public void renderInitialization(Widget widget) throws IOException { ControlDecorator decorator = (ControlDecorator) widget; IClientObject clientObject = ClientObjectFactory.getClientObject(decorator); clientObject.create(TYPE); clientObject.set("parent", WidgetUtil.getId(decorator.getParent())); clientObject.set("style", WidgetLCAUtil.getStyles(decorator, ALLOWED_STYLES)); }
public void renderInitialization(Widget widget) throws IOException { ToolTip toolTip = (ToolTip) widget; IClientObject clientObject = ClientObjectFactory.getClientObject(toolTip); clientObject.create(TYPE); clientObject.set("parent", WidgetUtil.getId(toolTip.getParent())); clientObject.set("style", WidgetLCAUtil.getStyles(toolTip, ALLOWED_STYLES)); }
/* (intentionally non-JavaDoc'ed) * This method is declared public only to be accessible from DisplayLCA */ public static void writeActiveControl(final Shell shell) throws IOException { final Control activeControl = getActiveControl(shell); String prop = PROP_ACTIVE_CONTROL; if (WidgetLCAUtil.hasChanged(shell, prop, activeControl, null)) { // JSWriter writer = JSWriter.getWriterFor( shell ); // writer.set( "activeControl", new Object[] { activeControl } ); IWidgetSynchronizer synchronizer = WidgetSynchronizerFactory.getSynchronizerForWidget(shell); synchronizer.setWidgetProperty("activeControl", WidgetUtil.getId(activeControl)); } }
public void renderInitialization(final Widget widget) throws IOException { IWidgetSynchronizer synchronizer = WidgetSynchronizerFactory.getSynchronizerForWidget(widget); List styleList = new ArrayList(); int style = widget.getStyle(); if ((style & SWT.BORDER) != 0) { styleList.add("BORDER"); } if ((style & MODAL) != 0) { styleList.add("MODAL"); } if ((style & SWT.ON_TOP) != 0) { styleList.add("ON_TOP"); } if ((style & SWT.TITLE) != 0) { styleList.add("TITLE"); } if ((style & SWT.TOOL) != 0) { styleList.add("TOOL"); } if ((style & SWT.SHEET) != 0) { styleList.add("SHEET"); } if ((style & SWT.MIN) != 0) { styleList.add("MIN"); } if ((style & SWT.MAX) != 0) { styleList.add("MAX"); } if ((style & SWT.CLOSE) != 0) { styleList.add("CLOSE"); } if ((style & SWT.RESIZE) != 0) { styleList.add("RESIZE"); } String[] styles = new String[styleList.size()]; styleList.toArray(styles); Composite parent = ((Shell) widget).getParent(); if (parent instanceof Shell) { String parentId = WidgetUtil.getId(parent); synchronizer.newWidget(styles, new Object[] {parentId}); } synchronizer.newWidget(styles); // old // JSWriter writer = JSWriter.getWriterFor( widget ); // Shell shell = ( Shell )widget; // writer.newWidget( QX_TYPE ); // ControlLCAUtil.writeStyleFlags( shell ); // if( ( style & MODAL ) != 0 ) { // "addState", new Object[] { "rwt_APPLICATION_MODAL" } ); // } // if( ( style & SWT.ON_TOP ) != 0 ) { // "addState", new Object[] { "rwt_ON_TOP" } ); // } // if( ( style & SWT.TITLE ) != 0 ) { // "addState", new Object[]{ "rwt_TITLE" } ); // } // if( ( style & SWT.TOOL ) != 0 ) { // "addState", new Object[]{ "rwt_TOOL" } ); // } // if( ( style & SWT.SHEET ) != 0 ) { // "addState", new Object[]{ "rwt_SHEET" } ); // } // writer.set( "showMinimize", ( style & SWT.MIN ) != 0 ); // writer.set( "allowMinimize", ( style & SWT.MIN ) != 0 ); // writer.set( "showMaximize", ( style & SWT.MAX ) != 0 ); // writer.set( "allowMaximize", ( style & SWT.MAX ) != 0 ); // writer.set( "showClose", ( style & SWT.CLOSE ) != 0 ); // writer.set( "allowClose", ( style & SWT.CLOSE ) != 0 ); // Boolean resizable = Boolean.valueOf( ( style & SWT.RESIZE ) != 0 ); // writer.set( "resizable", // new Object[] { resizable, resizable, resizable, resizable } ); // if( parent instanceof Shell ) { // writer.set( "parentShell", parent ); // } // "initialize", null ); }
@Test public void testContructor_SetsReferenceWidget() { verify(remoteObject).set("parent", WidgetUtil.getId(text)); }