private void checkForPossibleAnswers(Set<Clause> resolvents) { // If no bindings being looked for, then // is just a true false query. for (Clause aClause : resolvents) { if (answerClause.isEmpty()) { if (aClause.isEmpty()) { proofs.add(new ProofFinal(aClause.getProofStep(), new HashMap<Variable, Term>())); complete = true; } } else { if (aClause.isEmpty()) { // This should not happen // as added an answer literal, which // implies the database (i.e. premises) are // unsatisfiable to begin with. throw new IllegalStateException( "Generated an empty clause while looking for an answer, implies original KB is unsatisfiable"); } if (aClause.isUnitClause() && aClause.isDefiniteClause() && aClause .getPositiveLiterals() .get(0) .getAtomicSentence() .getSymbolicName() .equals(answerLiteral.getAtomicSentence().getSymbolicName())) { Map<Variable, Term> answerBindings = new HashMap<Variable, Term>(); List<Term> answerTerms = aClause.getPositiveLiterals().get(0).getAtomicSentence().getArgs(); int idx = 0; for (Variable v : answerLiteralVariables) { answerBindings.put(v, answerTerms.get(idx)); idx++; } boolean addNewAnswer = true; for (Proof p : proofs) { if (p.getAnswerBindings().equals(answerBindings)) { addNewAnswer = false; break; } } if (addNewAnswer) { proofs.add(new ProofFinal(aClause.getProofStep(), answerBindings)); } } } if (System.currentTimeMillis() > finishTime) { complete = true; // Indicate that I have run out of query time timedOut = true; } } }
// // START-InferenceProcedure public InferenceResult ask(FOLKnowledgeBase KB, Sentence alpha) { // clauses <- the set of clauses in CNF representation of KB ^ ~alpha Set<Clause> clauses = new LinkedHashSet<Clause>(); for (Clause c : KB.getAllClauses()) { c = KB.standardizeApart(c); c.setStandardizedApartCheckNotRequired(); clauses.addAll(c.getFactors()); } Sentence notAlpha = new NotSentence(alpha); // Want to use an answer literal to pull // query variables where necessary Literal answerLiteral = KB.createAnswerLiteral(notAlpha); Set<Variable> answerLiteralVariables = KB.collectAllVariables(answerLiteral.getAtomicSentence()); Clause answerClause = new Clause(); if (answerLiteralVariables.size() > 0) { Sentence notAlphaWithAnswer = new ConnectedSentence(Connectors.OR, notAlpha, answerLiteral.getAtomicSentence()); for (Clause c : KB.convertToClauses(notAlphaWithAnswer)) { c = KB.standardizeApart(c); c.setProofStep(new ProofStepGoal(c)); c.setStandardizedApartCheckNotRequired(); clauses.addAll(c.getFactors()); } answerClause.addLiteral(answerLiteral); } else { for (Clause c : KB.convertToClauses(notAlpha)) { c = KB.standardizeApart(c); c.setProofStep(new ProofStepGoal(c)); c.setStandardizedApartCheckNotRequired(); clauses.addAll(c.getFactors()); } } TFMAnswerHandler ansHandler = new TFMAnswerHandler(answerLiteral, answerLiteralVariables, answerClause, maxQueryTime); // new <- {} Set<Clause> newClauses = new LinkedHashSet<Clause>(); Set<Clause> toAdd = new LinkedHashSet<Clause>(); // loop do int noOfPrevClauses = clauses.size(); do { if (null != tracer) { tracer.stepStartWhile(clauses, clauses.size(), newClauses.size()); } newClauses.clear(); // for each Ci, Cj in clauses do Clause[] clausesA = new Clause[clauses.size()]; clauses.toArray(clausesA); // Basically, using the simple T)wo F)inger M)ethod here. for (int i = 0; i < clausesA.length; i++) { Clause cI = clausesA[i]; if (null != tracer) { tracer.stepOuterFor(cI); } for (int j = i; j < clausesA.length; j++) { Clause cJ = clausesA[j]; if (null != tracer) { tracer.stepInnerFor(cI, cJ); } // resolvent <- FOL-RESOLVE(Ci, Cj) Set<Clause> resolvents = cI.binaryResolvents(cJ); if (resolvents.size() > 0) { toAdd.clear(); // new <- new <UNION> resolvent for (Clause rc : resolvents) { toAdd.addAll(rc.getFactors()); } if (null != tracer) { tracer.stepResolved(cI, cJ, toAdd); } ansHandler.checkForPossibleAnswers(toAdd); if (ansHandler.isComplete()) { break; } newClauses.addAll(toAdd); } if (ansHandler.isComplete()) { break; } } if (ansHandler.isComplete()) { break; } } noOfPrevClauses = clauses.size(); // clauses <- clauses <UNION> new clauses.addAll(newClauses); if (ansHandler.isComplete()) { break; } // if new is a <SUBSET> of clauses then finished // searching for an answer // (i.e. when they were added the # clauses // did not increase). } while (noOfPrevClauses < clauses.size()); if (null != tracer) { tracer.stepFinished(clauses, ansHandler); } return ansHandler; }