コード例 #1
 private static void NullNoteEx(String jid) throws XMPPException {
   XmppNet.sendMessage(jid, "Blank or invalid string reminder!");
コード例 #2
  public static Boolean doUserCommand(String command, String jid, String admin)
      throws XMPPException, IOException, NumberFormatException, ClassNotFoundException,
          SQLException, ParseException {
    Boolean ans = false;
    String msg = null;

    if (command.startsWith("!report") && !ans) {
      command = new StringBuffer(command).delete(0, 7).toString();
      msg = command + " - " + jid;
      XmppNet.sendMessage(admin, msg);
      ans = true;

    if (command.startsWith("!list") && !ans) {
      java.util.Date today = new java.util.Date();
      long time = (System.currentTimeMillis());
      msg = Sql.listOfTimer(jid, time);
      XmppNet.sendMessage(jid, msg);
      ans = true;

    if (command.startsWith("!remind") && !ans) {
      command = command.replaceAll("!remind ", "");
      java.util.Date today = new java.util.Date();
      long time = (System.currentTimeMillis());
      StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(command, "@");
      String noteU = "";

      while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
        command = st.nextToken();
        if (!st.hasMoreElements()) {
        noteU = st.nextToken();
      SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm");
      Date dt = null;
      try {
        dt = sdf.parse(command);
      } catch (ParseException e) {
        msg = "Wrong date!";
        XmppNet.sendMessage(jid, msg);
        ans = true;

      long dt1 = dt.getTime() / 1000;
      if (!ans) {
        if (dt1 > (time / 1000)) {
          Sql.add(dt1, jid, Main.id, noteU);
          msg = "Timer is set!";
        } else {
          msg = "Wrong date";
      XmppNet.sendMessage(jid, msg);
      ans = true;

    if (command.startsWith("!note") && !ans) {
      command = command.replaceAll("!note ", "");
      Long time = 0L;
      if (!ans) {
        Sql.add(time, jid, Main.id, command);
      ans = true;
      msg = "Writed!";
      XmppNet.sendMessage(jid, msg);

    if (command.startsWith("!my") && !ans) {
      msg = Sql.listOfNote(jid);
      ans = true;
      XmppNet.sendMessage(jid, msg);

    if (command.startsWith("!del") && !ans) {
      command = command.replaceAll("!del #", "");
      if (!ans) {
        Sql.deleteNote(jid, command);
      ans = true;
      msg = "Command complete";
      XmppNet.sendMessage(jid, msg);

    try {
      if (command.startsWith("!timer") && !ans) {
        command = command.replaceAll("!timer ", "");
        java.util.Date today = new java.util.Date();
        long time = (System.currentTimeMillis());
        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(command, "@");
        String noteU = "";
        while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
          command = st.nextToken();
          if (!st.hasMoreElements()) {
          noteU = st.nextToken();
        if (Long.parseLong(command) < 1 || Long.parseLong(command) > 120) {
          throw new NumberFormatException();
        long timeDo = ((time + Long.parseLong(command) * 1000 * 60) / 1000L);
        if (!ans) {
          Sql.add(timeDo, jid, Main.id, noteU);
        ans = true;
        msg = "Timer is set!";
        XmppNet.sendMessage(jid, msg);
    } catch (NumberFormatException ex1) {
      ans = true;
          jid, "Wrong timer interval \n" + "The permissible range of 1 to 120 minutes.");

    if (command.startsWith("!off") && !ans && jid.startsWith(admin)) {
      ans = true;

    if (command.startsWith("!roster") && !ans && jid.startsWith(admin)) {
      msg = XmppNet.getXmppRoster();
      XmppNet.sendMessage(jid, msg);
      ans = true;

    if (command.startsWith("!status") && !ans && jid.startsWith(admin)) {
      command = new StringBuffer(command).delete(0, 8).toString();
      String status = command;
      Presence presence = new Presence(Presence.Type.available);
      ans = true;

    if (command.equals("!help")) {
      msg =
          "Commands: \n"
              + "!report <message> - send <message> to admin \n \n"
              + "!remind <dd.mm.yyyy HH:mm>@<remind> - set a reminder on this date \n"
              + " For example  !remind 03.10.2012 18:51@Hello \n \n"
              + "!timer <minutes>@<remind> - set timer. \n"
              + "  For example '!timer 2@Hello' send after 2 minutes 'Hello' \n \n"
              + "!list - list of installed timers \n \n"
              + "Notes: \n"
              + "!my - list of notes \n"
              + "!note 'text' - write note \n"
              + "!del #1234567890 - delete note with number #1234567890 \n";
      if (jid.startsWith(admin)) {
        msg +=
                + "!roster - show bot`s roster \n"
                + "!status <new_status> - change status \n"
                + "!off - offline this bot \n";
      XmppNet.sendMessage(jid, msg);
      ans = true;

    return ans;