraId; this.bancoDeDados.execSQL(query); return true; } catch (SQLException e) { Log.e("TripLogDB", e.getMessage()); return false; } }
@Override public void addClient(String mac, String ip) { ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(2); cv.put(DatabaseHelper.DATABASE_MAC, mac); cv.put(DatabaseHelper.DATABASE_IP, ip); SQLiteDatabase db = mDatabaseH.getWritableDatabase(); try { db.replaceOrThrow(DatabaseHelper.DATABASE_TABLE, null, cv); } catch (SQLException e) { Log.e(AperiMainActivity.TAG, "Could not add/replace [" + mac + "]:\n" + e.getMessage()); } }
/** * 用于执行数据的增删改操作 * * @param sql 以insert | update |delete打头的SQL语句 */ public void execSQL(String sql) { db = helper.getWritableDatabase(); try { db.execSQL(sql); // CommonUtil.Log("sqy", "DBHelper", "execSQL:sql=" + sql, 'i'); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { System.out.println(sqlEx.getMessage()); } finally { db.close(); } }
/** * 用于执行数据的查询操作 * * @param sql以select打头的SQL语句 * @return */ public Cursor rawQuery(String sql) { db = helper.getReadableDatabase(); Cursor cursor = null; try { cursor = db.rawQuery(sql, null); // CommonUtil.Log("sqy", "DBHelper", "rawQuery:sql=" + sql, 'i'); return cursor; } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); return null; } }
// load/reload the active profile private void loadProfileDetails() { UserDBAdapter dbUser = new UserDBAdapter(this); try { dbUser.open(); Cursor c = dbUser.getProfile(username); dbUser.close(); EditText et = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.editTextName); et.setText(c.getString(0)); setEditableOff(et); et = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.editTextDOB); et.setText(c.getString(1)); setEditableOff(et); et = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.editTextGender); et.setText(c.getString(2)); setEditableOff(et); et = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.editTextLocation); et.setText(c.getString(3)); setEditableOff(et); et = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.editTextInfo); et.setText(c.getString(4)); setEditableOff(et); et = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.editTextEmail); et.setText(c.getString(5)); setEditableOff(et); if (!c.getString(6).equals("empty")) { File imgFile = new File(c.getString(6)); if (imgFile.exists()) { Bitmap myBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(imgFile.getAbsolutePath()); // Add image to the image view ImageView myImage = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.profileImage); myImage.setImageBitmap(myBitmap); } else { ImageView myImage = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.profileImage); myImage.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_launcher); } } else { ImageView myImage = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.profileImage); myImage.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_launcher); } } catch (SQLException ex) { Toast.makeText( getApplicationContext(), "getProfile sqlexception:" + ex.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG) .show(); } }
void Initalize() { Cursor cur = null; try { cur = getCursor(); } catch (SQLException ex) { if (ex != null) { if (ex.getMessage().startsWith("no such table")) { createTable(); } } } finally { closeCursor(cur); } }
public void deleteRecordsOlderThanDays(String purgeDay) { if (purgeDay != null) { try { int num = getWritableDatabase() .delete( "earthquakes", " (strftime('%J','now','UTC') - strftime('%J',datetime, 'UTC')) > " + purgeDay, null); Log.i("Cleaning up old records in database", num + " records deleted successfully"); } catch (SQLException e) { Log.e("Tried Cleaning up old data from database", e.getMessage()); } } }
@Override public void remover(ClienteTipo clienteTipo) throws RepositorioException { String _id = String.valueOf(clienteTipo.getId()); String where = ClienteTipoColunas.ID + "=?"; String[] whereArgs = new String[] {_id}; try { super.getDb().delete(clienteTipo.getNomeTabela(), where, whereArgs); } catch (SQLException sqe) { Log.e(ConstantesSistema.LOG_TAG, sqe.getMessage() + " " + sqe.getCause()); sqe.printStackTrace(); throw new RepositorioException(context.getResources().getString(R.string.db_error)); } }
@Override public long inserir(ClienteTipo clienteTipo) throws RepositorioException { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values = clienteTipo.carregarValues(); try { return super.getDb().insert(clienteTipo.getNomeTabela(), "", values); } catch (SQLException sqe) { Log.e(ConstantesSistema.LOG_TAG, sqe.getMessage() + " " + sqe.getCause()); sqe.printStackTrace(); throw new RepositorioException( context.getResources().getString(R.string.db_error_insert_record)); } }
public List<Message> getMessages( SQLiteDatabase db, String from, String to, boolean both, int limit, int offset) { List<Message> list = new ArrayList<Message>(); try { String fromJid = from.split("@")[0]; String toJid = to.split("@")[0]; String sql = "SELECT * FROM " + TABLE_CHAT + " where (FROMJID = '" + fromJid + "' and TOJID = '" + toJid + "')"; if (both) { sql += " OR (FROMJID = '" + toJid + "' and TOJID = '" + fromJid + "')"; } sql += " order by TIME DESC limit " + limit + " offset " + offset + ";"; Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(sql, null); int count = cursor.getCount(); if (count > 0) { cursor.moveToFirst(); while (!cursor.isAfterLast()) { // "(ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,FROM TEXT,TO TEXT,TIME LONG,TEXT TEXT, ATTACHID TEXT, // ATTACHTYPE INTEGER, STATE INTEGER);"; Message msg = new Message(cursor.getString(2), Message.MSG_TYPE_CHAT); msg.setId(cursor.getInt(0)); msg.setFrom(cursor.getString(1)); msg.setBody(cursor.getString(4)); msg.setTimestamp(new Date(cursor.getLong(3))); msg.setState(cursor.getInt(7)); msg.setExtraType(cursor.getString(8)); msg.setExtraJson(cursor.getString(9)); msg.setSubject(cursor.getString(10)); list.add(msg); cursor.moveToNext(); } cursor.close(); return list; } else { cursor.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error getRecords" + e.getMessage()); } return list; }
public void createAppInfo(ApplicationData appData) { SQLiteDatabase db = getWritableDatabase(); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(KEY_APPLICATIONNAME, "\"" + appData.get_applicationName() + "\""); values.put(KEY_PACKAGENAME, "\"" + appData.get_packageName() + "\""); values.put(KEY_CPUUSAGE, "\"" + appData.get_averageCPU() + "\""); values.put(KEY_PRIVATEMEMORYUSAGE, "\"" + appData.get_averagePrivateMemoryUsage() + "\""); values.put(KEY_SHAREDMEMORYUSAGE, "\"" + appData.get_averageSharedMemoryUsage() + "\""); values.put(KEY_RECEIVEDDATA, "\"" + appData.get_averagereceivedData() + "\""); values.put(KEY_SENTDATA, "\"" + appData.get_averageSentData() + "\""); values.put(KEY_TIMESTAMP, "\"" + appData.get_timestamp() + "\""); values.put(KEY_PID, "\"" + appData.get_pid() + "\""); String queryString = "insert into appInfo (applicationName,packageName,cpuUsage,privateMemoryUsage,sharedMemoryUsage,sentData,receiveddata,timestamp,pid)" + "values (\"" + appData.get_applicationName() + "\",\"" + appData.get_packageName() + "\",\"" + appData.get_averageCPU() + "\",\"" + appData.get_averagePrivateMemoryUsage() + "\"," + "\"" + appData.get_averageSharedMemoryUsage() + "\",\"" + appData.get_averagereceivedData() + "\",\"" + appData.get_averageSentData() + "\",\"" + appData.get_timestamp() + "\",\"" + appData.get_pid() + "\") "; try { db.execSQL(queryString); } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.getMessage(); } // long rowInserted = db.insert(TABLE_APPINFO, null, values); db.close(); }
public int getUnreadCount(SQLiteDatabase db) { int unread = 0; try { Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery( "SELECT count(ID) FROM " + TABLE_CHAT + " where STATE = ?", new String[] {String.valueOf(Message.UNREAD)}); int count = cursor.getCount(); if (count > 0 && cursor.moveToFirst()) { unread = cursor.getInt(0); } cursor.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error adding new message:" + e.getMessage(), e); } return unread; }
@Override public void atualizar(SetorComercial setorComercial) throws RepositorioException { ContentValues values = setorComercial.carregarValues(); String _id = String.valueOf(setorComercial.getId()); String where = SetorComercialColunas.ID + "=?"; String[] whereArgs = new String[] {_id}; try { super.getDb().update(setorComercial.getNomeTabela(), values, where, whereArgs); } catch (SQLException sqe) { Log.e(ConstantesSistema.LOG_TAG, sqe.getMessage() + " " + sqe.getCause()); sqe.printStackTrace(); throw new RepositorioException(context.getResources().getString(R.string.db_error)); } }
protected void create(EarthQuake eachEarthQuake) { if (eachEarthQuake != null) { try { ContentValues dbValues = new ContentValues(); dbValues.put("identifier", eachEarthQuake.getIdentifier()); dbValues.put("intensity", eachEarthQuake.getIntensity()); dbValues.put("location", eachEarthQuake.getLocation()); dbValues.put("longitude", eachEarthQuake.getLongitude()); dbValues.put("latitude", eachEarthQuake.getLatitude()); dbValues.put("datetime", eachEarthQuake.getDate()); dbValues.put("href", eachEarthQuake.getDetailLink()); getWritableDatabase().insertOrThrow("earthquakes", "datetime", dbValues); } catch (SQLException e) { Log.e("Creating new earthquake", e.getMessage()); } } }