コード例 #1
  public void actionPerformed(FormEvent event) {

    // the Role for which the rights are to be set
    int roleId = -1;
    // array of ints, ids of Layers (SecuredObjects) for which
    // the Role has access rights
    int[] layers = null;
    // corresponding maps of key (PropertyName) / value-pairs that
    // constitute access constraints
    Map<String, Object>[] layerConstraints = null;

    SecurityAccessManager manager = null;
    SecurityTransaction transaction = null;

    try {
      RPCWebEvent ev = (RPCWebEvent) event;
      RPCMethodCall rpcCall = ev.getRPCMethodCall();
      RPCParameter[] params = rpcCall.getParameters();

      // validates the incomming method call and extracts the roleID
      roleId = validate(params);

      RPCParameter[] layerParams = (RPCParameter[]) params[1].getValue();
      layers = new int[layerParams.length];
      layerConstraints = new Map[layerParams.length];
      extractLayerValues(layers, layerConstraints, layerParams);

      // extract FeatureType rights
      if (!(params[2].getValue() instanceof RPCParameter[])) {
        throw new RPCException(Messages.getMessage("IGEO_STD_STORERIGHTS_THIRD_PARAM"));

      // array of ints, ids of FeatureTypes (SecuredObjects) for which
      // the Role has access rights
      FeatureTypeRight[] featureTypes = extractFeatureTypeValues(params);

      transaction = SecurityHelper.acquireTransaction(this);

      manager = SecurityAccessManager.getInstance();
      User user = transaction.getUser();
      Role role = transaction.getRoleById(roleId);

      // perform access check
      if (!user.hasRight(transaction, "update", role)) {
        getRequest().setAttribute("SOURCE", this.getClass().getName());
        String s = Messages.getMessage("IGEO_STD_STORERIGHTS_MISSING_RIGHTS", role.getName());
        getRequest().setAttribute("MESSAGE", s);

      // set/delete access rights for Layers
      SecuredObject[] presentLayers = transaction.getAllSecuredObjects(ClientHelper.TYPE_LAYER);
      setAccessRightsForLayers(layers, layerConstraints, transaction, role, presentLayers);

      // set/delete access rights for FeatureTypes
      SecuredObject[] presentFeatureTypes =
      setAccessRightsForFeatureTypes(featureTypes, transaction, role, presentFeatureTypes);

      transaction = null;
      String s = Messages.getMessage("IGEO_STD_STORERIGHTS_SUCCESS", role.getID());
      getRequest().setAttribute("MESSAGE", s);
    } catch (RPCException e) {
      getRequest().setAttribute("SOURCE", this.getClass().getName());
      String s = Messages.getMessage("IGEO_STD_STORERIGHTS_INVALID_REQ", e.getMessage());
      getRequest().setAttribute("MESSAGE", s);
      LOG.logDebug(e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
      getRequest().setAttribute("SOURCE", this.getClass().getName());
      String s = Messages.getMessage("IGEO_STD_STORERIGHTS_ERROR", e.getMessage());
      getRequest().setAttribute("MESSAGE", s);
      LOG.logDebug(e.getMessage(), e);
    } finally {
      if (manager != null && transaction != null) {
        try {
        } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
          LOG.logDebug(e.getMessage(), e);