コード例 #1
  * testWriterTwice3 is yet another test which tests creating a taxonomy in two separate writing
  * sessions. This test used to fail because of a bug involving commit(), explained below, and now
  * should succeed.
 public void testWriterTwice3() throws Exception {
   Directory indexDir = newDirectory();
   // First, create and fill the taxonomy
   TaxonomyWriter tw = new DirectoryTaxonomyWriter(indexDir);
   // Now, open the same taxonomy and add the same categories again.
   // After a few categories, the LuceneTaxonomyWriter implementation
   // will stop looking for each category on disk, and rather read them
   // all into memory and close it's reader. The bug was that it closed
   // the reader, but forgot that it did (because it didn't set the reader
   // reference to null).
   tw = new DirectoryTaxonomyWriter(indexDir);
   // Add one new category, just to make commit() do something:
   tw.addCategory(new FacetLabel("hi"));
   // Do a commit(). Here was a bug - if tw had a reader open, it should
   // be reopened after the commit. However, in our case the reader should
   // not be open (as explained above) but because it was not set to null,
   // we forgot that, tried to reopen it, and got an AlreadyClosedException.
   assertEquals(expectedCategories.length + 1, tw.getSize());
コード例 #2
  * Basic tests for TaxonomyWriter. Basically, we test that IndexWriter.addCategory works, i.e.
  * returns the expected ordinals (this is tested by calling the fillTaxonomy() method above). We
  * do not test here that after writing the index can be read - this will be done in more tests
  * below.
 public void testWriter() throws Exception {
   Directory indexDir = newDirectory();
   TaxonomyWriter tw = new DirectoryTaxonomyWriter(indexDir);
   // Also check TaxonomyWriter.getSize() - see that the taxonomy's size
   // is what we expect it to be.
   assertEquals(expectedCategories.length, tw.getSize());
コード例 #3
  * testWriterTwice is exactly like testWriter, except that after adding all the categories, we add
  * them again, and see that we get the same old ids again - not new categories.
 public void testWriterTwice() throws Exception {
   Directory indexDir = newDirectory();
   TaxonomyWriter tw = new DirectoryTaxonomyWriter(indexDir);
   // run fillTaxonomy again - this will try to add the same categories
   // again, and check that we see the same ordinal paths again, not
   // different ones.
   // Let's check the number of categories again, to see that no
   // extraneous categories were created:
   assertEquals(expectedCategories.length, tw.getSize());
コード例 #4
  * Test writing an empty index, and seeing that a reader finds in it the root category, and only
  * it. We check all the methods on that root category return the expected results.
 public void testRootOnly() throws Exception {
   Directory indexDir = newDirectory();
   TaxonomyWriter tw = new DirectoryTaxonomyWriter(indexDir);
   // right after opening the index, it should already contain the
   // root, so have size 1:
   assertEquals(1, tw.getSize());
   TaxonomyReader tr = new DirectoryTaxonomyReader(indexDir);
   assertEquals(1, tr.getSize());
   assertEquals(0, tr.getPath(0).length);
   assertEquals(TaxonomyReader.INVALID_ORDINAL, tr.getParallelTaxonomyArrays().parents()[0]);
   assertEquals(0, tr.getOrdinal(new FacetLabel()));
コード例 #5
  * testWriterTwice2 is similar to testWriterTwice, except that the index is closed and reopened
  * before attempting to write to it the same categories again. While testWriterTwice can get along
  * with writing and reading correctly just to the cache, testWriterTwice2 checks also the actual
  * disk read part of the writer:
 public void testWriterTwice2() throws Exception {
   Directory indexDir = newDirectory();
   TaxonomyWriter tw = new DirectoryTaxonomyWriter(indexDir);
   tw = new DirectoryTaxonomyWriter(indexDir);
   // run fillTaxonomy again - this will try to add the same categories
   // again, and check that we see the same ordinals again, not different
   // ones, and that the number of categories hasn't grown by the new
   // additions
   assertEquals(expectedCategories.length, tw.getSize());
コード例 #6
   * Another set of tests for the writer, which don't use an array and try to distill the different
   * cases, and therefore may be more helpful for debugging a problem than testWriter() which is
   * hard to know why or where it failed.
  public void testWriterSimpler() throws Exception {
    Directory indexDir = newDirectory();
    TaxonomyWriter tw = new DirectoryTaxonomyWriter(indexDir);
    assertEquals(1, tw.getSize()); // the root only
    // Test that adding a new top-level category works
    assertEquals(1, tw.addCategory(new FacetLabel("a")));
    assertEquals(2, tw.getSize());
    // Test that adding the same category again is noticed, and the
    // same ordinal (and not a new one) is returned.
    assertEquals(1, tw.addCategory(new FacetLabel("a")));
    assertEquals(2, tw.getSize());
    // Test that adding another top-level category returns a new ordinal,
    // not the same one
    assertEquals(2, tw.addCategory(new FacetLabel("b")));
    assertEquals(3, tw.getSize());
    // Test that adding a category inside one of the above adds just one
    // new ordinal:
    assertEquals(3, tw.addCategory(new FacetLabel("a", "c")));
    assertEquals(4, tw.getSize());
    // Test that adding the same second-level category doesn't do anything:
    assertEquals(3, tw.addCategory(new FacetLabel("a", "c")));
    assertEquals(4, tw.getSize());
    // Test that adding a second-level category with two new components
    // indeed adds two categories
    assertEquals(5, tw.addCategory(new FacetLabel("d", "e")));
    assertEquals(6, tw.getSize());
    // Verify that the parents were added above in the order we expected
    assertEquals(4, tw.addCategory(new FacetLabel("d")));
    // Similar, but inside a category that already exists:
    assertEquals(7, tw.addCategory(new FacetLabel("b", "d", "e")));
    assertEquals(8, tw.getSize());
    // And now inside two levels of categories that already exist:
    assertEquals(8, tw.addCategory(new FacetLabel("b", "d", "f")));
    assertEquals(9, tw.getSize());
