コード例 #1
  // Tests that space will be allocated when possible
  public void requestSpaceTest() throws Exception {
    final long blockId1 = 12345L;
    final long blockId2 = 12346L;
    final int chunkSize = (int) WORKER_CAPACITY_BYTES / 10;

    mBlockWorkerServiceHandler.requestBlockLocation(SESSION_ID, blockId1, chunkSize);
    boolean result = mBlockWorkerServiceHandler.requestSpace(SESSION_ID, blockId1, chunkSize);

    // Initial request and first additional request should succeed

    result = mBlockWorkerServiceHandler.requestSpace(SESSION_ID, blockId1, WORKER_CAPACITY_BYTES);

    // Impossible request should fail

    // Request for space on a nonexistent block should fail
    Assert.assertFalse(mBlockWorkerServiceHandler.requestSpace(SESSION_ID, blockId2, chunkSize));

    // Request for impossible initial space should fail
    Exception exception = null;
    try {
          SESSION_ID, blockId2, WORKER_CAPACITY_BYTES + 1);
    } catch (AlluxioTException e) {
      exception = e;
コード例 #2
  // Tests that caching a block successfully persists the block if the block exists
  public void cacheBlockTest() throws Exception {
    mFileSystem.createFile(new AlluxioURI("/testFile"));
    URIStatus file = mFileSystem.getStatus(new AlluxioURI("/testFile"));

    final int blockSize = (int) WORKER_CAPACITY_BYTES / 10;
    // Construct the block ids for the file.
    final long blockId0 = BlockId.createBlockId(BlockId.getContainerId(file.getFileId()), 0);
    final long blockId1 = BlockId.createBlockId(BlockId.getContainerId(file.getFileId()), 1);

    String filename =
        mBlockWorkerServiceHandler.requestBlockLocation(SESSION_ID, blockId0, blockSize);
    createBlockFile(filename, blockSize);
    mBlockWorkerServiceHandler.cacheBlock(SESSION_ID, blockId0);

    // The master should be immediately updated with the persisted block
    Assert.assertEquals(blockSize, mBlockMasterClient.getUsedBytes());

    // Attempting to cache a non existent block should throw an exception
    Exception exception = null;
    try {
      mBlockWorkerServiceHandler.cacheBlock(SESSION_ID, blockId1);
    } catch (TException e) {
      exception = e;
コード例 #3
  // Tests that multiple users cannot request a combined space greater than worker space
  public void totalOverCapacityRequestSpaceTest() throws Exception {
    final int chunkSize = (int) WORKER_CAPACITY_BYTES / 2;
    final long userId1 = SESSION_ID;
    final long userId2 = SESSION_ID + 1;
    final long blockId1 = 12345L;
    final long blockId2 = 23456L;

    String filePath1 =
        mBlockWorkerServiceHandler.requestBlockLocation(userId1, blockId1, chunkSize);
    String filePath2 =
        mBlockWorkerServiceHandler.requestBlockLocation(userId2, blockId2, chunkSize);

    // Initial requests should succeed
    Assert.assertTrue(filePath1 != null);
    Assert.assertTrue(filePath2 != null);

    // Additional requests for space should fail
    Assert.assertFalse(mBlockWorkerServiceHandler.requestSpace(userId1, blockId1, chunkSize));
    Assert.assertFalse(mBlockWorkerServiceHandler.requestSpace(userId2, blockId2, chunkSize));
コード例 #4
  // Tests that cancelling a block will remove the temporary file
  public void cancelBlockTest() throws Exception {
    mFileSystem.createFile(new AlluxioURI("/testFile"));
    URIStatus file = mFileSystem.getStatus(new AlluxioURI("/testFile"));

    final int blockSize = (int) WORKER_CAPACITY_BYTES / 2;
    final long blockId = BlockId.createBlockId(BlockId.getContainerId(file.getFileId()), 0);

    String filename =
        mBlockWorkerServiceHandler.requestBlockLocation(SESSION_ID, blockId, blockSize);
    createBlockFile(filename, blockSize);
    mBlockWorkerServiceHandler.cancelBlock(SESSION_ID, blockId);

    // The block should not exist after being cancelled
    Assert.assertFalse(new File(filename).exists());

    // The master should not have recorded any used space after the block is cancelled
    Assert.assertEquals(0, mBlockMasterClient.getUsedBytes());