コード例 #1
  public void updateEntity() {

    if (!this.worldObj.isRemote) {
      if (this.storedOxygen > 0 && this.getEnergyStoredGC() > 0) {
        if (!this.worldObj.isRemote) {
          if (this.containingItems[0] != null) {
            ItemStack tank0 = this.containingItems[0];

            if (tank0.getItem() instanceof ItemOxygenTank && tank0.getItemDamage() > 0) {
                  tank0.getItemDamage() - TileEntityOxygenCompressor.TANK_TRANSFER_SPEED);
              this.storedOxygen -= TileEntityOxygenCompressor.TANK_TRANSFER_SPEED;
コード例 #2
  public void updateEntity() {

    if (!this.worldObj.isRemote) {
      // if (this.getEnergyStored() > 0)
      // {
      // int gasToSend = Math.min(this.storedOxygen,
      // GCCoreTileEntityOxygenCollector.OUTPUT_PER_TICK);
      // GasStack toSend = new GasStack(GalacticraftCore.gasOxygen,
      // gasToSend);
      // this.storedOxygen -= GasTransmission.emitGasToNetwork(toSend,
      // this, this.getOxygenOutputDirection());
      // Vector3 thisVec = new Vector3(this);
      // TileEntity tileEntity =
      // thisVec.modifyPositionFromSide(this.getOxygenOutputDirection()).getTileEntity(this.worldObj);
      // if (tileEntity instanceof IGasAcceptor)
      // {
      // if (((IGasAcceptor)
      // tileEntity).canReceiveGas(this.getOxygenOutputDirection().getOpposite(),
      // GalacticraftCore.gasOxygen))
      // {
      // double sendingGas = 0;
      // if (this.storedOxygen >=
      // GCCoreTileEntityOxygenCollector.OUTPUT_PER_TICK)
      // {
      // sendingGas = GCCoreTileEntityOxygenCollector.OUTPUT_PER_TICK;
      // }
      // else
      // {
      // sendingGas = this.storedOxygen;
      // }
      // this.storedOxygen -= sendingGas - ((IGasAcceptor)
      // tileEntity).receiveGas(new GasStack(GalacticraftCore.gasOxygen,
      // (int) Math.floor(sendingGas)));
      // }
      // }
      // }

      // The later calculations are more efficient if power is a float, so
      // there are fewer casts
      float power = 0;

      if (this.getEnergyStoredGC() > 0) {
        if (this.worldObj.provider instanceof IGalacticraftWorldProvider) {
          // Pre-test to see if close to the map edges, so code
          // doesn't have to continually test for map edges inside the
          // loop
          if (this.xCoord > -29999995
              && this.xCoord < 2999995
              && this.zCoord > -29999995
              && this.zCoord < 29999995) {
            // Test the y coordinates, so code doesn't have to keep
            // testing that either
            int miny = this.yCoord - 5;
            int maxy = this.yCoord + 5;
            if (miny < 0) {
              miny = 0;
            if (maxy >= this.worldObj.getHeight()) {
              maxy = this.worldObj.getHeight() - 1;

            // Loop the x and the z first, so the y loop will be at
            // fixed (x,z) coordinates meaning fixed chunk
            // coordinates
            for (int x = this.xCoord - 5; x <= this.xCoord + 5; x++) {
              int chunkx = x >> 4;
              int intrachunkx = x & 15;
              // Preload the first chunk for the z loop - there
              // can be a maximum of 2 chunks in the z loop
              int chunkz = (this.zCoord - 5) >> 4;
              Chunk chunk = this.worldObj.getChunkFromChunkCoords(chunkx, chunkz);
              for (int z = this.zCoord - 5; z <= this.zCoord + 5; z++) {
                if ((z >> 4) != chunkz) {
                  // moved across z chunk boundary into a new
                  // chunk, so load the new chunk
                  chunkz = z >> 4;
                  chunk = this.worldObj.getChunkFromChunkCoords(chunkx, chunkz);
                for (int y = miny; y <= maxy; y++) {
                  // chunk.getBlockID is like world.getBlock
                  // but faster - needs to be given
                  // intra-chunk coordinates though
                  final Block block = chunk.getBlock(intrachunkx, y, z & 15);
                  // Test for the two most common blocks (air
                  // and breatheable air) without looking up
                  // in the blocksList
                  if (block != Blocks.air && block != GCBlocks.breatheableAir) {
                    if (block.isLeaves(this.worldObj, x, y, z)
                        || block instanceof IPlantable
                            && ((IPlantable) block).getPlantType(this.worldObj, x, y, z)
                                == EnumPlantType.Crop) {
                      power += 0.075F;
        } else {
          power = 9.3F;

        power = (float) Math.floor(power);

        this.lastOxygenCollected = power;

        this.storedOxygen = (int) Math.max(Math.min(this.storedOxygen + power, this.maxOxygen), 0);
      } else {
        this.lastOxygenCollected = 0;