コード例 #1
   * Validates the fields, displays errors and warnings. Enables the finish button if there are no
   * errors.
  private void validatePage() {
    String error = null;
    String warning = null;

    // -- validate type
    TypeInfo type = mValues.type;
    if (error == null) {
      if (type == null) {
        error = "One of the types must be selected (e.g. layout, values, etc.)";

    // -- validate project
    if (mValues.project == null) {
      error = "Please select an Android project.";

    // -- validate type API level
    if (error == null) {
      IAndroidTarget target = Sdk.getCurrent().getTarget(mValues.project);
      int currentApiLevel = 1;
      if (target != null) {
        currentApiLevel = target.getVersion().getApiLevel();

      assert type != null;
      if (type.getTargetApiLevel() > currentApiLevel) {
        error =
            "The API level of the selected type (e.g. AppWidget, etc.) is not "
                + "compatible with the API level of the project.";

    // -- validate filename
    if (error == null) {
      String fileName = mValues.getFileName();
      assert type != null;
      ResourceFolderType folderType = type.getResFolderType();
      error = ResourceNameValidator.create(true, folderType).isValid(fileName);

    // -- validate destination file doesn't exist
    if (error == null) {
      IFile file = mValues.getDestinationFile();
      if (file != null && file.exists()) {
        warning = "The destination file already exists";

    // -- update UI & enable finish if there's no error
    setPageComplete(error == null);
    if (error != null) {
      setMessage(error, IMessageProvider.ERROR);
    } else if (warning != null) {
      setMessage(warning, IMessageProvider.WARNING);
    } else {
コード例 #2
   * Add the available types in the type combobox, based on whether they are available for the
   * current SDK.
   * <p>A type is available either if: - if mProject is null, API level 1 is considered valid - if
   * mProject is !null, the project->target->API must be >= to the type's API level.
  private void updateAvailableTypes() {
    IProject project = mValues.project;
    IAndroidTarget target = project != null ? Sdk.getCurrent().getTarget(project) : null;
    int currentApiLevel = 1;
    if (target != null) {
      currentApiLevel = target.getVersion().getApiLevel();

    List<String> items = new ArrayList<String>(sTypes.length);
    List<TypeInfo> types = new ArrayList<TypeInfo>(sTypes.length);
    for (int i = 0, n = sTypes.length; i < n; i++) {
      TypeInfo type = sTypes[i];
      if (type.getTargetApiLevel() <= currentApiLevel) {
    mTypeCombo.setItems(items.toArray(new String[items.size()]));
    mTypeCombo.setData(types.toArray(new TypeInfo[types.size()]));