コード例 #1
 protected void clearBeingInsertedFlags() {
   WoTMessageManager messageManager = (WoTMessageManager) super.mMessageManager;
   synchronized (messageManager) {
     for (WoTOwnMessageList list : messageManager.getBeingInsertedOwnMessageLists()) {
       try {
         messageManager.onMessageListInsertFailed(list.getURI(), false);
       } catch (NoSuchMessageListException e) {
         Logger.error(this, "SHOULD NOT HAPPEN", e);
コード例 #2
   * You have to synchronize on this <code>WoTMessageListInserter</code> and then on the <code>
   * WoTMessageManager</code> when using this function.
  private void insertMessageList(WoTOwnMessageList list)
      throws TransformerException, ParserConfigurationException, NoSuchMessageException,
          IOException, InsertException {
    Bucket tempB = mTBF.makeBucket(4096); /* TODO: set to a reasonable value */
    OutputStream os = null;

    try {
      os = tempB.getOutputStream();
      // This is what requires synchronization on the WoTMessageManager: While being marked as
      // "being inserted", message lists cannot be modified anymore,
      // so it must be guranteed that the "being inserted" mark does not change while we encode the
      // XML etc.

      mXML.encode(mMessageManager, list, os);
      os = null;

      /* We do not specifiy a ClientMetaData with mimetype because that would result in the insertion of an additional CHK */
      InsertBlock ib = new InsertBlock(tempB, null, list.getInsertURI());
      InsertContext ictx = mClient.getInsertContext(true);

      ClientPutter pu =
              ib, false, null, false, ictx, this, RequestStarter.INTERACTIVE_PRIORITY_CLASS);
      tempB = null;

      if (logDEBUG)
        Logger.debug(this, "Started insert of WoTOwnMessageList at request URI " + list.getURI());
    } finally {
      if (tempB != null) tempB.free();