コード例 #1
   * Maps the specified <tt>address</tt> to <tt>jid</tt>. The point of this method is to allow us to
   * send all messages destined to the contact with the specified <tt>address</tt> to the
   * <tt>jid</tt> that they last contacted us from.
   * @param threadID the threadID of conversation.
   * @param jid the jid (i.e. address/resource) that the contact with the specified <tt>address</tt>
   *     last contacted us from.
  private void putJidForAddress(String jid, String threadID) {
    synchronized (jids) {

      StoredThreadID ta = jids.get(jid);

      if (ta == null) {
        ta = new StoredThreadID();
        jids.put(jid, ta);

      recentJIDForAddress.put(StringUtils.parseBareAddress(jid), jid);

      ta.lastUpdatedTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
      ta.threadID = threadID;
コード例 #2
 public void userHasLogged(String user) {
   boolean isAnonymous = "".equals(StringUtils.parseName(user));
   String title =
       "User logged ("
           + connection.hashCode()
           + "): "
           + (isAnonymous ? "" : StringUtils.parseBareAddress(user))
           + "@"
           + connection.getServiceName()
           + ":"
           + connection.getPort();
   title += "/" + StringUtils.parseResource(user);
   // Add the connection listener to the connection so that the debugger can be notified
   // whenever the connection is closed.
コード例 #3
     * Handles incoming messages and dispatches whatever events are necessary.
     * @param packet the packet that we need to handle (if it is a message).
    public void processPacket(Packet packet) {
      if (!(packet instanceof org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Message)) return;

      org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Message msg = (org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Message) packet;

      boolean isForwardedSentMessage = false;
      if (msg.getBody() == null) {

        CarbonPacketExtension carbonExt =
            (CarbonPacketExtension) msg.getExtension(CarbonPacketExtension.NAMESPACE);
        if (carbonExt == null) return;

        isForwardedSentMessage =
            (carbonExt.getElementName() == CarbonPacketExtension.SENT_ELEMENT_NAME);
        List<ForwardedPacketExtension> extensions =
        if (extensions.isEmpty()) return;
        ForwardedPacketExtension forwardedExt = extensions.get(0);
        msg = forwardedExt.getMessage();
        if (msg == null || msg.getBody() == null) return;

      Object multiChatExtension = msg.getExtension("x", "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user");

      // its not for us
      if (multiChatExtension != null) return;

      String userFullId = isForwardedSentMessage ? msg.getTo() : msg.getFrom();

      String userBareID = StringUtils.parseBareAddress(userFullId);

      boolean isPrivateMessaging = false;
      ChatRoom privateContactRoom = null;
      OperationSetMultiUserChatJabberImpl mucOpSet =
      if (mucOpSet != null) privateContactRoom = mucOpSet.getChatRoom(userBareID);

      if (privateContactRoom != null) {
        isPrivateMessaging = true;

      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
          logger.debug("Received from " + userBareID + " the message " + msg.toXML());

      Message newMessage = createMessage(msg.getBody(), DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE, msg.getPacketID());

      // check if the message is available in xhtml
      PacketExtension ext = msg.getExtension("http://jabber.org/protocol/xhtml-im");

      if (ext != null) {
        XHTMLExtension xhtmlExt = (XHTMLExtension) ext;

        // parse all bodies
        Iterator<String> bodies = xhtmlExt.getBodies();
        StringBuffer messageBuff = new StringBuffer();
        while (bodies.hasNext()) {
          String body = bodies.next();

        if (messageBuff.length() > 0) {
          // we remove body tags around message cause their
          // end body tag is breaking
          // the visualization as html in the UI
          String receivedMessage =
                  // removes body start tag
                  .replaceAll("\\<[bB][oO][dD][yY].*?>", "")
                  // removes body end tag
                  .replaceAll("\\</[bB][oO][dD][yY].*?>", "");

          // for some reason &apos; is not rendered correctly
          // from our ui, lets use its equivalent. Other
          // similar chars(< > & ") seem ok.
          receivedMessage = receivedMessage.replaceAll("&apos;", "&#39;");

          newMessage = createMessage(receivedMessage, HTML_MIME_TYPE, msg.getPacketID());

      PacketExtension correctionExtension = msg.getExtension(MessageCorrectionExtension.NAMESPACE);
      String correctedMessageUID = null;
      if (correctionExtension != null) {
        correctedMessageUID =
            ((MessageCorrectionExtension) correctionExtension).getCorrectedMessageUID();

      Contact sourceContact =
          opSetPersPresence.findContactByID((isPrivateMessaging ? userFullId : userBareID));
      if (msg.getType() == org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Message.Type.error) {
        // error which is multichat and we don't know about the contact
        // is a muc message error which is missing muc extension
        // and is coming from the room, when we try to send message to
        // room which was deleted or offline on the server
        if (isPrivateMessaging && sourceContact == null) {
          if (privateContactRoom != null) {
            XMPPError error = packet.getError();
            int errorResultCode = ChatRoomMessageDeliveryFailedEvent.UNKNOWN_ERROR;

            if (error != null && error.getCode() == 403) {
              errorResultCode = ChatRoomMessageDeliveryFailedEvent.FORBIDDEN;

            String errorReason = error.getMessage();

            ChatRoomMessageDeliveryFailedEvent evt =
                new ChatRoomMessageDeliveryFailedEvent(
                    privateContactRoom, null, errorResultCode, errorReason, new Date(), newMessage);
            ((ChatRoomJabberImpl) privateContactRoom).fireMessageEvent(evt);


        if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) logger.info("Message error received from " + userBareID);

        int errorResultCode = MessageDeliveryFailedEvent.UNKNOWN_ERROR;
        if (packet.getError() != null) {
          int errorCode = packet.getError().getCode();

          if (errorCode == 503) {
            org.jivesoftware.smackx.packet.MessageEvent msgEvent =
                    packet.getExtension("x", "jabber:x:event");
            if (msgEvent != null && msgEvent.isOffline()) {
              errorResultCode = MessageDeliveryFailedEvent.OFFLINE_MESSAGES_NOT_SUPPORTED;

        if (sourceContact == null) {
          sourceContact = opSetPersPresence.createVolatileContact(userFullId, isPrivateMessaging);

        MessageDeliveryFailedEvent ev =
            new MessageDeliveryFailedEvent(
                newMessage, sourceContact, correctedMessageUID, errorResultCode);

        // ev = messageDeliveryFailedTransform(ev);

        if (ev != null) fireMessageEvent(ev);
      putJidForAddress(userFullId, msg.getThread());

      // In the second condition we filter all group chat messages,
      // because they are managed by the multi user chat operation set.
      if (sourceContact == null) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
          logger.debug("received a message from an unknown contact: " + userBareID);
        // create the volatile contact
        sourceContact = opSetPersPresence.createVolatileContact(userFullId, isPrivateMessaging);

      Date timestamp = new Date();
      // Check for XEP-0091 timestamp (deprecated)
      PacketExtension delay = msg.getExtension("x", "jabber:x:delay");
      if (delay != null && delay instanceof DelayInformation) {
        timestamp = ((DelayInformation) delay).getStamp();
      // check for XEP-0203 timestamp
      delay = msg.getExtension("delay", "urn:xmpp:delay");
      if (delay != null && delay instanceof DelayInfo) {
        timestamp = ((DelayInfo) delay).getStamp();

      ContactResource resource = ((ContactJabberImpl) sourceContact).getResourceFromJid(userFullId);

      EventObject msgEvt = null;
      if (!isForwardedSentMessage)
        msgEvt =
            new MessageReceivedEvent(
      else msgEvt = new MessageDeliveredEvent(newMessage, sourceContact, timestamp);
      // msgReceivedEvt = messageReceivedTransform(msgReceivedEvt);
      if (msgEvt != null) fireMessageEvent(msgEvt);