コード例 #1
   * Performs step C of the algorithm, as indicated on page xxx of CPS, with the modification that
   * X--W--Y is oriented as X-->W<--Y if W is *determined by* the sepset of (X, Y), rather than W
   * just being *in* the sepset of (X, Y).
  public static void pcdOrientC(
      SepsetMap set, IndependenceTest test, Knowledge knowledge, Graph graph) {
    TetradLogger.getInstance().log("info", "Staring Collider Orientation:");

    List<Node> nodes = graph.getNodes();

    for (Node y : nodes) {
      List<Node> adjacentNodes = graph.getAdjacentNodes(y);

      if (adjacentNodes.size() < 2) {

      ChoiceGenerator cg = new ChoiceGenerator(adjacentNodes.size(), 2);
      int[] combination;

      while ((combination = cg.next()) != null) {
        Node x = adjacentNodes.get(combination[0]);
        Node z = adjacentNodes.get(combination[1]);

        // Skip triples that are shielded.
        if (graph.isAdjacentTo(x, z)) {

        List<Node> sepset = set.get(x, z);

        if (sepset == null) {

        List<Node> augmentedSet = new LinkedList<Node>(sepset);

        if (test.determines(sepset, y)) {
        if (!test.splitDetermines(sepset, x, z) && test.splitDetermines(augmentedSet, x, z)) {

        if (!isArrowpointAllowed(x, y, knowledge) || !isArrowpointAllowed(z, y, knowledge)) {

        graph.setEndpoint(x, y, Endpoint.ARROW);
        graph.setEndpoint(z, y, Endpoint.ARROW);

            .log("colliderOriented", SearchLogUtils.colliderOrientedMsg(x, y, z));

    TetradLogger.getInstance().log("info", "Finishing Collider Orientation.");
コード例 #2
   * Double checks a sepset map against a pattern to make sure that X is adjacent to Y in the
   * pattern iff {X, Y} is not in the domain of the sepset map.
   * @param sepset a sepset map, over variables V.
   * @param pattern a pattern over variables W, V subset of W.
   * @return true if the sepset map is consistent with the pattern.
  public static boolean verifySepsetIntegrity(SepsetMap sepset, Graph pattern) {
    for (Node x : pattern.getNodes()) {
      for (Node y : pattern.getNodes()) {
        if (x == y) {

        if ((pattern.isAdjacentTo(y, x)) != (sepset.get(x, y) == null)) {
          System.out.println("Sepset not consistent with graph for {" + x + ", " + y + "}");
          return false;

    return true;
コード例 #3
   * Step C of PC; orients colliders using specified sepset. That is, orients x *-* y *-* z as x *->
   * y <-* z just in case y is in Sepset({x, z}).
  public static void orientCollidersUsingSepsets(SepsetMap set, Knowledge knowledge, Graph graph) {
    TetradLogger.getInstance().log("info", "Starting Collider Orientation:");

    //        verifySepsetIntegrity(set, graph);

    List<Node> nodes = graph.getNodes();

    for (Node a : nodes) {
      List<Node> adjacentNodes = graph.getAdjacentNodes(a);

      if (adjacentNodes.size() < 2) {

      ChoiceGenerator cg = new ChoiceGenerator(adjacentNodes.size(), 2);
      int[] combination;

      while ((combination = cg.next()) != null) {
        Node b = adjacentNodes.get(combination[0]);
        Node c = adjacentNodes.get(combination[1]);

        // Skip triples that are shielded.
        if (graph.isAdjacentTo(b, c)) {

        List<Node> sepset = set.get(b, c);
        if (sepset != null
            && !sepset.contains(a)
            && isArrowpointAllowed(b, a, knowledge)
            && isArrowpointAllowed(c, a, knowledge)) {
          graph.setEndpoint(b, a, Endpoint.ARROW);
          graph.setEndpoint(c, a, Endpoint.ARROW);
              .log("colliderOriented", SearchLogUtils.colliderOrientedMsg(b, a, c, sepset));

    TetradLogger.getInstance().log("info", "Finishing Collider Orientation.");