コード例 #1
   * Gets the token representation of this item in RPN. The Attribute token is a special case, which
   * overrides anything useful we could do in the base class
   * @return the bytes applicable to this formula
  byte[] getBytes() {
    byte[] data = new byte[0];
    if (isSum()) {
      // Get the data for the operands
      ParseItem[] operands = getOperands();

      // Get the operands in reverse order to get the RPN
      for (int i = operands.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        byte[] opdata = operands[i].getBytes();

        // Grow the array
        byte[] newdata = new byte[data.length + opdata.length];
        System.arraycopy(data, 0, newdata, 0, data.length);
        System.arraycopy(opdata, 0, newdata, data.length, opdata.length);
        data = newdata;

      // Add on the operator byte
      byte[] newdata = new byte[data.length + 4];
      System.arraycopy(data, 0, newdata, 0, data.length);
      newdata[data.length] = Token.ATTRIBUTE.getCode();
      newdata[data.length + 1] = sumMask;
      data = newdata;
    } else if (isIf()) {
      return getIf();

    return data;
コード例 #2
   * Gets the associated if conditions with this attribute
   * @return the associated if conditions
  private byte[] getIf() {
    ParseItem[] operands = ifConditions.getOperands();

    // The position of the offset to the false portion of the expression
    int falseOffsetPos = 0;
    int gotoEndPos = 0;
    int numArgs = operands.length;

    // First, write out the conditions
    byte[] data = operands[0].getBytes();

    // Grow the array by three and write out the optimized if attribute
    int pos = data.length;
    byte[] newdata = new byte[data.length + 4];
    System.arraycopy(data, 0, newdata, 0, data.length);
    data = newdata;
    data[pos] = Token.ATTRIBUTE.getCode();
    data[pos + 1] = 0x2;
    falseOffsetPos = pos + 2;

    // Get the true portion of the expression and add it to the array
    byte[] truedata = operands[1].getBytes();
    newdata = new byte[data.length + truedata.length];
    System.arraycopy(data, 0, newdata, 0, data.length);
    System.arraycopy(truedata, 0, newdata, data.length, truedata.length);
    data = newdata;

    // Grow the array by three and write out the goto end attribute
    pos = data.length;
    newdata = new byte[data.length + 4];
    System.arraycopy(data, 0, newdata, 0, data.length);
    data = newdata;
    data[pos] = Token.ATTRIBUTE.getCode();
    data[pos + 1] = 0x8;
    gotoEndPos = pos + 2;

    // If the false condition exists, then add that to the array
    if (numArgs > 2) {
      // Set the offset to the false expression to be the current position
      IntegerHelper.getTwoBytes(data.length - falseOffsetPos - 2, data, falseOffsetPos);

      // Copy in the false expression
      byte[] falsedata = operands[numArgs - 1].getBytes();
      newdata = new byte[data.length + falsedata.length];
      System.arraycopy(data, 0, newdata, 0, data.length);
      System.arraycopy(falsedata, 0, newdata, data.length, falsedata.length);
      data = newdata;

      // Write the goto to skip over the varargs token
      pos = data.length;
      newdata = new byte[data.length + 4];
      System.arraycopy(data, 0, newdata, 0, data.length);
      data = newdata;
      data[pos] = Token.ATTRIBUTE.getCode();
      data[pos + 1] = 0x8;
      data[pos + 2] = 0x3;

    // Grow the array and write out the varargs function
    pos = data.length;
    newdata = new byte[data.length + 4];
    System.arraycopy(data, 0, newdata, 0, data.length);
    data = newdata;
    data[pos] = Token.FUNCTIONVARARG.getCode();
    data[pos + 1] = (byte) numArgs;
    data[pos + 2] = 1;
    data[pos + 3] = 0; // indicates the end of the expression

    // Position the final offsets
    int endPos = data.length - 1;

    if (numArgs < 3) {
      // Set the offset to the false expression to be the current position
      IntegerHelper.getTwoBytes(endPos - falseOffsetPos - 5, data, falseOffsetPos);

    // Set the offset after the true expression
    IntegerHelper.getTwoBytes(endPos - gotoEndPos - 2, data, gotoEndPos);

    return data;