public void command(Game game, Scanner sc, String... args) throws IllegalArgumentException { Command cmd = game.getCommand(args[0].toLowerCase()); if (cmd == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid command"); } float time = cmd.onCalled(this, game, sc, args); Location loc = this.location; for (Animal a : loc.getPredators().keySet()) { if (Main.rand.nextFloat() < loc.getPredators().get(a)) { System.out.printf("A %s ambushes you!\n", a.getName(), args[0]); game.time += this.fight(sc, game, a, false); break; } } game.time += time; while (game.time >= 24) { += 1; game.time -= 24; } hunger = cap(hunger - 2 * time, 0, MAXHUNGER); thirst = cap(thirst - 2 * time, 0, MAXTHIRST); if (hunger < 5) { hp -= (5 - hunger) * 5 * time; } else if (hunger > 20) { hp += 10; if (hp > MAXHEALTH) { hp = MAXHEALTH; } } if (thirst == 0) { hp -= 50 * time; } }
/** * Fight mode * * @param animal The target * @param isHiding Is sneak attacking * @return How long the fight lasts */ public float fight(Scanner sc, Game game, Animal animal, boolean isHiding) { float timeElapsed = 0f, enemyHp = animal.getHealth(); Item weapon; List<Item> weapons = new ArrayList<Item>(); for (Item i : this.inventory) { if (i.damage > 0) { weapons.add(i); } } if (weapons.size() == 1) { weapon = weapons.get(0); System.out.printf("You use your %s.\n",; } else if (weapons.size() == 0) { System.out.println("You have no weapons, so you use your fists."); weapon = Game.iFists; } else { System.out.println("Which weapon do you use?"); while (true) { Item w = game.getItem(sc.nextLine()); if (w != null) { weapon = w; break; } else { System.out.println("Invalid item, try again."); } } } System.out.println(""); while (true) { /* * hiding, ambush animals * attack * run */ int choice = Main.choice(sc, "What do you do?", "You... ", "Attack", "Run"); if (choice == 1) { System.out.printf("You attack the %s for %s damage.\n", animal.getName(), weapon.damage); enemyHp -= weapon.damage; } else if (choice == 2) { System.out.printf("You run from the %s.\n", animal.getName()); break; } // enemy turn if (animal.getDamage() > 0) { System.out.printf( "The %s damages you for %s damage.\n", animal.getName(), animal.getDamage()); this.hp -= animal.getDamage(); } if (this.hp <= 0) { System.out.printf("The %s defeated you in combat.\n", animal.getName()); break; } if (enemyHp <= 0) { Map<Item, Integer> loot = animal.getLoot(); try { for (Item i : loot.keySet()) { this.invAdd(i, loot.get(i)); } System.out.printf( "You killed the %s, salvaging %s from its body.\n", animal.getName(), Main.listItems(loot)); } catch (InvOutOfVolumeException | InvOutOfWeightException e) { System.out.printf( "You killed the %s, but could not carry everything.\n", animal.getName()); } break; } timeElapsed += 0.05f; } return timeElapsed; }