コード例 #1
  * evaluate the LND6 function at the given point <CODE>x</CODE>.
  * @param arg Object must be a <CODE>double[]</CODE> or a <CODE>popt4jlib.VectorIntf</CODE>
  *     object.
  * @param p HashMap unused.
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <CODE>arg</CODE> is not of the mentioned types.
  * @return double
 public double eval(Object arg, HashMap p) throws IllegalArgumentException {
   if (arg instanceof VectorIntf) {
     VectorIntf x = (VectorIntf) arg;
     return evalArray(x.getDblArray1());
   } else {
     try {
       return evalArray((double[]) arg);
     } catch (Exception e) {
       throw new IllegalArgumentException("function cannot be evaluated at the passed argument");
コード例 #2
  * run as <CODE>
  *  java -cp &lt;classpath&gt; tests.DDETest &lt;params_file&gt; [random_seed] [maxfuncevals]
  * </CODE>. The params_file must contain lines of the following form:
  * <ul>
  *   <li>class,dde.function, &lt;fullclasspathname&gt; mandatory, the java class name defining the
  *       function to be optimized, which must accept as arguments either <CODE>double[]</CODE> or
  *       <CODE>VectorIntf</CODE> objects.
  *   <li>class,dde.localoptimizer, &lt;fullclasspathname&gt; optional the java class name of an
  *       object implementing the LocalOptimizerIntf defined in the popt4jlib.GradientDescent
  *       package, to be used as further optimizer of the best solution found by the DE process.
  *   <li>dde.numdimensions, $num$ mandatory, the dimension of the domain of the function to be
  *       minimized.
  *   <li>dde.numtries, $num$ optional, the total number of "tries", default is 100.
  *   <li>dde.numthreads, $num$ optional, the number of threads to use, default is 1.
  *   <li>rndgen,$num$,$num2$ mandatory, specifies the starting random seed to use for each of the
  *       $num2$ threads to use (the value num2 must equal the number given in the line for
  *       dde.numthreads).
  *   <li>dde.popsize, $num$ optional, the total population size in each iteration, default is 10.
  *   <li>dde.w, $num$ optional, the "weight" of the DE process, a double number in [0,2], default
  *       is 1.0
  *   <li>dde.px, $num$ optional, the "crossover rate" of the DE process, a double number in [0,1],
  *       default is 0.9
  *   <li>dde.minargval, $num$ optional, a double number that is a lower bound for all variables of
  *       the optimization process, i.e. all variables must satisfy x_i &ge; $num$, default is
  *       -infinity
  *   <li>dde.maxargval, $num$ optional, a double number that is an upper bound for all variables
  *       of the optimization process, i.e. all variables must satisfy x_i &le; $num$, default is
  *       +infinity
  *   <li>dde.minargval$i$, $num$ optional, a double number that is a lower bound for the i-th
  *       variable of the optimization process, i.e. variable must satisfy x_i &ge; $num$, default
  *       is -infinity
  *   <li>dde.maxargval$i$, $num$ optional, a double number that is an upper bound for the i-th
  *       variable of the optimization process, i.e. variable must satisfy x_i &le; $num$, default
  *       is +infinity
  *   <li>dde.de/best/1/binstrategy, $val$ optional, a boolean value that if present and true,
  *       indicates that the DE/best/1/bin strategy should be used in evolving the population
  *       instead of the DE/rand/1/bin strategy, default is false
  *   <li>dde.nondeterminismok, $val$ optional, a boolean value indicating whether the method
  *       should return always the same value given the same parameters and same random seed(s).
  *       The method can be made to run much faster in a multi-core setting if this flag is set to
  *       true (at the expense of deterministic results) getting the CPU utilization to reach
  *       almost 100% as opposed to around 60% otherwise, default is false
  *   <li>dde.countfuncevals, $val$ optional, a boolean value indicating whether or not the process
  *       should be counting the number of function evaluations it performs, default is false
  *   <li>&lt;"dde.dmpaddress", String location&gt; optional, if existing, specifies the location
  *       of a distributed Msg-Passing server that implements the basic send/recv operations as
  *       specified in <CODE>parallel.distributed.DActiveMsgPassingCoordinatorLongLivedConnSrv[Clt]
  *       </CODE> default is null
  *   <li>&lt;"dde.dmpport", Integer port&gt; optional, if existing, specifies the port number of a
  *       distributed Msg-Passing server implementing the basic send/recv operations as specified
  *       in <CODE>parallel.distributed.DActiveMsgPassingCoordinatorLongLivedConnSrv[Clt]</CODE>
  *       default is null
  *   <li>&lt;"dde.dmpthisprocessid", Integer myid&gt; optional, if existing, it indicates the id
  *       of this process (this is the number to use in a recvData(myid) call on the
  *       DActiveMsgPassingCoordinatorLongLivedConnClt object) default is null
  *   <li>&lt;"dde.dmpnextprocessid", Integer id&gt; optional, if existing, it indicates the id of
  *       the process to which this process should be sending "migrants" to; (this is the number to
  *       use as the "send address" in a sendData(myid, id, data) DActiveblahblah call); default is
  *       null
  *   <li>&lt;"dde.numgensbetweenmigrations", Integer num&gt; optional, if existing, it indicates
  *       the number of generations that must pass between two successive "migrations" between DDE
  *       island-processes; default is 10
  *   <li>&lt;"dde.nummigrants",Integer num&gt; optional, if it exists, indicates how many migrants
  *       will be sent and received from each dde process; default is 10
  *   <li>&lt;"dde.reducerhost", String host&gt; optional, if existing, it indicates the address in
  *       which the reducer server resides; default is null
  *   <li>&lt;"dde.reducerport", Integer port&gt; optional, if existing, it indicates the address
  *       in which the reducer server process listens at; default is -1
  * </ul>
  * <p>Notice that in case of running DDE in a distributed manner, there are two important
  * constraints:
  * <ul>
  *   <li>First of all, the various processes participating in the distributed DDE process must
  *       have their dde.dmpthisprocessid and dde.dmpnextprocessid parameters set up so that the
  *       flow of migration forms an exact ring, e.g. for a 3-process DDE we have that DDE_0 sends
  *       migrants to DDE_1 which sends migrants to DDE_2 which sends migrants to DDE_0.
  *   <li>The constraint dde.numgensbetweenmigrations &le; dde.numtries must hold.
  * </ul>
  * Otherwise, there is no way for processes to block in at least one migration cycle (and thereby
  * have the DReduceSrv know the total number of processes before the final reduce operation), and
  * therefore the distributed reduce operation afterwards is not guaranteed to work properly.
  * <p>if the second optional argument is passed in, it overrides the random seed specified in the
  * params_file (specified as the 1st arg in cmd-line).
  * <p>The optional third argument, if present, overrides any max. limit set on the number of
  * function evaluations allowed. After this limit, the function will always return
  * Double.MAX_VALUE instead, and won't increase the evaluation count. Obviously, for this limit to
  * be enforced, the "dde.countfuncevals" flag must be set to true in the params_file (1st arg in
  * the command line)
  * @param args String[]
 public static void main(String[] args) {
   try {
     long start_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
     HashMap params = utils.DataMgr.readPropsFromFile(args[0]);
     if (args.length > 1) {
       long seed = Long.parseLong(args[1]);
       RndUtil.getInstance().setSeed(seed); // updates all extra instances too!
     if (args.length > 2) {
       long num = Long.parseLong(args[2]);
       params.put("maxfuncevalslimit", new Long(num));
     FunctionIntf func = (FunctionIntf) params.get("dde.function");
     if (params.containsKey("dde.countfuncevals")
         && ((Boolean) params.get("dde.countfuncevals")).booleanValue() == true) {
       FunctionBase wrapper_func = new FunctionBase(func);
       params.put("dde.function", wrapper_func);
       func = wrapper_func;
     DDE opter = new DDE(params);
     utils.PairObjDouble p = opter.minimize(func);
     VectorIntf arg = (VectorIntf) p.getArg();
     System.out.print("best soln found:[");
     for (int i = 0; i < arg.getNumCoords(); i++) System.out.print(arg.getCoord(i) + " ");
     System.out.println("] VAL=" + p.getDouble());
     // final local optimization
     utils.PairObjDouble p2 = null;
     LocalOptimizerIntf lasdst = (LocalOptimizerIntf) params.get("dde.localoptimizer");
     if (lasdst != null) {
       VectorIntf x0 = arg.newInstance(); // arg.newCopy();
       params.put("gradientdescent.x0", x0);
       p2 = lasdst.minimize(func);
       VectorIntf xf = (VectorIntf) p2.getArg();
       System.out.print("Optimized (via a GradientDescent local method) best soln found:[");
       for (int i = 0; i < xf.getNumCoords(); i++) System.out.print(xf.getCoord(i) + " ");
       System.out.println("] VAL=" + p2.getDouble());
     if (func instanceof FunctionBase)
       System.err.println("total function evaluations=" + ((FunctionBase) func).getEvalCount());
     long dur = System.currentTimeMillis() - start_time;
     double val =
         (p2 == null || p2.getDouble() >= Double.MAX_VALUE) ? p.getDouble() : p2.getDouble();
     System.out.println("total time (msecs): " + dur);
     if (func instanceof FunctionBase)
               + val
               + ",TTT,"
               + dur
               + ",NNN,"
               + ((FunctionBase) func).getEvalCount()
               + ",PPP,DDE,FFF,"
               + args[0]); // for parser program to extract from output
   } catch (Exception e) {