@Test public void constraintTest() { Debug.testStart("Constraint"); final int COUNT = 100; final TestMonitorable mon = new TestMonitorable(); final Random rand = new Random(); final Predicate<TestMonitorable> pred1 = m -> m.get() < COUNT; final Predicate<TestMonitorable> pred2 = m -> m.get() % 2 == 0; final Monitor<TestMonitorable> monitor1 = new ConstraintMonitor<>(pred1); mon.addChangeMonitor(monitor1); final Monitor<TestMonitorable> monitor2 = Monitors.monitor(mon).constraint(pred2); for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) { boolean failed = false; try { mon.increment(); } catch (final UnprotectedMonitorException cve) { failed = true; } final boolean shouldFail = !pred1.test(mon) || !pred2.test(mon); if (failed) { if (!shouldFail) throw new Error("False negative at " + mon.get()); } else if (shouldFail) throw new Error("False positive at " + mon.get()); } Debug.testEnd("Constraint"); }
@Override public void accept(final TestMonitorable t) { this.lastVal = t.get(); Debug.printLn("R:" + t.get()); Monitors.monitor(t) .when(m -> m.get() == this.lastVal + 1, new TestRecursiveMonitor()) .execute(); }
public void activeFilterTest( final Filter<TestMonitorable> f, final Predicate<TestMonitorable> pred) { Debug.testStart("Active Filter: " + f.getClass().getSimpleName()); final int COUNT = 10000; final TestMonitorable[] mons = new TestMonitorable[COUNT]; final Random rand = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) mons[i] = new TestMonitorable(rand.nextInt(1000)); for (final TestMonitorable m : mons) f.add(m); for (final TestMonitorable m : f.trueSet()) if (!pred.test(m)) throw new Error("False positive"); for (final TestMonitorable m : f.falseSet()) if (pred.test(m)) throw new Error("False negative"); final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) { final TestMonitorable mon = mons[rand.nextInt(COUNT)]; if (rand.nextFloat() > .5) mon.increment(); else mon.decrement(); } final long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Debug.printLn("Time: " + ((endTime - startTime) / 1000.) + " sec"); if (f.trueSet().size() + f.falseSet().size() != COUNT) throw new Error("Size is incorrect"); for (final TestMonitorable m : f.trueSet()) if (!pred.test(m)) throw new Error("False positive"); for (final TestMonitorable m : f.falseSet()) if (pred.test(m)) throw new Error("False negative"); Debug.testEnd("Active Filter: " + f.getClass().getSimpleName()); }
public void testSortedSet(final SortedSet<TestMonitorable> s) { Debug.testStart("Active Sorted Set: " + s.getClass().getSimpleName()); final int COUNT = 10000; final TestMonitorable[] mons = new TestMonitorable[COUNT]; final Random rand = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) mons[i] = new TestMonitorable(rand.nextInt()); for (final TestMonitorable m : mons) s.add(m); final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) { if (rand.nextFloat() > .5) mons[rand.nextInt(COUNT)].increment(); else mons[rand.nextInt(COUNT)].decrement(); } final long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Debug.printLn("Time: " + ((endTime - startTime) / 1000.) + " sec"); if (s.size() != COUNT) throw new Error( "Set is missing " + (COUNT - s.size()) + " elements (may be due to duplicates)"); int last = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (final TestMonitorable m : s.toArray(mons)) { if (m == null) break; // Debug.printDel (m.get ()); if (last > m.get()) throw new Error("ActiveSortedSet out of order"); last = m.get(); } // Debug.printLn (""); Debug.testEnd("Active Sorted Set: " + s.getClass().getSimpleName()); }
@Test public void manyMonitorsTest() { Debug.testStart("Many Monitors"); final long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); final int COUNT = 10000; final TestMonitorable mon = new TestMonitorable(); final Random rand = new Random(); final TestToggleMonitor[] monitors = new TestToggleMonitor[COUNT]; for (int i = 0; i < monitors.length; i++) { monitors[i] = new TestToggleMonitor(); mon.addChangeMonitor(monitors[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { final int index = rand.nextInt(COUNT); final TestToggleMonitor replacement = new TestToggleMonitor(); if (rand.nextFloat() > .5) { mon.removeChangeMonitor(monitors[i]); mon.addChangeMonitor(replacement); } else { mon.addChangeMonitor(replacement); mon.removeChangeMonitor(monitors[i]); } monitors[i] = replacement; } mon.increment(); for (final TestToggleMonitor monitor : monitors) if (!monitor.toggle) throw new Error("Monitor was not triggered"); Debug.printLn("Millis (Benchmark): " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time)); Debug.testEnd("Many Monitors"); }
// Tests a wide spectrum of the Monitors utility class @Test public void wideChainTest() { Debug.testStart("Monitor Chaining"); final TestMonitorable mon = new TestMonitorable(); final int COUNT = 100; // Cascade test final Monitor<?> m1 = Monitors.monitor(mon).cascade(m -> Debug.printDel(m.get())); // When test final Monitor<?> m2 = Monitors.monitor(mon) .when( m -> m.get() == 50, m -> { Debug.printDelAssert("When 50: " + m.get(), m.get() == 50); this.wideChainTest_when50++; }) .execute(); // Until test final Monitor<?> m3 = Monitors.monitor(mon) .until( m -> m.get() == 10, m -> { Debug.printDelAssert("Until 10: " + m.get(), m.get() < 10); this.wideChainTest_until10++; }) .execute(); { final SimpleMonitorChain<TestMonitorable> chain = Monitors.monitor(mon) .recover( (e, t) -> { throw new RuntimeException(e); }); // Test of chained When and Until chain .when(m -> m.get() == 50) .until( m -> m.get() == 60, m -> { Debug.printDelAssert("In 50: " + m.get(), m.get() >= 50 && m.get() < 60); this.wideChainTest_in50++; }); // mon.watchLifecycle // (((SimpleMonitorChain<TestMonitorable>.MyMonitorPart) chain // .getLast ()).get ()); // Test of chained When-Until-When chain.when( new Predicate<TestMonitorable>() { int count = 0; @Override public boolean test(final TestMonitorable t) { return this.count++ == 20; } }, m -> { Debug.printDelAssert("20 more than 60: " + m.get(), m.get() == 80 || m.get() == 81); this.wideChainTest_81++; }); // Test of chained When-Until-When-When chain.when( m -> m.get() == COUNT - 1, m -> { Debug.printDelAssert("Almost done", m.get() == COUNT - 1); this.wideChainTest_almostdone++; }); chain.execute(); } // Recursive test (also tests for skips) // Monitors.monitor (mon).when (m -> true, new TestRecursiveMonitor // ()).execute (); // Loop (two whens that run each other) { final MonitorChain<TestMonitorable> chain = Monitors.monitor(mon); final MonitorChain.Part<TestMonitorable> a = chain .when(m -> m.get() == COUNT, m -> Debug.printAssert("A", m.get() == COUNT)) .getLast(); final MonitorChain.Part<TestMonitorable> b = chain .when(m -> m.get() == (COUNT - 1), m -> Debug.printAssert("B", m.get() == COUNT - 1)) .getLast(); b.next(a); chain.execute(); } { final MonitorChain<TestMonitorable> chain = Monitors.monitor(mon); final MonitorChain.Part<TestMonitorable> a = chain .when(m -> m.get() == COUNT, m -> Debug.printAssert("A", m.get() == COUNT)) .getLast(); final MonitorChain.Part<TestMonitorable> b = chain .when(m -> m.get() == (COUNT - 1), m -> Debug.printAssert("B", m.get() == COUNT - 1)) .getLast(); b.next(a); chain.execute(); } // Where the action is while (mon.get() < COUNT) mon.increment(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { mon.decrement(); mon.increment(); } if (this.wideChainTest_until10 != 9) throw new Error("Expected 9 instances of Until 10, but got " + this.wideChainTest_until10); if (this.wideChainTest_when50 != 1) throw new Error("Expected 1 instance of When 50, but got " + this.wideChainTest_when50); if (this.wideChainTest_in50 != 9 && this.wideChainTest_in50 != 10) throw new Error("Expected 9 or 10 instances of In 50, but got " + this.wideChainTest_in50); if (this.wideChainTest_81 != 1) throw new Error("Expected 1 instance of 20 more than 61, but got " + this.wideChainTest_81); if (this.wideChainTest_almostdone != 1) throw new Error( "Expected 1 instance of Almost Done, but got " + this.wideChainTest_almostdone); Debug.testEnd("Monitor Chaining"); }