コード例 #1
   * Validates the given Object
   * @param object the Object to validate
   * @param resolver the ClassDescriptorResolver to load ClassDescriptors for use during validation.
  public void validate(Object object, ClassDescriptorResolver resolver) throws ValidationException {

    if (object == null) {
      throw new ValidationException("Cannot validate a null Object.");

    if (resolver == null) {
      resolver = new ClassDescriptorResolverImpl();

    XMLClassDescriptor classDesc = resolver.resolve(object.getClass());

    // -- we cannot validate an object if ClassDescriptor is null
    if (classDesc == null) return;

    TypeValidator validator = classDesc.getValidator();

    XMLFieldDescriptor fieldDesc = null;

    try {
      if (validator != null) {
        if (validator instanceof ClassValidator)
          ((ClassValidator) validator).validate(object, resolver);
        else validator.validate(object);
      // -- default validation
      else {
        // -- just validate each field
        FieldDescriptor[] fields = classDesc.getFields();
        if (fields != null) {
          for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
            fieldDesc = (XMLFieldDescriptor) fields[i];
            if (fieldDesc == null) continue;
            FieldValidator fieldValidator = fieldDesc.getValidator();
            if (fieldValidator != null) fieldValidator.validate(object, resolver);
    } catch (ValidationException vx) {
      // -- add location information
      XPathLocation loc = (XPathLocation) vx.getLocation();
      if (loc == null) {
        loc = new XPathLocation();
        if (fieldDesc != null) {
          if (fieldDesc.getNodeType() == NodeType.Attribute)
          else loc.addChild(fieldDesc.getXMLName());
      throw vx;
  } // -- validate
コード例 #2
  * {@inheritDoc}
  * @see
  *     org.exolab.castor.xml.XMLClassDescriptor#checkDescriptorForCorrectOrderWithinSequence(org.exolab.castor.xml.XMLFieldDescriptor,
  *     org.exolab.castor.xml.UnmarshalState, java.lang.String)
 public void checkDescriptorForCorrectOrderWithinSequence(
     final XMLFieldDescriptor elementDescriptor,
     final UnmarshalState parentState,
     final String xmlName)
     throws ValidationException {
       elementDescriptor, parentState, xmlName);
コード例 #3
   * Returns true if any of the fields associated with the given XMLClassDescriptor are located at,
   * or beneath, the given location.
   * @param location the location to compare against
   * @param classDesc the XMLClassDescriptor in which to check the field locations
   * @return true if any of the fields has a location associated
  static final boolean hasFieldsAtLocation(
      final String location, final XMLClassDescriptor classDesc) {
    // -- check elements
    XMLFieldDescriptor[] descriptors = classDesc.getElementDescriptors();
    for (int i = 0; i < descriptors.length; i++) {
      if (descriptors[i] == null) {
      String tmpLocation = descriptors[i].getLocationPath();
      if ((tmpLocation != null) && (tmpLocation.startsWith(location))) {
        return true;

    // -- check attributes
    descriptors = classDesc.getAttributeDescriptors();
    for (int i = 0; i < descriptors.length; i++) {
      if (descriptors[i] == null) {
      String tmpLocation = descriptors[i].getLocationPath();
      if ((tmpLocation != null) && (tmpLocation.startsWith(location))) {
        return true;

    // -- check content/text
    XMLFieldDescriptor content = classDesc.getContentDescriptor();
    if (content != null) {
      String tmpLocation = content.getLocationPath();
      if ((tmpLocation != null) && (tmpLocation.startsWith(location))) {
        return true;
    return false;
  } // -- hasFieldsAtLocation
コード例 #4
  * Returns a list of fields represented by this descriptor.
  * @return A list of fields
 public FieldDescriptor[] getFields() {
   if (_fields == null) {
     _fields = _classDesc.getFields();
   return _fields;
 } // -- getFields
コード例 #5
  * Returns the Java class represented by this descriptor.
  * @return The Java class
 public Class getJavaClass() {
   return _classDesc.getJavaClass();
 } // -- getJavaClass
コード例 #6
  * @see org.exolab.castor.xml.XMLClassDescriptor#canAccept( java.lang.String, java.lang.String,
  *     java.lang.Object)
 public boolean canAccept(final String name, final String namespace, final Object object) {
   return _classDesc.canAccept(name, namespace, object);
 } // -- canAccept
コード例 #7
  * Returns the XML Name for the Class being described.
  * @return the XML name.
 public String getXMLName() {
   return _classDesc.getXMLName();
 } // -- getXMLName
コード例 #8
  * Returns a specific validator for the class described by this ClassDescriptor. A null value
  * may be returned if no specific validator exists.
  * @return the type validator for the class described by this ClassDescriptor.
 public TypeValidator getValidator() {
   return _classDesc.getValidator();
 } // -- getValidator
コード例 #9
 /** @return the namespace prefix to use when marshalling as XML. */
 public String getNameSpacePrefix() {
   return _classDesc.getNameSpacePrefix();
 } // -- getNameSpacePrefix
コード例 #10
  * Returns the set of XMLFieldDescriptors for all members that should be marshalled as XML
  * elements.
  * @return an array of XMLFieldDescriptors for all members that should be marshalled as XML
  *     elements.
 public XMLFieldDescriptor[] getElementDescriptors() {
   if (_elements == null) {
     _elements = _classDesc.getElementDescriptors();
   return _elements;
 } // -- getElementDescriptors
コード例 #11
  * Returns the XML field descriptor matching the given xml name and nodeType. If NodeType is
  * null, then either an AttributeDescriptor, or ElementDescriptor may be returned. Null is
  * returned if no matching descriptor is available.
  * @param name the xml name to match against
  * @param namespace the xml namespace to match
  * @param nodeType the NodeType to match against, or null if the node type is not known.
  * @return the matching descriptor, or null if no matching descriptor is available.
 public XMLFieldDescriptor getFieldDescriptor(
     final String name, final String namespace, final NodeType nodeType) {
   return _classDesc.getFieldDescriptor(name, namespace, nodeType);
 } // -- getFieldDescriptor
コード例 #12
  * Returns the XMLFieldDescriptor for the member that should be marshalled as text content.
  * @return the XMLFieldDescriptor for the member that should be marshalled as text content.
 public XMLFieldDescriptor getContentDescriptor() {
   return _classDesc.getContentDescriptor();
 } // -- getContentDescriptor
コード例 #13
  * Returns the set of XMLFieldDescriptors for all members that should be marshalled as XML
  * attributes. This includes namespace nodes.
  * @return an array of XMLFieldDescriptors for all members that should be marshalled as XML
  *     attributes.
 public XMLFieldDescriptor[] getAttributeDescriptors() {
   if (_attributes == null) {
     _attributes = _classDesc.getAttributeDescriptors();
   return _attributes;
 } // -- getAttributeDescriptors
コード例 #14
   * Search there is a field descriptor which can accept one of the class descriptor which match the
   * given name and namespace.
   * @param name XML name of the field
   * @param namespace namespace of the field
   * @param classDesc the class descriptor to match against
   * @param cdResolver the class descriptor resolver to use
   * @return An array of InheritanceMatch.
   * @throws MarshalException if the resolver called fails fatally
  protected InheritanceMatch[] searchInheritance(
      final String name, final String namespace, final XMLClassDescriptor classDesc)
      throws MarshalException {
    Iterator classDescriptorIterator = null;

    try {
      // -- A little required logic for finding Not-Yet-Loaded
      // -- descriptors
      String className = getJavaNaming().toJavaClassName(name);
      // -- should use namespace-to-prefix mappings, but
      // -- just create package for now.
      Class clazz = classDesc.getJavaClass();
      String pkg = null;
      if (clazz != null) {
        while (clazz.getDeclaringClass() != null) {
          clazz = clazz.getDeclaringClass();
        pkg = clazz.getName();
        int idx = pkg.lastIndexOf('.');
        if (idx >= 0) {
          pkg = pkg.substring(0, idx + 1);
          className = pkg + className;
          .resolve(className, classDesc.getClass().getClassLoader());
      // -- end Not-Yet-Loaded descriptor logic

      // -- resolve all by XML name + namespace URI
      classDescriptorIterator =
              .resolveAllByXMLName(name, namespace, null);
    } catch (ResolverException rx) {
      Throwable actual = rx.getCause();
      if (actual instanceof MarshalException) {
        throw (MarshalException) actual;
      if (actual != null) {
        throw new MarshalException(actual);
      throw new MarshalException(rx);

    Vector inheritanceList = null;
    XMLFieldDescriptor descriptor = null;
    XMLFieldDescriptor[] descriptors = classDesc.getElementDescriptors();
    XMLClassDescriptor cdInherited = null;

    if (classDescriptorIterator.hasNext()) {
      while (classDescriptorIterator.hasNext() && (descriptor == null)) {
        cdInherited = (XMLClassDescriptor) classDescriptorIterator.next();
        Class subclass = cdInherited.getJavaClass();

        for (int i = 0; i < descriptors.length; i++) {

          if (descriptors[i] == null) {

          // -- skip descriptors with special internal name
          if (INTERNAL_XML_NAME.equals(descriptors[i].getXMLName())) {

          // -- check for inheritence
          Class superclass = descriptors[i].getFieldType();

          // It is possible that the superclass is of type object if we use any node.
          if (superclass.isAssignableFrom(subclass) && (superclass != Object.class)) {
            descriptor = descriptors[i];
            if (inheritanceList == null) {
              inheritanceList = new Vector(3);
            inheritanceList.addElement(new InheritanceMatch(descriptor, cdInherited));
      // -- reset inherited class descriptor, if necessary
      if (descriptor == null) {
        cdInherited = null;

    if (inheritanceList != null) {
      InheritanceMatch[] result = new InheritanceMatch[inheritanceList.size()];
      return result;
    return NO_MATCH_ARRAY;
コード例 #15
  * Returns the class descriptor of the class extended by this class.
  * @return The extended class descriptor
 public ClassDescriptor getExtends() {
   return _classDesc.getExtends();
 } // -- getExtends
コード例 #16
  * Returns the identity field, null if this class has no identity.
  * @return The identity field
 public FieldDescriptor getIdentity() {
   return _classDesc.getIdentity();
 } // -- getIdentity
コード例 #17
 /** @return the namespace URI used when marshalling and unmarshalling as XML. */
 public String getNameSpaceURI() {
   return _classDesc.getNameSpaceURI();
 } // -- getNameSpaceURI