public void testGetAfterRemoveReturnsNull() { final String testKey = "hefty"; final Object testValue = new Object(); context.put(testKey, testValue); context.remove(testKey); assertNull("remove() should result in null value for get()", context.get(testKey)); }
@Test public void shouldRemoveAnEntryFromTheMapWhenAutoClosed() throws Exception { try (final CloseableThreadContext ignored = CloseableThreadContext.put(key, value)) { assertThat(ThreadContext.get(key), is(value)); } assertThat(ThreadContext.containsKey(key), is(false)); }
@Test public void shouldPushAndPopAnEntryToTheStack() throws Exception { final String message = "message"; try (final CloseableThreadContext ignored = CloseableThreadContext.push(message)) { assertThat(ThreadContext.peek(), is(message)); } assertThat(ThreadContext.peek(), is("")); }
@Test public void shouldUseAnEmptyStringIfNoValueIsSupplied() throws Exception { final String key2 = "key2"; try (final CloseableThreadContext ignored = CloseableThreadContext.put(key, value, key2)) { assertThat(ThreadContext.get(key), is(value)); assertThat(ThreadContext.get(key2), is("")); } }
@Test public void shouldPreserveOldEntriesFromTheMapWhenAutoClosed() throws Exception { final String oldValue = "oldValue"; ThreadContext.put(key, oldValue); try (final CloseableThreadContext ignored = CloseableThreadContext.put(key, value)) { assertThat(ThreadContext.get(key), is(value)); } assertThat(ThreadContext.get(key), is(oldValue)); }
@Test public void shouldAddTwoEntriesToTheMap() throws Exception { final String key2 = "key2"; final String value2 = "value2"; try (final CloseableThreadContext ignored = CloseableThreadContext.put(key, value, key2, value2)) { assertThat(ThreadContext.get(key), is(value)); assertThat(ThreadContext.get(key2), is(value2)); } }
@Test public void shouldPushAndPopAParameterizedEntryToTheStack() throws Exception { final String parameterizedMessage = "message {}"; final String parameterizedMessageParameter = "param"; final String formattedMessage = parameterizedMessage.replace("{}", parameterizedMessageParameter); try (final CloseableThreadContext ignored = CloseableThreadContext.push(parameterizedMessage, parameterizedMessageParameter)) { assertThat(ThreadContext.peek(), is(formattedMessage)); } assertThat(ThreadContext.peek(), is("")); }
@Test public void shouldNestEntries() throws Exception { final String oldValue = "oldValue"; final String innerValue = "innerValue"; ThreadContext.put(key, oldValue); try (final CloseableThreadContext ignored = CloseableThreadContext.put(key, value)) { assertThat(ThreadContext.get(key), is(value)); try (final CloseableThreadContext ignored2 = CloseableThreadContext.put(key, innerValue)) { assertThat(ThreadContext.get(key), is(innerValue)); } assertThat(ThreadContext.get(key), is(value)); } assertThat(ThreadContext.get(key), is(oldValue)); }
public RecorderHolder initialValue() { final ThreadContext threadContext = m_threadContextLocator.get(); if (threadContext == null) { throw new UncheckedException("Only Worker Threads can invoke tests"); } final TestRecorder recorder = new TestRecorder( threadContext.getDispatchResultReporter(), new StopWatchImplementation(m_timeAuthority)); return new RecorderHolder(threadContext, recorder); }
public void end(boolean success) { if (--m_nestingDepth == 0) { // Leaving outer frame. m_recorder.end(success); m_threadContext.popDispatchContext(); } }
public void start() throws DispatchStateException { if (m_nestingDepth++ == 0) { // Entering outer frame. m_threadContext.pushDispatchContext(m_recorder); m_recorder.start(); } }
public void execute(final Runnable command) { ThreadContext.runInContext( context.get(), new Runnable() { public void run() { filters.get().execute(command); } }); }
public void testClearRemovesMDCValue() { ThreadContext log4jThreadContext = ThreadContext.newMDCEnabledContext(); Hashtable mdcContext = MDC.getContext(); assertNull(mdcContext); final String testKey = "painter"; log4jThreadContext.put(testKey, 7); mdcContext = MDC.getContext(); assertEquals(1, mdcContext.size()); log4jThreadContext.clear(); assertEquals(0, mdcContext.size()); assertNull("get() after clear should return null", log4jThreadContext.get(testKey)); }
/** Create a new callframe and arg list to add an invokee argument at the front. */ public CallSiteDescriptor injectInvokee( ThreadContext tc, Object[] oldArgs, SixModelObject invokee) { Object[] newArgs = new Object[oldArgs.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(oldArgs, 0, newArgs, 1, oldArgs.length); newArgs[0] = invokee; byte[] newFlags = new byte[argFlags.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(argFlags, 0, newFlags, 1, argFlags.length); newFlags[0] = ARG_OBJ; tc.flatArgs = newArgs; return new CallSiteDescriptor(newFlags, names); }
public void restart() { synchronized (lifecycleLock) { ThreadContext.get().setCurrentFactory(factory); fireLifecycleEvent(RESTARTING); paused.set(true); final Node node = factory.node; final ILogger logger = getLogger(); List<Record> lsOwnedRecords = new ArrayList<Record>(); for (CMap cmap : node.concurrentMapManager.getCMaps().values()) { if (cmap.isUserMap()) { lsOwnedRecords.addAll(cmap.getMapIndexService().getOwnedRecords()); } } node.onRestart(); node.clientHandlerService.restart(); node.connectionManager.onRestart(); node.clusterManager.onRestart(); node.concurrentMapManager.onRestart(); node.rejoin(); final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(lsOwnedRecords.size()); final ParallelExecutor executor = node.executorManager.newParallelExecutor(16); for (final Record ownedRecord : lsOwnedRecords) { executor.execute( new Runnable() { public void run() { try { ConcurrentMapManager.MPut mput = MPut(); mput.merge(ownedRecord); // invalidate record now (skipped invalidation on restart) ownedRecord.invalidate(); latch.countDown(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage(), e); } } }); } try { latch.await(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { } paused.set(false); fireLifecycleEvent(RESTARTED); } }
public void testCanAccessOtherThreadsContext() throws InterruptedException { final String testKey = "vanity"; final Object testValue = new Object(); final CountDownLatch finished = new CountDownLatch(1); final Thread otherThread = new Thread( new Runnable() { public void run() { context.put(testKey, testValue); finished.countDown(); } }); otherThread.start(); finished.await(); Map<String, Object> forThread = context.forThread(otherThread); assertEquals(1, forThread.size()); assertEquals(testValue, forThread.get(testKey)); }
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { ThreadContext.clearAll(); }
public void testGetsEmptyContextForUnknownThread() { assertEquals(0, context.forThread(new Thread()).size()); }
public void testClearRemovesValue() { final String testKey = "painter"; context.put(testKey, 7); context.clear(); assertNull("get() after clear should return null", context.get(testKey)); }
@Test public void shouldAddAnEntryToTheMap() throws Exception { try (final CloseableThreadContext ignored = CloseableThreadContext.put(key, value)) { assertThat(ThreadContext.get(key), is(value)); } }
public void testGetRetrievesPutValue() { final String testKey = "brainy"; final Object testValue = new Object(); context.put(testKey, testValue); assertEquals(testValue, context.get(testKey)); }
public ExecutionScope(final String name) { // Add this IScope to the stack of nested IScopes. ThreadContext.addIScope(this, name); }
@Override public void close() { // Remove this IScope from the stack of nested IScopes. ThreadContext.removeIScope(this); }
public void testGetOfUnusedKeyReturnsNull() { final String testKey = "handy"; assertNull("get() of unused key should return null", context.get(testKey)); }