コード例 #1
ファイル: SearchJob.java プロジェクト: hilbix/i2p
  /** Search was totally successful */
  private void succeed() {
    if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
              + ": Succeeded search for key "
              + _state.getTarget()
              + " after querying "
              + _state.getAttempted().size());
    if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
      _log.debug(getJobId() + ": State of successful search: " + _state);

    if (_keepStats) {
      long time = getContext().clock().now() - _state.getWhenStarted();
      getContext().statManager().addRateData("netDb.successTime", time, 0);
          .addRateData("netDb.successPeers", _state.getAttempted().size(), time);
    if (_onSuccess != null) getContext().jobQueue().addJob(_onSuccess);



コード例 #2
ファイル: SearchJob.java プロジェクト: hilbix/i2p
  /** Search totally failed */
  protected void fail() {
    if (isLocal()) {
      if (_log.shouldLog(Log.ERROR))
                + ": why did we fail if the target is local?: "
                + _state.getTarget().toBase64(),
            new Exception("failure cause"));

    if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
      _log.info(getJobId() + ": Failed search for key " + _state.getTarget());
    if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug(getJobId() + ": State of failed search: " + _state);

    long time = getContext().clock().now() - _state.getWhenStarted();
    int attempted = _state.getAttempted().size();
    getContext().statManager().addRateData("netDb.failedAttemptedPeers", attempted, time);

    if (_keepStats) {
      getContext().statManager().addRateData("netDb.failedTime", time, 0);
      // _facade.fail(_state.getTarget());
    if (_onFailure != null) getContext().jobQueue().addJob(_onFailure);

コード例 #3
ファイル: SearchJob.java プロジェクト: hilbix/i2p
  public int addDeferred(Job onFind, Job onFail, long expiration, boolean isLease) {
    Search search = new Search(onFind, onFail, expiration, isLease);
    boolean ok = true;
    int deferred = 0;
    synchronized (_deferredSearches) {
      if (_deferredCleared) ok = false;
      else _deferredSearches.add(search);
      deferred = _deferredSearches.size();

    if (!ok) {
      // race between adding deferred and search completing
      if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
            "Race deferred before searchCompleting?  our onFind="
                + _onSuccess
                + " new one: "
                + onFind);

      // the following /shouldn't/ be necessary, but it doesnt hurt
          _state.getTarget(), onFind, onFail, expiration - getContext().clock().now(), isLease);
      return 0;
    } else {
      return deferred;
コード例 #4
ファイル: SearchJob.java プロジェクト: hilbix/i2p
  * Build the database search message
  * @param replyTunnelId tunnel to receive replies through
  * @param replyGateway gateway for the reply tunnel
  * @param expiration when the search should stop
 protected DatabaseLookupMessage buildMessage(
     TunnelId replyTunnelId, Hash replyGateway, long expiration) {
   DatabaseLookupMessage msg = new DatabaseLookupMessage(getContext(), true);
   // msg.setFrom(replyGateway.getIdentity().getHash());
   return msg;
コード例 #5
ファイル: LoadService.java プロジェクト: joernh/jruby
  protected LoadServiceResource tryResourceFromJarURL(
      SearchState state, String baseName, SuffixType suffixType) {
    // if a jar or file URL, return load service resource directly without further searching
    LoadServiceResource foundResource = null;
    if (baseName.startsWith("jar:")) {
      for (String suffix : suffixType.getSuffixes()) {
        String namePlusSuffix = baseName + suffix;
        try {
          URL url = new URL(namePlusSuffix);
          debugLogTry("resourceFromJarURL", url.toString());
          if (url.openStream() != null) {
            foundResource = new LoadServiceResource(url, namePlusSuffix);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
          throw runtime.newIOErrorFromException(e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
          throw runtime.newIOErrorFromException(e);
        if (foundResource != null) {
          state.loadName = resolveLoadName(foundResource, namePlusSuffix);
          break; // end suffix iteration
    } else if (baseName.startsWith("file:") && baseName.indexOf("!/") != -1) {
      for (String suffix : suffixType.getSuffixes()) {
        String namePlusSuffix = baseName + suffix;
        try {
          String jarFile = namePlusSuffix.substring(5, namePlusSuffix.indexOf("!/"));
          JarFile file = new JarFile(jarFile);
          String filename = namePlusSuffix.substring(namePlusSuffix.indexOf("!/") + 2);
          String canonicalFilename = canonicalizePath(filename);

          debugLogTry("resourceFromJarURL", canonicalFilename.toString());
          if (file.getJarEntry(canonicalFilename) != null) {
            foundResource =
                new LoadServiceResource(
                    new URL("jar:file:" + jarFile + "!/" + canonicalFilename), namePlusSuffix);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        if (foundResource != null) {
          state.loadName = resolveLoadName(foundResource, namePlusSuffix);
          break; // end suffix iteration

    return foundResource;
コード例 #6
ファイル: LoadService.java プロジェクト: joernh/jruby
  public SearchState findFileForLoad(String file) throws AlreadyLoaded {
    SearchState state = new SearchState(file);

    for (LoadSearcher searcher : searchers) {
      if (searcher.shouldTrySearch(state)) {
      } else {

    return state;
コード例 #7
ファイル: LoadService.java プロジェクト: joernh/jruby
    public void trySearch(SearchState state) {
      // This code exploits the fact that all .jar files will be found for the JarredScript feature.
      // This is where the basic extension mechanism gets fixed
      Library oldLibrary = state.library;

      // Create package name, by splitting on / and joining all but the last elements with a ".",
      // and downcasing them.
      String[] all = state.searchFile.split("/");

      StringBuilder finName = new StringBuilder();
      for (int i = 0, j = (all.length - 1); i < j; i++) {

      try {
        // Make the class name look nice, by splitting on _ and capitalize each segment, then
        // joining
        // the, together without anything separating them, and last put on "Service" at the end.
        String[] last = all[all.length - 1].split("_");
        for (int i = 0, j = last.length; i < j; i++) {

        // We don't want a package name beginning with dots, so we remove them
        String className = finName.toString().replaceAll("^\\.*", "");

        // If there is a jar-file with the required name, we add this to the class path.
        if (state.library instanceof JarredScript) {
          // It's _really_ expensive to check that the class actually exists in the Jar, so
          // we don't do that now.
              .addURL(((JarredScript) state.library).getResource().getURL());

        // quietly try to load the class
        Class theClass = runtime.getJavaSupport().loadJavaClassQuiet(className);
        state.library = new ClassExtensionLibrary(theClass);
      } catch (Exception ee) {
        state.library = null;
        runtime.getGlobalVariables().set("$!", runtime.getNil());

      // If there was a good library before, we go back to that
      if (state.library == null && oldLibrary != null) {
        state.library = oldLibrary;
コード例 #8
ファイル: SearchJob.java プロジェクト: hilbix/i2p
  /** Send a search to the given peer */
  protected void sendSearch(RouterInfo router) {
    if (router.getIdentity().equals(getContext().router().getRouterInfo().getIdentity())) {
      // don't search ourselves
      if (_log.shouldLog(Log.ERROR))
        _log.error(getJobId() + ": Dont send search to ourselves - why did we try?");
    } else {
      if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
                + ": Send search to "
                + router.getIdentity().getHash().toBase64()
                + " for "
                + _state.getTarget().toBase64()
                + " w/ timeout "
                + getPerPeerTimeoutMs(router.getIdentity().calculateHash()));

    getContext().statManager().addRateData("netDb.searchMessageCount", 1, 0);

    // if (_isLease || true) // always send searches out tunnels
    // else
    //    sendRouterSearch(router);
コード例 #9
ファイル: LoadService.java プロジェクト: joernh/jruby
 public void trySearch(SearchState state) throws RaiseException {
   // no library or extension found, try to load directly as a class
   Script script;
   String className = buildClassName(state.searchFile);
   int lastSlashIndex = className.lastIndexOf('/');
   if (lastSlashIndex > -1
       && lastSlashIndex < className.length() - 1
       && !Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(className.charAt(lastSlashIndex + 1))) {
     if (lastSlashIndex == -1) {
       className = "_" + className;
     } else {
       className =
           className.substring(0, lastSlashIndex + 1)
               + "_"
               + className.substring(lastSlashIndex + 1);
   className = className.replace('/', '.');
   try {
     Class scriptClass = Class.forName(className);
     script = (Script) scriptClass.newInstance();
   } catch (Exception cnfe) {
     throw runtime.newLoadError("no such file to load -- " + state.searchFile);
   state.library = new ScriptClassLibrary(script);
コード例 #10
ファイル: LoadService.java プロジェクト: joernh/jruby
  protected LoadServiceResource tryResourceFromCWD(
      SearchState state, String baseName, SuffixType suffixType) throws RaiseException {
    LoadServiceResource foundResource = null;

    for (String suffix : suffixType.getSuffixes()) {
      String namePlusSuffix = baseName + suffix;
      // check current directory; if file exists, retrieve URL and return resource
      try {
        JRubyFile file =
                RubyFile.expandUserPath(runtime.getCurrentContext(), namePlusSuffix));
        debugLogTry("resourceFromCWD", file.toString());
        if (file.isFile() && file.isAbsolute() && file.canRead()) {
          boolean absolute = true;
          String s = namePlusSuffix;
          if (!namePlusSuffix.startsWith("./")) {
            s = "./" + s;
          foundResource = new LoadServiceResource(file, s, absolute);
          state.loadName = resolveLoadName(foundResource, namePlusSuffix);
      } catch (IllegalArgumentException illArgEx) {
      } catch (SecurityException secEx) {

    return foundResource;
コード例 #11
 public double getGlobalCost(SearchState state) {
   int[] permutations = state.getIArray();
   int[][] costMatrix = dataStorager.getCostMatrix();
   int totalLength = costMatrix[permutations[permutations.length - 1]][permutations[0]];
   for (int i = 1; i < permutations.length; i++) {
     totalLength += costMatrix[permutations[i - 1]][permutations[i]];
   return totalLength;
コード例 #12
 protected Library findLibraryBySearchState(SearchState state) {
   Library library = super.findLibraryBySearchState(state);
   if (library == null) {
     library = findLibraryWithClassloaders(state, state.searchFile, state.suffixType);
     if (library != null) {
       state.library = library;
   return library;
コード例 #13
ファイル: LoadService.java プロジェクト: joernh/jruby
 protected Library findLibraryWithClassloaders(
     SearchState state, String baseName, SuffixType suffixType) {
   for (String suffix : suffixType.getSuffixes()) {
     String file = baseName + suffix;
     LoadServiceResource resource = findFileInClasspath(file);
     if (resource != null) {
       state.loadName = resolveLoadName(resource, file);
       return createLibrary(state, resource);
   return null;
コード例 #14
ファイル: LoadService.java プロジェクト: joernh/jruby
 protected Library findBuiltinLibrary(SearchState state, String baseName, SuffixType suffixType) {
   for (String suffix : suffixType.getSuffixes()) {
     String namePlusSuffix = baseName + suffix;
     debugLogTry("builtinLib", namePlusSuffix);
     if (builtinLibraries.containsKey(namePlusSuffix)) {
       state.loadName = namePlusSuffix;
       Library lib = builtinLibraries.get(namePlusSuffix);
       debugLogFound("builtinLib", namePlusSuffix);
       return lib;
   return null;
コード例 #15
ファイル: SearchJob.java プロジェクト: hilbix/i2p
 /** Send the next search, or stop if its completed */
 protected void searchNext() {
   if (_state.completed()) {
     if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug(getJobId() + ": Already completed");
   if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) _log.info(getJobId() + ": Searching: " + _state);
   if (isLocal()) {
     if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) _log.info(getJobId() + ": Key found locally");
   } else if (isExpired()) {
     if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) _log.info(getJobId() + ": Key search expired");
   } else if (_state.getAttempted().size() > MAX_PEERS_QUERIED) {
     if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) _log.info(getJobId() + ": Too many peers quried");
   } else {
     // _log.debug("Continuing search");
コード例 #16
ファイル: LoadService.java プロジェクト: joernh/jruby
  public void load(String file, boolean wrap) {
    if (!runtime.getProfile().allowLoad(file)) {
      throw runtime.newLoadError("No such file to load -- " + file);

    SearchState state = new SearchState(file);

    Library library = findBuiltinLibrary(state, state.searchFile, state.suffixType);
    if (library == null) library = findLibraryWithoutCWD(state, state.searchFile, state.suffixType);

    if (library == null) {
      library = findLibraryWithClassloaders(state, state.searchFile, state.suffixType);
      if (library == null) {
        throw runtime.newLoadError("No such file to load -- " + file);
    try {
      library.load(runtime, wrap);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      if (runtime.getDebug().isTrue()) e.printStackTrace(runtime.getErr());
      throw newLoadErrorFromThrowable(runtime, file, e);
コード例 #17
ファイル: LoadService.java プロジェクト: joernh/jruby
  protected LoadServiceResource tryResourceFromHome(
      SearchState state, String baseName, SuffixType suffixType) throws RaiseException {
    LoadServiceResource foundResource = null;

    RubyHash env = (RubyHash) runtime.getObject().fastGetConstant("ENV");
    RubyString env_home = runtime.newString("HOME");
    if (env.has_key_p(env_home).isFalse()) {
      return null;
    String home = env.op_aref(runtime.getCurrentContext(), env_home).toString();
    String path = baseName.substring(2);

    for (String suffix : suffixType.getSuffixes()) {
      String namePlusSuffix = path + suffix;
      // check home directory; if file exists, retrieve URL and return resource
      try {
        JRubyFile file =
                home, RubyFile.expandUserPath(runtime.getCurrentContext(), namePlusSuffix));
        debugLogTry("resourceFromHome", file.toString());
        if (file.isFile() && file.isAbsolute() && file.canRead()) {
          boolean absolute = true;
          String s = "~/" + namePlusSuffix;

          foundResource = new LoadServiceResource(file, s, absolute);
          state.loadName = resolveLoadName(foundResource, s);
      } catch (IllegalArgumentException illArgEx) {
      } catch (SecurityException secEx) {

    return foundResource;
コード例 #18
ファイル: SearchJob.java プロジェクト: hilbix/i2p
  * After we get the data we were searching for, rebroadcast it to the peers we would query first
  * if we were to search for it again (healing the network).
 private void resend() {
   DatabaseEntry ds = _facade.lookupLeaseSetLocally(_state.getTarget());
   if (ds == null) {
       ds = _facade.lookupRouterInfoLocally(_state.getTarget());
       if (ds != null)
             _state.getTarget(), ds, null, null, RESEND_TIMEOUT, _state.getSuccessful());
   } else {
     Set sendTo = _state.getRepliedPeers(); // _state.getFailed();
     int numSent = 0;
     for (Iterator iter = sendTo.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
       Hash peer = (Hash) iter.next();
       RouterInfo peerInfo = _facade.lookupRouterInfoLocally(peer);
       if (peerInfo == null) continue;
       if (resend(peerInfo, (LeaseSet) ds)) numSent++;
       if (numSent >= MAX_LEASE_RESEND) break;
     getContext().statManager().addRateData("netDb.republishQuantity", numSent, numSent);
コード例 #19
ファイル: SearchJob.java プロジェクト: hilbix/i2p
 boolean wasAttempted(Hash peer) {
   return _state.wasAttempted(peer);
コード例 #20
ファイル: LoadService.java プロジェクト: joernh/jruby
 public void trySearch(SearchState state) {
   state.library = findLibraryWithoutCWD(state, state.searchFile, state.suffixType);
コード例 #21
ファイル: SearchJob.java プロジェクト: hilbix/i2p
  * ***** always send through the lease protected DatabaseLookupMessage buildMessage(long
  * expiration) { DatabaseLookupMessage msg = new DatabaseLookupMessage(getContext(), true);
  * msg.setSearchKey(_state.getTarget()); msg.setFrom(getContext().routerHash());
  * msg.setDontIncludePeers(_state.getClosestAttempted(MAX_CLOSEST));
  * msg.setMessageExpiration(expiration); msg.setReplyTunnel(null); return msg; } *******
 void replyFound(DatabaseSearchReplyMessage message, Hash peer) {
   long duration = _state.replyFound(peer);
   // this processing can take a while, so split 'er up
   getContext().jobQueue().addJob(new SearchReplyJob(getContext(), this, message, peer, duration));
コード例 #22
ファイル: LoadService.java プロジェクト: joernh/jruby
 public void trySearch(SearchState state) {
   state.library = findLibraryWithClassloaders(state, state.searchFile, state.suffixType);
コード例 #23
ファイル: SearchJob.java プロジェクト: hilbix/i2p
  * Send a series of searches to the next available peers as selected by the routing table, but
  * making sure no more than SEARCH_BREDTH are outstanding at any time
 protected void continueSearch() {
   if (_state.completed()) {
     if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
       _log.debug(getJobId() + ": Search already completed", new Exception("already completed"));
   int toCheck = getBredth() - _state.getPending().size();
   if (toCheck <= 0) {
     // too many already pending
     if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
               + ": Too many searches already pending (pending: "
               + _state.getPending().size()
               + " max: "
               + getBredth()
               + ")");
   int sent = 0;
   Set attempted = _state.getAttempted();
   while (sent <= 0) {
     // boolean onlyFloodfill = onlyQueryFloodfillPeers(getContext());
     boolean onlyFloodfill = true;
     if (_floodfillPeersExhausted && onlyFloodfill && _state.getPending().isEmpty()) {
       if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
                 + ": no non-floodfill peers left, and no more pending.  Searched: "
                 + _state.getAttempted().size()
                 + " failed: "
                 + _state.getFailed().size());
     List closestHashes = getClosestRouters(_state.getTarget(), toCheck, attempted);
     if ((closestHashes == null) || (closestHashes.isEmpty())) {
       if (_state.getPending().isEmpty()) {
         // we tried to find some peers, but there weren't any and no one else is going to answer
         if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
                   + ": No peers left, and none pending!  Already searched: "
                   + _state.getAttempted().size()
                   + " failed: "
                   + _state.getFailed().size());
       } else {
         // no more to try, but we might get data or close peers from some outstanding requests
         if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
                   + ": No peers left, but some are pending!  Pending: "
                   + _state.getPending().size()
                   + " attempted: "
                   + _state.getAttempted().size()
                   + " failed: "
                   + _state.getFailed().size());
     } else {
       for (Iterator iter = closestHashes.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
         Hash peer = (Hash) iter.next();
         DatabaseEntry ds = _facade.getDataStore().get(peer);
         if (ds == null) {
           if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
                 "Next closest peer "
                     + peer
                     + " was only recently referred to us, sending a search for them");
           getContext().netDb().lookupRouterInfo(peer, null, null, _timeoutMs);
         } else if (!(ds.getType() == DatabaseEntry.KEY_TYPE_ROUTERINFO)) {
           if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
                     + ": Error selecting closest hash that wasnt a router! "
                     + peer
                     + " : "
                     + ds.getClass().getName());
         } else {
           RouterInfo ri = (RouterInfo) ds;
           if (!FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade.isFloodfill(ri)) {
             _floodfillPeersExhausted = true;
             if (onlyFloodfill) continue;
           if (ri.isHidden()) { // || // allow querying shitlisted, since its indirect
             // getContext().shitlist().isShitlisted(peer)) {
             // dont bother
           } else {
             sendSearch((RouterInfo) ds);
       if (sent <= 0) {
           // the (potentially) last peers being searched for could not be,
           // er, searched for, so lets retry ASAP (causing either another
           // peer to be selected, or the whole search to fail)
           if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
               _log.info(getJobId() + ": No new peer queued up, so we are going to requeue " +
                         "ourselves in our search for " + _state.getTarget().toBase64());
コード例 #24
ファイル: SearchJob.java プロジェクト: hilbix/i2p
 /** True if the data is already locally stored */
 private boolean isLocal() {
   return _facade.getDataStore().isKnown(_state.getTarget());
コード例 #25
ファイル: SearchJob.java プロジェクト: hilbix/i2p
 public void runJob() {
   if (_startedOn <= 0) _startedOn = getContext().clock().now();
   if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
     _log.info(getJobId() + ": Searching for " + _state.getTarget()); // , getAddedBy());
コード例 #26
ファイル: LoadService.java プロジェクト: joernh/jruby
  protected LoadServiceResource tryResourceFromLoadPathOrURL(
      SearchState state, String baseName, SuffixType suffixType) {
    LoadServiceResource foundResource = null;

    // if it's a ./ baseName, use CWD logic
    if (baseName.startsWith("./")) {
      foundResource = tryResourceFromCWD(state, baseName, suffixType);

      if (foundResource != null) {
        state.loadName = resolveLoadName(foundResource, foundResource.getName());
        return foundResource;

    // if it's a ~/ baseName use HOME logic
    if (baseName.startsWith("~/")) {
      foundResource = tryResourceFromHome(state, baseName, suffixType);

      if (foundResource != null) {
        state.loadName = resolveLoadName(foundResource, foundResource.getName());
        return foundResource;

    // if given path is absolute, just try it as-is (with extensions) and no load path
    if (new File(baseName).isAbsolute() || baseName.startsWith("../")) {
      for (String suffix : suffixType.getSuffixes()) {
        String namePlusSuffix = baseName + suffix;
        foundResource = tryResourceAsIs(namePlusSuffix);

        if (foundResource != null) {
          state.loadName = resolveLoadName(foundResource, namePlusSuffix);
          return foundResource;

      return null;

    for (int i = 0; i < loadPath.size(); i++) {
      // TODO this is really inefficient, and potentially a problem everytime anyone require's
      // something.
      // we should try to make LoadPath a special array object.
      RubyString entryString = loadPath.eltInternal(i).convertToString();
      String loadPathEntry = entryString.asJavaString();

      if (loadPathEntry.equals(".") || loadPathEntry.equals("")) {
        foundResource = tryResourceFromCWD(state, baseName, suffixType);

        if (foundResource != null) {
          String ss = foundResource.getName();
          if (ss.startsWith("./")) {
            ss = ss.substring(2);
          state.loadName = resolveLoadName(foundResource, ss);
          break Outer;
      } else {
        boolean looksLikeJarURL = loadPathLooksLikeJarURL(loadPathEntry);
        for (String suffix : suffixType.getSuffixes()) {
          String namePlusSuffix = baseName + suffix;

          if (looksLikeJarURL) {
            foundResource = tryResourceFromJarURLWithLoadPath(namePlusSuffix, loadPathEntry);
          } else if (namePlusSuffix.startsWith("./")) {
            throw runtime.newLoadError("");
          } else {
            foundResource = tryResourceFromLoadPath(namePlusSuffix, loadPathEntry);

          if (foundResource != null) {
            String ss = namePlusSuffix;
            if (ss.startsWith("./")) {
              ss = ss.substring(2);
            state.loadName = resolveLoadName(foundResource, ss);
            break Outer; // end suffix iteration

    return foundResource;
コード例 #27
ファイル: LoadService.java プロジェクト: slagyr/jruby
  protected LoadServiceResource tryResourceFromLoadPathOrURL(
      SearchState state, String baseName, SuffixType suffixType) {
    LoadServiceResource foundResource = null;

    // if it's a ./ baseName, use CWD logic
    if (baseName.startsWith("./")) {
      foundResource = tryResourceFromCWD(state, baseName, suffixType);

      if (foundResource != null) {
        state.loadName = foundResource.getName();
        return foundResource;

    // if given path is absolute, just try it as-is (with extensions) and no load path
    if (new File(baseName).isAbsolute() || baseName.startsWith("../")) {
      for (String suffix : suffixType.getSuffixes()) {
        String namePlusSuffix = baseName + suffix;
        foundResource = tryResourceAsIs(namePlusSuffix);

        if (foundResource != null) {
          state.loadName = namePlusSuffix;
          return foundResource;

      return null;

    for (Iterator pathIter = loadPath.getList().iterator(); pathIter.hasNext(); ) {
      // TODO this is really inefficient, and potentially a problem everytime anyone require's
      // something.
      // we should try to make LoadPath a special array object.
      String loadPathEntry = ((IRubyObject) pathIter.next()).toString();

      if (loadPathEntry.equals(".") || loadPathEntry.equals("")) {
        foundResource = tryResourceFromCWD(state, baseName, suffixType);

        if (foundResource != null) {
          String ss = foundResource.getName();
          if (ss.startsWith("./")) {
            ss = ss.substring(2);
          state.loadName = ss;
          break Outer;
      } else {
        for (String suffix : suffixType.getSuffixes()) {
          String namePlusSuffix = baseName + suffix;

          if (loadPathLooksLikeJarURL(loadPathEntry)) {
            foundResource = tryResourceFromJarURLWithLoadPath(namePlusSuffix, loadPathEntry);
          } else {
            foundResource = tryResourceFromLoadPath(namePlusSuffix, loadPathEntry);

          if (foundResource != null) {
            String ss = namePlusSuffix;
            if (ss.startsWith("./")) {
              ss = ss.substring(2);
            state.loadName = ss;
            break Outer; // end suffix iteration

    return foundResource;