public boolean setContextPathAttr(String startCtxPath, String attrName, String value) { String[] path = startCtxPath.split("/"); int startWith = ("/" + path[1]).startsWith(ContextPath.FILE_CTX_PRX) ? 2 : 1; TreeNode cycled = root; for (int i = startWith; i < path.length; i++) { String encodedName = "/" + path[i]; cycled = cycled.findChildByEncodedName(encodedName); if (cycled == null) { return false; } } TreeNodeImpl nodeImpl = (TreeNodeImpl) cycled; int i = 0; for (; i < nodeImpl.extAttr.length; i++) { String _attrName = decodeAttrName(nodeImpl.extAttr[i]); if (_attrName.equals(attrName)) { // replace existing attribute with new one nodeImpl.extAttr[i] = encodeAttrValue(attrName, value); return true; } } nodeImpl.extAttr = increaseArrayByOne(nodeImpl.extAttr); // replace existing attribute with new one nodeImpl.extAttr[i] = encodeAttrValue(attrName, value); return true; }
public TreeNode addNode(int type, String encodedName) { String name = encodedName.substring(7, encodedName.length()); List<TreeNodeImpl> lst = childs.get(name); if (lst == null) { lst = new ArrayList<TreeNodeImpl>(); childs.put(name, lst); } TreeNodeImpl node = new TreeNodeImpl(this, encodedName); node.type = type; lst.add(node); return node; }
public boolean removeNodeByEncodedName(String encodedName) { List<TreeNodeImpl> lst = childs.get(encodedName.substring(7, encodedName.length())); if (lst != null) { Iterator<TreeNodeImpl> iterator = lst.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { TreeNodeImpl n =; if (n.getName().equals(encodedName)) { n.dispose(); iterator.remove(); return true; } } } return false; }
private void findValuedNode(TreeNodeImpl node, IndexEntriesWalker iproc) { if (node.childs.size() == 0) { iproc.process(node.getPath(), node.value, node.extAttr); } else { // first call handler for root node then for children iproc.process(node.getPath(), node.value, node.extAttr); // iterate thru children for (String name : node.childs.keySet()) { for (TreeNode n : node.childs.get(name)) { findValuedNode((TreeNodeImpl) n, iproc); } } } }
public void iterateOverChildren(String ctxPath, IndexEntriesWalkerInterruptable iterator) { String[] path = ctxPath.split("/"); int startWith = ("/" + path[1]).startsWith(ContextPath.FILE_CTX_PRX) ? 2 : 1; TreeNode cycled = root; for (int i = startWith; i < path.length; i++) { String encodedName = "/" + path[i]; cycled = cycled.findChildByEncodedName(encodedName); if (cycled == null) { return; } } for (List<TreeNodeImpl> siblings : ((TreeNodeImpl) cycled).childs.values()) { for (TreeNodeImpl n : siblings) { if (!iterator.process(n.getPath(), n.value)) { return; } } } }
public String getParentPath() { return parent.getPath(); }
public String getPath() { return (parent != null ? parent.getPath() : "") + encodedName; }