コード例 #1
  public void shouldStoreDocumentWithUnusedKeyAndWithNonNullMetadata() {
    Document doc = Schematic.newDocument("k1", "value1", "k2", 2);
    Document metadata = Schematic.newDocument("mimeType", "text/plain");
    String key = "can be anything";
    SchematicEntry prior = db.put(key, doc, metadata);
    assert prior == null : "Should not have found a prior entry";

    // Read back from the database ...
    SchematicEntry entry = db.get(key);
    assert entry != null : "Should have found the entry";

    // Verify the content ...
    Document read = entry.getContentAsDocument();
    assert read != null;
    assert "value1".equals(read.getString("k1"));
    assert 2 == read.getInteger("k2");
    assert entry.getContentAsBinary() == null
        : "Should not have a Binary value for the entry's content";
    assert read.containsAll(doc);
    assert read.equals(doc);

    // Verify the metadata ...
    Document readMetadata = entry.getMetadata();
    assert readMetadata != null;
    assert readMetadata.getString("mimeType").equals(metadata.getString("mimeType"));
    assert readMetadata.containsAll(metadata);
    // metadata contains more than what we specified ...
    assert !readMetadata.equals(metadata) : "Expected:\n" + metadata + "\nFound: \n" + readMetadata;
コード例 #2
  public void shouldStoreDocumentWithUnusedKeyAndWithNullMetadata() {
    Document doc = Schematic.newDocument("k1", "value1", "k2", 2);
    String key = "can be anything";
    SchematicEntry prior = db.put(key, doc, null);
    assert prior == null : "Should not have found a prior entry";
    SchematicEntry entry = db.get(key);
    assert entry != null : "Should have found the entry";

    // Verify the content ...
    Document read = entry.getContentAsDocument();
    assert read != null;
    assert "value1".equals(read.getString("k1"));
    assert 2 == read.getInteger("k2");
    assert entry.getContentAsBinary() == null
        : "Should not have a Binary value for the entry's content";
    assert read.containsAll(doc);
    assert read.equals(doc);

    // Verify the metadata ...
    Document readMetadata = entry.getMetadata();
    assert readMetadata != null;
    assert readMetadata.getString("id").equals(key);