コード例 #1
   * getBestEvadeDirection returns the largest approximate gap to escape. This gap is approximated
   * by finding the gaps between all potential collideable objects around the Bucketbot, and
   * weighting them positively by size and weighting them inversely by both distance and gapsize.
   * The direction bisecting the largest of these weighted gaps is returned.
   * @param visible_distance how far the Bucketbot can see
   * @return best direction to evade
  public float getBestEvadeDirection(float visible_distance) {
    alphabetsoup.framework.Map map = SimulationWorldSimpleExample.getSimulationWorld().getMap();
    // get visible objects within the distance of the next planned update
    Collection<Circle> visible_objects =
        map.getBucketbotsWithinDistance(getX(), getY(), visible_distance);
    if (getBucket() != null)
      visible_objects.addAll(map.getBucketsWithinDistance(getX(), getY(), visible_distance));

    // if nothing other than bucketbot (and bucket if applicable), keep going in same direction
    if ((getBucket() == null && visible_objects.size() <= 1)
        || (getBucket() != null && visible_objects.size() <= 2)) return getDirection();

    List<CollideableObject> objects = new ArrayList<CollideableObject>();
    // get object distances and directions
    for (Circle c : visible_objects) {
      if (c == this || c == getBucket()) continue;

      float object_direction = (float) Math.atan2(c.getY() - getY(), c.getX() - getX());
          new CollideableObject(
              2 * c.getRadius(), getDistance(c.getX(), c.getY()), object_direction));

    // add 4 walls
    if (getX() < visible_distance)
          new CollideableObject(
              (float) (2 * Math.sqrt(visible_distance * visible_distance - getX() * getX())),
              (float) Math.PI));
    if (map.getWidth() - getX() < visible_distance)
          new CollideableObject(
                      * Math.sqrt(
                          visible_distance * visible_distance
                              - (map.getWidth() - getX()) * (map.getWidth() - getX()))),
              map.getWidth() - getX(),

    if (getY() < visible_distance)
          new CollideableObject(
              (float) (2 * Math.sqrt(visible_distance * visible_distance - getY() * getY())),
              (float) (3 * Math.PI / 2)));
    if (map.getHeight() - getY() < visible_distance)
          new CollideableObject(
                      * Math.sqrt(
                          visible_distance * visible_distance
                              - (map.getHeight() - getY()) * (map.getHeight() - getY()))),
              map.getHeight() - getY(),
              (float) Math.PI / 2));

    // if no objects, then nothing to collide with
    if (objects.size() == 0) return getDirection();

    // sort objects by direction, so between each two objects is the smallest real gaps
    Collections.sort(objects, objects.get(0));

    // add beginning one again
        new CollideableObject(
            (float) (objects.get(0).direction + 2 * Math.PI)));

    // find maximal gap
    // start with first gap
    float evade_direction = (objects.get(0).direction + objects.get(1).direction) / 2;
    double weight =
        ((objects.get(0).size + objects.get(1).size) / 2)
            / (((objects.get(0).distance + objects.get(1).distance) / 2)
                * (objects.get(1).direction - objects.get(0).direction));

    // for all after the first gap
    for (int i = 1; i < objects.size() - 1; i++) {
      // get weight (a heuristic for speed)
      float w =
          ((objects.get(i).size + objects.get(i + 1).size) / 2)
              / (((objects.get(i).distance + objects.get(i + 1).distance) / 2)
                  * (objects.get(i + 1).direction - objects.get(i).direction));
      // if better direction, then choose direction bisecting the two objects
      if (w < weight) {
        weight = w;
        evade_direction = (objects.get(i).direction + objects.get(i + 1).direction) / 2;
    return evade_direction;
コード例 #2
    public void act(BucketbotBase self) {
      alphabetsoup.framework.Map map = SimulationWorldSimpleExample.getSimulationWorld().getMap();
      float cur_speed = getSpeed(); // called once for code efficiency (since getSpeed does a sqrt)

      // find distance to be covered before next planned update
      double time_interval = Math.max(getMinUntil() - curTime, 0.001);
      float distance_to_be_covered =
          (float) (Math.max(cur_speed, getTargetSpeed()) * time_interval);
      distance_to_be_covered +=
          2 * getRadius(); // count its radius and the radius of another object
      // make sure see at least a minimal distance regardless of speed
      float min_visible_distance = 3 * getRadius();
      distance_to_be_covered = Math.max(distance_to_be_covered, min_visible_distance);

      // get visible objects within the distance of the next planned update
      Collection<Circle> visible_objects =
          map.getBucketbotsWithinDistance(getX(), getY(), distance_to_be_covered);
      if (self.getBucket() != null)
            map.getBucketsWithinDistance(getX(), getY(), distance_to_be_covered));

      // don't want to do anything yet,
      // unless something is now visible that wasn't before,
      // a collision occured (speed == 0)
      // timer is ready to do something else
      if (((getBucket() == null && visible_objects.size() == 1)
              || (getBucket() != null && visible_objects.size() == 2))
          && cur_speed > 0.0f
          && curTime < cruiseUntil) return;

      // if something other than bucketbot (and bucket if applicable) is near, evade
      if ((getBucket() == null && visible_objects.size() > 1)
          || (getBucket() != null && visible_objects.size() > 2)) {

        // find closest object
        float min_dist2 = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; // minimum distance squared
        for (Circle c : visible_objects) {
          if (c == self || c == self.getBucket()) continue;

          // see if infront of bucketbot
          float object_direction = (float) Math.atan2(c.getY() - getY(), c.getX() - getX());
          float relative_direction = angleDifference(object_direction, getDirection());
          if (Math.abs(relative_direction)
              > Math.PI / 4 + 0.5) // just beyond 1/4 circle, to make sure they don't get stuck

          // see if it's closer than any other
          float dist2 =
              (getX() - c.getX()) * (getX() - c.getX()) + (getY() - c.getY()) * (getY() - c.getY());
          if (dist2 < min_dist2) min_dist2 = dist2;

        // if anything is closer than this constant value, then evade...
        if (min_dist2 < min_visible_distance * min_visible_distance) {
          float new_direction = getBestEvadeDirection(min_visible_distance);

          if (getDirection() != new_direction) setDirection(new_direction);

          cruiseUntil = curTime + 0.25f;

          frustration = 0.0f;
          stateQueue.add(0, bucketbotEvade);

      // if trying to move, but can't try evading
      if (cur_speed > 0.0f) {
        stuckCount = 0;
      } else { // not moving...
        if (stuckCount > 3) {
          frustration = 0.0f;
          stateQueue.add(0, bucketbotEvade);

      // find distance to goal
      float goal_distance = getDistance(moveToX, moveToY);

      // make sure tolerance is less than the map's tolerance/3 to make sure that if it sets a
      // bucket down,
      // the next one bucketbot will be able to pick it up (and could also be tolerance/3 away)
      // better fudge factor than tolerance / 2 (which is the minimum that will work)
      float tolerance = map.getTolerance() / 3;

      // if close enough to goal and stopped moving, then do next action
      if (goal_distance < tolerance && cur_speed == 0.0f) {
        frustration = 0.0f;

        if (stateQueue.size() > 0) stateQueue.get(0).act(self);

      // if not facing the right way (within tolerance), or heading outside of the map, turn so it
      // is a good direction
      double projected_x = getX() + goal_distance * Math.cos(getDirection());
      double projected_y = getY() + goal_distance * Math.sin(getDirection());
      if ((projected_x - moveToX) * (projected_x - moveToX)
                  + (projected_y - moveToY) * (projected_y - moveToY)
              >= tolerance * tolerance
          || projected_x + getRadius() > map.getWidth()
          || projected_x - getRadius() < 0.0
          || projected_y + getRadius() > map.getHeight()
          || projected_y - getRadius() < 0.0) {

        setDirection((float) Math.atan2(moveToY - getY(), moveToX - getX()));
        if (cur_speed > 0) setTargetSpeed(0.0f);
        cruiseUntil = getAccelerateUntil();

      // going the right direction -now figure out speed

      // if too close to stop, then stop as fast as possible
      float decel_time = cur_speed / getMaxAcceleration();
      float decel_distance = getMaxAcceleration() / 2 * decel_time * decel_time;
      if (cur_speed > 0.0f && decel_distance > goal_distance) {
        cruiseUntil = getAccelerateUntil();
        frustration = (frustration + 1.0f) / 2;

      // get new velocity based on frustration
      float cur_vel = getMaxVelocity() * Math.max(1.0f - frustration, 0.0078125f);

      // see if have room to accelerate to full speed and still decelerate
      float accel_time = getTargetSpeedDifference() / getMaxAcceleration();
      float accel_distance =
          cur_speed * accel_time + getMaxAcceleration() / 2 * accel_time * accel_time;
      decel_time = cur_vel / getMaxAcceleration();
      decel_distance = getMaxAcceleration() / 2 * accel_time * accel_time;

      // if enough room to fully accelerate, do so
      if (accel_distance + decel_distance <= goal_distance) cruiseUntil = getAccelerateUntil();
      else { // don't have time to fully accelerate
        // having this code spread out with sub-steps dramatically helps the java compiler have
        // better performance
        double cos_dir = Math.cos(getDirection());
        double sin_dir = Math.sin(getDirection());
        double x_accel = getMaxAcceleration() * cos_dir;
        double y_accel = getMaxAcceleration() * sin_dir;
        if (Math.abs(x_accel) > Math.abs(y_accel)) {
          double x_goal = goal_distance * cos_dir;
          cruiseUntil =
                  + sqrt2
                      * (Math.sqrt(2 * x_accel * x_goal + getXVelocity() * getXVelocity())
                          - sqrt2 * getXVelocity())
                      / (2 * x_accel);
        } else {
          double y_goal = goal_distance * sin_dir;
          cruiseUntil =
                  + sqrt2
                      * (Math.sqrt(2 * y_accel * y_goal + getYVelocity() * getYVelocity())
                          - sqrt2 * getYVelocity())
                      / (2 * y_accel);
    } // act()
コード例 #3
 * BucketbotDriver implements a functioning Bucketbot that can complete tasks, but only evades other
 * buckets and bucketbots by trying to go directly around.
 * @author Chris Hazard
public class BucketbotExample extends BucketbotBase {

  float frustration = 0.0f; // 0.0->1.0 for maximal frustration
  int stuckCount = 0; // number of updates not able to move at all
  static final double sqrt2 = Math.sqrt(2.0);

  public BucketbotExample(
      float bucketbot_radius,
      float bucket_pickup_setdown_time,
      float bucketbot_max_acceleration,
      float bucketbot_max_velocity,
      float collision_penalty_time) {

  /* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see alphabetsoup.framework.Bucketbot#assignTask(alphabetsoup.base.BucketbotTask)
  // public void assignTask(Object tt) {
  public <T> void assignTask(T tt) {
    BucketbotTask t = (BucketbotTask) tt;
    if (t == null) return;
    switch (t.getTaskType()) {
      case NONE:
      case CANCEL:
      case MOVE:
        stateQueue.add(new BucketbotMove(t.getDestinationX(), t.getDestinationY()));
      case STORE_BUCKET:
        if (t.getBucket() != getBucket()) {
          SimulationWorldSimpleExample.getSimulationWorld().bucketbotManager.taskAborted(this, t);

        // if don't have bucket requested to store, then go get it
        if (getBucket() == null) {
          stateQueue.add(new BucketbotMove(t.getBucket().getX(), t.getBucket().getY()));
          stateQueue.add(new BucketbotPickupBucket(t.getBucket()));
        stateQueue.add(new BucketbotMove(t.getDestinationX(), t.getDestinationY()));
        stateQueue.add(new BucketbotSetdownBucket());
        if (t.getBucket() != getBucket()) {
          stateQueue.add(new BucketbotMove(t.getBucket().getX(), t.getBucket().getY()));
          stateQueue.add(new BucketbotPickupBucket(t.getBucket()));
            new BucketbotMove(
                t.getLetterStation().getY() + t.getLetterStation().getRadius() + getRadius()));
        stateQueue.add(new BucketbotMove(t.getLetterStation().getX(), t.getLetterStation().getY()));
        stateQueue.add(new BucketbotGetLetter(t.getLetter(), t.getLetterStation()));
            new BucketbotMove(
                t.getLetterStation().getY() - t.getLetterStation().getRadius() - getRadius()));

        stateQueue.add(new BucketbotMove(t.getLetterStation().getX() + t.getLetterStation().getRadius() + 2*getRadius(),
        		t.getLetterStation().getY() + t.getLetterStation().getRadius() + 2*getRadius() ));
        stateQueue.add(new BucketbotMove(t.getLetterStation().getX(),
        		t.getLetterStation().getY() + t.getLetterStation().getRadius() + 2*getRadius() ));
        stateQueue.add(new BucketbotMove(t.getLetterStation().getX(), t.getLetterStation().getY()));
        stateQueue.add(new BucketbotGetLetter(t.getLetter(), t.getLetterStation()));
        if (t.getBucket() != getBucket()) {
          stateQueue.add(new BucketbotMove(t.getBucket().getX(), t.getBucket().getY()));
          stateQueue.add(new BucketbotPickupBucket(t.getBucket()));
            new BucketbotMove(
                t.getWordStation().getY() + t.getWordStation().getRadius() + getRadius()));
        stateQueue.add(new BucketbotMove(t.getWordStation().getX(), t.getWordStation().getY()));
        stateQueue.add(new BucketbotPutLetter(t.getLetter(), t.getWordStation()));
            new BucketbotMove(
                t.getWordStation().getY() - t.getWordStation().getRadius() - getRadius()));

        stateQueue.add(new BucketbotMove(t.getWordStation().getX() - t.getWordStation().getRadius() - 2*getRadius(),
        		t.getWordStation().getY() + t.getWordStation().getRadius() + 2*getRadius() ));
        stateQueue.add(new BucketbotMove(t.getWordStation().getX(),
        		t.getWordStation().getY() + t.getWordStation().getRadius() + 2*getRadius() ));
        stateQueue.add(new BucketbotMove(t.getWordStation().getX(), t.getWordStation().getY()));
        stateQueue.add(new BucketbotPutLetter(t.getLetter(), t.getWordStation()));

  /* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see alphabetsoup.framework.Bucketbot#idle()
  public void idle() {
        .taskComplete(this, getCurrentTask());
    if (stateQueue.size() > 0) stateQueue.get(0).act(this);

  public class BucketbotPickupBucket implements BucketbotState {
    public String getStateName() {
      return "PickupBucket";

    Bucket bucket;

    public BucketbotPickupBucket(Bucket b) {
      bucket = b;

    public void act(BucketbotBase self) {
      // act based on whether bucket was picked up
      if (pickupBucket(bucket)) {
      } else { // failed to pick up bucket
            .taskAborted(self, getCurrentTask());

  public class BucketbotSetdownBucket implements BucketbotState {
    public String getStateName() {
      return "SetdownBucket";

    public BucketbotSetdownBucket() {}

    public void act(BucketbotBase self) {
      if (setdownBucket()) {
      } else { // failed to set down bucket
            .taskAborted(self, getCurrentTask());

  public class BucketbotGetLetter implements BucketbotState {
    public String getStateName() {
      return "GetLetter";

    Letter letter;
    LetterStation station;
    boolean requested_letters = false;

    public BucketbotGetLetter(Letter l, LetterStation s) {
      letter = l;
      station = s;

    public void act(BucketbotBase self) {

      // make sure bucketbot is in vacinity of station, otherwise go there
      if (self.getDistance(station.getX(), station.getY())
          > SimulationWorldSimpleExample.getSimulationWorld().getMap().getTolerance()) {
        stateQueue.add(0, new BucketbotMove(station.getX(), station.getY()));

      // if it's the first time, request the letters
      if (!requested_letters) {
        station.requestLetter(self, letter);
        requested_letters = true;

      if (self.getBucket() == null) {
        // something wrong happened... don't have a bucket!
            .taskAborted(self, getCurrentTask());
        if (stateQueue.size() > 0) stateQueue.get(0).act(self);

      // see if all letter has been deposited in the bucket
      if (self.getBucket().containsLetter(letter)) {
        if (stateQueue.size() > 0) stateQueue.get(0).act(self);

  public class BucketbotPutLetter implements BucketbotState {
    public String getStateName() {
      return "PutLetter";

    Letter letter;
    WordStation station;
    boolean requested_letters_take = false;

    public BucketbotPutLetter(Letter l, WordStation s) {
      letter = l;
      station = s;

    public void act(BucketbotBase self) {

      // make sure bucketbot is in vacinity of station, otherwise go there
      if (self.getDistance(station.getX(), station.getY())
          > SimulationWorldSimpleExample.getSimulationWorld().getMap().getTolerance()) {
        stateQueue.add(0, new BucketbotMove(station.getX(), station.getY()));

      // if it's the first time, request the letters be taken
      if (!requested_letters_take) {
        station.requestLetterTake(self, letter, null);
        requested_letters_take = true;

      if (self.getBucket() == null) {
        // something wrong happened... don't have a bucket!
            .taskAborted(self, getCurrentTask());
        if (stateQueue.size() > 0) stateQueue.get(0).act(self);

      // see if letter has been taken from the bucket
      if (!self.getBucket().containsLetter(letter)) {
        if (stateQueue.size() > 0) stateQueue.get(0).act(self);

   * CollideableObject is used for sorting collideable objects in order of direction (so they are
   * put around in a circle)
   * @author Chris Hazard
  private static class CollideableObject implements Comparator<CollideableObject> {
    public CollideableObject(float s, float dist, float dir) {
      size = s;
      distance = dist;
      direction = dir;

    float size, distance, direction;

    public int compare(CollideableObject o1, CollideableObject o2) {
      float dir1 = ((CollideableObject) o1).direction;
      float dir2 = ((CollideableObject) o2).direction;
      if (dir1 > dir2) return 1;
      if (dir2 > dir1) return -1;
      return 0;

   * getBestEvadeDirection returns the largest approximate gap to escape. This gap is approximated
   * by finding the gaps between all potential collideable objects around the Bucketbot, and
   * weighting them positively by size and weighting them inversely by both distance and gapsize.
   * The direction bisecting the largest of these weighted gaps is returned.
   * @param visible_distance how far the Bucketbot can see
   * @return best direction to evade
  public float getBestEvadeDirection(float visible_distance) {
    alphabetsoup.framework.Map map = SimulationWorldSimpleExample.getSimulationWorld().getMap();
    // get visible objects within the distance of the next planned update
    Collection<Circle> visible_objects =
        map.getBucketbotsWithinDistance(getX(), getY(), visible_distance);
    if (getBucket() != null)
      visible_objects.addAll(map.getBucketsWithinDistance(getX(), getY(), visible_distance));

    // if nothing other than bucketbot (and bucket if applicable), keep going in same direction
    if ((getBucket() == null && visible_objects.size() <= 1)
        || (getBucket() != null && visible_objects.size() <= 2)) return getDirection();

    List<CollideableObject> objects = new ArrayList<CollideableObject>();
    // get object distances and directions
    for (Circle c : visible_objects) {
      if (c == this || c == getBucket()) continue;

      float object_direction = (float) Math.atan2(c.getY() - getY(), c.getX() - getX());
          new CollideableObject(
              2 * c.getRadius(), getDistance(c.getX(), c.getY()), object_direction));

    // add 4 walls
    if (getX() < visible_distance)
          new CollideableObject(
              (float) (2 * Math.sqrt(visible_distance * visible_distance - getX() * getX())),
              (float) Math.PI));
    if (map.getWidth() - getX() < visible_distance)
          new CollideableObject(
                      * Math.sqrt(
                          visible_distance * visible_distance
                              - (map.getWidth() - getX()) * (map.getWidth() - getX()))),
              map.getWidth() - getX(),

    if (getY() < visible_distance)
          new CollideableObject(
              (float) (2 * Math.sqrt(visible_distance * visible_distance - getY() * getY())),
              (float) (3 * Math.PI / 2)));
    if (map.getHeight() - getY() < visible_distance)
          new CollideableObject(
                      * Math.sqrt(
                          visible_distance * visible_distance
                              - (map.getHeight() - getY()) * (map.getHeight() - getY()))),
              map.getHeight() - getY(),
              (float) Math.PI / 2));

    // if no objects, then nothing to collide with
    if (objects.size() == 0) return getDirection();

    // sort objects by direction, so between each two objects is the smallest real gaps
    Collections.sort(objects, objects.get(0));

    // add beginning one again
        new CollideableObject(
            (float) (objects.get(0).direction + 2 * Math.PI)));

    // find maximal gap
    // start with first gap
    float evade_direction = (objects.get(0).direction + objects.get(1).direction) / 2;
    double weight =
        ((objects.get(0).size + objects.get(1).size) / 2)
            / (((objects.get(0).distance + objects.get(1).distance) / 2)
                * (objects.get(1).direction - objects.get(0).direction));

    // for all after the first gap
    for (int i = 1; i < objects.size() - 1; i++) {
      // get weight (a heuristic for speed)
      float w =
          ((objects.get(i).size + objects.get(i + 1).size) / 2)
              / (((objects.get(i).distance + objects.get(i + 1).distance) / 2)
                  * (objects.get(i + 1).direction - objects.get(i).direction));
      // if better direction, then choose direction bisecting the two objects
      if (w < weight) {
        weight = w;
        evade_direction = (objects.get(i).direction + objects.get(i + 1).direction) / 2;
    return evade_direction;

  public class BucketbotEvade implements BucketbotState {
    public String getStateName() {
      return "Evade";

    public void act(BucketbotBase self) {

      if (curTime < cruiseUntil) return;

      MersenneTwisterFast rand = SimulationWorld.rand;

      // if doing something else (stateQueue isn't empty), are trying to move to a new location,
      // but there's another bucketbot at that location, then sit and wait most of the time
      if (stateQueue.size() > 1
          && stateQueue.get(1).getClass() == BucketbotMove.class
          && !SimulationWorldSimpleExample.getSimulationWorld()
                  ((BucketbotMove) stateQueue.get(1)).moveToX,
                  ((BucketbotMove) stateQueue.get(1)).moveToY)) {

        // usually sit and wait
        if (rand.nextFloat() < .7f) return;


      float min_visible_distance = 3 * getRadius();
      float new_direction = getBestEvadeDirection(min_visible_distance);
      if (getDirection() != new_direction) setDirection(new_direction);

      if (rand.nextFloat() < .5f) {
        if (stateQueue.size() > 0) stateQueue.get(0).act(self);

  BucketbotEvade bucketbotEvade = this.new BucketbotEvade();

  public class BucketbotMove implements BucketbotState {
    public String getStateName() {
      return "Move";

    public float moveToX, moveToY;

    public BucketbotMove(float x, float y) {
      moveToX = x;
      moveToY = y;

    public void act(BucketbotBase self) {
      alphabetsoup.framework.Map map = SimulationWorldSimpleExample.getSimulationWorld().getMap();
      float cur_speed = getSpeed(); // called once for code efficiency (since getSpeed does a sqrt)

      // find distance to be covered before next planned update
      double time_interval = Math.max(getMinUntil() - curTime, 0.001);
      float distance_to_be_covered =
          (float) (Math.max(cur_speed, getTargetSpeed()) * time_interval);
      distance_to_be_covered +=
          2 * getRadius(); // count its radius and the radius of another object
      // make sure see at least a minimal distance regardless of speed
      float min_visible_distance = 3 * getRadius();
      distance_to_be_covered = Math.max(distance_to_be_covered, min_visible_distance);

      // get visible objects within the distance of the next planned update
      Collection<Circle> visible_objects =
          map.getBucketbotsWithinDistance(getX(), getY(), distance_to_be_covered);
      if (self.getBucket() != null)
            map.getBucketsWithinDistance(getX(), getY(), distance_to_be_covered));

      // don't want to do anything yet,
      // unless something is now visible that wasn't before,
      // a collision occured (speed == 0)
      // timer is ready to do something else
      if (((getBucket() == null && visible_objects.size() == 1)
              || (getBucket() != null && visible_objects.size() == 2))
          && cur_speed > 0.0f
          && curTime < cruiseUntil) return;

      // if something other than bucketbot (and bucket if applicable) is near, evade
      if ((getBucket() == null && visible_objects.size() > 1)
          || (getBucket() != null && visible_objects.size() > 2)) {

        // find closest object
        float min_dist2 = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; // minimum distance squared
        for (Circle c : visible_objects) {
          if (c == self || c == self.getBucket()) continue;

          // see if infront of bucketbot
          float object_direction = (float) Math.atan2(c.getY() - getY(), c.getX() - getX());
          float relative_direction = angleDifference(object_direction, getDirection());
          if (Math.abs(relative_direction)
              > Math.PI / 4 + 0.5) // just beyond 1/4 circle, to make sure they don't get stuck

          // see if it's closer than any other
          float dist2 =
              (getX() - c.getX()) * (getX() - c.getX()) + (getY() - c.getY()) * (getY() - c.getY());
          if (dist2 < min_dist2) min_dist2 = dist2;

        // if anything is closer than this constant value, then evade...
        if (min_dist2 < min_visible_distance * min_visible_distance) {
          float new_direction = getBestEvadeDirection(min_visible_distance);

          if (getDirection() != new_direction) setDirection(new_direction);

          cruiseUntil = curTime + 0.25f;

          frustration = 0.0f;
          stateQueue.add(0, bucketbotEvade);

      // if trying to move, but can't try evading
      if (cur_speed > 0.0f) {
        stuckCount = 0;
      } else { // not moving...
        if (stuckCount > 3) {
          frustration = 0.0f;
          stateQueue.add(0, bucketbotEvade);

      // find distance to goal
      float goal_distance = getDistance(moveToX, moveToY);

      // make sure tolerance is less than the map's tolerance/3 to make sure that if it sets a
      // bucket down,
      // the next one bucketbot will be able to pick it up (and could also be tolerance/3 away)
      // better fudge factor than tolerance / 2 (which is the minimum that will work)
      float tolerance = map.getTolerance() / 3;

      // if close enough to goal and stopped moving, then do next action
      if (goal_distance < tolerance && cur_speed == 0.0f) {
        frustration = 0.0f;

        if (stateQueue.size() > 0) stateQueue.get(0).act(self);

      // if not facing the right way (within tolerance), or heading outside of the map, turn so it
      // is a good direction
      double projected_x = getX() + goal_distance * Math.cos(getDirection());
      double projected_y = getY() + goal_distance * Math.sin(getDirection());
      if ((projected_x - moveToX) * (projected_x - moveToX)
                  + (projected_y - moveToY) * (projected_y - moveToY)
              >= tolerance * tolerance
          || projected_x + getRadius() > map.getWidth()
          || projected_x - getRadius() < 0.0
          || projected_y + getRadius() > map.getHeight()
          || projected_y - getRadius() < 0.0) {

        setDirection((float) Math.atan2(moveToY - getY(), moveToX - getX()));
        if (cur_speed > 0) setTargetSpeed(0.0f);
        cruiseUntil = getAccelerateUntil();

      // going the right direction -now figure out speed

      // if too close to stop, then stop as fast as possible
      float decel_time = cur_speed / getMaxAcceleration();
      float decel_distance = getMaxAcceleration() / 2 * decel_time * decel_time;
      if (cur_speed > 0.0f && decel_distance > goal_distance) {
        cruiseUntil = getAccelerateUntil();
        frustration = (frustration + 1.0f) / 2;

      // get new velocity based on frustration
      float cur_vel = getMaxVelocity() * Math.max(1.0f - frustration, 0.0078125f);

      // see if have room to accelerate to full speed and still decelerate
      float accel_time = getTargetSpeedDifference() / getMaxAcceleration();
      float accel_distance =
          cur_speed * accel_time + getMaxAcceleration() / 2 * accel_time * accel_time;
      decel_time = cur_vel / getMaxAcceleration();
      decel_distance = getMaxAcceleration() / 2 * accel_time * accel_time;

      // if enough room to fully accelerate, do so
      if (accel_distance + decel_distance <= goal_distance) cruiseUntil = getAccelerateUntil();
      else { // don't have time to fully accelerate
        // having this code spread out with sub-steps dramatically helps the java compiler have
        // better performance
        double cos_dir = Math.cos(getDirection());
        double sin_dir = Math.sin(getDirection());
        double x_accel = getMaxAcceleration() * cos_dir;
        double y_accel = getMaxAcceleration() * sin_dir;
        if (Math.abs(x_accel) > Math.abs(y_accel)) {
          double x_goal = goal_distance * cos_dir;
          cruiseUntil =
                  + sqrt2
                      * (Math.sqrt(2 * x_accel * x_goal + getXVelocity() * getXVelocity())
                          - sqrt2 * getXVelocity())
                      / (2 * x_accel);
        } else {
          double y_goal = goal_distance * sin_dir;
          cruiseUntil =
                  + sqrt2
                      * (Math.sqrt(2 * y_accel * y_goal + getYVelocity() * getYVelocity())
                          - sqrt2 * getYVelocity())
                      / (2 * y_accel);
    } // act()
  } // class BucketbotMove