@MediumTest public void testLargeField() throws Exception { mDatabase.execSQL("CREATE TABLE test (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, data TEXT);"); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(2100); sql.append("INSERT INTO test (data) VALUES ('"); Random random = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); StringBuilder randomString = new StringBuilder(1979); for (int i = 0; i < 1979; i++) { randomString.append((random.nextInt() & 0xf) % 10); } sql.append(randomString); sql.append("');"); mDatabase.execSQL(sql.toString()); Cursor c = mDatabase.query("test", null, null, null, null, null, null); assertNotNull(c); assertEquals(1, c.getCount()); assertTrue(c.moveToFirst()); assertEquals(0, c.getPosition()); String largeString = c.getString(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("data")); assertNotNull(largeString); assertEquals(randomString.toString(), largeString); c.close(); }
public List<Shred> getShredsWithTagsInTagsList(List<String> tags) { StringBuilder shredId = new StringBuilder("SELECT s.Id FROM Shred s, TagsForShred tfs, Tag t "); shredId.append("WHERE tfs.ShredId = s.id AND tfs.TagId = t.Id AND "); shredId.append("("); for (int i = 0; i < tags.size() - 1; i++) { shredId.append(" t.Label='").append(tags.get(i)).append("' OR "); } shredId.append(" t.Label='").append(tags.get(tags.size() - 1)).append("' )"); shredId.append(" Group By ( s.id) HAVING (Count(s.id) >= ?)"); String selectShreds = "SELECT " + ShredderDAOImpl.SHREDDER_SQL + ", " + SHRED_SQL + " FROM Shred s," + " Rating r, Shredder sr, GuitarForShredder gs, " + " EquiptmentForShredder es WHERE r.ShredId = s.id AND " + "gs.ShredderId = sr.id AND es.ShredderId = sr.id AND s.Id IN (" + shredId.toString() + ") AND s.Owner = sr.id LIMIT " + NO_SHREDS_IN_RESULT_SET; long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<Shred> res = getShredsFromSQLString(selectShreds, new Object[] {tags.size()}, new ShredMapper()); System.out.println("Shreds by tags: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t1)); logger.info("Shreds by tags: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t1)); return res; }
@LargeTest public void testManyRowsTxt() throws Exception { mDatabase.execSQL("CREATE TABLE test (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, data TEXT);"); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(2100); sql.append("INSERT INTO test (data) VALUES ('"); Random random = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); StringBuilder randomString = new StringBuilder(1979); for (int i = 0; i < 1979; i++) { randomString.append((random.nextInt() & 0xf) % 10); } sql.append(randomString); sql.append("');"); // if cursor window size changed, adjust this value too final int count = 600; // more than two fillWindow needed for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { mDatabase.execSQL(sql.toString()); } Cursor c = mDatabase.query("test", new String[] {"data"}, null, null, null, null, null); assertNotNull(c); int i = 0; while (c.moveToNext()) { assertEquals(randomString.toString(), c.getString(0)); i++; } assertEquals(count, i); assertEquals(count, c.getCount()); c.close(); }
private static void generateNameByString( Set<String> possibleNames, String value, NameValidator validator, boolean forStaticVariable, Project project) { if (!JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(project).getNameHelper().isIdentifier(value)) return; if (forStaticVariable) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(value.length() + 10); char[] chars = new char[value.length()]; value.getChars(0, value.length(), chars, 0); boolean wasLow = Character.isLowerCase(chars[0]); buffer.append(Character.toUpperCase(chars[0])); for (int i = 1; i < chars.length; i++) { if (Character.isUpperCase(chars[i])) { if (wasLow) { buffer.append('_'); wasLow = false; } } else { wasLow = true; } buffer.append(Character.toUpperCase(chars[i])); } possibleNames.add(validator.validateName(buffer.toString(), true)); } else { possibleNames.add(validator.validateName(value, true)); } }
public void addSetterComment(Method method, FullyQualifiedTable table, String columnName) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); method.addJavaDocLine("/**"); // $NON-NLS-1$ method.addJavaDocLine(" * This method was generated by Apache iBATIS ibator."); // $NON-NLS-1$ sb.append(" * This method sets the value of the database column "); // $NON-NLS-1$ sb.append(table); sb.append('.'); sb.append(columnName); method.addJavaDocLine(sb.toString()); method.addJavaDocLine(" *"); // $NON-NLS-1$ Parameter parm = method.getParameters().get(0); sb.setLength(0); sb.append(" * @param "); // $NON-NLS-1$ sb.append(parm.getName()); sb.append(" the value for "); // $NON-NLS-1$ sb.append(table); sb.append('.'); sb.append(columnName); method.addJavaDocLine(sb.toString()); addIbatorJavadocTag(method); method.addJavaDocLine(" */"); // $NON-NLS-1$ }
private void readFromParcel(Parcel in) { // fieldToAccept = in.readInt(); title.append(in.readString()); date.append(in.readString()); description.append(in.readString()); setImageURL(in.readString()); }
public String oneCookie(String name) { Cookie found = null; List<Cookie> allFound = null; for (Cookie cookie : getCookies()) { if (cookie.name().equals(name)) { if (found == null) { found = cookie; } else if (allFound == null) { allFound = new ArrayList<>(2); allFound.add(found); } else { allFound.add(cookie); } } } if (found == null) { return null; } else if (allFound != null) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder("Multiple cookies with name '").append(name).append("': "); int i = 0; for (Cookie cookie : allFound) { s.append(cookie.toString()); if (++i < allFound.size()) { s.append(", "); } } throw new IllegalStateException(s.toString()); } else { return found.value(); } }
/** * Break on commas, except those inside quotes, e.g.: size(300, 200, PDF, "output,weirdname.pdf"); * No special handling implemented for escaped (\") quotes. */ private static StringList breakCommas(String contents) { StringList outgoing = new StringList(); boolean insideQuote = false; // The current word being read StringBuilder current = new StringBuilder(); char[] chars = contents.toCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) { char c = chars[i]; if (insideQuote) { current.append(c); if (c == '\"') { insideQuote = false; } } else { if (c == ',') { if (current.length() != 0) { outgoing.append(current.toString()); current.setLength(0); } } else { current.append(c); if (c == '\"') { insideQuote = true; } } } } if (current.length() != 0) { outgoing.append(current.toString()); } return outgoing; }
public String getPrimaryDisplay() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(""); sb.append( (user.getPrimaryDisplay().toString() == null ? " " : user.getPrimaryDisplay().toString())); return sb.toString(); }
public static String reformatQuery(String query, String matchingSensors, String unionElement) { String lower_query = query.toLowerCase(); String listSensors[] = matchingSensors.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < listSensors.length; i++) logger.warn(i + " : " + listSensors[i]); // replace "sensors" String ref_query = new StringBuilder(lower_query.replaceAll(LIST_SENSORS_RESERVED_WORD_REGEX, matchingSensors)) .toString(); // check for aggregates, containing reserved word $union if (ref_query.indexOf(UNION_RESERVED_WORD) > 0) { StringBuilder unionOfAll = new StringBuilder(); if (unionElement != "") { System.out.println("what_to_repeat => " + unionElement); for (int i = 0; i < listSensors.length; i++) { unionOfAll.append(unionElement.replaceAll(SENSOR_RESERVED_WORD_REGEX, listSensors[i])); if (i < listSensors.length - 1) unionOfAll.append("\n union \n"); } } System.out.println("unionofAll => " + unionOfAll); ref_query = ref_query.replaceAll(UNION_RESERVED_WORD_REGEX, unionOfAll.toString()); } return ref_query; }
private static String accessToString(int access) { StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(); ret.append(((access & READ) > 0) ? "r" : "-"); ret.append(((access & WRITE) > 0) ? "w" : "-"); ret.append(((access & ADMIN) > 0) ? "a" : "-"); return ret.toString(); }
@Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("live nodes:" + liveNodes); sb.append(" collections:" + collectionStates); return sb.toString(); }
@Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("LineColor"); sb.append(super.toString()); return sb.toString(); }
@Override public void rejectedExecution(Runnable r, ThreadPoolExecutor executor) { if (r instanceof AbstractRunnable) { if (((AbstractRunnable) r).isForceExecution()) { BlockingQueue<Runnable> queue = executor.getQueue(); if (!(queue instanceof SizeBlockingQueue)) { throw new IllegalStateException("forced execution, but expected a size queue"); } try { ((SizeBlockingQueue) queue).forcePut(r); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); throw new IllegalStateException("forced execution, but got interrupted", e); } return; } } rejected.inc(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("rejected execution "); if (executor.isShutdown()) { sb.append(SHUTTING_DOWN_KEY + " "); } else { if (executor.getQueue() instanceof SizeBlockingQueue) { sb.append("(queue capacity ") .append(((SizeBlockingQueue) executor.getQueue()).capacity()) .append(") "); } } sb.append("on ").append(r.toString()); throw new EsRejectedExecutionException(sb.toString()); }
/** * Get the resource name given a full filename. * * @param fileName the full filename (which must be inside the directory) * @return the resource name (i.e., the filename with the directory stripped off) */ String getResourceName(String fileName) { // FIXME: there is probably a more robust way to do this // Strip off the directory part. String dirPath = directory.getPath(); if (!fileName.startsWith(dirPath)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Filename " + fileName + " not inside directory " + dirPath); } // The problem here is that we need to take the relative part of the filename // and break it into components that we can then reconstruct into // a resource name (using '/' characters to separate the components). // Unfortunately, the File class does not make this task particularly easy. String relativeFileName = fileName.substring(dirPath.length()); File file = new File(relativeFileName); LinkedList<String> partList = new LinkedList<String>(); do { partList.addFirst(file.getName()); } while ((file = file.getParentFile()) != null); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (String part : partList) { if (buf.length() > 0) { buf.append('/'); } buf.append(part); } return buf.toString(); }
private String createCurrentFrameworkText(final String path) { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("<form>"); builder.append("<p><img href=\"" + IMAGE_FOR_LINK + "\"/> " + path + "</p>"); builder.append("</form>"); return builder.toString(); }
public List<String> getDependencies() { List<Dependency> deps = pom.getDependencies(); if (deps == null) return null; final List<String> dependencies = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Dependency dep : deps) { if (!dep.isOptional()) { String coords = dep.getGroupId() + ":" + dep.getArtifactId() + ":" + dep.getVersion() + (dep.getClassifier() != null && !dep.getClassifier().isEmpty() ? ":" + dep.getClassifier() : ""); List<Exclusion> exclusions = dep.getExclusions(); if (exclusions != null && !exclusions.isEmpty()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append('('); for (Exclusion ex : exclusions) sb.append(ex.getGroupId()).append(':').append(ex.getArtifactId()).append(','); sb.delete(sb.length() - 1, sb.length()); sb.append(')'); coords += sb.toString(); } dependencies.add(coords); } } return dependencies; }
protected void calculateFormLabelWidth(FacesContext context, UIComponent component) { StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder(); script.append("XSP.addOnLoad(function(){XSP.resizeForm("); // $NON-NLS-1$ JavaScriptUtil.addString(script, component.getClientId(context)); script.append(")});"); // $NON-NLS-1$ ExtLibUtil.addScript(context, script.toString()); }
/** * 外部サービス・訪問リハ * * @param map * @param sysSvcCdItems * @return */ public ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> getSystemServiceCodeItemHomonReha( Map<String, String> map, ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> sysSvcCdItems) { // パラメータ抽出 // ========================================================================= // 1330105 施設区分 int _1330105 = getIntValue(map, "1330105"); // 1330107 外部サービス int _1330107 = getIntValue(map, "1330107"); // 1330113 訪問リハ-施設区分 int _1330113 = getIntValue(map, "1330113"); // 独自コード生成 // =========================================================================== StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // 施設区分 sb.append(CODE_CHAR[_1330105]); // 外部サービス sb.append(CODE_CHAR[_1330107]); // 訪問リハ-施設区分 sb.append(CODE_CHAR[_1330113]); putSystemServiceCodeItem(sysSvcCdItems, sb.toString()); return sysSvcCdItems; }
/** * Generate the standard IES Data Format Header and write it into the output stream 'out'. * * @param group * @param filename * @param loggingInterval * @param logChannelList * @return */ public String getIESDataFormatHeaderString( LogIntervalContainerGroup group, String filename, int loggingInterval, HashMap<String, LogChannel> logChannelList) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); setHeaderTop(sb, loggingInterval, filename); // write channel specific header informations int colNumber = 4; for (LogRecordContainer container : group.getList()) { LogChannel logChannel = logChannelList.get(container.getChannelId()); appendChannelSpecificComment(sb, logChannel, colNumber); ++colNumber; } List<LogRecordContainer> containers = group.getList(); appendColumnHeaderTimestamp(sb); Iterator<LogRecordContainer> iterator = containers.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { sb.append(iterator.next().getChannelId()); if (iterator.hasNext()) { sb.append(Const.SEPARATOR); } } sb.append(Const.LINESEPARATOR); return sb.toString(); }
@Override public void observe(Event event) { if (event instanceof MoveSelectedEvent) { Move theMove = ((MoveSelectedEvent) event).getMove(); if (theQueue.size() < 2) { theQueue.add(theMove); } } else if (event instanceof ServerNewGameStateEvent) { stateFromServer = ((ServerNewGameStateEvent) event).getState(); } else if (event instanceof ServerCompletedMatchEvent) { theGUI.updateGameState(stateFromServer); List<Role> theRoles = getStateMachine().getRoles(); List<Integer> theGoals = ((ServerCompletedMatchEvent) event).getGoals(); StringBuilder finalMessage = new StringBuilder(); finalMessage.append("Goals: "); for (int i = 0; i < theRoles.size(); i++) { finalMessage.append(theRoles.get(i)); finalMessage.append(" = "); finalMessage.append(theGoals.get(i)); if (i < theRoles.size() - 1) { finalMessage.append(", "); } } theGUI.showFinalMessage(finalMessage.toString()); } }
/** * Generate the standard IES Data Format Header and write it into the output stream 'out'. * * @param filename * @param logChannelList * @return */ public String getIESDataFormatHeaderString(String filename, List<LogChannel> logChannelList) { StringBuilder sb0 = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sb1 = new StringBuilder(); setHeaderTop(sb0, logChannelList.get(0).getLoggingInterval(), filename); // write channel specific header informations int colNumber = 4; Iterator<LogChannel> iterator = logChannelList.listIterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { LogChannel logChannel = iterator.next(); appendChannelSpecificComment(sb0, logChannel, colNumber); sb1.append(logChannel.getId()); if (iterator.hasNext()) { sb1.append(Const.SEPARATOR); } ++colNumber; } appendColumnHeaderTimestamp(sb0); sb0.append(sb1); sb0.append(Const.LINESEPARATOR); return sb0.toString(); }
/** Show an event in the LogCat view, for debugging */ private void dumpEvent(MotionEvent event) { String names[] = { "DOWN", "UP", "MOVE", "CANCEL", "OUTSIDE", "POINTER_DOWN", "POINTER_UP", "7?", "8?", "9?" }; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int action = event.getAction(); int actionCode = action & MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK; sb.append("event ACTION_").append(names[actionCode]); if (actionCode == MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN || actionCode == MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP) { sb.append("(pid ").append(action >> MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_ID_SHIFT); sb.append(")"); } sb.append("["); for (int i = 0; i < event.getPointerCount(); i++) { sb.append("#").append(i); sb.append("(pid ").append(event.getPointerId(i)); sb.append(")=").append((int) event.getX(i)); sb.append(",").append((int) event.getY(i)); if (i + 1 < event.getPointerCount()) { sb.append(";"); } } sb.append("]"); Log.d("Touch Events ---------", sb.toString()); }
public StringBuilder append(StringBuilder sb, String role) { if (!isEmpty()) { sb.append(role).append("\n"); for (Record record : _records) sb.append(" ").append(record).append("\n"); } return sb; }
/** * Creates a list of names separated by commas or an and symbol if its the last separation. This * is then used to say hello to the list of names. * * <p>i.e. if the input was {John, Mary, Luke} the output would be John, Mary & Luke * * @param names A list of names * @return The list of names separated as described above. */ private String createNameListString(final List<String> names) { /* * If the list is null or empty then assume the call was anonymous. */ if (names == null || names.isEmpty()) { return "Anonymous!"; } final StringBuilder nameBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) { /* * Add the separator if its not the first string or the last separator since that should be an and (&) symbol. */ if (i != 0 && i != names.size() - 1) nameBuilder.append(", "); else if (i != 0 && i == names.size() - 1) nameBuilder.append(" & "); nameBuilder.append(names.get(i)); } nameBuilder.append("!"); return nameBuilder.toString(); }
/** * 读取文件 * * @param 文件路径 * @param 字符集名称一个受支持的名称 * @return 如果文件不存在,返回null,否则返回文件的内容 * @throws RuntimeException if an error occurs while operator BufferedReader */ public static StringBuilder readFile(String filePath, String charsetName) { File file = new File(filePath); StringBuilder fileContent = new StringBuilder(""); if (file == null || !file.isFile()) { return null; } BufferedReader reader = null; try { InputStreamReader is = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), charsetName); reader = new BufferedReader(is); String line = null; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (!fileContent.toString().equals("")) { fileContent.append("\r\n"); } fileContent.append(line); } reader.close(); return fileContent; } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("IOException occurred. ", e); } finally { if (reader != null) { try { reader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("IOException occurred. ", e); } } } }
public void executeMojo() throws MojoExecutionException { getLog().info("Validating " + getHosts() + " using migrations at " + getMigrationsPath() + ""); try { MigrationManager manager = createMigrationManager(); SortedSet<Migration> pendingMigrations = manager.pendingMigrations(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("\n Database: ").append(getHosts()); sb.append("\n Up-to-date: ").append(pendingMigrations.isEmpty()); sb.append("\n Pending Migrations: "); if (!pendingMigrations.isEmpty()) { boolean first = true; for (Migration migration : pendingMigrations) { if (!first) { sb.append("\n "); } first = false; sb.append(migration.getFilename()); } } getLog().info(sb.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Failed to validate " + getHosts(), e); } }
/** Add any cookies for this URI to the request headers. */ private void loadRequestCookies() throws IOException { CookieHandler cookieHandler = CookieHandler.getDefault(); if (cookieHandler != null) { try { URI uri = getURL().toURI(); Map<String, List<String>> cookieHeaders = cookieHandler.get(uri, getHeaderFieldsDoNotForceResponse()); for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : cookieHeaders.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); if (("Cookie".equalsIgnoreCase(key) || "Cookie2".equalsIgnoreCase(key)) && !entry.getValue().isEmpty()) { List<String> cookies = entry.getValue(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0, size = cookies.size(); i < size; i++) { if (i > 0) { sb.append("; "); } sb.append(cookies.get(i)); } setHeader(key, sb.toString()); } } } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new IOException(e); } } }
/** * Handle the milliseconds. This means either fill up with zeros or truncate the date String so * that the fractional second addendum only contains 3 digits. Returns the given string unmodified * if it doesn't match {@link #SECOND_FRACTION}. * * @param dateString * @return the date String where the fractional second addendum is a most 3 digits */ private static String handleMilliseconds(String dateString) { Matcher matcher = SECOND_FRACTION.matcher(dateString); if (!matcher.matches()) { // The date string does not contain any milliseconds return dateString; } int fractionalSecondsDigitCount = matcher.group(1).length(); if (fractionalSecondsDigitCount == 3) { // The date string has exactly 3 fractional second digits return dateString; } // Gather information about the date string int posDecimal = dateString.indexOf("."); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(dateString.length() - fractionalSecondsDigitCount + 3); if (fractionalSecondsDigitCount > 3) { // Append only 3 fractional digits after posDecimal sb.append(dateString.substring(0, posDecimal + 4)); } else { // The date string has less then 3 fractional second digits sb.append(dateString.substring(0, posDecimal + fractionalSecondsDigitCount + 1)); // Fill up the "missing" fractional second digits with zeros for (int i = fractionalSecondsDigitCount; i < 3; i++) { sb.append('0'); } } // Append the timezone definition sb.append(dateString.substring(posDecimal + fractionalSecondsDigitCount + 1)); return sb.toString(); }
public MethodDefinitionBuilder resultType(Method method, int flags) { if (Decl.isMpl(method)) { // Create a String with the TypeInfo StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // It's a bunch of nested callables (# of param lists - 1) for (int i = 1; i < method.getParameterLists().size(); i++) { sb.append("ceylon.language::Callable<"); } // Then the return type as defined originally sb.append(method.getType().getProducedTypeQualifiedName()); // And then the parameter types of each nested callable for (int i = method.getParameterLists().size() - 1; i > 0; i--) { ParameterList plist = method.getParameterLists().get(i); for (Parameter p : plist.getParameters()) { sb.append(','); sb.append(p.getType().getProducedTypeQualifiedName()); } sb.append('>'); } return resultType( gen.makeAtType(sb.toString(), false), gen.makeJavaType(gen.functionalReturnType(method), flags)); } else { ProducedTypedReference typedRef = gen.getTypedReference(method); ProducedTypedReference nonWideningTypedRef = gen.nonWideningTypeDecl(typedRef); ProducedType nonWideningType = gen.nonWideningType(typedRef, nonWideningTypedRef); return resultType( makeResultType(nonWideningTypedRef.getDeclaration(), nonWideningType, flags), method); } }