public void hapusBukmakByAri(int ari, int jenis) { SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getWritableDatabase(); db.beginTransaction(); try { long _id; SQLiteStatement stmt = db.compileStatement( "select _id from " + Db.TABEL_Bukmak2 + " where " + Db.Bukmak2.jenis + "=? and " + Db.Bukmak2.ari + "=?"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$ try { stmt.bindLong(1, jenis); stmt.bindLong(2, ari); _id = stmt.simpleQueryForLong(); } finally { stmt.close(); } String[] params = {String.valueOf(_id)}; db.delete(Db.TABEL_Bukmak2_Label, Db.Bukmak2_Label.bukmak2_id + "=?", params); // $NON-NLS-1$ db.delete(Db.TABEL_Bukmak2, "_id=?", params); // $NON-NLS-1$ db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } }
private int update(String statement, Object[] args, FieldType[] argFieldTypes, String label) throws SQLException { SQLiteStatement stmt = null; try { stmt = db.compileStatement(statement); bindArgs(stmt, args, argFieldTypes); stmt.execute(); } catch (android.database.SQLException e) { throw SqlExceptionUtil.create("updating database failed: " + statement, e); } finally { closeQuietly(stmt); stmt = null; } int result; try { stmt = db.compileStatement("SELECT CHANGES()"); result = (int) stmt.simpleQueryForLong(); } catch (android.database.SQLException e) { // ignore the exception and just return 1 result = 1; } finally { closeQuietly(stmt); } logger.trace("{} statement is compiled and executed, changed {}: {}", label, result, statement); return result; }
public long isTagPostExists(int post_id) { SQLiteDatabase database = null; long count = 0; try { String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + DbAdapter.TAG_POSTS_TABLE_NAME + " where " + DbAdapter.TP_ID + "=" + post_id; dbHelper = new DbAdapter(context); database = dbHelper.getReadableDatabase(); SQLiteStatement statement = database.compileStatement(sql); count = statement.simpleQueryForLong(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { database.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } return count; }
/** * Adds or updates room. * * @param account * @param room * @param nickname * @param password * @param join */ void write(String account, String room, String nickname, String password, boolean join) { synchronized (writeLock) { if (writeStatement == null) { SQLiteDatabase db = databaseManager.getWritableDatabase(); writeStatement = db.compileStatement( "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO " + NAME + " (" + Fields.ACCOUNT + ", " + Fields.ROOM + ", " + Fields.NICKNAME + ", " + Fields.PASSWORD + ", " + Fields.NEED_JOIN + ") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"); } writeStatement.bindString(1, account); writeStatement.bindString(2, room); writeStatement.bindString(3, nickname); writeStatement.bindString(4, password); writeStatement.bindLong(5, join ? 1 : 0); writeStatement.execute(); } }
@Override public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase database) { database.execSQL( "create table if not exists urlpermission(" + " id integer primary key autoincrement," + " service_name text," + " url text," + " rule text);"); SQLiteStatement statement = database.compileStatement( "insert into urlpermission(service_name, url, rule) values(?,?,?)"); int index = 1; statement.bindString(index++, "service1"); statement.bindString(index++, ""); statement.bindString(index++, "YES"); statement.execute(); index = 1; statement.bindString(index++, "service2"); statement.bindString(index++, ""); statement.bindString(index++, "NO"); statement.execute(); statement.close(); }
/** @inheritdoc */ @Override protected void bindValues(SQLiteStatement stmt, ConquestWarriorSpecialties entity) { stmt.clearBindings(); stmt.bindLong(1, entity.getWarriorId()); stmt.bindLong(2, entity.getTypeId()); stmt.bindLong(3, entity.getSlot()); }
@MediumTest public void testStatementMultipleBindings() throws Exception { mDatabase.execSQL("CREATE TABLE test (num INTEGER, str TEXT);"); SQLiteStatement statement = mDatabase.compileStatement("INSERT INTO test (num, str) VALUES (?, ?)"); for (long i = 0; i < 10; i++) { statement.bindLong(1, i); statement.bindString(2, Long.toHexString(i)); statement.execute(); } statement.close(); Cursor c = mDatabase.query("test", null, null, null, null, null, "ROWID"); int numCol = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("num"); int strCol = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("str"); assertTrue(c.moveToFirst()); for (long i = 0; i < 10; i++) { long num = c.getLong(numCol); String str = c.getString(strCol); assertEquals(i, num); assertEquals(Long.toHexString(i), str); c.moveToNext(); } c.close(); }
private void bindStringOrNull(SQLiteStatement statement, int index, String str) { if (str == null) { statement.bindNull(index); } else { statement.bindString(index, str); } }
private void updateTables4() { final FileInfoSet fileInfos = new FileInfoSet(); final Cursor cursor = myDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT file_name FROM Books", null); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { fileInfos.check(ZLFile.createFileByPath(cursor.getString(0)).getPhysicalFile(), false); } cursor.close();; myDatabase.execSQL( "CREATE TABLE RecentBooks(" + "book_index INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," + "book_id INTEGER REFERENCES Books(book_id))"); final ArrayList<Long> ids = new ArrayList<Long>(); final SQLiteStatement statement = myDatabase.compileStatement("SELECT book_id FROM Books WHERE file_name = ?"); for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { final ZLStringOption option = new ZLStringOption("LastOpenedBooks", "Book" + i, ""); final String fileName = option.getValue(); option.setValue(""); try { statement.bindString(1, fileName); final long bookId = statement.simpleQueryForLong(); if (bookId != -1) { ids.add(bookId); } } catch (SQLException e) { } } saveRecentBookIds(ids); }
public long save(int id_sesion, int id_moderador) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub insertStatement.clearBindings(); insertStatement.bindString(1, String.valueOf(id_sesion)); insertStatement.bindString(2, String.valueOf(id_moderador)); return insertStatement.executeInsert(); }
/** * Pulled partially from code, it runs a "PRAGMA quick_check(1)" to see if the database is ok. * This method will {@link #restoreBackUp()} if they are enabled on the database if this check * fails. So use with caution and ensure that you backup the database often! * * @return true if the database is ok, false if the consistency has been compromised. */ public boolean isDatabaseIntegrityOk() { boolean integrityOk = true; SQLiteStatement prog = null; try { prog = getWritableDatabase().compileStatement("PRAGMA quick_check(1)"); String rslt = prog.simpleQueryForString(); if (!rslt.equalsIgnoreCase("ok")) { // integrity_checker failed on main or attached databases FlowLog.log( FlowLog.Level.E, "PRAGMA integrity_check on " + databaseDefinition.getDatabaseName() + " returned: " + rslt); integrityOk = false; if (databaseDefinition.backupEnabled()) { integrityOk = restoreBackUp(); } } } finally { if (prog != null) { prog.close(); } } return integrityOk; }
private void insertStructuredName(Cursor c, SQLiteStatement insert) { String name = c.getString(PeopleQuery.NAME); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(name)) { return; } long id = c.getLong(PeopleQuery._ID); insert.bindLong(StructuredNameInsert.RAW_CONTACT_ID, id); insert.bindLong(StructuredNameInsert.MIMETYPE_ID, mStructuredNameMimetypeId); bindString(insert, StructuredNameInsert.DISPLAY_NAME, name); NameSplitter.Name splitName = new NameSplitter.Name(); mNameSplitter.split(splitName, name); bindString(insert, StructuredNameInsert.PREFIX, splitName.getPrefix()); bindString(insert, StructuredNameInsert.GIVEN_NAME, splitName.getGivenNames()); bindString(insert, StructuredNameInsert.MIDDLE_NAME, splitName.getMiddleName()); bindString(insert, StructuredNameInsert.FAMILY_NAME, splitName.getFamilyName()); bindString(insert, StructuredNameInsert.SUFFIX, splitName.getSuffix()); if (mPhoneticNameAvailable) { // TODO: add the ability to insert an unstructured phonetic name String phoneticName = c.getString(PeopleQuery.PHONETIC_NAME); } long dataId = insert(insert); mContactsProvider.insertNameLookupForStructuredName(id, dataId, name); }
private void bindString(SQLiteStatement insert, int index, String string) { if (string == null) { insert.bindNull(index); } else { insert.bindString(index, string); } }
/** @inheritdoc */ @Override protected void bindValues(SQLiteStatement stmt, ConquestMoveDisplacements entity) { stmt.clearBindings(); stmt.bindLong(1, entity.getId()); stmt.bindString(2, entity.getIdentifier()); stmt.bindLong(3, entity.getAffectsTarget() ? 1L : 0L); }
private void bindString(SQLiteStatement stmt, int index, String value) { if (value == null) { stmt.bindNull(index); } else { stmt.bindString(index, value); } }
private void updateTables18() { myDatabase.execSQL("ALTER TABLE BookSeries RENAME TO BookSeries_Obsolete"); myDatabase.execSQL( "CREATE TABLE BookSeries(" + "series_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES Series(series_id)," + "book_id INTEGER NOT NULL UNIQUE REFERENCES Books(book_id)," + "book_index TEXT)"); final SQLiteStatement insert = myDatabase.compileStatement( "INSERT INTO BookSeries (series_id,book_id,book_index) VALUES (?,?,?)"); final Cursor cursor = myDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT series_id,book_id,book_index FROM BookSeries_Obsolete", null); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { insert.bindLong(1, cursor.getLong(0)); insert.bindLong(2, cursor.getLong(1)); final float index = cursor.getFloat(2); final String stringIndex; if (index == 0.0f) { stringIndex = null; } else { if (Math.abs(index - Math.round(index)) < 0.01) { stringIndex = String.valueOf(Math.round(index)); } else { stringIndex = String.format("%.1f", index); } } final BigDecimal bdIndex = SeriesInfo.createIndex(stringIndex); SQLiteUtil.bindString(insert, 3, bdIndex != null ? bdIndex.toString() : null); insert.executeInsert(); } cursor.close(); myDatabase.execSQL("DROP TABLE BookSeries_Obsolete"); }
private void bindLong(SQLiteStatement stmt, int index, Number value) { if (value == null) { stmt.bindNull(index); } else { stmt.bindLong(index, value.longValue()); } }
protected void saveBookAuthorInfo(long bookId, long index, Author author) { if (myGetAuthorIdStatement == null) { myGetAuthorIdStatement = myDatabase.compileStatement( "SELECT author_id FROM Authors WHERE name = ? AND sort_key = ?"); myInsertAuthorStatement = myDatabase.compileStatement("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO Authors (name,sort_key) VALUES (?,?)"); myInsertBookAuthorStatement = myDatabase.compileStatement( "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO BookAuthor (book_id,author_id,author_index) VALUES (?,?,?)"); } long authorId; try { myGetAuthorIdStatement.bindString(1, author.DisplayName); myGetAuthorIdStatement.bindString(2, author.SortKey); authorId = myGetAuthorIdStatement.simpleQueryForLong(); } catch (SQLException e) { myInsertAuthorStatement.bindString(1, author.DisplayName); myInsertAuthorStatement.bindString(2, author.SortKey); authorId = myInsertAuthorStatement.executeInsert(); } myInsertBookAuthorStatement.bindLong(1, bookId); myInsertBookAuthorStatement.bindLong(2, authorId); myInsertBookAuthorStatement.bindLong(3, index); myInsertBookAuthorStatement.execute(); }
private static void migrateConversation( Context context, MasterSecret masterSecret, Handler handler, long theirThreadId, long ourThreadId) { SmsDatabase ourSmsDatabase = DatabaseFactory.getSmsDatabase(context); Cursor cursor = null; try { Uri uri = Uri.parse("content://sms/conversations/" + theirThreadId); cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(uri, null, null, null, null); SQLiteDatabase transaction = ourSmsDatabase.beginTransaction(); SQLiteStatement statement = ourSmsDatabase.createInsertStatement(transaction); while (cursor != null && cursor.moveToNext()) { getContentValuesForRow(context, masterSecret, cursor, ourThreadId, statement); statement.execute(); Message msg = handler.obtainMessage(SECONDARY_PROGRESS_UPDATE, 10000 / cursor.getCount(), 0); handler.sendMessage(msg); } ourSmsDatabase.endTransaction(transaction); DatabaseFactory.getThreadDatabase(context).update(ourThreadId); DatabaseFactory.getThreadDatabase(context).notifyConversationListeners(ourThreadId); } finally { if (cursor != null) cursor.close(); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public int count() { SQLiteStatement stmt = sqlHelper.getCountStatement(); stmt.clearBindings(); stmt.bindLong(1, sessionId); return (int) stmt.simpleQueryForLong(); }
public boolean deleteAll() { boolean flag = false; String deleteHeadSql = "DELETE FROM ProductGroupHead"; String deleteDetailSql = "DELETE FROM ProductGroupDetail"; SQLiteDatabase db = AssetsDatabaseManager.getManager().getDatabase(); try { // 开启事务 db.beginTransaction(); SQLiteStatement detail_stat = db.compileStatement(deleteDetailSql); detail_stat.executeUpdateDelete(); SQLiteStatement head_stat = db.compileStatement(deleteHeadSql); head_stat.executeUpdateDelete(); // 数据插入成功,设置事物成功标志 db.setTransactionSuccessful(); // 保存数据 db.endTransaction(); flag = true; } catch (SQLException e) { // 结束事物,在这里没有设置成功标志,结束后不保存 ZillionLog.e(this.getClass().getName(), e.getMessage(), e); db.endTransaction(); e.printStackTrace(); } return flag; }
private void addStation(Integer code, Double lat, Double lon, String label) { insertStatement.bindLong(1, code); insertStatement.bindDouble(2, lat); insertStatement.bindDouble(3, lon); insertStatement.bindString(4, label); insertStatement.executeInsert(); }
/** Insert a set of flashcards (linked list) in a single transaction. */ private void insertFlashcardSet(Flashcard head) { openDB(); SQLiteStatement stmt = getCompiledStatement(SQL_INSERT_FC); boolean gotError = false; _curDB.beginTransaction(); try { for (Flashcard fc = head; fc != null; fc = Flashcard.Chain.getNext(fc)) { stmt.bindLong(1, _importState.getRandomId()); stmt.bindString(2, fc.getLang1Str()); stmt.bindString(3, fc.getLang2Str()); stmt.execute(); } _curDB.setTransactionSuccessful(); } catch (SQLException e) { gotError = true; MsgDispatcher.sendMessageToUI(MsgType.MSG_SHOW_ERROR_MSG, 0, 0, "unable to insert fc"); } finally { _curDB.endTransaction(); } Flashcard.Chain.releaseChain(head); // tell controller to send us more data if insert went fine. if (!gotError) { MsgDispatcher.sendMessageToController(MsgType.MSG_CONTINUE_IMPORT, 0, 0, null); } }
private void createVarnaStations(SQLiteDatabase db, String tableName, InputStream openRawResource) throws JsonParseException, JsonMappingException, IOException { final ObjectMapper OBJECT_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(); final BusStopVarnaTraffic[] all = OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(openRawResource, BusStopVarnaTraffic[].class); final String FORMAT_SQL_INSERT = "INSERT INTO %s (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, '%s')"; final SQLiteStatement insertStatement = db.compileStatement( String.format( FORMAT_SQL_INSERT, tableName, Station.CODE, Station.LAT, Station.LON, Station.LABEL, Station.PROVIDER, FavoritiesService.PROVIDER_VARNATRAFFIC)); for (BusStopVarnaTraffic busStopVarnaTraffic : all) { insertStatement.bindLong(1, busStopVarnaTraffic.getId()); insertStatement.bindDouble(2, busStopVarnaTraffic.getPosition().getLat()); insertStatement.bindDouble(3, busStopVarnaTraffic.getPosition().getLon()); insertStatement.bindString(4, busStopVarnaTraffic.getText()); insertStatement.executeInsert(); } }
public int insert( String statement, Object[] args, FieldType[] argFieldTypes, GeneratedKeyHolder keyHolder) throws SQLException { SQLiteStatement stmt = null; try { stmt = db.compileStatement(statement); bindArgs(stmt, args, argFieldTypes); long rowId = stmt.executeInsert(); if (keyHolder != null) { keyHolder.addKey(rowId); } /* * I've decided to not do the CHANGES() statement here like we do down below in UPDATE because we know that * it worked (since it didn't throw) so we know that 1 is right. */ int result = 1; logger.trace( "{}: insert statement is compiled and executed, changed {}: {}", this, result, statement); return result; } catch (android.database.SQLException e) { throw SqlExceptionUtil.create("inserting to database failed: " + statement, e); } finally { closeQuietly(stmt); } }
public void insertFiles(File[] files) { SQLiteDatabase database = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase(); SQLiteStatement statement = database.compileStatement( "INSERT INTO " + TABLE_NAME + " (" + COL_FILENAME + ", " + COL_FILESIZE + ", " + COL_TIMESTAMP + ") VALUES (?, ?, ?)"); database.beginTransaction(); try { for (File file : files) { statement.bindString(1, file.getName()); statement.bindLong(2, file.length()); statement.bindLong(3, file.lastModified()); statement.executeInsert(); } database.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { database.endTransaction(); } }
/** @inheritdoc */ @Override protected void bindValues(SQLiteStatement stmt, ConquestWarriorNames entity) { stmt.clearBindings(); stmt.bindLong(1, entity.getWarriorId()); stmt.bindLong(2, entity.getLocalLanguageId()); stmt.bindString(3, entity.getName()); }
@Override public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) { db.beginTransaction(); try { SQLiteStatement stmt; db.execSQL("create table capitals (prefecture text primary key, capital text not null);"); stmt = db.compileStatement("insert into capitals values (?, ?);"); for (String[] capital : CAPITALS) { stmt.bindString(1, capital[0]); stmt.bindString(2, capital[1]); stmt.executeInsert(); } db.execSQL( "create table local_dishes (prefecture text not null, local_dish text not null);"); stmt = db.compileStatement("insert into local_dishes values (?, ?);"); for (String[] localDish : LOCAL_DISHES) { stmt.bindString(1, localDish[0]); stmt.bindString(2, localDish[1]); stmt.executeInsert(); } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } }
// @Large @Suppress public void testLoadingThreadDelayRegisterData() throws Exception { mDatabase.execSQL("CREATE TABLE test (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, data INT);"); final int count = 505; String sql = "INSERT INTO test (data) VALUES (?);"; SQLiteStatement s = mDatabase.compileStatement(sql); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { s.bindLong(1, i); s.execute(); } int maxRead = 500; int initialRead = 5; SQLiteCursor c = (SQLiteCursor) mDatabase.rawQuery("select * from test;", null, initialRead, maxRead); TestObserver observer = new TestObserver(count, c); c.getCount(); c.registerDataSetObserver(observer); if (!observer.quit) { Looper.loop(); } c.close(); }
/** * Called by ManageLocations screen to add a location to the database * * @param locationName * @param coordinates * @param description * @return */ public boolean addLocationData(String locationName, String coordinates, String description) { boolean success = false; SQLiteDatabase db = getReadableDatabase(); SQLiteStatement sqlStatement = db.compileStatement( "INSERT INTO locations (locationName, coordinates, description) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"); sqlStatement.bindString(1, locationName); sqlStatement.bindString(2, coordinates); sqlStatement.bindString(3, description); db.beginTransaction(); try { sqlStatement.execute(); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); success = true; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); sqlStatement.close(); db.close(); } return success; }