コード例 #1
  public void testInitChain() throws Exception {
    SimulatedAnnealing simulatedAnnealing = new SimulatedAnnealing();
    Knapsack knapsack = new Knapsack("9035 4 100 4 236 68 237 74 121 22 112");
    Configuration configuration = knapsack.getRandomConfiguration();
    double fitness = knapsack.getDefaultFitness().getValue(configuration);

    simulatedAnnealing.init(new BaseObjectiveProblem(knapsack), configuration);

    assert simulatedAnnealing.getBestFitness() == fitness
        : "Expected fitness to be " + fitness + ", got " + simulatedAnnealing.getBestFitness();
    assert simulatedAnnealing.getBestConfiguration() == configuration
        : "Expected solution to be "
            + configuration
            + ", got "
            + simulatedAnnealing.getBestConfiguration();

    // try to perform optimize step - SA should not raise an exception