コード例 #1
  void socketAccept(SocketImpl s) throws IOException {
    int nativefd = checkAndReturnNativeFD();

    if (s == null) throw new NullPointerException("socket is null");

    int newfd = -1;
    InetSocketAddress[] isaa = new InetSocketAddress[1];
    if (timeout <= 0) {
      newfd = accept0(nativefd, isaa);
    } else {
      configureBlocking(nativefd, false);
      try {
        waitForNewConnection(nativefd, timeout);
        newfd = accept0(nativefd, isaa);
        if (newfd != -1) {
          configureBlocking(newfd, true);
      } finally {
        configureBlocking(nativefd, true);
    /* Update (SocketImpl)s' fd */
    fdAccess.set(s.fd, newfd);
    /* Update socketImpls remote port, address and localport */
    InetSocketAddress isa = isaa[0];
    s.port = isa.getPort();
    s.address = isa.getAddress();
    s.localport = localport;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Socket.java プロジェクト: janfj/dd-wrt
   * Sets the value of the SO_LINGER option on the socket. If the SO_LINGER option is set on a
   * socket and there is still data waiting to be sent when the socket is closed, then the close
   * operation will block until either that data is delivered or until the timeout period expires.
   * The linger interval is specified in hundreths of a second (platform specific?)
   * @param on true to enable SO_LINGER, false to disable
   * @param linger The SO_LINGER timeout in hundreths of a second or -1 if SO_LINGER not set.
   * @exception SocketException If an error occurs or Socket not connected
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException If linger is negative
   * @since 1.1
  public void setSoLinger(boolean on, int linger) throws SocketException {
    if (impl == null) throw new SocketException("No socket created");

    if (on == true) {
      if (linger < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("SO_LINGER must be >= 0");

      if (linger > 65535) linger = 65535;

      impl.setOption(SocketOptions.SO_LINGER, new Integer(linger));
    } else {
      impl.setOption(SocketOptions.SO_LINGER, new Boolean(false));
コード例 #3
ファイル: Socket.java プロジェクト: janfj/dd-wrt
   * Returns the value of the SO_TIMEOUT option on the socket. If this value is set, and an
   * read/write is performed that does not complete within the timeout period, a short count is
   * returned (or an EWOULDBLOCK signal would be sent in Unix if no data had been read). A value of
   * 0 for this option implies that there is no timeout (ie, operations will block forever). On
   * systems that have separate read and write timeout values, this method returns the read timeout.
   * This value is in thousandths of a second (implementation specific?).
   * @return The length of the timeout in thousandth's of a second or 0 if not set
   * @exception SocketException If an error occurs or Socket not connected
   * @since 1.1
  public synchronized int getSoTimeout() throws SocketException {
    if (impl == null) throw new SocketException("Not connected");

    Object timeout = impl.getOption(SocketOptions.SO_TIMEOUT);
    if (timeout instanceof Integer) return (((Integer) timeout).intValue());
    else return 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Socket.java プロジェクト: janfj/dd-wrt
   * Sets the value of the SO_TIMEOUT option on the socket. If this value is set, and an read/write
   * is performed that does not complete within the timeout period, a short count is returned (or an
   * EWOULDBLOCK signal would be sent in Unix if no data had been read). A value of 0 for this
   * option implies that there is no timeout (ie, operations will block forever). On systems that
   * have separate read and write timeout values, this method returns the read timeout. This value
   * is in thousandths of a second (****????*****)
   * @param timeout The length of the timeout in thousandth's of a second or 0 if not set
   * @exception SocketException If an error occurs or Socket not connected
   * @since 1.1
  public synchronized void setSoTimeout(int timeout) throws SocketException {
    if (impl == null) throw new SocketException("Not connected");

    if (timeout < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("SO_TIMEOUT value must be >= 0");

    impl.setOption(SocketOptions.SO_TIMEOUT, new Integer(timeout));
コード例 #5
ファイル: Socket.java プロジェクト: janfj/dd-wrt
   * Closes the socket.
   * @exception IOException If an error occurs
  public synchronized void close() throws IOException {
    if (impl != null) impl.close();

    if (ch != null) ch.close();

    closed = true;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Socket.java プロジェクト: janfj/dd-wrt
   * Sets the traffic class value
   * @param tc The traffic class
   * @exception SocketException If an error occurs
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException If tc value is illegal
   * @see Socket:getTrafficClass
   * @since 1.4
  public void setTrafficClass(int tc) throws SocketException {
    if (impl == null) throw new SocketException("Cannot initialize Socket implementation");

    if (tc < 0 || tc > 255) throw new IllegalArgumentException();

    impl.setOption(SocketOptions.IP_TOS, new Integer(tc));
コード例 #7
ファイル: Socket.java プロジェクト: janfj/dd-wrt
   * Returns the value of the SO_LINGER option on the socket. If the SO_LINGER option is set on a
   * socket and there is still data waiting to be sent when the socket is closed, then the close
   * operation will block until either that data is delivered or until the timeout period expires.
   * This method either returns the timeouts (in hundredths of of a second (platform specific?)) if
   * SO_LINGER is set, or -1 if SO_LINGER is not set.
   * @return The SO_LINGER timeout in hundreths of a second or -1 if SO_LINGER not set
   * @exception SocketException If an error occurs or Socket is not connected
   * @since 1.1
  public int getSoLinger() throws SocketException {
    if (impl == null) throw new SocketException("Not connected");

    Object linger = impl.getOption(SocketOptions.SO_LINGER);
    if (linger instanceof Integer) return (((Integer) linger).intValue());
    else return -1;
コード例 #8
ファイル: Socket.java プロジェクト: janfj/dd-wrt
   * If the socket is already bound this returns the local SocketAddress, otherwise null
   * @since 1.4
  public SocketAddress getLocalSocketAddress() {
    InetAddress addr = getLocalAddress();

    if (addr == null) return null;

    return new InetSocketAddress(addr, impl.getLocalPort());
コード例 #9
ファイル: Socket.java プロジェクト: janfj/dd-wrt
   * This method sets the value for the system level socket option SO_RCVBUF to the specified value.
   * Note that valid values for this option are specific to a given operating system.
   * @param size The new receive buffer size.
   * @exception SocketException If an error occurs or Socket is not connected
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException If size is 0 or negative
   * @since 1.2
  public void setReceiveBufferSize(int size) throws SocketException {
    if (impl == null) throw new SocketException("Not connected");

    if (size <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("SO_RCVBUF value must be > 0");

    impl.setOption(SocketOptions.SO_RCVBUF, new Integer(size));
コード例 #10
ファイル: Socket.java プロジェクト: janfj/dd-wrt
   * Binds the socket to the givent local address/port
   * @param bindpoint The address/port to bind to
   * @exception IOException If an error occurs
   * @exception SecurityException If a security manager exists and its checkConnect method doesn't
   *     allow the operation
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException If the address type is not supported
   * @since 1.4
  public void bind(SocketAddress bindpoint) throws IOException {
    if (closed) throw new SocketException("Socket is closed");

    if (!(bindpoint instanceof InetSocketAddress)) throw new IllegalArgumentException();

    InetSocketAddress tmp = (InetSocketAddress) bindpoint;
    impl.bind(tmp.getAddress(), tmp.getPort());
コード例 #11
ファイル: Socket.java プロジェクト: janfj/dd-wrt
   * This method returns the value of the socket level socket option SO_KEEPALIVE.
   * @return The setting
   * @exception SocketException If an error occurs or Socket is not connected
   * @since 1.3
  public boolean getKeepAlive() throws SocketException {
    if (impl == null) throw new SocketException("Not connected");

    Object buf = impl.getOption(SocketOptions.SO_KEEPALIVE);

    if (buf instanceof Boolean) return (((Boolean) buf).booleanValue());
    else throw new SocketException("Internal Error: Unexpected type");
コード例 #12
ファイル: Socket.java プロジェクト: janfj/dd-wrt
   * Tests whether or not the TCP_NODELAY option is set on the socket. Returns true if enabled,
   * false if disabled. When on it disables the Nagle algorithm which means that packets are always
   * send immediatly and never merged together to reduce network trafic.
   * @return Whether or not TCP_NODELAY is set
   * @exception SocketException If an error occurs or Socket not connected
   * @since 1.1
  public boolean getTcpNoDelay() throws SocketException {
    if (impl == null) throw new SocketException("Not connected");

    Object on = impl.getOption(SocketOptions.TCP_NODELAY);

    if (on instanceof Boolean) return (((Boolean) on).booleanValue());
    else throw new SocketException("Internal Error");
コード例 #13
ファイル: Socket.java プロジェクト: janfj/dd-wrt
   * Returns the current traffic class
   * @exception SocketException If an error occurs
   * @see Socket:setTrafficClass
   * @since 1.4
  public int getTrafficClass() throws SocketException {
    if (impl == null) throw new SocketException("Cannot initialize Socket implementation");

    Object obj = impl.getOption(SocketOptions.IP_TOS);

    if (obj instanceof Integer) return ((Integer) obj).intValue();
    else throw new SocketException("Unexpected type");
コード例 #14
ファイル: Socket.java プロジェクト: janfj/dd-wrt
   * This method returns the value of the system level socket option SO_RCVBUF, which is used by the
   * operating system to tune buffer sizes for data transfers.
   * @return The receive buffer size.
   * @exception SocketException If an error occurs or Socket is not connected
   * @since 1.2
  public int getReceiveBufferSize() throws SocketException {
    if (impl == null) throw new SocketException("Not connected");

    Object buf = impl.getOption(SocketOptions.SO_RCVBUF);

    if (buf instanceof Integer) return (((Integer) buf).intValue());
    else throw new SocketException("Internal Error: Unexpected type");
コード例 #15
ファイル: Socket.java プロジェクト: janfj/dd-wrt
   * Checks if the SO_REUSEADDR option is enabled
   * @exception SocketException If an error occurs
   * @since 1.4
  public boolean getReuseAddress() throws SocketException {
    if (impl == null) throw new SocketException("Cannot initialize Socket implementation");

    Object reuseaddr = impl.getOption(SocketOptions.SO_REUSEADDR);

    if (!(reuseaddr instanceof Boolean)) throw new SocketException("Internal Error");

    return ((Boolean) reuseaddr).booleanValue();
コード例 #16
ファイル: Socket.java プロジェクト: janfj/dd-wrt
   * Connects the socket with a remote address. A timeout of zero is interpreted as an infinite
   * timeout. The connection will then block until established or an error occurs.
   * @param endpoint The address to connect to
   * @exception IOException If an error occurs
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException If the address type is not supported
   * @exception IllegalBlockingModeException If this socket has an associated channel, and the
   *     channel is in non-blocking mode
   * @exception SocketTimeoutException If the timeout is reached
   * @since 1.4
  public void connect(SocketAddress endpoint, int timeout) throws IOException {
    if (closed) throw new SocketException("Socket is closed");

    if (!(endpoint instanceof InetSocketAddress))
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Address type not supported");

    if (ch != null && !ch.isBlocking()) throw new IllegalBlockingModeException();

    impl.connect(endpoint, timeout);
コード例 #17
ファイル: Socket.java プロジェクト: janfj/dd-wrt
   * This constructor is where the real work takes place. Connect to the specified address and port.
   * Use default local values if not specified, otherwise use the local host and port passed in.
   * Create as stream or datagram based on "stream" argument.
   * <p>
   * @param raddr The remote address to connect to
   * @param rport The remote port to connect to
   * @param laddr The local address to connect to
   * @param lport The local port to connect to
   * @param stream true for a stream socket, false for a datagram socket
   * @exception IOException If an error occurs
   * @exception SecurityException If a security manager exists and its checkConnect method doesn't
   *     allow the operation
  private Socket(InetAddress raddr, int rport, InetAddress laddr, int lport, boolean stream)
      throws IOException {
    this.inputShutdown = false;
    this.outputShutdown = false;

    if (impl == null) throw new IOException("Cannot initialize Socket implementation");

    SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
    if (sm != null) sm.checkConnect(raddr.getHostName(), rport);


    // FIXME: JCL p. 1586 says if localPort is unspecified, bind to any port,
    // i.e. '0' and if localAddr is unspecified, use getLocalAddress() as
    // that default.  JDK 1.2 doc infers not to do a bind.
    if (laddr != null) impl.bind(laddr, lport);

    if (raddr != null) impl.connect(raddr, rport);
コード例 #18
ファイル: Socket.java プロジェクト: janfj/dd-wrt
   * Returns the local address to which this socket is bound. If this socket is not connected, then
   * <code>null</code> is returned.
   * @return The local address
   * @since 1.1
  public InetAddress getLocalAddress() {
    if (impl == null) return null;

    InetAddress addr = null;
    try {
      addr = (InetAddress) impl.getOption(SocketOptions.SO_BINDADDR);
    } catch (SocketException e) {
      // (hopefully) shouldn't happen
      // throw new java.lang.InternalError
      //      ("Error in PlainSocketImpl.getOption");
      return null;

    // FIXME: According to libgcj, checkConnect() is supposed to be called
    // before performing this operation.  Problems: 1) We don't have the
    // addr until after we do it, so we do a post check.  2). The docs I
    // see don't require this in the Socket case, only DatagramSocket, but
    // we'll assume they mean both.
    SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
    if (sm != null) sm.checkConnect(addr.getHostName(), getLocalPort());

    return addr;
コード例 #19
  public void run() {
    byte[] buffer = new byte[1 << 16];
    DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket(buffer, buffer.length);

    try {
      while (true) {

        RawPacket rawPacket =
            RawPacket.tryParse(Arrays.copyOfRange(packet.getData(), 0, packet.getLength()));

        if (rawPacket == null
            || rawPacket.getSourceIp().equals(socket.getIp())
            || handledPackets.contains(rawPacket.hashCode())) {

        System.out.println("received " + rawPacket);

        Iterable<PacketListener> listenersCopy;

        synchronized (listeners) {
          listenersCopy = (Iterable<PacketListener>) listeners.clone();

        for (PacketListener listener : listenersCopy) {

    } catch (IOException e) {
コード例 #20
ファイル: Socket.java プロジェクト: janfj/dd-wrt
  * Checks if the socket is connected
  * @since 1.4
 public boolean isConnected() {
   return impl.getInetAddress() != null;
コード例 #21
   * Accepts a connection from a specific host.
   * @param s the accepted connection.
   * @param saddr the socket address of the host we do accept connection from
   * @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs when accepting the connection.
  protected void acceptFrom(SocketImpl s, InetSocketAddress saddr) throws IOException {
    if (cmdsock == null) {
      // Not a Socks ServerSocket.
    InputStream in = cmdIn;
    // Sends the "SOCKS BIND" request.
    int i = in.read();
    SocketException ex = null;
    int nport;
    byte[] addr;
    InetSocketAddress real_end = null;
    switch (i) {
      case REQUEST_OK:
        // success!
        i = in.read();
        switch (i) {
          case IPV4:
            addr = new byte[4];
            readSocksReply(in, addr);
            nport = in.read() << 8;
            nport += in.read();
            real_end = new InetSocketAddress(new Inet4Address("", addr), nport);
          case DOMAIN_NAME:
            int len = in.read();
            addr = new byte[len];
            readSocksReply(in, addr);
            nport = in.read() << 8;
            nport += in.read();
            real_end = new InetSocketAddress(new String(addr), nport);
          case IPV6:
            addr = new byte[16];
            readSocksReply(in, addr);
            nport = in.read() << 8;
            nport += in.read();
            real_end = new InetSocketAddress(new Inet6Address("", addr), nport);
        ex = new SocketException("SOCKS server general failure");
      case NOT_ALLOWED:
        ex = new SocketException("SOCKS: Accept not allowed by ruleset");
        ex = new SocketException("SOCKS: Network unreachable");
        ex = new SocketException("SOCKS: Host unreachable");
      case CONN_REFUSED:
        ex = new SocketException("SOCKS: Connection refused");
      case TTL_EXPIRED:
        ex = new SocketException("SOCKS: TTL expired");
        ex = new SocketException("SOCKS: Command not supported");
      case ADDR_TYPE_NOT_SUP:
        ex = new SocketException("SOCKS: address type not supported");
    if (ex != null) {
      cmdsock = null;
      throw ex;

     * This is where we have to do some fancy stuff. The datastream from the socket "accepted" by
     * the proxy will come through the cmdSocket. So we have to swap the socketImpls
    if (s instanceof SocksSocketImpl) {
      ((SocksSocketImpl) s).external_address = real_end;
    if (s instanceof PlainSocketImpl) {
      ((PlainSocketImpl) s).setInputStream((SocketInputStream) in);
    s.fd = cmdsock.getImpl().fd;
    s.address = cmdsock.getImpl().address;
    s.port = cmdsock.getImpl().port;
    s.localport = cmdsock.getImpl().localport;
    // Need to do that so that the socket won't be closed
    // when the ServerSocket is closed by the user.
    // It kinds of detaches the Socket because it is now
    // used elsewhere.
    cmdsock = null;
コード例 #22
ファイル: Socket.java プロジェクト: janfj/dd-wrt
   * Returns an OutputStream for writing to this socket.
   * @return The OutputStream object
   * @exception IOException If an error occurs or Socket is not connected
  public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException {
    if (impl != null) return impl.getOutputStream();

    throw new IOException("Not connected");
コード例 #23
ファイル: Socket.java プロジェクト: janfj/dd-wrt
   * If the socket is already connected this returns the remote SocketAddress, otherwise null
   * @since 1.4
  public SocketAddress getRemoteSocketAddress() {
    if (!isConnected()) return null;

    return new InetSocketAddress(impl.getInetAddress(), impl.getPort());
コード例 #24
ファイル: Socket.java プロジェクト: janfj/dd-wrt
   * Sets the TCP_NODELAY option on the socket.
   * @param on true to enable, false to disable
   * @exception SocketException If an error occurs or Socket is not connected
   * @since 1.1
  public void setTcpNoDelay(boolean on) throws SocketException {
    if (impl == null) throw new SocketException("Not connected");

    impl.setOption(SocketOptions.TCP_NODELAY, new Boolean(on));
コード例 #25
ファイル: Socket.java プロジェクト: janfj/dd-wrt
   * Enables/Disables the SO_REUSEADDR option
   * @exception SocketException If an error occurs
   * @since 1.4
  public void setReuseAddress(boolean on) throws SocketException {
    if (impl == null) throw new SocketException("Cannot initialize Socket implementation");

    impl.setOption(SocketOptions.SO_REUSEADDR, new Boolean(on));
コード例 #26
ファイル: Socket.java プロジェクト: janfj/dd-wrt
   * Closes the output side of the socket stream.
   * @exception IOException If an error occurs.
   * @since 1.3
  public void shutdownOutput() throws IOException {
    if (impl != null) impl.shutdownOutput();

    outputShutdown = true;
コード例 #27
ファイル: Socket.java プロジェクト: janfj/dd-wrt
  * Sends urgent data through the socket
  * @param data The data to send. Only the lowest eight bits of data are sent
  * @exception IOException If an error occurs
  * @since 1.4
 public void sendUrgentData(int data) throws IOException {
コード例 #28
ファイル: Socket.java プロジェクト: janfj/dd-wrt
   * Enables/disables the SO_OOBINLINE option
   * @param on True if SO_OOBLINE should be enabled
   * @exception SocketException If an error occurs
   * @since 1.4
  public void setOOBInline(boolean on) throws SocketException {
    if (impl == null) throw new SocketException("Not connected");

    impl.setOption(SocketOptions.SO_OOBINLINE, new Boolean(on));
コード例 #29
ファイル: Socket.java プロジェクト: janfj/dd-wrt
   * This method sets the value for the socket level socket option SO_KEEPALIVE.
   * @param on True if SO_KEEPALIVE should be enabled
   * @exception SocketException If an error occurs or Socket is not connected
   * @since 1.3
  public void setKeepAlive(boolean on) throws SocketException {
    if (impl == null) throw new SocketException("Not connected");

    impl.setOption(SocketOptions.SO_KEEPALIVE, new Boolean(on));
コード例 #30
ファイル: Socket.java プロジェクト: janfj/dd-wrt
   * Returns the local port number to which this socket is bound. If this socket is not connected,
   * then -1 is returned.
   * @return The local port
  public int getLocalPort() {
    if (impl != null) return impl.getLocalPort();

    return -1;