コード例 #1
  public <T extends TransportResponse> void sendRequest(
      final DiscoveryNode node,
      final String action,
      final TransportRequest request,
      final TransportRequestOptions options,
      TransportResponseHandler<T> handler) {
    if (node == null) {
      throw new ElasticsearchIllegalStateException("can't send request to a null node");
    final long requestId = newRequestId();
    TimeoutHandler timeoutHandler = null;
    try {
      clientHandlers.put(requestId, new RequestHolder<>(handler, node, action, timeoutHandler));
      if (started.get() == false) {
        // if we are not started the exception handling will remove the RequestHolder again and
        // calls the handler to notify the caller.
        // it will only notify if the toStop code hasn't done the work yet.
        throw new TransportException("TransportService is closed stopped can't send request");
      if (options.timeout() != null) {
        timeoutHandler = new TimeoutHandler(requestId);
        timeoutHandler.future =
            threadPool.schedule(options.timeout(), ThreadPool.Names.GENERIC, timeoutHandler);
      transport.sendRequest(node, requestId, action, request, options);
    } catch (final Throwable e) {
      // usually happen either because we failed to connect to the node
      // or because we failed serializing the message
      final RequestHolder holderToNotify = clientHandlers.remove(requestId);
      // if the scheduler raise a EsRejectedExecutionException (due to shutdown), we may have a
      // timeout handler, but no future
      if (timeoutHandler != null) {

      // If holderToNotify == null then handler has already been taken care of.
      if (holderToNotify != null) {
        // callback that an exception happened, but on a different thread since we don't
        // want handlers to worry about stack overflows
        final SendRequestTransportException sendRequestException =
            new SendRequestTransportException(node, action, e);
                new Runnable() {
                  public void run() {