コード例 #1
  public void testSlaveMasterIsAvailable() {
    // CASE 1: It is me who is available as master - i don't think so
    try {
      SLAVE.masterIsAvailable(context, myId, SampleUri);
      fail("Should have gotten an election result first");
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      // outstanding

    // CASE 2: It is someone else that is available as master and is not the master now - missed the
    // election, fail
    InstanceId masterInstanceId = new InstanceId(2);
    try {
      SLAVE.masterIsAvailable(context, new InstanceId(3), SampleUri);
      fail("Should have gotten an election result first");
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      // outstanding

    // CASE 3: It is the same master as now - it's ok, stay calm and carry on
    HighAvailabilityMemberState newState =
        SLAVE.masterIsAvailable(context, masterInstanceId, SampleUri);
    assertEquals(SLAVE, newState);
コード例 #2
  public void testSlaveMasterIsElected() {
    // CASE 1: It is me that got elected master - should switch to TO_MASTER
    HighAvailabilityMemberState newState = SLAVE.masterIsElected(context, myId);
    assertEquals(TO_MASTER, newState);

    InstanceId masterInstanceId = new InstanceId(2);
    // CASE 2: It is someone else that got elected master - should switch to PENDING
    HighAvailabilityMemberState newStateCase2 = SLAVE.masterIsElected(context, new InstanceId(3));
    assertEquals(PENDING, newStateCase2);

    // CASE 3: It is the current master that got elected again - ignore
    HighAvailabilityMemberState newStateCase3 = SLAVE.masterIsElected(context, masterInstanceId);
    assertEquals(SLAVE, newStateCase3);
コード例 #3
 public void testSlaveSlaveIsAvailable() {
   // CASE 1 and only - always remain in SLAVE
           mock(HighAvailabilityMemberContext.class), mock(InstanceId.class), SampleUri));